


The interview which could've been hours finally stopped. It gave Chunji and L.Joe enough time to rethink of what just happened to the two of them in the stairway. Although not much, both being sensible yet sensitive guys knew how they seemed like a bastard and jerk previously.

"Oh God. Save me."

Bundling up himself, L.Joe wrapped a scarf around his neck to prevent him from getting sick during the chilly weather. Yet, the scarf held a big enough of a impact to him.

The scarf,was the first present Chunji had given him after they became friends. It was during the time where Christmas time was here, and suddenly, Chunji had threw him a oddly-wrapped present.


Happy Merry Christmas L.Joe! ^^

Oh. Thanks bro....

And ever since, L.Joe still haven't thought up of the perfect present for Chunji. After the Christmas party, where he recieved what seemed to be a present, they drifted apart as Chunji found a new friend to cling onto, Niel.

I could apoligize too...perhaps.

But then again, he couldn't. It was exactly his fault that he ticked Chunji off, its just both of them had sensitive personalities which required room from each other. 

Say sorry.

I can't.

On the other hand, Chunji fiddled with his phone. He usuallt texted Niel about his problems, but lately he hasn't been replying. Probably because he was pissed at his mannner earlier, or he was too busy liking C.A.P.


Who are you to tell me what to do?....Your mother. WTH. =.= One day, it would be the time for me to .....

Sighing, Chunji felt hopeless. Or was it he always let his friends win over him. He was always the first to apologize, the first to comfort, the first to crack a smile at a bad joke. And here he was now, acting like some badass loser who wins over nothing.

Let it be.


To: Byunghyun

From: Chanhee



L.Joe looked at his phone and read Chunji's text. Mianhe. So simple. So short. So Chanhee like.

He couldn't really stay mad for long when the mouse is willing to give up anything for the cat is there? [LOL XD]

Sitting in the back seat, while Chunji in the front seat, he gave a small nod which only Chunji saw from the side mirror.

I forgive you....I think.


To: Chunji

From: Byunghyun

Yah...whats with your Mianhes? Dope :P BTW, what do you want?


To: Byunghyun

From: Chanhee

What do you mean? 0.0


To: Chanhee

From: Byunghyun



To: Chanhee

From: Byunghyun

Your entire forgiveness?


The last text L.Joe ever got before he dozed off again made him smile. He still never understood how Chunji could be so timid and open. Like, how exactly could you ask for forgiveness, as if he hasn't already forgiven him.'re driving me crazy.

So are you.

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strafield #1
Chapter 4: 2012 i cREY t____t
Chapter 4: Ah.. I wish another chapter would be made x'D. I shall subscribe in hopes it happens some day~~ ^^
Chapter 4: update it..
I like the story! ~~
i hope their relationship progresses soon :3
ILoveYou_Forever #6
LOL~ I like the last part of chapter 3~ Cute~~~
shadowcat #7
Ouch !! That was cold
T-T why so mean?? i like this :3
please update soon~ ^^
Omo why I'd ljoe so cold towards chunji?? I guess we will find out in the other update!! ;)
ILoveYou_Forever #10
Hunnie is so cold towards little Channie~~~ T_T