Chapter 6


Lab ended earlier, thank god. Honestly, as much as I love labs, I loved fresh air more, and after checking my watch, I was right on schedule to meet up with the guys for lunch, so I made my way over to the cafeteria. As soon as I arrived, I immediately spotted the four other people that I spent more than enough time with. Approaching them, I could hear some of the conversation topics circling around within the group.

“Hey! I did pretty good!”

“It doesn’t take three tries to cook eggs properly, Woo, especially when it was scrambled...”

“Hyung, you’re so mean to me- Oh hey, Jinnie!” Wooyoung-oppa had finally decided to acknowledgement my presence, which was sufficient enough for me, personally. He made a comment last year about how I had less ‘presence’ than he did because I was shorter...which I quickly reprimanded, in a more...physical manner.

“Hi guys,” I greeted them all, standing beside Khun-oppa...sigh. The man was...well, what wasn’t he?

“Hi noona~” I heard Seung-Joon, Yoo-Jin’s younger brother, from across the table. He was a freshman here, still as an undecided major, and since I could empathize with him through all the stress that one goes through in college life, I helped him out as much as I could, in the same manner as any of these people, really. They were like my close family...except on a much weirder scale.

“Hey Jin,” Nichkhun-oppa’s dream-like voice said to me which I found myself being drawn to...more than I should have, “Hey, are you okay?” he waved his hand in front of my face. Apparently I had been staring at him for far too long considering I could hear the not so subtle snickers from the other three in the background.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Oppa. Just hungry, that’s all...” I trailed off, knowing that I had just made a complete and utter fool of myself using the lamest excuse in the world, and my mental declaration had been supported by the others laughing at me.

“Why are you guys laughing?” I wanted to smack Oppa’s head for being so oblivious, but then again, why would I do that? I felt so hypocritical. “Anyway, what do you want to eat, Jin?”


“Tell me what you want. My treat,” he smiled at me, his eyes so soft and gentle. Damn the man for making me feel so vulnerable.

“Oh, that’s okay, oppa...” I trailed off.

“You sure?” I nodded. “Well I think you still need to eat,” Nichkhun-oppa stood up, placing his hands on both my shoulders while smiling at me once more, “Just wait here then, I’ll go get you something,” and with that he headed towards the long line of assorted foods while I was left there, practically frozen in place.

“Noona, you are so-”

“Shut up!” Yoo-Jin scolded her younger brother as she turned to me with rather dreamy eyes, “Oh, Jin, you are so lucky, you know that?” she sighed, still remaining in her dream-like state, “I wish someone would do that for me~”

“I’m here for you, Yoo-Jin~”

“Ew, go away, Wooyoung.”

I laughed at her rejection, though I guess I would have considered Wooyoung-oppa as my saviour for that moment, since he did direct the attention spans of the others towards him, and specifically, away from me.

“Noona, you’re so love struck.”

And I spoke too soon... I disregarded the comment, acting as if I wasn’t affected at all because obviously, that was probably the only way that would preserve what little of my dignity I had left. With that being said, I sat down on the chair beside where Nichkhun-oppa had, surveying the rest of my surroundings and looking at the other people present in the rather packed cafeteria.

It was...crowded. Not that I was really claustrophobic or anything, but honestly, I needed to show some of these people how to give some personal space. There was a random group of jocks and cheerleaders at the back corner they had seemingly claimed for themselves. Aside from their rather randomly placed positions, two sitting on top of the table, their posteriors rather close to some of the others’ plates full of food, the girls in their more than skimpy outfits had placed themselves in between their legs and some were in heated make-out sessions inappropriate for virtually any scenario really. It looked...ferocious, like they were fighting to see who would eat the other’s face first. Only God knew why their faces weren’t completely drenched in saliva, it didn’t seem remotely possible, but I suppose it was like the trimolecular step of a reaction. Possible, just not likely.

At another table nearer to ours, a tight group of four music majors temporarily resided. How did I know they were music majors, aside from the fact that I had seen them numerous occasions beforehand? They did not have their instruments that consisted of two violins, a viola, and one cello, out as they usually did when playing together as a quartet. I noticed because of the table being decorated in an almost Holiday-like fashion (random, yet still somewhat pleasing to the eye) with music scores, pencils, and metronomes. Oh right, let’s not forget the partially eaten sandwiches that laid on top of those as well. They were ardently working on some new composition, at least that was what I could confirm from the furious writing and erasing on the blank lines of staff paper. One, which I recalled his name being Taeyang (or at least that’s what people referred to him as), mohawk and all, had his signature serious (constipated) face on as he looked down at the music score in front of him, fingers tapping against the table as if it were a piano, I’m guessing to help with positions, but I didn’t really know all that much about music. The two other younger people, which I couldn’t recall the names of were laughing at something as they talked amongst themselves, though I’m pretty sure it was music related as well since I heard the terms sharp and flat in the midst of their stuttered speech.

And of course, there was the Wednesday Club opposite of us a little ways from the entrance. Why they were called the Wednesday Club, I had no clue, but I’m pretty sure it pertained to Wednesday, as if that wasn’t an obvious indicator. The group consisted of 8 people, half of which I knew, half which I didn’t. I saw Park Jaebeom, who preferred to be called Jay, slouched back in his small chair rather lazily while talking with Renn (I still didn’t know her full name). Across from them sat four other men and two girls as well, but from the remainder of bodies, I only knew two of them, and one of them I absolutely despised. Kim Junsu, probably the one bane of my existence, except for when he wasn’t. Beside him sat his fellow Bio major, Lee Junho. Those two along with Renn made the Bio Trio of the group with Junsu apparently being the most competent. Ugh, I hated him. Suddenly, he looked my way, our eyes making contact for the slightest moment, and  this sudden urge over came me. I wanted to punch his face in, and I didn’t even know why, it wasn’t as if he was looking at me in a weird way or anything.

“Here you go, Jin~” I heard oppa’s voice from behind as a tray of food came overhead, being placed properly in front of me. “Got all your favourites,” and he sat down next to me once more, smiling.

“You didn’t have to...” I trailed off, “Plus, I don’t think I’ll be able to finish all of this.”

“I’ll help with that!” Wooyoung-oppa shouted from across the table.

“On second thought, I’m suddenly very hungry.”

“You all are so mean to me!”


As soon as I heard that familiar male voice that belonged to Wooyoung, I looked up to see what was going on. I found Wooyoung, the big kid in an adult’s body, the same person that had requested my dongsaeng and my participation in vocalizations for his next production, pouting with his bottom lip stuck out to horribly dangerous extents. I then looked over across from him, seeing the only girl that ever caught my attention laughing slightly with her hand over . I’ll admit, I was enamoured by her, but of course, I’d never say it out loud. Just them, the man beside her brushed his hand on her cheek, and I swear I could see the the slight shade of pink form on her cheeks. I found myself glaring at the scene practically involuntarily (or at least that’s how I wanted to think of it as). What was so good about that guy anyway?

“Hyung, something wrong?”

I snapped out of my trance as I looked to my side, finding Seung Ri looking at me with a worried look. “Nah, just thinking.”

And with that, I, once again, focused on the piano music in front of me. Had a performance coming up.

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saludlang #1
cute story!!
Awwww Taec and hiz Sis Tay... It makez mii wizh that I have a brother like that... he totally lovez her... and she sooo Lookz up to him... even thou he is very protective... but thatz watz so cute about their relationship... but wat are they talking bout at the end... ???
Sorry, catching up on reading here lol I is a bad Synth reader...
LOL Wednesday Club XD
Ohhh juzt pecking to see if there iz a update... NO... I'll Wait!!!
Omg Big Bang!!! Seungri<33 Sorry, I just had to say that.<br />
It's very interesting how everyone knows about everyone's "groups"<br />
And I have to agree with KING24 with the Sung Jin and Junsu thing.
Awww... Ending with TaeYang huh... ???... NiCeee... Hahahah Yezzz WooYoungie is such a big kid... Awww So Cute... and Hahahahaha NiCeeee... Once again... SungJin and JunSu... I Love their conflict... it's sooooo entertaining... but owww Jinnie... developing on cruzh one Khunnie Oppa... ???... and Damn Renn... You seem to have guyz left and right liking you... and Once again... YooJin seemz unlucky... hahahaha Poor YooJin... it'll be okay
Ooooooh I like that name...Renn XDDD
Renn and Junsu hmm xD.<br />
But a six hour glass o.o, thats long.<br />
Love your updates, keep it up ^^