
Fireworks Inside My Mind

 In the past, all eight of the other girls…..well, six since Yuri was usually busy protecting her Sica baby…..had comforted her during the various fireworks displays for their performances. The unexpected ones were the worst, because she couldn’t brace herself for them like she could for some of the others. Tiffany would cover her ears, while Seohyun would give her a big hug. But even though she was glad her sisters comforted her, she still felt cold and frightened around the fireworks. It reminded her too much of guns going off, and it scared her to death. The venue they were currently performing at was one that tended to surprise the girls. They were thankful the staff members were such big fans of Girls’ Generation, but the displays had a tendency to be a little extravagant, even for those that thoroughly enjoyed fireworks.


As they performed the song, small fireworks displays went off, and though Sunny got a few glances from the others, she made it to the end of the song without any problems. A smile on her face, she dropped her guard, no longer worried about the fireworks. No sooner than she had done so, it seemed that the pyrotechnics personnel decided to make up for the lack of effects during their performance, and show their appreciation of Girls’ Generation at the same time.


Just when Sunny had finally thought she’d be safe from the fireworks, a sheet of fireworks erupted from the front of the stage, effectively blocking out the crowd from their view.  A varied response to the special effects in front of them could be seen in the nine girls standing on the stage Jessica turned her face into the crook of Yuri’s neck, hugging the tanned girl tightly around the waist. Yuri, sensing her lover’s fear, lowered her lips to Jessica’s ear. Had there been no other ambient noise, one would be able to hear the tanned beauty whispering to the shaking girl in her arms. Hoping to calm her down, Yuri’s hand was rubbing small, soothing circles on Jessica’s back.  Eventually, Jessica stopped shivering, but had no plans to move from Yuri’s embrace. Instead she pushed her face more snuggly against Yuri’s collarbone, breathing in the scent that never failed to calm her.


Tiffany jumped towards Taeyeon in surprise, but recovered quickly. She smiled at the pretty colors in front of her, and subconsciously, her arms reached blindly behind her body to attempt to find the leader. Taeyeon saw what Tiffany was doing and quickly complied with her silent request. She wrapped her arms around her lover’s waist and, figuring it was safe enough, gave Tiffany a quick kiss on the cheek before resting her head on Tiffany’s shoulder. She smiled as she noticed that all the pink fireworks seemed to end up in front of Tiffany, and silently thanked the pyrotechnics’ people for making her Tiffany so happy.


Next to the TaeNy couple, Yoona, Seohyun and Hyoyeon were enjoying the sight together. Yoona and Hyoyeon were jumping up and down like the chodings they were, excited by the sight of the fireworks. Getting worked up quickly, Yoona began using her aegyo voice on Hyoyeon, commenting about how pretty they were and how unnie should buy some for her. Hyoyeon had put Yoona in a headlock, but seeing the slight glare from the youngest of her members caused her to let go pretty quickly. Yoona had drained herself of her remaining energy by attempting to escape Hyoyeon’s hold, and so she settled for just standing in between the dancing queen and Seohyun. Seohyun slipped her hand into Yoona’s, while blissfully watching the gleeful expressions run across Yoona’s features. Yoona felt a slight squeeze and turned slightly to face her girlfriend, placing a quick kiss on the forehead before wrapping her up in a big bear hug causing the cheeks of the youngest to turn a bright red. Hyoyeon witnessed the whole thing with a smirk on and proceeded to make all kinds of comments in a completely successful attempt to make the maknae couple blush as best as she could.


One member was not enjoying the show, however. Sunny froze up at the sight of the fireworks, and felt the panic start to seep in as her heart began racing. Her small body began getting clammy all over, and she started shaking, tears welling up in her eyes as her breaths were becoming shorter and shorter.  She just wanted to crouch over in a corner, close her eyes, and cover her ears until one of the other girls pulled her up to tell her it was over. She let her eyes slide shut, but just as she was about to bring her hands up to block out the noise, a pair of long arms smoothly slid around her waist.


Soft, warm breath tickled her ear, instantly blowing the tension from her body as Sunny relaxed into the body of the tall girl standing behind her. Her left hand grasping one of the arms around her, her right hand intertwined her fingers with the fingers of the girl leaning against her back. ‘Our hands fit perfectly,’ Sunny briefly thought before the whispering of the girl hugging her brought her out of her thoughts.


“I’ll always be here to protect you, SunBun,” Sooyoung barely whispered into her ear, and buried her face against Sunny’s neck to place a kiss there before trailing her lips back up to her ear. Sunny could feel the shikshin smile against her ear before she heard Sooyoung lightly chuckle.


“What?” Sunny questioned, confused as to why Sooyoung had laughed.


“It’s nothing, babe, It’s just that if I had known that this was all it took to calm you down around fireworks, I would’ve done it all those other times too.”


Sunny turned slightly in Sooyoung’s arms so that she could barely make out Sooyoung’s face in her peripheral. “As long as you’re there in the future, Sooyoungie. That’s all that matters.” A sweet smile accompanied her statement.


“Lee SoonKyu, that much I can promise you. I’ll be there for you for as long as I’ll love you, and that’s forever.” She turned Sunny back around so she could rest her chin on Sunny’s shoulder, her cheek brushing against Sunny’s. Sunny’s lips twitched up into a smile, and she gently squeezed the hand that held her own, as well as the arms around her waist. She finally had a reason to no longer be afraid of fireworks.


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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 1: o.O that song would never mean the same to my ears. xD
Chapter 6: TaeNy, YulSic, SooSun, YoonHyun my favorites couples
Chapter 2: The fireworks story was so perfect! Aaah! SooSun couple is my favorite :)
chyan01 #4
Chapter 6: Omo !!! You made this chapter specially because of me ?? Teary eyes.......
I'm so touched !!! Thank you very much my friend. Bear hug you.....

Okay, now about the story itself.......
Lol....can you believe it ? At first I didn't understand about 50 shades of Grey genre, and just guess about it. I must googled about it, and I can't stop laughing when I understood about it's genre!
Nice story here, Bear! I love it very much.

Psst,....If you can......can you make Taeny shots (they are my second OTP after YoonHyun), and ofc more YoonHyun's. But it's up to you Bear, I will still enjoy your writing. Hwaiting, and once more thank you very very much! ^_^
Chapter 6: awwww Seohyun is adorbs!
graycross #6
Chapter 6: omg seohyun-ah, I couldn't even stand that book hahaha XD
Chapter 6: woah!! more YoonHyun!!!!
lilkjungie #8
Chapter 6: woahh seohyun?! for real?
updae soon..
soonyu #9
Chapter 6: hiii long time ah?! :D
O.O O M G i cant close my mouth SEO..... WOW
yoonhyun rocks *\^_^/* up soon ^.^