Chapter 15 - Late Night Conversations

✩ What Goes Around, Comes Around


“I’ve never met anyone so beautiful in my life. You are so – ”

“Oh, Jiyong, stop it!” Eun Ji giggled.

“Do that again.”

“Do what?”

“That… that giggling. It’s cute.” Jiyong replied.

Though they were only talking on the phone, Eun Ji covered her blushing cheeks.

“I told you to stop!” She whined, causing Jiyong to chuckle over the phone.

Jagiya, you never fail to amuse me.”

Eun Ji and Jiyong remained silent for a few minutes, as both stayed on the line yet was actually busy with something else. Eun Ji, though holding the phone receiver, was doing her math homework. Jiyong, on the other hand, was using his computer.

After a few minutes, Jiyong shut down his computer and finally spoke to his girlfriend.

“Eun Ji, wait for me.”

Her mind preoccupied with solving her sine and cosines, she did not hear him.

“Wait for me,” repeated Jiyong, a little louder this time.

“Mwoh?” She asked suddenly. “What are you talking about?”

Jiyong smiled. “Just wait for me.”

“What? I don’t – “

But before Eun Ji could finish her sentence, Jiyong had already hung up.


Eun Ji waited nervously by her window; peeking out every few seconds and getting excited every time she heard a car pass by. They had been dating for a few months now, but seeing Jiyong always caused her nerves to shrivel and her heartbeat to speed up.

Finally, Jiyong’s familiar car pulled up by her house. Quickly but silently as possible, Eun Ji hopped down stairs to meet her boyfriend outside.

“Jiyong,” she spoke as soon as he got out of his car.

Jiyong laughed. “You were too excited to see me that you forgot to wear a sweater outside.”

Eun Ji wrapped her arms around herself, blushing in embarrassment.

“It’s okay,” Jiyong said. He slipped off his sweater. “Take mine.”

Jiyong threw his sweater over Eun Ji’s shoulders and held her, keeping her warm. The scent of her hair intoxicated him, hugging her even tighter.

“Why are you here?” Eun Ji asked.

Jiyong let go of her and looked at her. “Well, I have to admit. This is so much better than just hearing your voice.”

And with that, Jiyong leaned down and placed a kiss on his girlfriend’s lips.


Eun Ji waited outside her front porch. She sat on the steps, her chin nestled on her knees, patiently waiting for Jiyong to suddenly appear. Her mind was a jumbled mess of thoughts and wonderings, for this was the first time that he’d come by her place. And for something unexpected like that to happen, she was trying to brace herself for any possible event she was going to face when he came.

A flash of light glimmered from up the street, automatically sending nerve impulses along Eun Ji’s brain. Jiyong was here.

She slowly got up, nervously anticipating his presence. Eun Ji watched as he tentatively walked up to her as if he was walking through thin ice.

“Hi,” she gingerly greeted him. forced up a smile. She was still too apprehensive to sum up a perfect emotion.

“Hi,” replied Jiyong. About a million and one thoughts also raced through his mind, but that had all ceased when he stared absentmindedly at her.

 “Tell me why you’re here.”

Eun Ji’s gentle tone cracked through the cold silence. For awhile, she had been working up all the courage she had in her to ask such a blunt question. No longer did she want to beat around the bush and pretend she was fine being ignorant.

A petal had fallen from a nearby flowering tree. Picking up the delicate, white petal, Jiyong grasped his two fingers around the velvety texture and laid it on Eun Ji’s palm.

“You know, I still…” Jiyong’s voice was so soft, it was almost impossible for Eun Ji to have heard him. “I still love you.”

Eun Ji’s mouth opened slightly, a feeling of surprise shot through her. Though it was cold outside and there was an imminent breeze that blew, all she could feel was warmth emanating from Jiyong and his words. Her hand enclosed tightly around the petal as she shut her eyes.

Was this a dream?

Speechless. No words could come out of , no matter how hard she tried. Her voice cracked each time she tried to utter a word, and her lungs gave out every time she would try to make a sound.


Though words were unavailable, a tear slid down her cheek. Jiyong watched as the girl quickly wiped it away.

“You don’t know how much I’ve been wishing to hear that,” she whispered, her voice coarse with emotion. “Every day, when I see you, I’m secretly praying that you’d change your mind.”

Her tears were now falling down perpetually.

“I was convinced you had forgotten everything about me,” said she.

Jiyong brushed his fingers gently along her hand.

“I still remember,” said he, “the look on your face when you cried, asking me back. I still remember that look, and it kills me to know that I hurt you like that.”

“I never imagined we’d end up like this.”

“Neither did I. How could we be so stupid?”

Unexpectedly, Eun Ji let out a tiny bout of laughter causing Jiyong to smile.

“We’re in such a mess…” said Eun Ji, though her voice trailed away. An image of Seunghyun had just flashed through her mind.

“I know. You’re with him, and I’m with her,” replied Jiyong, as if he had read her mind.

Eun Ji looked up at Jiyong, watching him as he another flower petal that had fallen.

“She really loves you. She has, all this time.”

“Seunghyun…” Jiyong’s voice strained to say his cousin’s name. “H-he loves you, too.”

Again, soft laughter dawned out of Eun Ji.

“We really are in a mess.”

Jiyong smiled, but remained solemn. “Would you…”

“Would I what?” asked Eun Ji as Jiyong’s question faded away.

Clearing his throat, Jiyong tried again. “Would you ever think about leaving Seunghyun… to come back to me?”

The white petal that Eun Ji held in her hand was now crumpled and brown. She let it fall back to the ground.

“In a heartbeat, I would.”



A/N: I have been gone for the longest time, I know. Keeping and running a site is harder than I thought. Well, anyway, the 15th chapter. And, if you see and spelling/grammar errors, forgive me. I don't have a lot of time to run through and correct every mistake. T_T Hope you like this.... and the new story banner! :) :) :) (the old one was too boring, in my opinion)  

By the way, if you're confused (in which I hope you aren't!!), the italics is their flashback of how they were when they were together, and then the scene immediately shifts back to present day, right after Eun Ji calls Jiyong (in chapter 14).

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Wow! Ah, sorry! This is my first comment.. keke But I only read your foreword before and I wasn't able to continue 'cause I had something to do.. I actually forgot I was in the middle of reading a story, but now, I stumbled back into this through my subscriptions and I want you to update~ keke I found this through lemonswirls. It's really awesome what you do there.^^ <br />
Hwaiting to lemonswirls and hwaiting to this story!
joy2daworld365 #2
hahah i love this<333 please keep continuing
hmm... how about jiyong and eunji getting back together officially, while having some problems from jiyong's girlfriend... then seunghyun tries to do things on his own, but later asks his cousin for help and tells him everything. THEN COUNSINS POWER!! lol. i don't know. this seems lame. haha. xP<br />
love this story anyways!! =D
woah.. sry for taking so long to read and comment though i've subscribed for a while now... <br />
wow... read the first few chapters and i'm in love! <33<br />
ahaha.. but i have to go sleep now.. good thing work ends early tmr so i can come back and read! ^-^
EunhaeLove #5
I love this. Update soon^^
T^T its been such a long time since you've updated!!!!!!!!!
Wow your fic is so nice its so addicting to read robl. Anway can't wait for your next chapter ^^.<br />
xIntellectualBadass #8
Wow , it's been long since you've updated .. Like way long .. PLEASE UPDATE SOON ! It's a really good story !
OMG, Please update~! ='(