Life With Boys



Jieun’s POV


I heard continuous knocks on the door.

Aish, it’s so annoying!

I pulled my warm blanket higher until it covered all my body.


I woke up after hearing that shout.

“Noona, why are you sleeping with Jongup?”

“Eh?!!!!!!!!!!!!”  My eyes opened widely in shock. I look at the sleeping figure next to me.

“Noona, good morning.” Jongup said and smiled at me. He stretched his body.

“Ya, byuntae (ert)! Why are you sleeping with me?” I pushed him off my bed. He fell off of the bead with his first.

He rubbed his aching .

“But, noona. You said that I can sleep with you!” Jongup said, tried to prove himself as someone innocent in this situation.

“You guys didn’t do anything weird yesterday, right?” Youngjae spoke up.

“What weird thing?”I asked, dumfounded.

“You know, that word that started with ‘S’ and ends with ‘X’.”

“Ya! Yoo Youngjae!!” I yelled at him but he just snickered and walked out of the room.

I threw him a pillow but he managed to dodged it.

My eeys drifted  to Jongup.

“Why are you still here? Get out!” I threw him another pillow and it hit his face.

Once he get out, I heaved a deep sigh. I face-palmed myself.

What just happened? This is wrong! Sleeping with your adopted dongsaeng is so wrong!

I bathed and change into an oversized yellow T-shirt and a pair of short shorts. I braved myself and walked out of the room. Although I did feel embarrassed with what happen, I still got out of the room.

I can see Daehyun on the sofa, watching his favourite show. He was munching on some potato chips.

“Daehyun-ah, where’s Jongup, Zelo and Youngjae?” I asked when I noticed that the house was unusually quiet.

“They’re off to school.” He said, his mouth was still full with chips. He stuffed all the remaining chips into his mouth.

I thanked God for making today a Friday. It meant they still have school to attend and they wouldn’t be around. As I was watching TV together with Daehyun, Yongguk went down the stairs.

“Where are you going?” I asked and followed him to the door.

He stayed silent and his feet slipped into his sneakers.

“Just shut up. Make sure you didn’t do anything weird with Daehyun and Himchan like what you did to Jongup.” He said coldly. He slammed the door into my face.

I was taken aback.

This can’t be happening!


Author's note:


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LveSong #1
Chapter 6: Please update again... Please..
eine08 #2
Chapter 6: Please update again >_<
I hope you continue the story >w< I really like it and I love the plot!!!~ super cute! please update and don't give up on the story, PLEASE~~~
Naomilee_12 #4
Chapter 6: Pleaseee updateeee sooon~~~~
mewatie #5
Baybeeboo #6
Chapter 6: Himchan , your such a tease !! And Gukki's jealous ? Lol ! XD
This story is kind of silly but in a good way, I mean, who doesn't love silly BAP?~ I go "Awwww~" all the time with little y Zelo, and I want to see jelaous YongGuk so much! And Himchan, what a tease! And for the record, I would SO do anything weird with Daehyun since I saw him in the Power MV, just OMG that kid~ I wouldn't blame JiEun hahaha
Ooh, I just found out about your story, keke. I just finished the first chapter and it seems really cute so far! Also, I really love the poster/picture~ ^^
obliterate #9
Lol Yong Guk xD
minaohmina #10
Lmfao yong guk got mad/jealous lol but so cute also :)
And himchan just likes to mess with jieun atm :)
Game wait till you update :D