be you

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Wendy does not know how she ended up here.

Well, that’s only half a lie, her memory is slightly hazy but the images on the screen in front of her definitely align with what she remembers. She was at a club, dancing with some pretty woman and way too drunk to make any rational decisions. So, she left with said woman and now there were clear images of her and said woman way too close to be friendly circulating the internet and media sites. Wendy knows two things; one is that this is not a good look for her or the group. The second is that her drunken mistake just outed her.



Nothing quite like a little bit of coming out angst to soothe the soul right? I think coming out stories are some of my favorites, and I really wish there were more of them out there smh. Not enough of this niche going around, then again I have very specific niches I enjoy so maybe it's just me being picky... hm.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy :]


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Chapter 1: I am a simple person, I see wentae, I read
HeekuTheMarshmallow #2
Chapter 1: This gives me hope for myself and for the world. Thank you so very much for writing this.
Frabones #3
Chapter 1: Omggg wenrene and wentae at the same time, we were blessed
Chapter 1: Wentae part 😍
bjhxssw #5
Chapter 1: and i need more of wenjoy and wenrene moments 😭😭
1746 streak #6
Chapter 1: Well, that's a wild ride.
justinbieberpotato #7
Chapter 1: this genuinely made me tear up. i think if i read this a few years ago, it would’ve helped me come to terms with my own uality earlier. so well written and i’m always a er for a jealous joohyun. thank you so much for this, it’s incredible!
Chapter 1: 😢😍😍💗💙
Chapter 1: awwww! I'm glad the maknaes were there for Wendy and that Seulgi and Irene finally came around!
taintedcolor #10
me, seeing wentae on the tags: i'm sat