
Fireworks Inside My Mind

AN: Someone asked me to do a Yoonhyun focused story, so I tried to fufill that for you. I got a 90 on my microbio test, so you're all in luck. I was so relieved to be no longer stressing about it that I used my free time to finish this here story! Whoo! This shot is based on a rumor I saw on tumblr that Yoona bought Seohyun Fifty Shades of Grey for her birthday. I personally think it's an atrocious book, and you can find much better written stories in thrift stores and on the internet, but hey, people love softcore that's acceptable to read (and admit to reading) in public. Anyway, I suppose I'll dedicate this to chyan01, as they specifically requested Yoonhyun.



“Unnie, come on! You said you’d accompany me to the bookstore on our next free day,” Seohyun yelled from the living room.


Yoona’s eyes shot open. ‘Man, fell asleep reading my script again.’ After her initial thought, Seohyun’s statement processed in her brain. She rolled over on her bed and buried her head into her pillow, releasing a pitiful groan. ‘Aish, but I’m still so tired.’


The sound of a light knock caused her to turn her head toward the door.  “Yoona unnie, are you ready t…. uh, unnie, why are you still on your bed?”


“…Hyunnie, would you hate me if I didn’t go with you today?”


“Of course not, unnie. You have one of the busiest schedules of us all. I can just go alone or ask Tiffany unnie when she gets home.”


Yoona sighed. Seohyun sounded fine, but she saw the sad gleam in the younger girl’s eye before it disappeared under her smile. “It’s okay. I’ll go with you. A promise is a promise, right? And my schedule has been preventing me from hanging out with everyone.”


“Really? But I know you’re still tired.“


Yoona chuckled. ‘Ah, that frown. Leave it to Seohyun to still be concerned.’ “It’s really okay, Seohyun-ah. I want to spend some time with you. Just give me time to take a shower and get ready, okay?”





An hour later, Yoona found herself being dragged into a small bookstore near their dorm. Her arm was intertwined with Seohyun’s, allowing the younger woman to effectively pull her in any direction she desired with ease, not that Yoona would deny Seohyun anything.


The bookstore was something of a well-kept secret among the girls. It was a small, family run business; meaning business was usually from the same loyal customers, a fact the women of Girls’ Generation knew well. The bookstore was always quiet, and those few customers that were present during their visits showed much more respect than could be expected from a crowded chain store. The closeness to their dorm coupled with the store’s selection of recent bestsellers in English only added to the perks the store offered.


Seohyun and Yoona greeted the owner working behind the counter with smiles and small bows, before Seohyun pulled their collective selves towards a stack of new books. The owner chuckled at Seohyun’s enthusiasm, while giving a small, knowing smile to Yoona, who returned her own trademark grin.


“See, unnie, this is the book I wanted to get. I’m so glad they have it.” Yoona gave a slight smile, as her chin rested on Seohyun’s shoulder. Seohyun had let go of Yoona’s arm, but Yoona had not increased her distance from the youngest member.


“Hmmm, they have some new American books in too, Seohyun. I saw the display near the front of the store.”


“Really?” Seohyun’s face lit up more, before a pout replaced the earlier joy. “I’m not good enough at English to understand them yet though, unnie. But maybe they have some translated already. I heard Tiffany and Jessica unnie talking about a popular American book. Maybe it’ll be in Korean.” Seohyun nodded her head in agreement with her self, and moved towards the display Yoona had mentioned.


“You’re picking up some habits from Yuri unnie,” Yoona mumbled to herself as she followed Seohyun. “Find it, maknae?” Yoona peered at the cover of the book Seohyun was flipping through, acknowledging the grey tie on the front before flicking her gaze back to Seohyun’s troubled face.


“Yes, it’s this one. But I didn’t bring enough money with me to get it as well.”


“I’m sure the owner would let you bring the rest later. You come in almost every week,” Yoona teased, causing Seohyun to playfully gasp.


“Unnie, I would never abuse samchon’s trust like that! Seriously unnie, it should still be here next week. I’ll just get it then.” She replaced the book before reaching into her purse to grab her wallet. “I’ll just pay for these and we can head back, okay unnie?”




Yoona quickly glanced around her to make sure no one noticed her, pulling her hoodie tighter around her face and slipping into the bookstore.


“Ahh, Yoona. Back so soon? It’s only been a day. You always come with Seohyun, but you’re here alone today.”


“Yes, well, Seohyun wanted a book yesterday, but didn’t have enough on her. So, I thought I’d pick it up for her birthday. Luckily, it’s in a few days, so I’ll be able to give it to her before she comes back to buy it herself.” ‘Now, I just need to look for the picture, since I never saw the title.’


Yoona set off towards the book display that she and Seohyun had been standing at less than 24 hours ago. “Aha, here it is. The grey book with the tie! Hmm, wonder why Hyunnie wanted to read it so bad.” Yoona shrugged and grabbed the nicest looking copy off the shelf. “Seohyun will be so happy when she sees I got the book she wanted for her.”



“Yoona, is that you”


“Yep, it’s me, unnies! Is maknae still in class, Fany unnie?”


“Yes, she still has another hour before her class ends, plus the hour it takes for Kyungtae oppa to drive her home. But, that gives us plenty of time to finish our plans for her surprise party in two days. Does everyone have presents? Yoona, you were the only one who hadn’t gotten Seohyun a present yet last I knew. Did you get her present yet?”


Yoona nodded, a large smile fixed on her face. “Uh huh. She saw a book at the store yesterday, but couldn’t get it. So, I got it for her birthday. Tada!” Yoona whipped the book out of her bag and stuck it under Tiffany’s nose, wiggling it a little for emphasis.


Hyoyeon leaned over to read the title of the book Tiffany was now holding and staring at with large eyes. “회색 50 색?”


“Yeah, it’s an American bestseller. Hyunnie seemed really bummed that she wasn’t able to buy it right then.”


“Yoona, did you just say an American bestseller called 회색 50 색? You got Seohyun “Fifty Shades of Grey?!”” Jessica burst out laughing. The remaining members just looked at her, except for Tiffany. Tiffany’s initial shock had dissipated, and a smirk now rested on her lips.


“Well, that’s the one she wanted. Is there something wrong with it? Why does it matter?” Yoona’s excited grin had dropped into a confused pout, as she wondered about Tiffany and Jessica’s reactions and the meaning of Jessica’s outburst in English.


Tiffany and Jessica exchanged glances before Tiffany answered. “No, nothing’s wrong. Seohyun will definitely enjoy the book. Trust us.”


“Okay, unnies, if you say so. I’m just going to go wrap it so it’s all ready for the party.”




“Happy Birthday, dear Seohyun, happy birthday to you!”




“Blow out you candles and make a wish, maknae!”


“…smell like one too!”


“Hyoyeon, why’d you add that part?!”


“What, it was funny!”


The apartment was filled with the chaotic noise of eight young women congratulating their youngest friend, all at the same time. The subject of the party just watched in amusement, before interjecting with her thanks.


“Thank you, unnies. Everything looks amazing.”


“Okay, maknae, time to open your presents!”


The other occupants of the apartment agreed and dragged the youngest out into their living room where presents were piled next to their coffee table. Everyone situated themselves around the table and watched as Seohyun went through her presents. Finally, they reached the 8th and final gift.


“Last present, and it’s obviously Yoona unnie’s, since I haven’t opened one from her yet!”


Yoona grinned in anticipation as Seohyun picked up the wrapped book, and watched her carefully unwrap the colorful paper.


“Oh, it’s the book we saw! When did you go back to get it, unnie?”


“The next day. You looked like you wanted it bad, so I bought it for you.”


“I love it, unnie. Thank you.”


“Alright, alright, enough with the polite maknae front. Some of us have schedules tomorrow, so we should get to bed as soon as possible. Seohyun, you can go straight to bed. You shouldn’t clean up on your birthday.”


“Thank you, Sooyoung unnie. I’ll see you all tomorrow. Goodnight.” And with that, Seohyun closed the door to her shared room. Tiffany and Jessica volunteered to do the dishes, and grabbed Yoona to help them. Tiffany washed the dishes while Jessica dried them. Yoona organized the table and put her height to use placing the dishes back in their cabinets. Tiffany eventually broke the comfortable silence that had befallen the three.


“So Yoona, you should keep an eye out to see if Seohyun acts differently while she’s reading that book, okay? It’s a special book.”


“But it’s just a book, unnie. How could it affect her that much?”


“Just trust us, Yoona.”




“Why did Tiffany unnie put that idea into my head? Hyunnie doesn’t act any differently since she has been reading the book. Why would they think she’d act funny? No matter. I must check. Operation Book Recon is a go.”


Yoona began sneaking around the corners of the hallways in their dorm, steadily making her way closer to the door of Seohyun’s room. It was entirely unnecessary, as the rest of Girls’ Generation were away at practice. Yoona, however, had been excused from said practice to prepare for her drama filming later that day.


Yoona slipped through the open door at the end of the hall and scanned the room for her target. Luckily, Seohyun kept her side impeccably neat, and it wasn’t hard to locate the book that had tormented her for the past week.


‘Okay, let’s see what’s up with this book.’ Yoona opened the book to a random page and began reading. She blankly stared at the pages, before her face flushed and she slammed the book shut.


‘Oh my god. How could Seohyun read that?! I need to forget about this before the others get home.’




Luckily for Yoona, her schedule had allowed her to avoid the others for an extra day. But it was the weekend soon, and today was the day they had scheduled to have dinner together. The second youngest had no idea how she was going to keep her cool around her members during their meal. A call from the kitchen roused her from her thoughts.




‘Alright Yoona, just keep calm. Don’t focus on the book. You can do this. Fighting!’ Yoona composed herself and walked out the door towards the kitchen. Upon reaching the kitchen, she smiled to herself, thinking she would be able to keep calm.


And she succeeded, until she observed her members moving about the kitchen making last minute preparations.  All the girls squeezed past each other in the cramped space, brushing lingering hands across hips and lower backs. Yoona gulped as her imagination ran away.


‘Maybe I can’t do this…’


“Yoona! Good, now that you’re here, we can eat!”


“Hey, Yoona, are you okay? Your face is really flushed.”  


“N-no, I’m fine Jessica unnie.”


Jessica saw her uncomfortable fidgeting and smirked. “You sure. You didn’t do anything illicit now, did you?” Yoona’s mind flashed back to the page she’d read and she flushed even more, causing Jessica to giggle.


“I was just teasing you. Don’t take it so hard. Come to the table and we’ll get our Yoona some food, okay?” Jessica struggled to wrap her arm around Yoona’s shoulders and maneuvered her over the low table in the living room the girls’ used as a dining table. Jessica and Tiffany ended up being merciful to Yoona, and did not any further. It appeared to be just another normal dinner for Girls’ Generation, and all were stuffed in no time.


Once the group was finished eating, Taeyeon sat up straighter to address the members. “Alright everyone, we all pitch in to help and this will be done quickly. Maknaes, you can bring the dishes to the kitchen and clean up in here. We’ll divide the other tasks amongst ourselves while we’re there. Let’s go!”


All the girls got up off to go to their cleaning duties, with the maknaes staying behind to begin sorting out the table. Yoona bent over to stack some plates, and felt a sudden presence behind her. For some reason, the feeling of the other person behind her causes tingles to run through her body, and she lightly shivered.


The body moved closer until she could feel the person’s breath on her ear. Her eyes involuntarily closed as Seohyun’s minty voice whispered around her, invading all her senses.


 “I hope you enjoyed the book as much as I did, Yoona unnie.”











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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 1: o.O that song would never mean the same to my ears. xD
Chapter 6: TaeNy, YulSic, SooSun, YoonHyun my favorites couples
Chapter 2: The fireworks story was so perfect! Aaah! SooSun couple is my favorite :)
chyan01 #4
Chapter 6: Omo !!! You made this chapter specially because of me ?? Teary eyes.......
I'm so touched !!! Thank you very much my friend. Bear hug you.....

Okay, now about the story itself.......
Lol....can you believe it ? At first I didn't understand about 50 shades of Grey genre, and just guess about it. I must googled about it, and I can't stop laughing when I understood about it's genre!
Nice story here, Bear! I love it very much.

Psst,....If you can......can you make Taeny shots (they are my second OTP after YoonHyun), and ofc more YoonHyun's. But it's up to you Bear, I will still enjoy your writing. Hwaiting, and once more thank you very very much! ^_^
Chapter 6: awwww Seohyun is adorbs!
graycross #6
Chapter 6: omg seohyun-ah, I couldn't even stand that book hahaha XD
Chapter 6: woah!! more YoonHyun!!!!
lilkjungie #8
Chapter 6: woahh seohyun?! for real?
updae soon..
soonyu #9
Chapter 6: hiii long time ah?! :D
O.O O M G i cant close my mouth SEO..... WOW
yoonhyun rocks *\^_^/* up soon ^.^