Chapter 3 - Choi Seung Hyun

✩ What Goes Around, Comes Around


 The girls wanted to cheer me up even more, so when the weekend came by, they all took me out to have a little fun. They brought me out to dinner, which I thought was very nice of them. To be honest, I thought I wasn’t going to have a great time, but turns out that I did. For a moment, all I cared about was just regaining all the connection I lost with my friends after devoting all my attention to Jiyong when I was still with him. It was all just girl talk while we waited for our food to come, until Sooyeon got up from our table to make a call outside.

Minyoung and I were chitchatting casually until Jiyong and his girlfriend walked inside the restaurant. Unluckily for me, my seat was facing the entrance when they came in, so I was the first to notice them.

I was listening to Minyoung talk, but once I saw them, the smile on my face quickly wiped away. Noticing my sudden change in mood, Minyoung turned around to see what made me so disappointed.

“That witch…” Minyoung mumbled. “I have a feeling she’s not just here on a date with Jiyong. I think she heard us making plans to come here.”

Minyoung was right. Jiyong never liked taking girls out to a restaurant. He was the unique type who always thought of different ideas for dates. He always told me that taking a girl out to dinner was just too “traditional”, and we all know how creative Jiyong can get…

His new girlfriend must have done something seriously worth it (and that’s when I suddenly wondered if he still had his ity!) in order to get Jiyong to take her out on a dinner date. I hate to admit it, but Jiyong looked really attractive that night. It made me feel even worse that he no longer was with me. The way he walked inside the restaurant with so much pomp and swagger made me wish I was the girl his hand was holding, and not that princess who was now with him.

I looked down on my plate when Jiyong was about to turn his head and face us. I was already having a great time. I really didn’t want him and his girlfriend to spoil it. But it turned out that that was probably one of the reasons why they even came to dinner here. His girlfriend chose to sit one table away from us, directly where I can see them easily. I hated Jiyong for not even trying to make her move somewhere else. It was like their only motive was to make me feel jealous.

“We can just go somewhere else, if you want.” Minyoung said, seeing my discomfort.

I managed to smile. “No, it’s fine. It’ll be just like they’re not even there.”

Minyoung nodded, though she still wasn’t convinced that everything was fine.

Sooyeon finally came back inside, except she wasn’t alone this time. I noticed that she brought a friend with her. At first, I didn’t know who he was, but as they came closer to our table, I remembered where I’ve seen him before. Sooyeon showed me a group picture of her, her friend, and her brother. She told me that he was her brother’s childhood best friend and I remembered mentioning to her that he was really good looking. He was so much taller than Jiyong, and although he had dark eyes, when he smiled, you can’t help but smile back.

“Hey guys, I’d like to introduce you to Seunghyun.” Sooyeon said once she reached our table.

Seunghyun smiled and waved at us. Sooyeon motioned to him to sit at the empty seat next to me, and I automatically knew where this was going. Initially, I’d act like how I was when Sooyeon and Minyoung tried to hook me up with those three guys from our school, but Seunghyun seemed so charismatic that I just couldn’t pass up this opportunity to get to know him.

“Sooyeon has told me a lot about you.” Seunghyun said to me, once he took a seat. His smile was simply irresistible.

“Oh, well, there isn’t really anything interesting about me.” I replied.

“No, I thought you sounded very interesting. I wanted to meet you.” Seunghyun said, making me blush. I was surprised to feel my cheeks go red. No one could make me feel that way other than Jiyong. Sooyeon really knew the type of guys that could win me over.

“So, Seunghyun,” Minyoung chimed in, saving me from blushing to death. “Do you go to another school? I can’t say that I’ve seen you around our campus before.”

Seunghyun nodded. “Yeah, I go to the school twenty minutes from yours.”

“Oh, you go to that all boys academy? Isn’t it hard to get accepted into such a school?” I asked.

Sooyeon answered for Seunghyun. “With his family’s money and his father’s influence, Seunghyun can go to any school.”

Minyoung and I looked at each other so surprised. Seunghyun chuckled softly. “Of course, my grades had something to do with it, too.”

I don’t know where Sooyeon and her brother find their friends, but Seunghyun was certainly one of a kind. Though Seunghyun certainly intrigued me, I couldn’t help but look over at Jiyong’s table. It was much harder to move on from him if he’s everywhere I am.

“Oppa, tell Eunji about your trip to France last week,” Sooyeon urged Seunghyun.

“I’d rather not. She might get bored hearing about it,” Seunghyun refused.

I shook my head quickly. “I would love to hear about it.” Sooyeon knew perfectly well about my dream and fascination about visit the country of France one day. “Were you there on vacation?”

“Partly. I went there to visit my mother, who lives in Paris. She’s a model, so I don’t get to see her very much.” Seunghyun explained.

“She doesn’t live here in Korea?” I asked.

“No, right after my parents divorced, I went to live with my dad while my mom pursued her career as a model elsewhere.”

“Oh, so it must be hard living away from your umma.”

“Not exactly. We still talk when we have the time, but I’m used to her absence. Prior to their divorce, my mother wasn’t always around because of her career, so the toll of the divorce wasn’t as hard on me as I thought.”

“Wow…” Minyoung swooned. “You’ve got a strong heart.”

Seunghyun laughed again. “It’s nothing.”

I couldn’t help but think that Seunghyun had similar personalities with Jiyong. Even if they were rich or influential, both of them were easily shy when it comes to being flattered. Humility was one of the things I admired in Jiyong.

“Ahh... Oppa!” I heard a girl giggle out loud. We all turned to see Jiyong tickling his girlfriend, which made my stomach churn.

“This is a restaurant, not a playground.” Sooyeon shook her head disapprovingly at the couple.

Our food finally came, and we proceeded with eating our dinner. During dinner, Seunghyun and I started having a good conversation, making our newfound friendship even more comfortable. At first glance, you’d think he was uptight and classy, but in all honesty, he really was just a down to earth type of guy who could be very silly. I don’t know how many times he made me laugh out loud.

Just as we were about to get up from our table to leave, Seunghyun asked me if I wanted to go hang out some more.

“Look, it’s only 8 pm. We can go get some ice cream. I know a really good place,” Seunghyun persuaded.

I looked over at Sooyeon, who was smiling like an idiot at me. I then looked over at Jiyong…

My heart jumped to see that he was looking right at us. He looked at Seunghyun and me sitting together, making my mind run with a thousand and one theories in my head of why he was looking at us and what he was thinking.

“Alright, sure.” I smiled at Seunghyun. “It’s too early to go home anyway.”

Sooyeon spoke. “Great. Well, we’ll just leave you two alone! Hope you have a good time! Bye Eunji, come on Minyoung.”

“What? We’re not following?” Minyoung asked, as Sooyeon pulled her to go.

Sooyeon gave her a look, instantly causing Minyoung to understand. “Bye guys! Nice to meet you Seunghyun.” Minyoung said, following Sooyeon out of the restaurant.

Seunghyun chuckled. “Ah, that Sooyeon…”

Seunghyun got up and held up my coat for me, and offered to hold my purse. I smiled gratefully as we walked out together. Though I smiled at his gentlemanly gesture, I couldn’t help but also smile for another reason.

I could totally sense the jealousy welling up in Jiyong’s eyes as he watched Seunghyun and I go out together.


A/N New chapter where TOP is finally  revealed! :) I hope those who love TOP will love him here, but I'd just like to remind you guys that Jiyong still is the main character, so I hope TOP's charm won't pull you away from Jiyong too much. :P Yes, Seunghyun is a badass rich kid, so some facts about Jiyong and Seunghyun will be changed (like the fact that TOP's umma is a model, lol). Also, I hope you guys watch the new trailer that I made especially for this fic. In my opinion, I think it , and I'll probably do a better one (if I can find better clips of GD other than the overused 'Haru Haru' and 'Lies' videos -_-). But just tell me what you think of it! Watch it now!! And thanks for reading you guys! Wow, only the third chappie and already 12 subscribers! Happpyyy :D

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Wow! Ah, sorry! This is my first comment.. keke But I only read your foreword before and I wasn't able to continue 'cause I had something to do.. I actually forgot I was in the middle of reading a story, but now, I stumbled back into this through my subscriptions and I want you to update~ keke I found this through lemonswirls. It's really awesome what you do there.^^ <br />
Hwaiting to lemonswirls and hwaiting to this story!
joy2daworld365 #2
hahah i love this<333 please keep continuing
hmm... how about jiyong and eunji getting back together officially, while having some problems from jiyong's girlfriend... then seunghyun tries to do things on his own, but later asks his cousin for help and tells him everything. THEN COUNSINS POWER!! lol. i don't know. this seems lame. haha. xP<br />
love this story anyways!! =D
woah.. sry for taking so long to read and comment though i've subscribed for a while now... <br />
wow... read the first few chapters and i'm in love! <33<br />
ahaha.. but i have to go sleep now.. good thing work ends early tmr so i can come back and read! ^-^
EunhaeLove #5
I love this. Update soon^^
T^T its been such a long time since you've updated!!!!!!!!!
Wow your fic is so nice its so addicting to read robl. Anway can't wait for your next chapter ^^.<br />
xIntellectualBadass #8
Wow , it's been long since you've updated .. Like way long .. PLEASE UPDATE SOON ! It's a really good story !
OMG, Please update~! ='(