Chapter 3



“That’s about it ladies and gentlemen. On Wednesday, we’ll go to the next topic, the wave-particle duality and uncertainty principles. And please, do read about it before entering the class.” With that Professor Jung ended his lecture.

Class was intense lately. Photons is not a topic that you can forget and shove aside. Sure it’s just an elementary particle, but is it also the quantum of electromagnetic interaction, the basic unit of light and all other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Thus, proving that it should never be taken so lightly. Mentally and physically exhausted, I made my way to the university’s cafeteria.  At the counter, I asked for a Coke, and after the lady handed the cold tin of Coke, I thanked the lady and paid for my drink.

“Hyung!” From afar, I heard Chansung already detect me, waving at me furiously while his mouth is clearly stuffed by whatever he was eating at the moment- Chansung and food are inseparable. Eventually, I made  my way to the guy with all the childlike wonder.

“Hey...don’t you have class?” I asked him, taking the seat across him and placing my bag on the empty seat beside me.

“Mine finished half an hour ago. Next would be Literature, Then Drama practice after that. Busy busy. So now I’m taking a quick lunch before my class starts.” The man stuffed his mouth with the next scoop of spaghetti bolognese.

“I never thought that being in an English major would have so much work. Drama? What for?” I asked him, taking a sip of my drink.

“Hello~ It’s almost summer? So..?” Chansung said as he was doing the hand thing to me as if I am a kid that don’t know what he was saying.

“Summer drama?” Still clueless. Well, who could blame me. Art was never my forte.

“Mhmm.” I’m sure it wasn’t it. It sounded a bit off. Chansung just responded that way cause he was still stuffing his food into his mouth.

“Really? But if you’re so busy, why is it that I always manage to bump into you?” Chansung chewed faster, as if he had a perfect answer for it. He swallow the remaining bit then took a sip of his drink which appeared to be a banana milk before answering me.

“I don’t know. Is it fate? Brotherly bond? Or love? Ah love.. Oh Romeo Romeo.. Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I’ll no longer be a Capulet..” Chansung was really nuts. I looked at this man who was sitting across me, reciting a quote which was obviously from Romeo and Juliet. I now questioned myself. Are English majors emotionally and mentally unstable?

“Aish.. I think I’m getting a headache.”

“There, there hyung. I’ll take care of you.” Chansung said, flashing his eyelashes at me. I got up and smacked his head.

“Ouch hyung.” Chansung cried out. I sighed and slung my bag over my shoulder, an indication that I was leaving. A few more seconds spent with this kid and it’ll be the end of my sanity.

“Don’t leave me..” Chansung pleaded with a dramatic tone.

“Crazy.” Was all I could say about my friend.

“Hyung, I was just kidding. Promise I’ll stay quiet.” The guy did sound sincere, but there was somewhere that I had to go to. It was already 1pm.

“Sorry Chansung. I have some matters to attend to so I have to. See ya later.” I kept walking and raised my hand as a farewell gesture to Chansung.  

I reached my destination at last. An air conditioned place which was filled with people from all walks of life. The place crowded during lunch time since the food there was indeed mouth watering. I made my way to the door that had a sign that said ‘Staff Only’. I opened the door and walked into the room.

“Hey Taec. Our shift is nearly up. What took you so long?” The man said as he buttoned his uniform.

“Hi. Sorry, I was caught up with something.”

The both of us got out from the staff room to start our shift. Changmin, the guy from before, was working at the fryer today. While I, on the other hand, was on the counter.

Changmin was a good friend of mine. We met when both of us were having the interview. From then on, we became friends.

“Hi miss, what can I get you?” I asked, having my fake smile plastered on my face. A year plus on the job gave me enough practice to perfect it. I suppose people would call it my poker face. It’s nothing to it. I figured it was the best expression to use. I can’t go gloomy because it would get me in trouble, so the fake smile was the best choice. This job wasn’t something I wanted to do in the first place. I applied for it for her sake. Come to think of it, back then, everything that I do was all for her.

But that was the past and this is the present...

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saludlang #1
cute story!!
Awwww Taec and hiz Sis Tay... It makez mii wizh that I have a brother like that... he totally lovez her... and she sooo Lookz up to him... even thou he is very protective... but thatz watz so cute about their relationship... but wat are they talking bout at the end... ???
Sorry, catching up on reading here lol I is a bad Synth reader...
LOL Wednesday Club XD
Ohhh juzt pecking to see if there iz a update... NO... I'll Wait!!!
Omg Big Bang!!! Seungri<33 Sorry, I just had to say that.<br />
It's very interesting how everyone knows about everyone's "groups"<br />
And I have to agree with KING24 with the Sung Jin and Junsu thing.
Awww... Ending with TaeYang huh... ???... NiCeee... Hahahah Yezzz WooYoungie is such a big kid... Awww So Cute... and Hahahahaha NiCeeee... Once again... SungJin and JunSu... I Love their conflict... it's sooooo entertaining... but owww Jinnie... developing on cruzh one Khunnie Oppa... ???... and Damn Renn... You seem to have guyz left and right liking you... and Once again... YooJin seemz unlucky... hahahaha Poor YooJin... it'll be okay
Ooooooh I like that name...Renn XDDD
Renn and Junsu hmm xD.<br />
But a six hour glass o.o, thats long.<br />
Love your updates, keep it up ^^