dude. i ain't even mad.




AND OH YA im supposed to post about 2min!! XD here is some evidence why 2min is real:

I think the primary reason why minho is closest to taemin usually is because back when minho was quiet then taemin talked to minho and so minho feels most comfortable around him. And when they did the BTS for the Sherlock and Stranger for Mnet, then they all had to get into an elevator, and taemin was last and had to cram up against minho, who was staring at him ooohh minhooo you little :333 And i think the fact taemin looks like a reaaally pretty girl makes minho like him more than a friend, because he thinks of him as a girl sometimes, and is attracted. I wouldnt be surprised if all of SHINee would like Taemin but I think Taemin especially likes minho most because minho likes especially likes him. eeep XD i like 2min toooo<3 


okay, here we go again. /le sigh/

Alrighty! Who has seen the piece of news that jonghyun said he is awkward when talking about love? And that article said he was refering to a certain someone? Hm? I've said it before, in Chapter 1 where i was proving "IT" wrong, that just because Jonghyun talks about love anytime, it doesnt refer to The Incident. You know what, he just said it was hard for him to talk about it, and that it was a touchy subject and that he was sweating (btw LOL wut).

Then, ShinDong proceeded to ask another MC if he knew abt jong's love life, and that MC was like wut why would i? and jong was like that's absoulutely right to not know.

Now tell me.

Which part of that conversation says ssk? The articles on allkpop are kinda annoying sometimes, and they dont ship gay couples which is why i dont go there for news a lot. They assume way too much. And actually i was reading just the top part about what jonghyun was saying and the first thing that came to my mind was, "OHH... its difficult because he's in love with key, and he cant just say that on a program."

then allkpop had to mess it up for me. but i aint mad. because they do that , and like i said before, its their assumptions.

SO i went on TUMBLR and like someone was saying that "yeah, its difficult coz he's in love with key." and i was like THANK YOU RANDOM TUMBLR PERSON AND REBLOGGED IT~^^. TUMBLR BEATS ALLKPOP ANY DAY. ITS FUNNER, GIF-INFESTED AND SHIPS JONGKEY. (um actually only the jongkey tag.)

So yeah. I'm not upset at all, really. Just another assuming article. *shrugs*. Anyway, why would it be awkward for him to talk about it if they were "still good friends" and that it was a "mutual breakup"? I need to see Key's face when he said those things. Maybe it would be like the face he makes when jonghyun sang Alarm Clock on SSTP that day

OH YA um you can ignore the next paragraph, im just theory-izing and speculating

You know how people were like "Aw why isnt jongkey the same like last time?" and like they changed and stuff, so isnt Alarm Clock about  being close again? I know its about break up and stuff, which people associate with ssk, but it COULD be like jonghyun wishing things between he and key could be closer again! No? okay. thats cool. ignore me i just get ideas like this. /le sigh/

And with that, I shall go listen to Alarm Clock~^^ and ahhh i just re-watched hello baby and saw that Key's polaroid camera in one of the episodes is the same as Jonghyun's during the W magazine shoot:3.

ANYWAY im like freaking the heck out right now coz I STILL DONT HAVE MY SHERLOCK ALBUM. I have to do my homework firstm which takes like 5 years to comeplete :C but anyway yeah im probably gonna go get it on Sunday~^^ JONGHYUN VERSION OR NOTHING. I hope i get jongkey photocards.


Thanks so much for subscribing<3 im not even writing like any fiction, its all real here kekeke but ANYWAY i love your comments too^^~ yoo guize are wundarfool.


P.S. can i just recommend the most amazing fics ever: here and here :) i died reading them.

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turtlesquad3 #1
Chapter 36: And now it's been two more years :P
Chapter 2: I want to see Key hugging jong at the hotel of London.


Chapter 36: Hey do you think that one of the songs made in everybody era called Symptoms is talking about Key?? ALSO JONGKEY FOREVAHHH and 2min 2 lol Xp
hue hue hue hue jongkey is real
captain obvious..........that cracked me up .........keke
Chapter 2: XD jongkey forever~~~~
Chapter 2: omo thank you for writting this
Chapter 36:
Miss jongkey but this made me a bit happier :3
Chapter 36: @KissYo mE TOO :(
@Shinee-locket95 is that a doctor who reference???? if yes then omg awesome hahahhaha but anw AWWW i miss updating haha. life's good, you? i'm really blessed at the moment :)
@MinozBaby09 awww i love you for reading it *hugs you back but gently pushes you away*
@thehiddenme14 EXACTLY hahahaha
@justOnew haha nope no pic or video just that he has a mark on his neck and we all assume its jonghyun, just fangirl assumptions :')
@EmpressOfTheUniverse never ever
@Lemonlimesprite sorry what are you referring to dear? :( <3
@b1acksharpi3mark3r hahawhwahwhhwhweheh AWEsome
@amyluong yes yes, exactly
KissYo #10
Chapter 35: I MISS JONGKEY.