Untitled RF...Part III (지금은 태니시대!)

Fireworks Inside My Mind


AN: This is in no way edited, so please forgive that.  Let me know if there are any major inconsistencies, and I'll try to fix them. ^^ I just thought I'd get this out here for you guys to read, so enjoy!



Taeyeon felt herself being pushed backward. Tiffany, who had been standing directly behind Taeyeon, took a step back to steady herself and felt her feet get tangled in something. Unable to retain her balance, she fell backward. With the body behind Taeyeon no longer there to support her weight, Taeyeon also lost her balance. Her eyes slid closed to brace herself for the fall.


‘ Funny, the ground doesn’t seem very hard.’ Taeyeon was drawn out of her thoughts by the click of a lock and the slam of a door, causing her to jump in shock while mumbling.


“What was that?”


“I thin they locked the door.” Tiffany words were followed by a groan. Taeyeon’s reaction had shifted her directly into Tiffany’s abdomen. Taeyeon jumped in alarm, causing Tiffany to groan again.


“Ah, Fany! I’m so sorry! What can I do to make you feel better?”


“Well, for a start, you could get off me.”


“Gosh, I really am sorry, Fany!” Taeyeon rolled off Tiffany and scrambled to the door. “Girls, come on! Unlock the door and let us out!” Taeyeon began pounding on the door, all while yelling her demands to the members on the other side of the door. She pounded for a few minutes before a low voice called out to her.


“…You do know you can unlock the door, right? It locks from the inside.” Taeyeon froze at Tiffany’s chuckle. Glancing down, she noticed the lock on the doorknob.


“Oh…right.” Taeyeon giggled sheepishly as she unlocked the door and attempted to turn the doorknob.


“Faany, it won’t budge! Those kids must have blocked the door somehow from the other side, because I can’t open it.” Taeyeon leaned her forehead on her arm against the door and sighed before turning around. She looked at Tiffany with a confused tilt of the head.


“Fany, why are you still on the ground?”


“You crushed me TaeTae.” Tiffany lay on the round with her eyes closed. She was breathing slowly, as if trying to ease the pain surging through her body. “You landed right on my stomach.”


“Sorry, Fany. You know Hyoyeon pushed me. Hmm, I know what will help. How about I massage where it hurts. Then you’ll feel much better.”


“Wha…No, I…”


Before Tiffany could finish her protest, she felt Taeyeon’s smooth legs straddle her thighs and settle her weight there. She then felt Taeyeon’s hands rest against her stomach and begin a gentle, kneading motion.


‘Oh god, what is this girl trying to do to me?’ Tiffany in her breath, feeling her muscles clench in response to Taeyeon’s movements. A light smack to the side of her woke her from her daydreams.


“Stop in, Fany. I already know you’re fit. Just relax and enjoy this. It’ll make your stomach feel better, I promise,” Taeyeon cooed to Tiffany.


“Sorry, just a little nervous, TaeTae. We haven’t been this close in a while.”


“Aww, Fany, no need to feel nervous. It’s just me.”


‘Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about.’ Tiffany attempted to breathe regularly. Once she relaxed, she actually found Taeyeon’s touch to be quite calming.


Tiffany stared at Taeyeon’s face, smiling at the determined look the older girl’s features displayed as she worked to ease Tiffany’s pain. ‘Should I ask her?’ Tiffany bit her lip. She was jerked out of her thoughts at the feel of a thumb caressing her lip. She focused her eyes to find Taeyeon with a small smirk on her face.


“You’ll ruin your pretty lips if you continue that.” The combination of Taeyeon’s thumb running over her bottom lip and Taeyeon’s hand rubbing her abdomen boosted her courage.


“Taeyeon, could I ask you something?”


Taeyeon absentmindedly hummed an approval, still concentrating on her ministrations. Tiffany took a deep breath before continuing.


"We've been friends for a long time; I mean we've all been friends for a long time, but you and I have always been the closest with each other, right? Is what Hyoyeon said true, because I have to tell you, TaeTae; I'm not sure I could keep my feelings secret anymore. Just tell me what you really feel."


Taeyeon remained silent and stared calmly into Tiffany's eyes. The silence would have worried Tiffany under normal circumstances, but Taeyeon straddling her with her stilled hands resting against Tiffany's lower stomach was hardly a normal circumstance. There was a spark in Taeyeon's eyes that reassured her that things would work out. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity of silence and locked gazes, Taeyeon dropped her gaze to her hands. The loss of eye contact almost caused Tiffany to frown, but the shy smile that appeared on Taeyeon's lips confused her.


"...Miyoung, we've never really needed to use words to understand each other. Everything Hyoyeon said is true. I thought I could express it through our connection, but when you didn't seem to get it, I kind of lost my confidence. I guess my actions said what my mouth couldn't. I've tiptoed around the line between friends and more than friends, not realizing that we naturally progressed past it ages ago. Our relationship just evolved to this point and these feelings."


During the course of her monologue, one of Taeyeon's hands had moved to play with the hair framing Tiffany's face. By the end, Tiffany's hands had moved to cover both of Taeyeon's hands. As Taeyeon still smiled sheepishly at the hands on Tiffany's abdomen, Tiffany forced her slightly aching body to move. The only warning Taeyeon got was the slight contraction of muscles under her hand, and she looked up to register the sight of closed eyes before she felt a pair of lips upon her own. Her shock prevented her from reacting, and she remained paralyzed, even after Tiffany pulled away.


Tiffany rested her forehead against the Taeyeon’s and let out a giggle at her dazed look. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I’ve been waiting awhile to do that. Honestly, I was hoping we’d get drunk as a group and play some stupid game that would give me the chance to kiss you, that way I could at least know what it felt like.”


“Well, any time you need to refresh the memory, just come and find me. Heh, I guess we sufficiently sorted ourselves out, huh?”


Taeyeon noticed Tiffany yawn and chuckled. “Tired?”




“Here, let’s just sleep. They’ll open the door eventually. We might as well sleep until that happens.” Taeyeon pulled the covers off the bed to cover their bodies. Her movements were limited, however, as Tiffany had decided to wrap her arms around Taeyeon’s midsection and tuck her head into the crook of Taeyeon’s neck.


“Night, Fany.”





Taeyeon awoke to the sounds of camera shutters clicking, but refrained from opening her eyes to continue listening to her surroundings.


“This’ll be great. Hehe, they have no clue!”


“SHHH! They will if you wake them up, Yoona.”


“Unnies, I don’t think we should be in here. We should just leave. Taeyeon unnie and Tiffany unnie alone.”


Taeyeon repressed a smile at the worried voice of the group’s maknae. She knew Seohyun had probably been dragged into their room due to threats against her sweet potatoes.


“Pssht, why should…”


“Because Seohyunnie is right.”


“Ahhh! Taeyeon! When did you wake up?”


“Probably around your second round of pictures.” Taeyeon moved to sit up but found herself unable to move due to an arm across her shoulders. Some time during the night, Tiffany’s arm had shifted from Taeyeon’s waist to drape across her chest and fist the material at Taeyeon’s shoulders. She stared at the sleeping girl next to her and traced Tiffany’s features until an obvious cough drew her attention back to her group members. A number of smirks and a few genuine smiles met her.


“Would guys mind leaving us for a minute? I’ll be out soon and you can tease me all you want, but I’d like to let Fany sleep longer, okay?”


The girls turned and left without a sound, confusing Taeyeon momentarily. Just before Yuri, who was last to file out, exited the room, she turned and flashed two thumbs-up to the oldest member. Taeyeon then turned her attention back to Tiffany.


“Ahh, I don’t want to leave you, but if I can spare you from the embarrassment of their teasing, I will. Love you, Fany.” Taeyeon then shimmied her way out from under Tiffany’s arm and got off the bed to grab a set of clothes of Tiffany's clothes. Tiffany wouldn't mind.  


After changing, Taeyeon sat on the edge of her bed.


“Okay, just breathe, Taeyeon. They can only tease you for so long. Just remember this is for Fany. Fighting!”


“Oh Taeyeon, how can you be this cute this early in the morning? And did you think I’d let you face them alone, babo? We’ll go together.”


Taeyeon turned her head towards Tiffany and smiled. “Together then. Ready to face them?”




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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 1: o.O that song would never mean the same to my ears. xD
Chapter 6: TaeNy, YulSic, SooSun, YoonHyun my favorites couples
Chapter 2: The fireworks story was so perfect! Aaah! SooSun couple is my favorite :)
chyan01 #4
Chapter 6: Omo !!! You made this chapter specially because of me ?? Teary eyes.......
I'm so touched !!! Thank you very much my friend. Bear hug you.....

Okay, now about the story itself.......
Lol....can you believe it ? At first I didn't understand about 50 shades of Grey genre, and just guess about it. I must googled about it, and I can't stop laughing when I understood about it's genre!
Nice story here, Bear! I love it very much.

Psst,....If you can......can you make Taeny shots (they are my second OTP after YoonHyun), and ofc more YoonHyun's. But it's up to you Bear, I will still enjoy your writing. Hwaiting, and once more thank you very very much! ^_^
Chapter 6: awwww Seohyun is adorbs!
graycross #6
Chapter 6: omg seohyun-ah, I couldn't even stand that book hahaha XD
Chapter 6: woah!! more YoonHyun!!!!
lilkjungie #8
Chapter 6: woahh seohyun?! for real?
updae soon..
soonyu #9
Chapter 6: hiii long time ah?! :D
O.O O M G i cant close my mouth SEO..... WOW
yoonhyun rocks *\^_^/* up soon ^.^