and when all you want is friends (i'll see you soon)

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She knows Sooyoung like the back of her hand, like the tide knows the moon, so she knows that Sooyoung will not listen to her. And yet she doesn’t know Sooyoung at all, because Joohyun can never understand what is going through her head.


started writing this little (mostly) joyrene blurb a few weeks ago and decided to finish it tonight. i'm just really soft for this dynamic and there isn't enough of it out there so i wanted to contribute another fic to the pool of the four joyreners still in existence.

again its mostly platonic joyrene but could probably be read otherwise if you so choose, wenrene relationship is HIGHLY implied, and a little sprinkle of wenjoy in the end for fun lol.

title comes from see you soon by coldplay (it's been on a loop as coldplay usually is for me, i highly recommend this one while reading)

see you soon (hopefully)


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whenthisrainstops01 #1
Chapter 1: Oh this hit different. So comforting
wishwishwish #2
Chapter 1: this is cute. thank you for sharing this story 💚
Chapter 1: thank you for writing this story ❤️
Chapter 1: this was so sweet!! i need more on this adorable trio. wenjoyrene has me in my feels 🥰
Chapter 1: joyrene baby
Chapter 1: love so much them
1746 streak #7
Chapter 1: WenJoyRene stories always hit different.
LillyMay1100 #8
Chapter 1: I could read a whole story on this trio, back story and all, as a one-shot it peaked my interest.
Chapter 1: they are so adorable I loved 🥺💞