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Noona romance in a "Get You Alone" AU.


"...A soft rustle caught her ear, and she looked up to see a man--not tall, but taller than she--hesitantly hovering in the doorway.  Her first impression was that he was entirely too skinny.  An open-weave black sweater over a black sleeveless tee hung loosely from broad, but hunched, bony shoulders, and his forearms--exposed by pushed back sleeves and decorated in a variety of chunky silver and black metal bracelets--were rangy.  The man’s legs were swathed in loose black jeans, ripped here and there to show a knobby flash of knee, a wiry thigh, and his feet were encased in no-nonsense black leather steel-toe combat boots.  The hand that gripped a silver laptop was slender, graceful--the long fingers covered in heavy metal rings, almost delicate.  Sharp, but gentle eyes, rimmed in heavy black eyeliner, watched her, and long hair--bleached pale as moonlight--cascaded down his back in thick, tousled, artfully permed waves.  Though he wasn’t a large man, his shoulders almost filled the doorway, making Iseul feel slightly discomfited. 

As if sensing her discomfort, the man bowed.  'Hello,' he said, his voice soft, melodic.  'My name is Byun Baekhyun…I’m here for the meeting?'"


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Chapter 4: This Baekhyun is driving me crazy as well Iseul. ❤
Chapter 3: Note to self: try to get trapped in an elevator with Baekhyun. Play it smart and maybe I can cuddle him like a full length body pillow.
Chapter 2: Dear Iseul,
I have a feeling that you will not end up alone, that is if Byun Baekhyun has something to say about it.
I on the other hand am the poster child for terminal oneness. At least my dog loves me.
Yours truly,
93 streak #4
Chapter 3: Can I have this Baekhyun for me please?? Last part was so comforting. Ahhhhhhh it's painful to see Iseul brush up all of Baekhyun's effort to court her.
93 streak #5
Chapter 1: Being an intense person in terms of crush doesn't seem so disturbing for now. Baekhyun is such a sweetheart trying to help Iseul as much as he can. This was a great start ✨😊
Chapter 4: The innuendos 🤭🤭🤭 it reminded me of your Minseok hybrid fic. The poor OCs are always so innocently unaware 🤭🤭🤭
Baekhyunnie is trying so hard 🥺 uwu such patience 💕
Chapter 3: My hero Baekhyunnie 😭😭😭💕✨
93 streak #8
This plot seems so interesting. Can't wait to start reading it :)
Chapter 4: OMH Iseul! In some cases she reads him like a savant and in others “I can’t seen I’m blind…bliiind”
However, I get it…. She’s not used to thinking of herself that way, it becomes a habit not to see yourself as attractive the longer you go and then it eventually becomes what others treat you as. Aera is the most inconsiderate, with no ability to read the room. I don’t know if I’ve known people like her because I’m really good at shutting people out, but she’s annoying the way she treats our Iseul and expects things just because. Did this become a rant about a secondary character? Apologies. That grocery story scene… and the choking on air and him going all tender because she cut up fruit for him. But let talk about stoking his neck… which is a fantasy of mine … actually it’s too much of a Sunday to think the thinks I’m thinking. All I’ll say is I love how the elevator breaking down broke down some of her walls so he can get an in with our little turtle