Chapter 7 - Kwon Jiyong

✩ What Goes Around, Comes Around


I dedicate this following chapter to  KSTARlovesKJIYONG  ! Because she always amuses me with her "chapter prophecies" xD Thanks girl for always talking to me about my story~! It keeps me entertained! :) And yes, you'll find out which side of Seunghyun is Jiyong from :P



Third Person Point of View

Jiyong walked out of the schoolhouse, his arm around his girlfriend, Hyerin. It felt like such a long day, and all he wanted to do was get the hell out of there and take a nap at home.

“Oppa,” Hyerin cooed, clutching his arm tightly, “let’s go to my place and… ‘have fun’.”

“Not today. I’m too tired.” Jiyong declined. The couple walked out of the building, until Jiyong suddenly stopped in his steps. He turned to Hyerin. “Wait for me in my car. I forgot something inside.”

Hyerin obeyed and walked off to Jiyong’s car parked at the student parking lots. When he saw that she wasn’t in eyesight, Jiyong approached the tall boy who leaned casually against a shiny, black sportscar.

“What are you doing here?” Jiyong asked as calmly as he could. He could feel his cheeks burn with anger. Seunghyun was holding Eunji’s pink backpack. Jiyong missed carrying that little bag whenever he walked her home.

“I came here to pick Eunji up because we’re going out.” Seunghyun replied. “It’s been awhile since I’ve last spoken to you. How are you?”

Jiyong looked at Seunghyun. What was he trying to imply? Just because he was now interested in his ex, he could be all ‘buddy-buddy’ with him? Before he could reply, Eunji’s soft voice spoke.


Jiyong’s heart skipped a bit, and he turned around to see her. Her eyes were so innocent. He missed the way she would always look at him and the way her eyes widened in curiosity. Jiyong looked back at Seunghyun, and nodded at him. “I’ll see you later.”

He didn’t say another word or waited for Seunghyun to reply before he walked away.

“She thinks she’ll be so happy with him,” Jiyong muttered angrily under his breath. “Who does she think she’s screwing with?”

Jiyong immediately got in his car, not speaking to or acknowledging Hyerin. He started his engine, ever ready to get the hell out of there.

“Ji oppa, are you okay?” Hyerin asked when she got inside his car. She tried to brush his bangs away from his eyes, but he harshly shoved her hand away and punched his steering wheel. Hyerin watched in fear as the anger inside Jiyong emerged right before her.

“That’s so typical of him. Coming by so carelessly and taking whatever he wants from everyone. That selfish piece of .” Jiyong spat. In anger, he drove quickly away. Hyerin quickly buckled herself in, seeing that Jiyong was driving way past the speed limit.

“Ji, calm down.” Hyerin spoke, her voice quavering in fear. “Don’t drive when you’re mad.”

Jiyong didn’t reply. He just glowered ahead, too angry to speak to his girlfriend. When he finally reached Hyerin’s house, Hyerin sighed in relief, glad that she made it to her place alive. Before getting out she reminded Jiyong to take it easy.

“I don’t want to get a phone call tonight that my boyfriend is in the hospital,” she said. “I’ll talk to you later.”

Jiyong was totally pissed off. Never in his life had he wanted to violently maim or strangle anyone as much as he did now. Hoping to loosen up a bit, he pulled out his phone from his bag, and began to call up one of his bestfriends.

“Yeobasaeyo?” The person on the other line answered.

“Yah, Seungri, let’s go drink!”

“Geez… Don’t have to yell.” Seungri complained. “It’s too early anyway. Didn’t you just come out of school?”

“I don’t care, let’s get drunk.” Jiyong said.

Seungri stayed silent for awhile, and then finally spoke. “Where are you? Let me just go where you are and I’ll take you out to eat. Better than getting drunk at this hour, don’t you think?”

Jiyong didn’t want to eat. He wanted to beat the living out of Seunghyun and food can be no substitute. However, Seungri did have a point. It was indeed too early to make any mistakes; that should be settled late at night. Thus, Jiyong agreed to meet Seungri at a nearby pier where they he and Eunji usually went to when they were dating.


It was moderately cold as the wind blew against Jiyong. He leaned against the handrail of the pier’s boardwalk, waiting for Seungri. The location was far too familiar, and also special, to him. Though he hardly made any reference to her, Jiyong did not have the audacity to take his current girlfriend out to the same places he used to take Eunji.

“Ahh… Where is that Seungri??” Jiyong complained, looking around for that familiar smiling face. “If he’s not here soon, I’m gonna beat that Seunghyun up myself.”

Just then, a familiar voice called out, causing Jiyong to sigh in relief. “Hyung!”

“What took you so long? I was going to go commit murder if you didn’t come on time,” Jiyong told Seungri.

Seungri shook his head disapprovingly. “I always wondered where you’d end up if I wasn’t always here to restrain you from strangling anyone to death.”

“Well, let’s go eat or something. I want to keep my mind off this piece of .” Jiyong said, walking away.

Seungri nearly had to run to keep up with his friend. “What happened?”

“The Prince came back,” Jiyong said.

Seungri didn’t understand him at first, but then nodded his head immediately when he found out who Jiyong was referring to. “I thought you no longer talked to Seunghyun.”

“I didn’t, but he somehow found a way to be back in my life.”


“He’s dating Eunji.”

“Oh…” Seungri said, slowly. That was the first time Jiyong mentioned her name out loud. “Are you sure about that? I doubt Eunji is over you yet.”

Jiyong glared at Seungri. “I know what I saw.”

Little Seungri gasped. “They were kissing?”

“No, pabo,” Jiyong said, slapping Seungri at the back of his head. “Right after school today, he picked her up in his sportscar.”

“Well, they could be friends,” Seungri assumed, still rubbing the back of his head.

“I don’t care. That Seunghyun is back to ruin my life all over again.” Jiyong grumbled. “It’s so typical of him, trying to always take what’s mine.”

“You should be flattered that a rich guy like him gets jealous of you.”

“It’s not just him, either. I bet she feels like a princess when she’s with him,” Jiyong scoffed. “I hope she realizes that he’s not the Prince Charming she thinks she is. She’s only fooling herself.”

Seungri felt uneasy as Jiyong said bad things about Eunji. Though he was Jiyong’s best friend, he was still also Eunji’s friend. When they broke up, Seungri blamed himself for the state of both his friends’ relationship. Sometimes he wished he didn’t introduce Eunji to Jiyong. But he wouldn’t have have known that Eunji would break up with Jiyong out of the blue. And how would he have known that Jiyong would be as cold as ice when she apologized for her mistake? His friends were not the same Eunji and Jiyong he introduced to each other two years earlier.

“She’s cute. Who is she?” Jiyong commented, seeing a pretty girl walk into the classroom. Jiyong was fascinated that there were beautiful girls attending that school. Somehow, he was thankful that he didn’t go to the all boys academy twenty minutes away.

“That’s Park Eunji.” Seungri answered. “She’s really nice. Do you want to meet her?”

Jiyong jumped at the opportunity. “Really? Hey, how do I look? Do I look okay?”

Seungri chuckled at his new friend’s excitement. He couldn’t blame him; Eunji was too pretty of a girl to mess with. “You look fine. Come on.”

The two boys got up from their seats and approached Eunji, who was currently sitting by herself reading a book.

“Hi Seungri,” she said, smiling brightly. Jiyong nearly fell to the ground seeing her smile.

“Hi Eunji. I want you to meet my friend, Kwon Jiyong.” Seungri introduced. Eunji had to tilt her head a little to see the shy boy standing behind him. Seungri moved out of the way so she could see him better. “Yah! Hyung, introduce yourself.”

Jiyong waved shyly at Eunji. Throughout most of his experience with girls, not one had made him feel as weak in the knees as Eunji did. “A-annyeong.”

Eunji giggled at Jiyong. “He’s funny.” She offered her hand to shake. “Nice to meet you, Jiyong. I’m Eunji.”

Jiyong took a hold of it, and managed to smile politely. The minute they held on to each other, they didn’t let go. Jiyong stared intently into Eunji’s eyes, and from then on, it was magic.

Noticing the new found chemistry between Eunji and Jiyong, Seungri slipped away, smiling to himself for being a successful matchmaker.


“Aish… Seungri, where are we?!” Jiyong groaned, looking at the rundown restaurant that Seungri was leading him to. “I want to eat, not clean a building. It doesn’t even look like it’s a place to eat! It looks like someone lives there.”

“No, actually, someone lives on the second floor,” Seungri commented dryly. “Don’t worry. You’ll thank me later when you try their famous bibimbap. I always come here to eat my feelings.”

Jiyong raised an eyebrow at Seungri, though he didn’t say another word. Bibimbap sounds like a good alternative for killing his cousin.

Once the boys settled inside the restaurant and ordered their meals, Seungri began to question Jiyong.

“So, I never really understood why you hated your hyung. You never told me.” He said.

Jiyong sighed. “Seunghyun was always the spoiled, rich brat that always got what he always wanted. I hated how people only saw that fake ‘gentleman’ mask he puts on. When that mask is removed, all you see is a bitter, selfish guy who wants to do nothing but take what he doesn’t already have from somebody else.”

“Sounds like he did something bad to you before.”

“He did. That bastard stole my only chance to getting into that prestigious all boys academy. My grades were good and the dean of admissions even praised my personality, but surprisingly I didn’t get it. At first, I thought I wasn’t active enough in extracurricular activities, but it turns out that he stole the slot from me by paying his way into the academy,” Jiyong explained. “He not only paid the admissions office, but also donated to build a new science hall there. He ruined my future by doing that. Now I have to settle for second best. He’s always taking what’s mine.”

“He’s your cousin. Why couldn’t you have talked him out of stealing it from you?”

“It’s true that he’s my cousin, but only because his mother is my mother’s sister. After his mother left, his father severed all ties with family on his mother’s side. It was like we no longer knew each other. He was fine when his mother was still around, but after they divorced, he suddenly evolved into the monster his father was.”

Seungri was surprised as to what Jiyong was telling him. He had seen articles about Seunghyun and most of them praised not only his appearance but also his “righteous attitude towards humanity and education”. When he read those articles, Seungri was convinced that Seunghyun would make a great president of Korea. But now that Jiyong told him his true side, he thought otherwise.

“So, you want to kill him now because he’s with Eunji?” Seungri asked.

Jiyong looked up at Seungri, realizing what he just said. All this time he’s been absentmindedly saying that Seunghyun was taking what was his, but the truth was that he no longer had Eunji. “I don’t want to talk about that.” Jiyong said, crossing his arms.

“She’s no longer yours, so that isn’t something you should be worrying about, is it? You said so yourself before. Remember? You told me that you didn’t care who she was with or what she did, as long as she was out of your life forever.” Seungri reminded him.

He looked at Seungri in shock. Did he really say that? He had to stop his current thoughts for a moment to comprehend what he just said. He, himself, was being a monster by saying awful things about the girl he once loved. For a moment, he felt guilty…

But Jiyong slammed his fist against the table, unexpectedly, causing Seungri to jump. Why was he feeling guilty for bashing his ex? This was the girl that broke his heart, trampled on it, and left him there with no other words to say. The same girl that had broken up with him for no reason. The one that broke promises. The one that got away…

“Hyung, are you okay?” Seungri asked Jiyong with a concerned look on his face. “Did you have a sudden epiphany or something?”

“Yeah… It’s nothing. Sorry about that.” Jiyong said, shaking his head to try to get back down to earth. He looked down and noticed that their food had already arrived.

“Enjoy!” Seungri told him right before he excitedly dug in his food.



It was nearly midnight as Jiyong laid in bed, unable to sleep.

“I hope he dropped her home by now,” Jiyong wondered. “Her mother gets worried easily if she’s not home by 10.”

He started hitting his head. “Pabo! Stop thinking about her! Forget her! It’s pointless to care! She’s nothing to you anymore.”

Trying to get back to reality, he decided to take a walk outside. Though it was deeply late in the evening, Jiyong was used to taking walks out in the cold night. He found it much more fulfilling to just walk off all the anger inside of him. He forgot how this habit started, but he’s been doing it for awhile now.

Turning around the corner, he reached a street he was far too familiar with. His feet dragged him towards no specific direction, but his mind was trying to rack through his memories to find a reason why his own body was bringing him to a street he forgot about. Finally, after passing by several houses, he understood why he was familiar with that certain street.

This was Eunji’s street.

He used to always walk to her house late in the night when he was having trouble sleeping. She would soothe him with her calming words and a cup of tea. It’s been far too long since he last took a walk here, but amazingly his feet remembered the peace this street brought.

Jiyong took a few more steps, reaching a two story house he knew of too well. He looked up at a bedroom window on the second floor, seeing that the lights were off.

“Good,” Jiyong breathed. “She’s asleep.”

But just as he was about to turn back, he heard a noise. He heard a car pull up in front of the house, and then someone getting out. Jiyong hid behind a tree, not wanting to be caught in front of that house.

“Oppa, that was so fun,” a soft, delicate voice said. That same voice then let out a yawn. “I can’t believe you convinced my parents to let me stay out late.”

“It was no problem. As long as I could spend that time with you, it’s worth it.” A deep voice replied.

Jiyong peeked around the tree, trying to see if his estimation of whose voice was whose was correct. He was. Standing by a black sportscar in front of her house were Eunji and his terrible cousin, Seunghyun.

“Thank you for tonight…” Eunji said. She stared up at Seunghyun for a minute, then, surprisingly, she leaned up and placed a kissed him on the cheek. Jiyong’s stomach churned at the sight.

Just as Eunji was about to pull away, Seunghyun gently held her face, and kissed her on the lips.

Animosity began to overflow inside of Jiyong. He clenched his fist as tight as he could and threw a punch at the tree he was hiding behind of.

“What was that?” Eunji jumped and began looking around.

“It’s nothing,” Seunghyun said calmly. “Eunji, have a good night, okay?” He then kissed her one more time on the forehead.

“Good night, oppa.” She replied, gently, and then walked up the steps inside her home.

Hearing the car drive away, Jiyong bit his knuckles to try to stop him from screaming out loud in anger. Angry as a bull, he sped off back to his place. Once he got home, he didn’t stop to rest as he grabbed his car keys and drove off.




A/N: Hope you like this really long chapter dedicated to Jiyong (finally). I miss writing about Ji T_T I think I've had too much TOP fever that I almost forgot about him! Haha. So, what do you think? Is Jiyong not over Eunji yet? Or is he still holding a grudge against her since he keeps saying bad things about her? Tell me about it :)

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Wow! Ah, sorry! This is my first comment.. keke But I only read your foreword before and I wasn't able to continue 'cause I had something to do.. I actually forgot I was in the middle of reading a story, but now, I stumbled back into this through my subscriptions and I want you to update~ keke I found this through lemonswirls. It's really awesome what you do there.^^ <br />
Hwaiting to lemonswirls and hwaiting to this story!
joy2daworld365 #2
hahah i love this<333 please keep continuing
hmm... how about jiyong and eunji getting back together officially, while having some problems from jiyong's girlfriend... then seunghyun tries to do things on his own, but later asks his cousin for help and tells him everything. THEN COUNSINS POWER!! lol. i don't know. this seems lame. haha. xP<br />
love this story anyways!! =D
woah.. sry for taking so long to read and comment though i've subscribed for a while now... <br />
wow... read the first few chapters and i'm in love! <33<br />
ahaha.. but i have to go sleep now.. good thing work ends early tmr so i can come back and read! ^-^
EunhaeLove #5
I love this. Update soon^^
T^T its been such a long time since you've updated!!!!!!!!!
Wow your fic is so nice its so addicting to read robl. Anway can't wait for your next chapter ^^.<br />
xIntellectualBadass #8
Wow , it's been long since you've updated .. Like way long .. PLEASE UPDATE SOON ! It's a really good story !
OMG, Please update~! ='(