Namja Who I Never Confess...

Onho Oneshoot Sad Story

I remember the first time I step into high school. I think about to find a boyfriend for me. My friends said high school life is really fun. When you in high school you will know about love, friendship and many new feeling you never expected. I wouldn’t talk about my school life or my friendship when I’m in high scool in here but I will tell you about someone I really like and maybe I really love.

I will talk about that namja who capture my eyes from the first time I saw him.

This story about me and him who I never confess.


The first time I saw him it’s when us a new student gathered in basketball field for take our school attribute and get inform about activity we will doing in the Monday. I saw him with the other sunbae bring some table and one chair to the basketball and place two table under the basket ring. After that the other sunbae lift one table and place that above the two table and the last you palce the chair above the table.

It’s look like pyramid and I smile a little when I see him grind ear to ear.

I never realize how tall him. I just know that when he climb to the table and chair pyramid. All of student especially yeoja can see how tall him and mesmerize his perfect body. I look toward the teacher who look little annoyed but not said any word to him and his friends, he just tell us all new students to focuse to what ever he said.

I still look to his direction when he fix basket ring. When he finish he not immediately get down but he teased his friends from his place and it’s look like he enjoyed that. Maybe he feel like king when he stood there and that’s make me smile again.

I don’t know what that a fate or what, he saw me. I’m a bit shock and tried to turn around but I can still saw how he smile for my action. I turn around with smile and blushed hard but when I turn around I look two girl smile too. I hear what they talk and it’s him. Her words make me think, are you smile to the girl in front of me?? Not to me??


“He is so handsome and he is smile to me…”


The first day for high school come and I go with my new neighbor who go to the same school with me. For all way to school I feel so nervous. I will enter high school and that’s actually public school. From kindergarten and until middle high school I never go to public school, I always go to private school and I really happy about that. I go to public school just because my parents want me to go to there. I’m feel scare because people in my town not really like student from my school especially. They think us as a spoiled kids who can go to expensive school just because our parents really rich but to tell you the truth not all of student from my school like that.

I really hope I can meet him today before the first bell ring and maybe my nervous and scare will be vanish immediately.

God really love me.

I saw him when flag ceremony as a commander. I never love flag ceremony before but to saw him stand in there make me hope we will stay longer like this.


When we enter our class I really hope he will one of sunbae who take care our class. But, it’s look like I just get one luck for that day cause his not around. I feel down cause can’t see him.

But again, God must be really love me.

Because, he come to my class with his gang. The other sunbae introduce him to us and tell us his name.


Minho. Choi Minho.



After he said his name and class the first impression I get is…

He smile is beautiful…

Really beautiful…

He not just have good body, he also have beautiful eyes, pretty smile and good voice. I really like that. His give us a warm smile and that’s make me really happy.

I really hope he can see me and I really hope he will be my boyfriend but it’s me we talk in here. Who never fall in love and not know how to confess to namja like him.

When I tell about him to my seatmate who actually my neighbor who go with me this morning, she said what I see from him. Her question make me surprise. What she not think him Choi Minho handsome?? What it’s just me who think Minho sunbae so perfect.


“He is tall, yess… And he have a cute face… But, it’s just that no more…”

“What you don’t think he is handsome?? Cause I think he is??” I rememeber I said that.

“Handsome?? I don’t think he is handsome… He is so skinny, Eunsook-ah and he is not handsome too… He is just tall…” Said Gwiboon to me.

“I like tall guy…” I whisper to my self.


For first week in high school we not study yet. School make the first week as an introduce to school, rule and another student. For first week I tried to find him between all of people in school but I can’t find him. I also busy with study cause my parents wanted me to enter plus/VIP class and that really make me tired and in the third day I fall sick. I can’t go to school and that’s make me sad cause I can’t meet him. But I just stay in home for some days because I need to get in exam for class division thanks to my ability to get well soon.

I just hope I can enter VIP class and make my parents proud of me.

The result….

I enter the plus/VIP class.

My parents happy and I’m happy too…

But, I have a big responsibility for that.


My day in high school as one student in VIP class or X-1 is so ordinary. We studied from 8 am until 4 pm and it’s make me really tired and boring. But, I still tried to enjoyed my day in there.

But, one problem hit me. It’s really big problem for me.

I always think I can make a new friends in the new environment and can adapted easily like what I make when I in middle high school. Student in my class not as friendly as I imagined. They just being friend with people who ever go to same school with them although it’s not their classmate before. They just being friend with people who have same religion with them, they just being friend with people who their know and I can felt a competition being the best in our class. The way people talk and treat the other people in our school really different with what I feel in middle high school.

I get a shock and feel uneasy.

I think that time just for a while cause we still don’t know each other. But, I’m wrong cause for three years in high school I feel like an outcast in our class, being a loner and a nerd. The group they make in the first meet is actually the permanent group until our graduation.

And that’s make me think…


“Who said life as a high school student is the happiest live you will ever feel ??


Cause I never felt that way…


Okay, stop talk about my pathetic life in high school. Our main focus not about that but about my crush, Choi Minho.

So, back to the story.

Although I really regret to end in VIP class but there always the best thing from that. Our class is place in front of XII-3 and our class just get separate by volley field. It’s not the best thing actually.  The best part is XI-4 place in the left XII-3 and I’m really happy about that. Our class together with X-2 place in the middle row and it’s just that two class in the middle. In front of our class is language laboratory and in the left our class is basket field.

I always stand in the outside near basket field just tried to look to his class cause sometimes I really hope I can see him. And I always saw you although it’s not so often but it’s can make me feel so happy.


In the process I get my own group of friend. Kim Gwiboon, my neighbor is in the same class with me too and she is my seatmate. I really lucky teacher not make us sit randomly cause I don’t wont being an awkward with my seatmate. We make a friend with two yeoja who sit in front of us. One is Lee Sunny, a short girl with shy and bubbling personality who sit in front of Gwiboon and she is being my best friend until now although we live far away from each other. Krystal Jung, who sit in the other row beside Lee Sunny who I knows is as a good person but sometimes really cold. The last is Kim Gwiboon, she like our leader in our small group cause she have a dark aura around him and me and sunny really scare toward her. She is really rude, harsh and always make a scene where ever she go but she is kinda popular between student. All of student in my school know about her because her attitude. She also popular between namja but from my perspective she is a playgirl. Krystal is popular too although not as popular as Gwiboon but student from another class know about her maybe because she is so pretty. But, people never know about me Lee Eunsook and Lee Sunny. People just not care and I never mind about that too.

Back to the story.

I tell my close friend about my feel to him, Choi Minho sunbae and their reaction is same with Gwiboon when she knows for the first time about my feel to our tall sunbae.

“He is not handsome…”

“You just like him because he is tall and play basket ball…”

“He is like a pole so skinny….”

I remember I fought with them to protect him but it’s just make my classmate know about my feeling and that really embracing because they start to tease me. But, lucky me, my secret not go out from our class and just as a secret in our class X-1.

The lucky thing being know have a crush to Choi Minho have a good point and the bad point too. The bad point is my friend talk about his bad side like he is too tall, too skinny, not handsome, and why I like namja like him.

The good point, my classmate start to open up about they little crush to our other sunbae. When break time come we will run to the back window to peek to our sunbae class before going to the canteen just for saw them out from their class. We also fangirling together. Beside that where ever they saw Choi minho pass by our class or get spot near our class my classmate will start to call me tell me to go to the door just to saw him passing our class and smile.


“Eunsook-ah… Come here… Minho sunbae will walk to his class.” Sout Luna.


I run from my sit place in the middle row and when I arrive I saw him passed our class to go to his class.


“He is so handsome…” I whisper to my self.

“Yeah… It’s just you who think he is handsome… Como on to the canteen.” Said Gwiboon to me.

“You cheesy…. I think you falling in love to him…” Said Krystal while she laugh.

“Eh??? Love??” I said.


I never realize about that feeling actually. I just admiring him and I never though it’s love.


“But, Eunsook-ah…” Call Krystal again.

“Nde??” I look toward Krystal confuse.

“If you really love him just get ready for broken heart cause I hear Minho oppa already confess to Tiffany Hwang.” Said Krystal with concern.

“Tiffany Hwang?? Who is she??” I asked my friend.

“That girl is from X-4 in the same class with Nicole. She also went to the same class with you and me in the first week. Are you not remember her??” Asked Gwiboon to me.

“No. I’m sick remember…” I said with sad.


Gwiboon show me Tiffany hwang and I feel so jealous. She is so pretty and have a soft face and look like she kinda popular too in her class. After that event I meet her again and this time she is together with Choi Minho oppa. Minho oppa laugh when talk to her while she just look so shy. The jealousy in my heart is being bigger just after look them together.


“What actually minho oppa look from her??” I asked my self angrily.


I think the truth about Minho oppa together with another yeoja make my day turn worst.


Like I said the day I saw minho oppa with another yeoja make my day turn worst and that’s true.

The worst part in my life when I’m in high school is I fight with Gwiboon. It’s not just a little fight but is also the biggest fight I ever have in my entire life. It’s happen in the morning and I just arrive. I’m not yet get in to our class when Gwiboon came to me with angry face.

“WHAT ARE YOU SAID TO NICOLE, HUH??” Asked Gwiboon to me angrily.

“Eh?? Gwiboon-ah what you mean?? Why you so angry in the moring??” I asked confused.


I don’t know what happen though.




I finally realize what happen.

Nicole is one of our friend, she is from X-4 class and life in the same neighborhood with me and gwiboon. She also go to the same church with gwiboon. Nicole wanted to play cupid for Gwiboon and Garry oppa. Garry oppa wanted to have a girlfriend and Nicole introduce Gwiboon to him.

For make it short, Nicole fall in love to Garry oppa and Gwiboon really angry about that and they fight just because not oh so handsome Garry oppa. So, Nicole came to me asked my advice to back being friend with Gwiboon and being a good friend I tried to give her my best advice. I’m not in Gwiboon side or Nicole side, I’m in the middle to make them being friend. But, it’s look like back fire to me cause Nicole tell Gwiboon a lie. She make me as culprit just to get a good side from Gwiboon. Gwiboon being stubborn and harsh girl not believe my expanation and broke our friendship. She take sunny place while sunny take Gwiboon place beside me. I feel so sad cause our friendship end. My friendship with Gwiboon end but Gwiboon and Nicole back together again.

Being Gwiboon enemy is not good thing to do cause all of people in my class think me as a bad girl and no one really wanted to being my close friend. Krystal stay beside Gwiboon side although she sometimes talk me but in the end she must leave me cause Gwiboon will give her a glare while Sunny still beside me although sometimes she will leave me too because Gwiboon force her. Being a weak girl, she can’t said no to gwiboon although in the end she said sorry cause she leave me.


Again I run from my plot.

Back to story again.

After the big fight with Gwiboon my life as high school student turn to be hard. I just have one friend and it’s Sunny. I always feel sad and my only source for happiness is just Choi Minho. My classmate still call me everytime Choi Minho pass my class, my classmate still teasing me about him and my classmate always tell me where ever they meet him in the canteen or another place where I’m not around.


I always count every space I have between me and Choi Minho. From the most distant to the closet one, I count them. My friend said I’m so stupid to count that space and I still remember what my answer.


“Every space between me and Minho oppa is really precious cause that’s show how hard I tried just to get close to him.” I said that while smile.

“Yeah…” Said my friend who laugh cause what I said.


I’m not lying about I count every space between me and Choi Minho cause I really did that. The most distant between me and Choi Minho is when he is stand in the middle field for Monday routine. Why I choose that as the most distant between us?? Cause I can’t walk to his position just to tried to being close to him. If I do that the teacher will angry to me cause I disturb the routine, the students will laugh because my stupidity and I will feel embarrasses for three years or the worst for forever because my friend will always tease me because that.

The closet space I have with him is when I stand close beside him.

It’s happen in the last semester when our school make basketball game between class. My classmate talk to him while I walk beside him pretend to be interest in the game. I can smell his sweat and that’s make me happy cause finally he really close to me but also make me sad cause he not talk to me. He is smile to me, yes but I wanted he talk to me too.


“Sunbae, our class will meet who in this game??” Kai my classmate asked him.

“Your class will meet with X-4…” Answer Minho oppa while walked to the board to write the game result.


I follow him close behind and my friend who look my action just laugh with my stupidity. Suddenly, minho oppa look to my direction and that’s kinda make me surprise but I can manage to give him my shy smile and he smile to me too. That’s smile make my heart beat faster and blood run to my cheek made them look red.


“Eunsook-ah, are you wouldn’t tell him about your feeling??” Asked Luna to me.

“Nde, Eunsook-ah… The senior will have exam next week after that they wouldn’t come to school anymore until the exam result out. You not have much time left, eunsook-ah…” Said Sunny to me.

“I maybe have a feeling to him Sunny-ah but it’s not mean I must confess to him. It’s not good if I’m the one who confess.” I said to sunny.

“Why?” Asked Sunny again.

“Because I’m yeoja.” I answered sunny question shortly.

“So?? Who said yeoja can’t confess to the one she love??” Asked sunny angrily to me.

“It’s just not good option Sunny-ah… Beside what will he think if I confess to him?? I don’t want him thinking me as yeoja who not have pride and shame just because I confess to him…” I said sad.

“So, you just let him go??” Asked Sunny sadly to me and I just nod my head sadly.


“Eunsook-ah, why you not take minho oppa picture??”


I remember taeyeon said that to me on one friday.


“Eh?? What you mean??” I asked her confuse.

“I saw yesterday Vic and her friends take our sunbae picture secretly for  memorials. So, why you not take one??” Said tayeon again.

“That’s right Eunsook-ah… Why you not take one??” Said Krystal who can stay beside me today happily.

“I want too… But, I’m not bring my phone with me…” I answer my friend.

“Don’t be sad, you can use my phone…” Said Krystal excited.

“Okay, we take his picture when the school end.” Said Taeyeon excited too.


I just smile a little and look toward sunny who just nod to me.


After the bell rang me, sunny, taeyeon and krystal run to the outside our class. We sit in front of our door while the other student walk to the main gate to back to their home. I really envy the other student who get place in ordinary class cause they can back home fast while me and my classmate must stay behind cause we still have a class.


“That’s them…” Said Krystal.


I saw him walk with his friends and it’s look like they talk about something good since he is so excited.


“Come on…” Said Taeyeon and pull me.


Minho oppa and his friends walk from the right side language laboratory while me and my friend walk from the left side. We stop in the end computer lab. The computer lab is behind the language lab and near to the main gate.

When I saw him I tell Krystal to take his picture.


“Krystal, palli take minho oppa picture…” I said to Krystal impatient.

“I can’t… It’s really hard while his friend block him.” Said Krystal try to focuse his camera to him.

“Let me…” I finally said and krystal give her phone to me and I tried to take the best shoot from our hide place.

“Minho-ah… Look, that girl want take your picture??” Said Shindong sunbae one of his friend while pointing to us.



He's suddenly turn around and that’s make me froze in my place with the phone still focuse to him while sunny, krystal and taeyeon hide. I really surpsise and immediately hide from his view. My cheeks turn red and my heart beating so fast.

I peek to the place where his stood before but I can’t find him anywhere.


“He's leave… I’m not yet take his picture…” I said disappointed.

“Aish… Why Shindong sunbae must saw us… Because him, eunsook can’t take minho sunbae picture…” Said Taeyeon frustrated.

“Gwenchana… I have good memories… I don’t need his picture cause I already have that in my mind” I said try to smile.


We walk to our class in silence while me thinking again about what happen a minute ago and my cheeks turn red again.


“Eunsook-ah… Gwenchana?? Are you sick??” Asked Sunny with concern.

“N-no… What happen today is really embrassing… Kyaaa… Hope he not saw my face clearly…” I said while close my face with my hands.


Sunny, Krystal and Taeyeon just laugh.


The week when our senior take exam us the first year and the second year have a holiday so we not disturb our sunbae while they in the middle exam. When we back to school again, I can’t find him. Not just him but also all our sunbae cause they already finish their exam and just back for the graduate party. I lost my source of happiness.

For the graduate party me, gwiboon and some student from first years get call to be part of the school choir. I really happy can participated in school choir cause I really like to sing. I just hope he can see me when I sing with my friends in their graduate party.

When the time come for the graduate party, I sit in the sit where the choir must sit. I really hope I can sit with Sunny cause right now I’m in the same boat with Gwiboon and Nicole and that’s make me not comfortable. Gwiboon still angry to me while Nicole said sorry to me for what happen and be friend with me but I still can’t like Nicole. She is the one who make my friendship end with Gwiboon, she is and her gang make my life miserable although not too miserable but I can’t forgive her and back being her friend like before.

I look around the room where the party will held. I see Sunny together with krystal and Taeyeon. It’ look like they talking about something cause they really serious and not realize I look toward them. I scan the room once again tried to find hime when…

I spot him.

He enter room casually and when his friends saw him they walk toward him and hugging him. They talk and laugh together while headed to their chair and I once again smile just because I saw him.

The party went with good. All of people enjoyed the party and I’m doing the same too. I tried to snake pick so I can saw him and everytime I saw him I feel happy and sad in the same time. Happy cause I still can see his smile and his laugh. Sad because that day my last time to see him.

When the choir turn to sing we walk to the stage. All of eyes turn to us. The teacher stand in front of us but not in the stage and after all of teacher get to the position we start to sing. We singing two song that day while our sunbae walk to the front to shaked hand and bow to our teacher as a thank you.  I could see much our sunbae cried that time, not jus yeoja but also namja. They also hugged out teacher and cried in their solder. Our teacher tried to calm them down. When they finis with all teachers, our sunbae hugged each other while cried too. I tried to find him in the middle crowd and when I find him, I could see how sad him. Although tears not fall from his eyes but I can sense how sad him. He hold his tears while hugged his friends one by one. The scene  in front of me made me want to cry but I can’t did that cause it’s will ruin my voice and can damage the choir.


“Why you hold your tears?? If you want to cry just cry no one going to forbid you to cry today. Why you pretend to be strong, oppa??” Though me to my self


I really wanted he to see me today so I can say this word to him.


“Minho sunbae, saranghaeyo…”


The graduate party already offer but people still in the building especially our senior while the second years and first years start to leave the building. I walk to the outside with mix feeling. When I in the outside I still can heard my sunbae singing along together with his classmate. Our sunbae from XII-1, XII-2 and  XII-4 still in the building while sunbae from XII-3, XII-5 and XII-6 already gone for have some fun together.

I sat in the outside building with sad and I don’t know what but I feel something missing. I check my bag tried to find something maybe I leave in the outside but all of my stuff still inside my bag. After check my bag the unesay feeling still stay in my heart so I back to the inside to find what I miss.

When I walk inside I can’t find him. I walk to my sit before, tried to find my missing thing but because I can’t find anything so I decide I’m not lost anything. But the uneasy feeling why I can still feel them?? I walk to the main door when I saw him enter the building from the main door. My heart beating so fast in my ribcage when he walk to my direction. I saw him walk to my direction and I walk with my eyes to the ground to nervous to look him in the eyes. When I have a courage to look to him, he already in front of me. I feel so surprise with our position, I’m with him is really close and the closeness make me wanted to hug him.

I suddenly remember Sunny advice to just confess to him. I see him in his eyes and I can feel the sadness surround us.


“He must be really sad to leave his friends…”

“Come on Eunsook-ah… Just say you love him…”


My heartbeat increase really fast and I can also hear them beating.


What he hear my heartbeat?? I hope no… Because it’s will embarrassing if he knows.”

“Come on Eunsook-ah… Just said that three word…” I said to my self.


I held out my hand to him and he grabbed it.


“He held my hand??” I though to my self because our suddenly contact.


“Sunbae… Congratulations with your graduation… Hope you will success outside there…” I said that word without looking into his eyes.


To scare to look him in there cause maybe I will cry if I did that.


“Pabo!! Why that word?? Why it’s so hard just to said that word?” I though to my self angrily.


Suddenly, his bed down to my ears (I’m so short, I’m just 150 cm while him 180cm) and that’s action make me hold my breath.


“Omo… What he want to doing??” >///<


“You too… Take care your self and study hard, arraso??” He whisper to my ear make me blushing.

“N-nde…” I said stuttering.

“Annyeong…” He said to me.

“A-anyeong…” I said shyly to him.


He walk to his friend in front of stage and singing together with them. I still stand in my place for a while to enjoyed my last time to see him after that I walk slowly to the main door and think about what just happening.


“What that really happening?? I’m not dreaming, right??” I though to my self.


It’s not dream cause I hear a noise from outside building and when I look the people who make that noise is Nicole and her gang who teasing me because what happen.


“Well, it’s look like I’m not dreaming cause they saw what happen..” I said to my self.

“Wow, Eunsook-ah… You really did that?? We never know you will that brave to did that in the public..” Said Nicole to me.

“Ng…” I just can said that.


I understood what Nicole  said, she must thinking Minho sunbae kiss me sice minho sunbae body bigger and taller than me so she can’t look what actually happen because minho sunbae back block her view.

I walk with smile and relieve out from that room. It’s look like I already found what missing from me.


After that day my day as the second years as high school student really boring. I have a boyfriend but our relationship not stay long it’s end so quickly. His image not fade immediately because i still thinking about him and I ever saw him once time when he is visit our school and I still look after him. My relationship with Gwiboon back to normal again in the last semester in my second year because I’m not have a group for biology cause she take Sunny with her with force although it’s not immediately.

I tell her my apologize after we back from school. I purposely wait her back to home so we can back to home together. I take the same buss with her and sit near her, I out from buss together with her. I know she already know I make it purposely. The way I asked her forgiveness like the scene in drama I often watch. I talk to her in the middle rain asked for forgiveness and she just glare to me.


“Our fight like a couple and the way I asked her forgiveness like I’m a cheating boyfriend” It’s what I think right now if I remember about that.


She forgive me after that and we laugh together because our stupidity.

The next day when time for practice biology I look toward her group and she just said that coolly to me.


“You can join us…”


Sunny who hear that smile to me and I smile too. I take a  sit beside sunny.

In my senior years I have a boyfriend and we still together until I graduate. My relationship with him end before my exam to university start and it’s not end up in the good way.

Choi Minho already fade away from my mind until one day I saw him again. He go to the same university with me but we not in the same faculties. My new friend  who actually go to the same faculties with him tell me about him again. Although it’s not often and rarely happen, I really happy just to saw him. He still can make me happy just to saw him pass me, he still can make my heart beating fast when he is near me. His charming make me really happy cause although we just talk once time but he still remember me as his hobae.

Choi minho, Namja who never I confess my feeling to him…

Who wouldn’t ever know about my feeling to him…

And I wouldn’t ever regret have this feeling to you, Choi Minho…


You are really special to me and you always be…

Alright this is my comeback after long long time not update this oneshoot collection...

I write this today after remember about something in the middle rain in my cozy bed.

This story actually happening in real life... This story is about my love story when i'm still in highschool. That sunbae really catch my heart. All the scene i write in this story really happening in my life. In the last part i tell you, Eunsook meet again with his sunbae cause they go to the same university and she rarely see him. In the real life i really rarely meet him and i still can count that how much just with left hand. From information i got two years ago he is still play basketball that time and already have a fiance. But, i don't write that because it's make me really sad..

Why i write this??

Cause i wated to forget him and move on... Maybe he already married and right now he lay down in his bed with his wife while i write this story.

Altough i can't have him right now but i never regret ever like and love him and the main image in this story i really mean that.. I just hope in the life cupid really help me...

P.S. Sunbae... Thank you for ever come to my life and make my day bright although just for a while... I really like you and i mean that...

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So ethat enough for today...


Love ChoiKhatyMin90

P.S.S Thank you for who ever make that picture i own you so much. I don't own that picture i take that from google and once again thank you to who ever made that pic... ^^

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i just finish edit the chapter 3 cause taemin name get mention.. So it's clear now..


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seri1412 #1
Chapter 5: First..tq for the beautiful story
Second.. i hope both of you and eunsook brave enough to confess to whoever you love after this. Don't just let he go before you try to confess. Also don't ever thinking about being rejected..
To 'eunsook'.. i really hope she can get over her 'choi minho'..and find much..much better one.

Please write more OnHo.. i just love all the author-nim who write OnHo
Chapter 5: Gomawo for write all the oneshot!
Its the best..
Thanks for mentioning my name unnie..
Have a nice day..
and don't forget to write more.. ^^
BornToShine_A5 #3
Chapter 2: Wow.all the oneshot are very great and worth reading.everyoneshot makes me cry hard like rain dropping especially chapter 2.i cant hold my tears back and let them fall down nonstop.i hope you will keep writing and updating because ill always be ready to cry again.fighting. P/s your writing and the way you use language are very good and cute.^~^
Sweetboo #4
Chapter 2: oh my the time i read this i was already in tears. it's such wonderful story. keep it up. FIGHTING!
I Love your stories XD
but I get so confused at at some,why is taemin in the story...??Wasn't minho looking for onew and than he started mentioning tae???And why did thy break up in the first place?
DubuSangtae14 #6
That's so tragic...but it's beautiful since Onew and Minho got together in the end. I love that song too~
For DubuSangtae14 : I know you want minho for stay and try harder for stay beside onew but it's hard since minho is sensitive kid.. It's hurt him so much..

For Retroalien : thanks for your comment... I really appreciated that... I don't know i can make you crying hard after read chapter two, i'm sorry to make you like that *bow* And about chapter three in there just two part, minho part and onew part.. Actually i make this chapter not about onho but about 2min.. But after thinking for awhile i more like if that onho..
Okay I liked chapter three but a lot of times I was confused with Onew's part and Taemin part and occasionally Minho's part. The story line however was great I really love the bad boy Onew <3 great one-shot :D
God! Why I cried so hard for the second chapter you have no idea ಥ_ಥ it was beautiful, the part with the wind when Onew communicated with Minho, I loved that part <3
Okay I've read the first chapter and found it so adorable the way Minho kept his feelings and when Onew confessed in the writing but it was beautiful when he finally gave up on his first love to officially give his heart to is husband.