The ert Couple

How Great Is Your Love

Taeyeon finished preparing the table for her kids and husband's breakfast.

Although it was sunday, which means no school for the kids, but her husband sometimes still has to go to work.

MC doesn't have a certain time schedule.

She looked over the table once more, to make sure everything was nice and neat.

Than, she wash her hand and wipe it. After that, she took off her appron and put it in the counter top.

She headed to the stairs and went to her son's room.

"Onew, wake up! Breakfast is ready!" she hollered to him.

But he didn't move a bit.

He was a bit hard to wake up.

She sigh and moved to the twins room.

"Tae! Kai! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!" she hollered to the twins.

The twins has a separate single bed.

Kai sat up half asleep, while Taemin was still sleeping.

"Wake up your brother will you?" she asked Kai, who only nodded reluctantly.

Then Taeyeon headed to her daughter's bedroom.

But the room was empty.

"Oh, I forgot that Luna was sleeping over at Krystal's house." she said to herself and closed the door.

She was going to walk back to the kitchen, when she remembered something.

"That lazy-head must hasn't woke up yet." she said, and walked in the direction of her bedroom.

"Honey! Wake up! I thought you had an airing programe at ten." she shook her husband's body lightly.

Leeteuk only groaned under the covers.

"Ten more minutes please." he said, extending his ten fingers from under the cover, still closing his eyes.

"No! Its eight already. You'll be late." she said, trying to pull on his hands now.

"Argh!!" she suddenly exclaim, falling ontop of the bed.

"Give me my morning kiss first, than I'll woke up." he said, pursing his lip for a kiss.

"Yah! Ithink it was the other thing that will woke up if I do so." Taeyeon tried to pry herself from her husband's hug, giggling.

But Leeteuk pull the covers over them instead.

"I work hard and make money for the family. Don't I atleast get a morning kiss as a reward?" he ask at her cutely.

"Yah! The kids are here!" Taeyeon gigled tried to shoved him again, but failed.


"Hyung, did you see umma?" Taemin ask his oldest brother that was descending the stairs.

He had been searching arround the house for his mother. But she was nowhere in sight.

"Isn't she in the kitchen?" Onew ask him back.

"No. I already check even under the sink. Right hyung?" He ask for back up from Kai that was now half asleep in the couch in front of the tv.

Kai only nodded.

"Where could she be then?" Onew wondered.

"Have you check her room?" Onew suddenly remembered.

"No." Taemin shook his head.

"Lets go check then." Onew went back upstairs with Taemin following behind him.

"Whats that noise?" Onew asked Taemin.

He just shrugged his shoulder at his brother's inquery.

"It sounded like mom's voice." Taemin said.

"Lets peek first." Onew said, opening their parents bedroom door slowly and silently as they could.

They extended their head as far as they could into the room without noise.

Wanting to see what their parents were doing.

There they saw their parents cuddling under the covers.

"I'm going to take my camera." Taemin suddenly whishpered to Onew and strutted back to his and Kai's room.

When he get back there, Onew was still stunned at the door.

"Yah! You ert!  What are you doing still in this place? Are you still gawking at them?" Taemin ask his brother.

"Don't you want to memorize ths memory?" Taemin asked his older brother.

Onew snapped out of his thoughts.

"What do you mean?" he asked Taemin, confused.

Taemin chuckled.

"What do you think we could do if we have their pictures or video in that position?" Taemin ask him.

Onew than got what he meant.

"I'm going to get my camera too." he said, walking away.

Then they started to flash the camera at their parents.

"Omo!" Taeyeon yelped from under the covers hearing the klik sound and flashes from the camera.


"Yah! What are you two thinking your doing?" Leeteuk exclaimed to his sons.

The two just laugh.

"Hyung, do you think we need a new playstation device?" Taemin asked his older brother, pretending not to hear their parents, walking away.

"Umm...I think we need that." Onew said louder, pretended to think about it.

"And I thought our car needed some reparations. Don't you think soo Tae?" Onew asked the younger one in return with even louder voice as they went down the stairs.

"You're right hyung." the two continued to talk and walk away, leaving their parents dumbfounded.

"Yah! Park Jinki! Park Taemin! Get back here now and give me your camera's!" he exclaim at his sons.

"Who could've thought that a national MC is a ert?" Leeteuk heard Taemin asked Onew.

"Ne. I wonder how much people want to pay for this." he showed his caera at Taemin.

"See! I told you that the kids is here." Taeyeon reprimanded her husband.

Leeteuk pouted at her. Taeyeon just pinched his cheek.

"Eww~~. You two are a ert couple." Luna suddenly popped at the bedroom door.

Her parents snapped up hearing her voice.

"When did you come home honey?" taeyeon asked her daughter.

"Just now. Yuri aunty drop me off on the way. She was going to go to the gym with Minho ahjushi." Luna said to her mom.

"Are you two done with the lovey-dovey? Because I'm hungry." They heard Taemin shouted from the stairs.

"Coming honey!" Taeyeon hollered and got off of the bed.

"Come on lazy head. You need to go to work." she pulled on her husband's hands.

"But I haven't got my morning kiss." he was still sulking.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes but kiss him.

"Eww~~" their children chorus from the door.

"Since when you all were here?" Leeteuk turned to them.

"Since we need to take some prove of that." Onew said, followed by the others laughter, as they all four ran down the stairs chased by their father to get the camera from his child.

"I bet alot of people wanted to see what your 'descent days' with your family looks like." Onew yelled, still running around with his camera.

"Ne. I will sell it to the highest bidder." Taemin yelled from the other corner of the room.

Luna and Kai who didn't have a camera only sat at the couch watching the three playing chase and catch. Luna leaning on Kai's shoulder.

Leeteuk started to pant, chasing after his sons was a bit of an exercise.

"Okay. Okay, I gave up!" he held out one hand in defeat.

"What do you want?" he asked them.

The two grinned.

"You're the best father. You really understand us." Onew said.

"Ne. About that, we could bargain and arrange it." Taemin added, sitting down on the couch followed by Onew and Leeteuk.

"But before that, go wash your hands and have breakfast. The food is cold already." Taeyeon stood in the hallway with a hand on her waist.

"Not our fault! Who was playing ert in the first place?" Taemin said.

His siblings just giggled.

"You all had been playing alot with the Lee twins that you started to act like them! I think you need to get away from them a little." Their father shook his head and walked to the kitchen.

"And that was supposed to be good or bad?" Luna ask her brothers innocently.

Her brothers just laugh at her innocense.

Finally update :)

sorry for the long wait :)

And sorry I haven't had the time to replay your comments one-by-one..

My internet acces was a failure this past week..

I hope I could do soo as soon as possible

Thank you for the nice comments :)

keep it up girls :))

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Chapter 7: This is cute! Looking forward on your next update~ <3 :)
exotaeng9 #2
Chapter 7: Update soon
I practically LOVE the Luna and Kai moments! :D the siblings are so loving! I can imagine Onew as the older immature university student in the house XD
parksooyeon913 #4
poor teukie,, haha. he should be the to get mad to tae yeon, but because he was caught, he need to sllep on the sofa kekeke
too many couples i spot on LoL
i could totally imagine Teukie and his comrads 'follow' on Taeng ^^
In-completion #7
onew and taemin is cute <3333
Awww.. They are so cute >_<
omg i love this ~~ LoL cute TaeTeuk with OnTaem :)
and mature Kai and Luna..