Ji A likes who?

Girls Absolute Perfect -GAP-

It have been two weeks since their debut, the girl's schedule was packed. Miki had been named as the new face of Jet skii's Seadoo race girl, while Ji Ae, Hera and Yeol Jeong became the new model for Etude house. Maknae Rian and Yoonjae busy with appearing on variety shows. They only gathers as G.A.P for dinner, but sometimes Ji A and Yeol Jeong skips dinner just to increases their sleep time. But on the second week after their debut, they were called in to their practices room by their manager. When they were there, B.A.P was also there. Everyone looked confused, no sign of the manager yet though.

"oppa, whats going on here?" Ji A asks Yong Guk who was also about to asks, but he lifted his shoulders and shook his head. 

"ahh bwoya?! i've got to shoot for a cf in an hour, and manager oppa still isn't here!" Miki whined, Rian shot her a glare. 

"no need to do that. Its been postponed" they were startled by the sudden appearance of their manager.

"what do you mean postponed?!" Miki asks, clinging to Manager's shoulder. He looked annoyed.

"We got a call from SBS....they want you guys to appear on Strongheart and Running Man...and the shoot will start in three hours" He said giving them the 'who's your daddy' looked, but we easily ignored him and looked at eachother.

"what do we have to do with these?" Daehyun speak up, which they forgot that the boys were even there.

"oh...yeah...CEO-nim sad you guys better clean up your dorm before he sees the electric bills" he said, the boys looked at him in disbelief.

"you called us to tell us that?" Zelo asks with his clear eyes. Manager oppa slightly nodded his head.

"so...whos going which?" Yeol Jeong asks, finally sitting on the couch.

"Ji Ae, Nuri,Miki...you guys do the strongheart and get ready some hot story to tell and not to risky" he said pointing at the girls.

"so...Rian, Jaeri and Hera...you gus do the Running Man." he finishes, Rian pretend to collapsed on Jaeri.

"i'm not good at running~" Rian said playing with Jaeri's hair.

"we better get ready then right?" Jaeri said clasping her hands together.

"eonni...are you going to tell them about your sporty past?" Nuri asks Miki.

"i may...but i think its too risky for my family...but i'll think about it" Miki let out a sigh, then turned to the leader.

"its a secret...." Ji A said with a smirk, they never seen her smirk. 

"ok..you girls think about it and i'll be...well managing!" the manager oppa left with his stupid laugh. 

"why do we have to run!~" Rian shot up whining, Rian never whined. Shes the most mature.

"well its better for you to since you eat the most...country-" Rian shot Hera a glare before she could finishes her sentences.

An hour they spent thinking what to tell Strongheart while Jaeri and Hera do some stretches. Rian groaned out of boredom. Ji Ae gave up, and joined Rian's lazy corner on the floor, Nuri laughs at the leader's adorable laziness.

"we're so bored!" Rian and Ji Ae said in unison, they look at eachother. Jaeri sighs.

"why don't you guys go and play with Yonguk oppa and Zelo?" Jaeri suggests.

"why would we??" Ji Ae asks with her face buried in her hair.

"oh come on... we know you liked Yonguk oppa." says Hera with her expressionless stare, Ji Ae shot up, face redden.

"i do not!" Ji Ae shouted, Rian sat up and watch.

"then why are you blushing?" Miki joins in the teasing, Ji Ae looks at her reflection in the mirror.

"thi..this...its hot ok!" Ji Ae said defending herself.

"i saw you texting with Yonguk oppa all the time when we shoot our cf" Jaeri says, raising her eyebrows.

"y-yah...we're leaders and since he knows better...so i asked him..advice" Ji Ae said not giving up.

"right...'oppa, did you eat? are you busy? i'm tired with all the shoots'" Jaeri says, remembering the lines from Ji Ae texts, Ji Ae began to turn red even more.

"arrasso! i like him so what?! its not like i'm pretty as you.. everyone likes you!" Ji Ae snaps, and left the room with a loud door bang. Everyone sat frozen.

"did i went too far?"Hera asks, feeling abit guilty. The other nods lightly. Hera sighs.

"i'll go apologizes.." Miki grab Hera's hand.

"that'll make her more embarrassed...but you will, when she calms down" Miki said, finally sounding like the eldest, Hera nodded and sat down.


Ji Ae was stomping off to nowhere in the hallways, until she accidently bumps into someone.

"y-yah! watch-" when she was about to yell and realizes it was, Song Ji Eun.

"S-sunbae! chosunghamnid! i-i didn't realizes it was you" Ji Ae apologizes and continuesly bowing.

"ahh kenchana...i see that something was bothering you..." Ji Eun said patting Ji Ae's shoulder, Ji Ae smiled.

"so...whats up? you look abit troubled..." Ji Eun asks as she leads Ji Ae to a chair in lobby where the lifts are. 

"well..i'm not troubled but...the members are saying that i like Yonguk oppa.." She said with her voice low as possible, but Ji Eun heard it.

"then...why are you so work up about it? do you like him? i mean...theres nothing wrong to like Yonguk..since he is likeable" Ji Eun said, Ji Ae look up at her and smiled sheepishly.

"i don't know...if i do but, whenever i feel lost..i always end up going to Yonguk." Ji Ae explains. Ji Eun smiled.

"i guess its to early to know..just don't realizes it when its too late. Tell me when you figure it out kay?" Ji Eun winked, that made Ji Ae laughs.

"you'll be the first" Ji Ae said, Ji Eun gave her a light pat on her head.

"your so honest and shy...i wonder why you give other people another impression on you?" Ji Eun asks, that question became Ji Ae's too. Ji Ae wonders why.

"so heres where you girls went" the manager oppa appeared in front of the lift.

"Ji Eun, Hyosung is looking for you and....Ji A, we got half an hour to get ready" We both nodded and went separate ways.



Girls! Yeol Jeong & Miki, pm me what you want to reveal on Strongheart.

Rian,YoonJae & Hera...please pm me who's your favorite RM and What are your strength on RM?

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when will you update this story?
Chapter 14: when will u update this story?
hara ah dear update moreee
wow nuri sure drink alot.. kyaa youngjae so cute
Arah? Haha...
Can't wait for the next update
oh my they just debut but already got proposed to be on variety and cf, cool and hahah jiA n yeol jeong skip dinner just want to sleep hohoo
omo why jiA so 'cepat pns bran?'
Bad Hera!
awww i love it, b.a.p with g.a.p.. aigoo suddntly nuri turn to nice unnie hahhaha
WAAAH! I love it 8D