Untitled RF...Part II

Fireworks Inside My Mind

A/N: Omg, probably shouldn’t be writing this while watching a sappy, romantic movie. Damn you, Nicholas Sparks! Must you always create such touching, lovely, and totally sad stories?


No One’s POV


“Sica, I think we should have a long overdue talk.”


‘No, Yuri. Don’t do this to me now. Please, just let me escape this conversation, and everyone will forget all about it tomorrow morning, right?’ Jessica thought, struggling to keep her image despite her flushed face.


“Yuri, I don’t want to have this talk right now.”


“Why not, Jessica? We need to have this conversation sometime.” Yuri spoke from her position wedged in the door.


‘I don’t want to have this conversation now, because I’m not sure I can control what will happen.’ Jessica glanced away, before looking back toward Yuri and speaking.


“No! I don’t want to Yuri!” Jessica tried to push her away. ‘Maybe if she wasn’t so close, I could definitely compose myself, but she wouldn’t budge. God, she’s so firm, all those muscles from working out….no, no, no Jessica! No sidetracks, must keep up the cold image.’


Jessica pushed her harder, but Yuri leaned in, so as to stay in her position.


“Fine? You want to come in? I’ll let you in then.” With that, Jessica stopped applying pressure to Yuri’s shoulders. Yuri, who was not expecting Jessica to stop trying to push her out, lurched forward. The absence of the force she had been leaning against was not enough to cause her to completely fall forward. Well, at least it wouldn’t have been if she hadn’t tangled her feet while trying to reclaim her balance.


Yuri fell towards the ground, and caught her weight on her forearms to prevent her head from contact with the floor. She was not, however, expecting Jessica’s open suitcase to be lying right in the path of her fall.


There was a split second of silence before a dull thud echoed within the room.




“Oh my god, Yuri! Are you alright?” Jessica’s icy attitude suddenly dropped at seeing the one she secretly cared for injured. ‘I should have unpacked earlier. Stupid Jessica! Now Yuri’s hurt, because of my laziness.’


Yuri rolled onto her back, rubbing her forehead, which was turning bright red from the impact with the corner of the opened suitcase.


“Geez, Sica, couldn’t you have unpacked earlier. It’s been three weeks since we came back from our latest overseas escapade,” Yuri chuckled. Jessica blushed at the comment and sat on her knees next to the prone tanned girl, ignoring her urge to widen their proximity. She reached a hand out and removed Yuri’s hand before gently rubbing in attempt to alleviate the tanned girl’s discomfort. Now Jessica was not the only girl blushing in the room. 


“It’s really okay, Sica. You don’t have to do that really.” Yuri raised her hand to remove Jessica’s, but the older girl gently batted the incoming hand away.


“Stop it, Yuri. It’s my fault you hurt your head, and this is what you do for the people you love anyway.” Jessica spoke without thinking, her concentration focused on the red spot on Yuri’s forehead. It was not until she noticed the slight confusion in the tanned girl’s eyes that she realized exactly what she had let slip. “Uhm, you know, what friends do,” she quickly tried to backtrack her previous statement.


But Yuri didn’t buy it.


“…Sica, don’t lie to me. Don’t lie to yourself either.” As she spoke quietly, the spark of determination in her eyes grew. “I want you to tell me what you really mean.” Her fingers s around Jessica’s wrists and pulled the shorter girl slightly towards her. Jessica, who was waging a battle with her subconscious behind her blank gaze, was caught off guard. She could not prevent herself from falling on top of Yuri. She looked up, catching Yuri’s gaze immediately and subconsciously leaning closer to her.


“I can’t not lie with you so close to me. Do you know what you do to me, Kwon Yuri.”? The breathless whisper was all that managed to escape before all the air caught in her lungs. Eyes still locked, Yuri leaned in closer to the dazed Jessica.


“Is that right? Well, how about we get some truth out of you, huh?” Yuri nodded, and Jessica nodded as well, seemingly hypnotized by the dark eyes she was currently staring at. She noticed how dark the other’s eyes were, but could do nothing but continue her focused gazing.


“Is Hyoyeon right; are we beating around the bush, Sica?” Yuri was no longer whispering, but breathing the words. She was dared not speak any louder, afraid it would startle the girl currently on top of her. She ran her fingertips lightly over the girl’s upper arms to soothe her.


“…Yes.” Jessica breathed back, just as quietly. She was not as hypnotized as she seemed, but she couldn’t bear to break the calm she felt. Their conversation had instilled a feeling of calm within the room, and lying on top of Yuri, she felt incredibly relaxed, despite the mass of butterflies that had seemed to take up residence in her stomach.


“And will you tell me what you are keeping from me?”




“Would it help if I told you first, hmm?” One of Yuri’s hands remained on Jessica’s arm, while the other strayed towards her face. She pushed away some of the hair that had fallen into Jessica’s face.


“…” Again, Yuri was greeted with silence, even as Jessica refused to break eye contact. Yuri remained silent for a minute or so, until a small dip of Jessica’s head indicated her answer. Yuri took a deep breath, before beginning.


“I like you, Jessica. I mean, I really like you. I can’t imagine what I would be doing or who I would be if I hadn’t met you all those years ago. All those little thing about you are things I just grew to like. Your eyes, your smile, your cute, unintentional aegyo, your arrogant front that hides your sweet, caring personality. There is no end to the things I want to do with you. So, I’ll ask you…what do you want to do with me?”


Yuri held her breath and waited for some semblance of recognition that the other girl had heard her. Her heart dropped, and she felt a pressure in her chest completely unrelated to the weight of the girl on top of her when Jessica closed her eyes. Yuri closed her eyes in an attempt to stop the tears that threatened to fall at her seemingly failed confession.


Her eyes flew open as she felt a sensation on her lips, so soft she wasn’t sure she hadn’t imagined it, and fell upon the closed lids and pink cheeks of the girl shyly applying pressure to her own closed lips. The shock of the surprise kiss soon vanished, and the corner of her lips rose in a content smile as she kissed the girl back.


Jessica’s embarrassment soon became too much for her to handle, and she broke off the chaste kiss, immediately burying her head into Yuri’s neck to hide her flushing cheeks. With her cheek against Yuri’s throat, she felt rather than heard the chuckle the younger girl let loose.


“Sica, why so shy now? We’ve already kissed.” Yuri tried to hide her happiness, even knowing that no one was watching her. Eventually her giddiness became too much for her to contain, and she turned her head towards Jessica, burying her nose within the soft locks she encountered.


“Don’t tease me now, you dark kid.” Jessica nuzzled her nose into Yuri’s neck, smiling at the sigh she elicited from the other. Her smile dropped though, as she gathered her composure to make her confession.


“…I like you too, you know. So much, my emotions threatened to engulf me at times. I know I was rude to you in the past, but it was because I didn’t know how to deal with it. I thought pushing you away would help, but it really didn’t. It just made me feel worse.”


“Hmm.” Yuri hummed against Jessica’s head to show her comprehension of Jessica’s words. Her eyes were shut, just enjoying the closeness of the older girl.


“But I really, really do like you, Yuri.” Jessica also closed her eyes, and silence engulfed the two girls for a long span of time.


After a while, the stiff discomfort of lying on the floor got to Yuri.


“Let’s move up to the bed, Sica. The floor isn’t the most comfortable thing, in case you hadn’t noticed. We can sleep there tonight. Nothing funny tonight, I promise. We’ll just take things slow, so don’t worry.”


Jessica finally removed her face from Yuri’s neck, and she rewarded the girl with a large smile as she agreed. She got up and dragged the girl over to the bed. The covers were pulled up over them before Jessica resumed her previous position on Yuri.


“Ahh, much better. Night, Sica. I’m really glad we got this sorted.”


“Hmm, me too, Yuri. Goodnight.” Both girls snuggled closer together until sleep overtook them, even as their smiles never left their faces.



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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 1: o.O that song would never mean the same to my ears. xD
Chapter 6: TaeNy, YulSic, SooSun, YoonHyun my favorites couples
Chapter 2: The fireworks story was so perfect! Aaah! SooSun couple is my favorite :)
chyan01 #4
Chapter 6: Omo !!! You made this chapter specially because of me ?? Teary eyes.......
I'm so touched !!! Thank you very much my friend. Bear hug you.....

Okay, now about the story itself.......
Lol....can you believe it ? At first I didn't understand about 50 shades of Grey genre, and just guess about it. I must googled about it, and I can't stop laughing when I understood about it's genre!
Nice story here, Bear! I love it very much.

Psst,....If you can......can you make Taeny shots (they are my second OTP after YoonHyun), and ofc more YoonHyun's. But it's up to you Bear, I will still enjoy your writing. Hwaiting, and once more thank you very very much! ^_^
Chapter 6: awwww Seohyun is adorbs!
graycross #6
Chapter 6: omg seohyun-ah, I couldn't even stand that book hahaha XD
Chapter 6: woah!! more YoonHyun!!!!
lilkjungie #8
Chapter 6: woahh seohyun?! for real?
updae soon..
soonyu #9
Chapter 6: hiii long time ah?! :D
O.O O M G i cant close my mouth SEO..... WOW
yoonhyun rocks *\^_^/* up soon ^.^