Chapter 7


Everything was pitch black. I could hear my own breath. The air, it’s refreshing and cooling. Inhaling and exhaling it. There’s a cool breeze that sweep over me as i lay down on the grass. The heat of the sun, i can still feel it as the tree branches sways with the wind. I was feeling much more at peace, calm, serene. Then, the sunlight was blocked once more, but there’s was no breeze. I open my eyes and out of nowhere, this pair of eyes were starring at me.


“Ahh!!” I yelped. He laughed at my reaction. Was i that funny? I straighten up myself.

“Hahaha... That was priceless. You scream like a girl.” He was still laughing. This guy really is childish. I don't squeal like a girl. That’s totally absurd. I clear my throat to stop him laughing.

“Can you stop being so childish? Sheesh..” I sigh at the fact that my time to relax is up. For once i think Chansung needs a girlfriend. Someone he’ll fall for deeply. So that he could lay off of my time.

“Taec Oppa!! There you are.” Ah. Bad timing. Not her.

“Oh why god!!” I said it out. Chansung gave me a weird look. Then he turn around to see who is that call out for me.

“Oppa!” Here she comes. Ok Tayeon, my 19 years old oh-so-not baby sister.

“Tayeon, what are you doing here??” I never like my family member looking for me here in campus. I didn’t want my personal life to mix with my study life.

“Well, to get you of course. According to schedule, your class won’t start for two hours more. I won’t take much of your time. I promise. And what did i tell you about calling me by that name. It’s Tay. So let’s go!” Tay is her English name.Tayeon pull me up from the grass and gave me a hug. It’s been awhile since we meet each other face to face. I grab my things from the floor. She then bow at Chansung and pull me along. I could see Chansung’s mouth was wide open. A fly could easily made its way in and out of his mouth. I sigh once more. I guess my sister took is breath away. I’m sure that he’ll pester me more the next time when we meet.  

“Later Chansung.” I walk away leaving him speechless. Well, who wouldn’t. Tayeon is very attractive. She is one of many reasons that i never talk about my family. It was just too much things to explain and I really don’t need that. It’s enough that i get Chansung as some sort of wing-man. Then, I have another dear friend to worry about constantly. There used to be her. But she is out of my life. I shook my head to get rid of the memories of her off my mind.

“Oppa! Did you hear what i just said?” Tayeon snapped me out of my trance.

“Eh? What?” I was really caught in my own mind dialogue. She just roll her eyes at me and continue to drag me out of the campus. It was quite a long walk. After a solid 9 minutes, we reach a secluded area where she had parked her car. That red shining machine was still new.

“Well? What are you waiting for? Get in.” She said. All i did was nod and got in. I was having internal debates in my mind.

It was the first time that she visits me in school. Well, that wasn’t exactly ‘visiting’, it’s more like a drag. Nonetheless, she came to the university. She revive the engine of the machine and drove off to a small cafe, which was a 15 minutes from the university.

When we got there, the place was almost empty. There were nobody that i know in it. Thank God. I walk to a booth that was away from the glass window, to avoid being seen. Tayeon just follow suit. She sigh at my choice of table. The waiter came up to us and took our order. After the waiter left us, i turn to her.

“So? What do you want?” I ask her straight up. There must be a reason to her visit.

“What? Can’t a sister meets up her brother for a tea time?” She response, giving me an innocent smile. I consider the possibility of us meeting up like this just like that. A near zero chance.

“Well, yes. But this is just so sudden.” I stand on my stance on this. Something is off her about her visit. She bit her lips. Hah! A reaction of guilt. There must be something that she’s hiding. Then again, was i being too harsh. She is my sister after all.

“Oppa!” She answer back. A defensive reaction. Seriously, I should just calm down and stop interrogating her like this. Knowing her, she’ll tell me eventually.

“Fine fine.. I’m sorry..” I surrender. A step backwards always brings you two steps forward. That is what Chansung always told me. Aish. Now I’m using Chansung’s tactics?

“Oppa... Stop thinking to much.” Tayeon then starts to giggle. Ah..that sound. Its funny that I find it soothing. I hit my head lightly.

“Ah.. Sorry sorry.. Hmm.. So how are you?” It’s not something normal siblings would ask but it’s different for our case.

“I’m all good. All of us are.” She said. Her answer was too quick. I gave her my ‘Just Tell Me’ look.

“Ok ok.. Well, here’s the thing. I want to join JYPE’s audition. So, i came over.”

“What?? Absolutely no. Are you out of your mind? Mom and dad would freak!” This is not what i expected. Not from her at least. She’s not the type that would throw away her good grades just to join the entertainment industry. She laugh. Why is everybody laughing at me today?

“Hahaha... You fall for that.” What does this means? This is so frustrating. So she’s not doing that audition thing?. Just then, the waiter came over with our order. Two mocha blended, a piece of chocolate cake and a piece of cheese cake with two little spoon with it. I thank the waiter and continue my focus on my sister.

“What do you mean?”

“I was just joking. I actually have several reasons for my visit. One of it is for studies. I was thinking to check out your university. Maybe thinking to join you.” She gave me her perfect smile.

“What? In what department?” She’s thinking to join me here? I need to get her away from people constantly. Like back then.

It was on break time. Like every other break time, Tayeon sits with me and I would read my book or revise for the next class. Even her friends joins our table. To them, i’m like their big brother. Their protector. Break time is also the time where Tayeon gets pleas from guys to be their girlfriend.

“Taecyeon? Can I get your sister’s number?” One guy said to me.

“Taecyeon? Can I date her?” Another one.

“Does she has a boyfriend?” This is really pissing me off.

“Taec-” That’s it. I’ve had it.

“Will you people just shut up?! Geez man. This is a school. A place where people goes to to study. Not socializing to get girlfriends or boyfriends. If you want to socialize so much, go through the proper channel. Study hard and be a Public Relations officer or something. Instead of harassing me and my sister, why don’t you use your time to study for it. In that way, you guys won’t flunk your exams and be a better use to the society. You boys especially. Stop focusing yourself to be the next Casanova and start thinking the way of the great Einstein.” I close my book and glare at them. The bell rings. With that, one chapter of break time is done. As for the future, it is still a ‘mystery’.

Few years has pass and I doubt that my sister’s effect on men had change.

“I was thinking..English? Music?” She’s guessing on her future? I roll my eyes, disapproving on her guessing action.

“If you’re guessing on it, then forget about it.” I sound harsh but I just want the best for her. She is my sister after all. She nods.

“I understand oppa. You’re just worried. But, it’s just that if I could, I would take them all.” Sounding so excited about studies again. This is the little sister that I know.

“It’s good that you’re enthusiastic about studies but you can’t do them all.” I told her, taking a sip of my drink.

“Hmm.. You’re right. It’ll be good if I could be certain on what I want. Lately, I’m just all over the place. How about you help me with it?“

“I guess i could do some psychological test.” Taking the a piece of the cheese cake.

“Great! Then I’ll stay with you this few days.” She said happily.

“Wait. Don’t you have school or something?”

“Nope. We’re on breaks. Oh, and i told mom and dad about my stay over.” Spending time with your sister. It’s a good thing. I don’t get to see her much after everything.

“And there’s another thing.” She’s all serious now.

“What is it?”

“Dad asked me to remind you about your promise.”

“I know.. I won’t miss it for the world. Even when Earth is hit by the meteor or the gravity is gone. I would crawl, fly or swim my way to it.” You told her with a ‘determined’ look. She giggles at you.

“Oppa... If dad hears that, he’ll kill you.” She laughs out.

“Ek? No no no. I was just kidding.” I laugh along.

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saludlang #1
cute story!!
Awwww Taec and hiz Sis Tay... It makez mii wizh that I have a brother like that... he totally lovez her... and she sooo Lookz up to him... even thou he is very protective... but thatz watz so cute about their relationship... but wat are they talking bout at the end... ???
Sorry, catching up on reading here lol I is a bad Synth reader...
LOL Wednesday Club XD
Ohhh juzt pecking to see if there iz a update... NO... I'll Wait!!!
Omg Big Bang!!! Seungri<33 Sorry, I just had to say that.<br />
It's very interesting how everyone knows about everyone's "groups"<br />
And I have to agree with KING24 with the Sung Jin and Junsu thing.
Awww... Ending with TaeYang huh... ???... NiCeee... Hahahah Yezzz WooYoungie is such a big kid... Awww So Cute... and Hahahahaha NiCeeee... Once again... SungJin and JunSu... I Love their conflict... it's sooooo entertaining... but owww Jinnie... developing on cruzh one Khunnie Oppa... ???... and Damn Renn... You seem to have guyz left and right liking you... and Once again... YooJin seemz unlucky... hahahaha Poor YooJin... it'll be okay
Ooooooh I like that name...Renn XDDD
Renn and Junsu hmm xD.<br />
But a six hour glass o.o, thats long.<br />
Love your updates, keep it up ^^