Onho Oneshoot Sad Story

This story get inspiration from Bunga Citra Lestari song with title Sunny ( Cinta Pertama = First Love ). This is Indonesia song and this song is soundtrack for Bunga movie with the same title if i’m not wrong. I like this song so much cause a little description about my crush to my senior when i just in high school. The movie not end with happy ending since the girl main caracter dead.

Minho as bunga who have a first love to Onew who play role as Ben Joshua. I don’t really remember their name in the movie but onew character is Sunny (Ben Joshua play role). You must watch the movie coz it’s so great since that write from the girl side (Minho in here story). You must hear the song too, it’s easy listening and bunga voice is really sweet. I like her character vocal..

I hope you like my oneshoot...


Sunny... Sunny...

My heart was beating everytime i remember of you.

I walk in the middle of the night in Seoul trying to clear my mind from everything. My life is far from happiness not because i’m not have a job or my parents abandont me. Actually i have a great job and my parents really proud of me. What make me far from happiness is i can’t have my love. He is my first love and i think he is my only love since i can’t forget him although it’s already three years since i last meet him. His name is Lee Jinki but he always like to call Onew but i like to call him Sunny his my Sunny. Why?? Because he can make bright my life and can make me feel happy everytime i look his beautiful smile. I can feel my heart pounding so hard in my chest, i hold my chest tried to calm my heart. Why my heart beating verry fast just everytime i remember of him??

Sunny... Sunny...

Why is there less when you're not there

I still remember he is my senior when i still in the high school. He is we’re president council where i’m a captain basketball. I always admired him from a far, never have a power to closed to him. I feel the joy when he just get near me, i can feel my self smile widely when he just passed me in the school coridor. But the happiness i feel will go suddenly when he far from me. I don’t know why, but my heart feel so sad when he’s gone from my sigh. When he not around me i feeled emptyness came over me.. Why this feeling come over me if this just make me in pain??

Sunny... Sunny...

See you, touch you, that's what I want

I really happy when i can see him although it’s just from far i still happy with that. My friends said i must confess to you, but i’m to afraid to said that three word to you.. To afraid that you will reject me. Everytime i saw you i always imaginated to touch you, to feel your warm around my body and to hold you in my arm, but i know it’s just my imagination. Just see you can make me happy all of time.


You don't have time to ask me ...

Did I love you ..

When your graduated i really feel so sad. I really don’t want you to leave this school, i really don’t want you to leave me. I really want you to know how much i love you before you go.. But, before i have a change to said how much i love you, you already climb to your car and drive away from school. I tried to catch you that time but i can’t you leave me stand in front of the school gate with regret in my heart. That time i know you love me too when i accidently find your writing on the wall in back school, but why you not confees to me?? Why you not asked me if i love you or not?? I cried that time, thinking how this fate played with us. I cried in my room in front of my best friend key, i broke all of my heart to him.


Every time... I knelt down I pray ... one day ... could you love me

I never believe in God , i always think God never exise. But, since the first time i’m falling in love to you i start  pray to God for make you fall in love with me. Since the first day i layed my eyes on you i always hope you will love me and you will be mine. But,until you graduated you still far from me and i can’t reached you. But, although like that i still pray to God until now hope you will said that three word to me..

Every time... I called, in my heart, where my sunny, where my sunny, where my sunny ...

I always think of you everytime i have my time alone. My friends think i must forget you and move on but i can’t. They also set me in the blind date but i just can’t. In my mind just your name, just you my sunny who always bright my day.. I always asked my self where are you, i always call your name in my heart and in my dream too but i know you couldn’t answered my call since you don’t know my feeling toward you. It’s always hurt but i keep this feeling in my heart.


Sunny... Sunny...

How are you, my condition is  fine

My sunny how are you today?? What are you doing?? Are you alright?? I have so much question in my brain and i know i can’t get the answered from that. After i graduated i tried to find out where you go and when i find you i registered my self to the same university with you. But i failed. I’m not as smart as you, i know and that’s make me so depression. I’m crying all the night when i know i can’t enter the same university with you. My friends start tired to tell me to forget you but i couldn’t doing that. If i forget you and erase you from my mind i will lost my sunny, who always bright my day and i don’t want that to happen.

Sunny... Sunny...

Can't believe so many stories about you

I don’t believe this, my book full with your story. The story when i first meet you, the first i saw your angelic smile, the first time i saw you laugh with your friends, i don’t believe that i write all of things about you. When i re-read my book about you again, i always remember all memories of you. I smile when i read all of my hand writing about you but i feel sad in the same time since i can’t have you. Although i not go in the same universty with you but i always write the story about you in my journal.


Sunny... Sunny...

My greetings to you from the deepest heart

Hi my sunny.... Good morning?? How your sleep last night?? Are you dream of me?? I always dream when i said that word to you. I always dream greeting you everyday but the fate said another things and i just can said that to my journal.

You don't have time to ask me ...

Did I love you ...

I lose you again when i know you will get engaged with the other namja. His name is Jonghyun and he is in the same university with you. I broke again but this time i more broken than the first time i lost you. I just plan to confess to you when i hear you will get engagement with that dino head. I don’t know what make him special to you but i know i failed again to make you mine.


Every time... I knelt down I pray ... one day ... could you love me

I know you already married with that dino boy, but i still can’t forget you. I already have a boyfriend now, his name is nickhun hyung. He is half thailand and half korean, he older than me 2 years. He really love me and really care to me. He know i love you so much but he not push me to forget you immediately, he also wait me to forget you and to accept him in my life. I trying to forget you and that’s work for a while but when i remember about you again i just prayed you could love me someday and that’s make me guilty to nickhun hyung coz i can’t love him as much as he love me.

Every time... I called, in my heart, where my sunny, where my sunny, where my sunny ...

Today my engagement day and i feel so complicated. Just one month after this day i will marry with nickhun hyung. I look the ring around my ring finger it’s shining under the sunlight. I must be happy after someone who love me with all of his heart propose to me but here i’m seat in my balcon and write about my love to my sunny in my special day. Why i still thinking of you when you already have someone else and i already someone too.. Why i always call your name and tried to find you although i know all of that useless. But i still in here writing in my journal about you, my first love. I think this time i must move on and accept that you not my sunny again. I must make a note from this day about you not my sunny again but nichkun hyung who really love me. I think it’s will be hurt to move on but i will try and i think this is the last time i will write all of about you my sunny..This last page will be my last time to write about you.

But i wouldn’t forget about you onew hyung because you my sunny... Because you my first love....

I will remember you in my heart my sunny...

Annyeong my first love <3<3<3

Minho PoV


I look toward my journal once again before closed them and looke to behind me. I look nichkun hyung stand in the door frame with a bright smile. He walk to me and hug me from behind, i can smell his schene and he wear the parfum i bought for him when the vallentine. When he relese from me i look toward his face and i can look his handsome face so close to mine. I never know he really handsome especially when he wear this white tuxedo.

“What are you doing??” He asked me with curious. Although he know what i doing in my bedroom he not angry to me, he voice is really calm.. far away from angry where i think he must do that since i leave the party just after 10 minute the ring in my finger.

“Nothing... I just want to said goodbye to something important for me..” I said while i look to my journal. He look toward my journal too and i can see the smile in his face from corner my eyes.

“So.. Are you ready to forget him?? Ready to move on??” He asked me still hold me in his arms.

“I think so.... Want to help me??” I asked him and turn around for look toward his eyes.

“Nde, of course...” He said and give me a kiss in my lips.

I closed my eyes and enjoy we’re kiss and this time i’m sure i can move on.

“Come on, the other already wait us..” He said and help me to wake up. I take his hand and walk beside him with my hand intertwind with him. I look to my back and look to my journal, the little smile appear in my face.

“Good bye my first love...” I said and leave my room and my first love behind.


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Love ChoiKhatyMin90 ^^


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i just finish edit the chapter 3 cause taemin name get mention.. So it's clear now..


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seri1412 #1
Chapter 5: First..tq for the beautiful story
Second.. i hope both of you and eunsook brave enough to confess to whoever you love after this. Don't just let he go before you try to confess. Also don't ever thinking about being rejected..
To 'eunsook'.. i really hope she can get over her 'choi minho'..and find much..much better one.

Please write more OnHo.. i just love all the author-nim who write OnHo
Chapter 5: Gomawo for write all the oneshot!
Its the best..
Thanks for mentioning my name unnie..
Have a nice day..
and don't forget to write more.. ^^
BornToShine_A5 #3
Chapter 2: Wow.all the oneshot are very great and worth reading.everyoneshot makes me cry hard like rain dropping especially chapter 2.i cant hold my tears back and let them fall down nonstop.i hope you will keep writing and updating because ill always be ready to cry again.fighting. P/s your writing and the way you use language are very good and cute.^~^
Sweetboo #4
Chapter 2: oh my the time i read this i was already in tears. it's such wonderful story. keep it up. FIGHTING!
I Love your stories XD
but I get so confused at at some,why is taemin in the story...??Wasn't minho looking for onew and than he started mentioning tae???And why did thy break up in the first place?
DubuSangtae14 #6
That's so tragic...but it's beautiful since Onew and Minho got together in the end. I love that song too~
For DubuSangtae14 : I know you want minho for stay and try harder for stay beside onew but it's hard since minho is sensitive kid.. It's hurt him so much..

For Retroalien : thanks for your comment... I really appreciated that... I don't know i can make you crying hard after read chapter two, i'm sorry to make you like that *bow* And about chapter three in there just two part, minho part and onew part.. Actually i make this chapter not about onho but about 2min.. But after thinking for awhile i more like if that onho..
Okay I liked chapter three but a lot of times I was confused with Onew's part and Taemin part and occasionally Minho's part. The story line however was great I really love the bad boy Onew <3 great one-shot :D
God! Why I cried so hard for the second chapter you have no idea ಥ_ಥ it was beautiful, the part with the wind when Onew communicated with Minho, I loved that part <3
Okay I've read the first chapter and found it so adorable the way Minho kept his feelings and when Onew confessed in the writing but it was beautiful when he finally gave up on his first love to officially give his heart to is husband.