Good Bye Hyung....

Onho Oneshoot Sad Story

Good Bye

This story get inspiration from ....

We Were Just Kids in Love

by ... undyinglovetomyself

I like her story and i think you must read her story.. cause that i make this story but with my plot.. Hope you enjoy my story..

Today is the first day in winter but the weather really cold make me shiver under my thick jacket. I look to the outside train where everthing run so fast make the schene blur for me. I look to my phone screen and i smile when i look my boyfriend face. He smile really beautiful and he look like angel to me. Suddenly my phone rang and when i read the caller id, i immediately turn off my phone cause for now i don’t want someone to find me and ruin my plan to find my boyfriend. The train stop in my decision and i get up from my sit. I walk to unfriendly weather and make my way leave the station. I don’t know where i must go but for now i really need a hotel for sleep and make a plan to find my boyfriend, onew.


The dimp light in the bar make my eyes dizy, while the alcohol run in my troath. Drugs shater in the table in front of me and the girl sit in my lap and kissing my neck. Every night i always doing this, when in the morning i go to sleep and in the night work again. My life already like this since i step in this town one years ago. The first time i came to this town i never think i will back to my old self.

I start hange out with the gang, go to the club, drunk until passed out, smoke, sleep with random people, steal and killing the other person and the last thing i do it is drugs. The first i feel so stupid, dirty and cheap but after do all of that i just shrugge all of that feeling. But, just one person can make me remember how dirty i am now and that’s person is Minho, my boyfriend.

Minho. He is the person i really love and i really care. I love him so much with all my heart and i can’t life without him. Seperated from him make my life back like before i meet him. When i still in the same town with him, he always there for me and always help me but now he really far away from me. Before i meet him i smoke, skip go to school, join a gang for bullied another kids but i change just because him, he show me about love. And now after separate away from him my lifevturn worse than before.


I wake up in the morning and prepare my self for today. I sigh out from the hotel to start my searching for onew hyung when i realise i don’t have a clue where i can i find him. I just bring his picture with me and with that i tried to find him with show his photo to people i meet but they just shook their head. I tried to find him in every place i think he more like but i never find his sigh in there. I back to my hotel when the sky change to dark colour and the night life start to began.


I walk in the dark alley with my gang, we’re leader walk in front of us lead our way to our destiny. I look around the alley, people hide from we’re sigh and tried to stay away from us to afraid for mess up with us cause we’re gang is verry danger. When we arrive in we’re destination in front of a small bar we prepare we gun and this night will be hear crying for mercy and sound from hungry gun again.


I already in this town for three days but i still can’t find onew, now i little give up cause i can’t find him. But, it’s like the fortune come to me when i asked the old about onew hyung and i can look how afraid him when i said his name.

“Why you look for him??” Asked the old man to me with a wishper.

“He is my friend...” I said in wishper too.

“Just forget  him and don’t try to find him coz he’s to danger you know...” Said the old man.

I feel so confuse but i still ask him why.

“It’s because he is part of a dangerous gang, they always killed people who stand in their way and last night their just kill the owner of that small bar..” Said the old man while he pointing in the direction where a small bar had surrounded the police line.

I’m so shock with that little information, i never believe that onew hyungwill be back to join the gang again. I know before he meet me he join a gang but their just doing bullied another kids, smoke, fighting and skip the school but not to far like what this old man said.

“If you love your life just stay away from him and his gang kids.. You not look like his kind..” Said the old man warn me.

“Where i can find him??” I asked the old man.

“It’s look like you wouldn’t hear me... You can find him in Acadela when the night come it’s not far from here. You can find him in there..” Said the old man.

“How i could find that place??” I asked the old man.

“You will find that place easyly since it’s will be shine brightly..” Said the old man and walk to leave me.

“Haraboji wait!!” I call him and run toward him. I take some money from my pocket and give that to him.

“What this for??” He asked me confuse.

“I think you need that more than me... Gamsahamnida haraboji...” I said and give him bow 90 degress and that’s make him surprise.

“Take care kids... and gamsahamnida...” He said to me and i walk away leave him with happy smile in his face.

I must find onew hyung now.


“Oppa....” the girl beside me call me with seductive.

I look toward her and give her what she wanted, i place my hand in her waist and start locked we’re lips in a lust kiss. We stop just because we’re need to take a breath.

“Not in here babe...” I said to him and start to walk with my hand still in her waist and she lend to my chest.

And that’s time i look someone stand not to far in front of me with wide eyes.


What he doing in this place?? Why he’s in here??

The question run in my brain and i can look how shock him when he look what i just do it with the girl beside me.

When we came closer to him i can hear he call my name and that’s make me stop in my track.

“O-onew hyung..” He whisper my name but it’s enough for me to hear his voice. Oh God.. How i miss to hear his voice, how i miss to see his face and how i miss to feel his warm around my body.

“Babe.. Can you wait me in usually place??” I asked the girl beside me and i can look how minho taken back with my action.

“Okay babe...” She said to me and kiss my lips after that she walk away and took a glance to minho and smile seductive to minho. .

I look around to make sure my gang member not around, i don’t want risk minho life.

“Minho.. What are you doing in here??” I asked to him with cold tone.

“H-hyung... W-who is her??” He asked me with worried and sadness to me.

“Her?? Oh.. She is my girlfriend..” I told to him while i take my cigarette and place that to my mouth. I pull out my lighter and lit my cigarette.

“S-since w-when you smoke again onew hyung?” He asked me worried.

“It’s not your problem...” I said cold to him.

“Hyung... Are you serious that girl is your girlfriend??” He asked me again.

“Yeah.. Waeyo??” I tried to hold my self to not jump to hug and kiss him and tell him everything its okay but i can’t.

“So... Wh-what.. what about us?? You never said we.. we broke up..” He said with a soft tone and i can know how sad him and how hard he controlled his self for not crying.

“Ooh about that... You must be know we’re already broke up since i leave Incheon.. It’s mean we’re broke up..” I said to him and give him my annoying face just to make him leave me.

“B-but... but waeyo?? What i make something wrong to you??” He ask me again.

“No. But i don’t like you anymore and i’m bored with you. Just go back to your castle prince and forget me.. Forget you ever know Lee Onew.. From now you just stranger to me..” I said that to him without look away from him to make sure he get what i said. Thanks God my voice not betray me

“H-how could you said that to me after what i did to you?” He asked me when one tears fall from his beautiful eyes.

Minho please don’t crying...

“What are you did for me??” I asked to you again with scold.

“I always there for you before you move on to here, i also help you to get out from your gang and i also in danger just because you... Now, I-i run away from my house and life like homeless just to find you... I go with a train for the first time just for you.. And.. and i also do anything just t-to find you...” He said to me and the tears already fall from his beautiful eyes.

“Past is past and I don’t care..” I said cold to him.

“You not my dubu... Where my dubu??” He asked me with shaking voice.

“He’s dead and now leave, i still have some business and take this.. I don’t need that again and we’re over..” I said to you while give you, my necklace that’s you give to me when we’re first date.

I turn around without looking back. Don’t cry, it’s for the best both of you i said to my self. I can hear your crying in silence and i really want to hug you but i can’t since i’m not deserve to have your love after what i did.

From a far i can hear some cars come to we’re land and when i turn around i look them, your bodyguard walk to your side and look so worried with your state. I look a girl get out from the car, she’s sooyoung your noona. She come to you and hug you tigh, she look to me and i can see how angry her to me. When i not move, suddenly someone tap my soulder and there stand key.


“He’s dead and now leave, i still have some business and take this.. I don’t need that again and we’re over..” He said to me while give me, his necklace that’s i given to him when we’re first date.

I hold the necklace tigh while my tears fall, i tried to hold them back but the pain is to much and it’s make me crying more. I look him walk away from me not turning back and that’s make me sure he really broke up with me.

Suddenly i hear a cars stop beside me and when i look, theres my bodyguard standing with worried face and satisfiet cause they’re finally find me.

“Young master are you okay??” One of my bodyguard asked me but i can’t answered him coz i still tried to hold my tears when the other call someone in the other line and told they’re find me.

“Young master..” Before he finish his word suddenly someone pull me to their embarasses and i realise that’s my noona.

“Husshhh... It’s okay minnie... It’s okay.. I’m here..” She said to me while she hug me and my hair. I hug her back and crying in her soulder and that’s when i see onew hyung look to us and someone standing beside him.

“he- he broke up.. wi-with me noona...” I said still hug her.

“It’s okay... He not deserve your tears minnie..” Noona said to me.

“We must back home now.. Eomma and appa really worried about you..” She said and relese me from her hug.

“B-but.. but noona...” I tried to stay for awhile.

“No but, minnie... In here to danger you know...” Said noona to me.

“O-okay.. But i need to do something before leave..” I said to noona while she wipe my tears away.

“What you want do it??” She asked me, i look to my noona and to onew hyung.


“Who is that hyung??” Key asked me with narrowed eyes.

“Nothing.. His nothing for me..” I said while i look to minho direction, it’s look like sooyoung tried to comfort him.

“So... Why that girl glared toward us ad the boy it’s look sad just after you speak with him??” Key asked me again and i surprise he know i speak with minho.

“I around here you know when you talk to him... It’s look like he come from a super rich family.. How if we play a little with him??” Key answered my though and i can look the smirk in his face.

“No.. Don’t touch him... He not have problem with us..” I said with cold voice tried to not yell to key.

“Hyung..” I surprise when i hear minho voice from behind me.

“What you want??” I asked to him pretend i angry.

“I just wanted we’re end this in the good way..” He said in the sad voice.

“Just hurry up...” I said half shouth to him.

“YOU LITTLE !! HOW COULD YOU SPEAK TO HIM LIKE THAT??” I can hear sooyoung noona shouth to me.

“O-okay..” Minho said to me with a sad smile, he took a long breath before speak.

“Hyung.. I’m happy ever meet you hyung and i hope you happy with your life now.. And this.. Just keep that, it’s up to you want to do what to that... And can i hug you hyung??” He said to me while he tried hold his tears to fall. I just nod my head and let him hug me.

He hug me so tigh and i’m happy i can feel  his warm for the last time. I just want start to smile between we’re hug and want to hug him back when i look key smirk with jonghyun beside me.

“Are you finish??” I asked him with cold voice.

“”N-nde..” He pull out from me and wipe the tears from his eyes.

“Annyeong..” He said with that sad smile again and walk away back to his waiting car and look toward me for the last time. I look his car leave the roath and just leave me without i realise my tears already fall.

Good bye minho.... This is the best for us...


3 years later

I run fast from the officer who tried to catch me. Me, key and jonghyun take a separate way for make the police confuse. But, it’s look like i’m not lucky today since the police run behind me.

I enter the small shop to hide from the police and tried to find a good place to hide. When i find that spot i sneek my body to the small room under the stair and just recognise that a storeroom and I can look the police enter the shop.

“The youngest son from Choi Sun Group it’s will be engaged soon with the older son from Shin Fast advertising. The rumors said about Shin Changmin or Max already together with Choi Minho for one half year and their meet when minho in New York for study. The date will be relese soon and both of them will make a pressconfers to confirm their engaged.”

Onew who hears the news get out from his hide place and walk toward the television in there. He look toward the tv and he can look minho beauty smile and how minho shyly walk beside a man who he knows name changmin.

You look happy now while my life is in the mess..

Onew never though his life like mess after he broke up with minho and it’s more messy than before. He tried to move on but the way he choose is just make his life worse. Without he realise the police officer already stand behind him.

“Don’t move, raise your hands and place them behind your head now!!” The police officer told to onew while he gun pointed to onew head.

I think i will missed your married minho said onew to the schene in front of him and let the police officer take his hand and handcuffedhis handsbehindhis back.

Before the police officer drag him out from the little shop he look once again to the tv screen.

I hope you happy minho-ah...


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Love ChoiKhatyMin90 ^^


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i just finish edit the chapter 3 cause taemin name get mention.. So it's clear now..


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seri1412 #1
Chapter 5: First..tq for the beautiful story
Second.. i hope both of you and eunsook brave enough to confess to whoever you love after this. Don't just let he go before you try to confess. Also don't ever thinking about being rejected..
To 'eunsook'.. i really hope she can get over her 'choi minho'..and find much..much better one.

Please write more OnHo.. i just love all the author-nim who write OnHo
Chapter 5: Gomawo for write all the oneshot!
Its the best..
Thanks for mentioning my name unnie..
Have a nice day..
and don't forget to write more.. ^^
BornToShine_A5 #3
Chapter 2: Wow.all the oneshot are very great and worth reading.everyoneshot makes me cry hard like rain dropping especially chapter 2.i cant hold my tears back and let them fall down nonstop.i hope you will keep writing and updating because ill always be ready to cry again.fighting. P/s your writing and the way you use language are very good and cute.^~^
Sweetboo #4
Chapter 2: oh my the time i read this i was already in tears. it's such wonderful story. keep it up. FIGHTING!
I Love your stories XD
but I get so confused at at some,why is taemin in the story...??Wasn't minho looking for onew and than he started mentioning tae???And why did thy break up in the first place?
DubuSangtae14 #6
That's so tragic...but it's beautiful since Onew and Minho got together in the end. I love that song too~
For DubuSangtae14 : I know you want minho for stay and try harder for stay beside onew but it's hard since minho is sensitive kid.. It's hurt him so much..

For Retroalien : thanks for your comment... I really appreciated that... I don't know i can make you crying hard after read chapter two, i'm sorry to make you like that *bow* And about chapter three in there just two part, minho part and onew part.. Actually i make this chapter not about onho but about 2min.. But after thinking for awhile i more like if that onho..
Okay I liked chapter three but a lot of times I was confused with Onew's part and Taemin part and occasionally Minho's part. The story line however was great I really love the bad boy Onew <3 great one-shot :D
God! Why I cried so hard for the second chapter you have no idea ಥ_ಥ it was beautiful, the part with the wind when Onew communicated with Minho, I loved that part <3
Okay I've read the first chapter and found it so adorable the way Minho kept his feelings and when Onew confessed in the writing but it was beautiful when he finally gave up on his first love to officially give his heart to is husband.