Chapter 12 Finale

Let me mend your broken heart..

In Sooyeon's Room

"Healer, how is she?"

"Well, Prince Jaejong im sorry to say this"
"But its really beyond what we can do to help Princess Sooyeon"
"We've already tried our best, there's nothing much that we can do"
"Princess Sooyeon has to rely on her own will to survive" said the healer sadly as she lightly shook her head.

"How could you say all these, healer?!" exasperated Jaejong as he shook the healer violently.

"YEAH! How could you, healer?!" shouted Donghae as he barged into the room with Soojung following behind him.

"We really couldnt do anything much"
"We are really sorry" replied the healer with her head down

"Forget it, bunch of useless bums"
"Get out" snapped Jaejong in frustration

As soon as the healer left the room, Jaejong sat down on Sooyeon's bed and wiped her big beads of perspiration away.
While Donghae, fell onto his knees beside Sooyeon's bed, sobbing softly.

"Oppa.." started Soojung
"Can you all leave the room..?"
"I wanna help Sooyeon unnie to change her clothes, im sure she doesnt want to be in this bloody state.."

"Oh.. Right.."
"Oppa will go out now" replied Jaejong as he pulled Donghae out with him.

While the guys are gone, Soojung slowly sat down on Sooyeon's bed&held onto her warm hands.

"Sooyeon unnie.."
"I dont know if you could hear me.."
"But, please wake up okay?"
"I know you're tired, but please wake up when you're done sleeping okay?"
"I'll miss your voice, touch, love&care for me unnie.."
"Please, oppa,appa&omma are praying hard for you to wake up.." finished Soojung as a few drops of tears dripped onto Sooyeon's hands.

After wiping her tears away, Soojung stood up and started cleaning Sooyeon up.
She wanted Sooyeon to be in a clean&comfortable environment, she doesnt want Sooyeon to be in her dirty clothes.
From young, Sooyeon hated dirt the most which ended up having a nickname as clean-freak.
Soon, days slowly passed but Sooyeon didnt show any slightest signs of waking up.
Only repeated mumblings, cries were heard from her sleep while big beads of cold sweat formed on her forehead.

"Dont.. dont..!'
"No.. please dont.." cried Sooyeon as she moved her head left&right violently

"Jess.. its just a dream.." comforted Donghae as he slowly wiped the sweat away from Sooyeon's forehead.

For the past few days, its either Donghae,Jaejong,Soojung or the King&Queen who are taking care of Sooyeon.
They had different shifts for everyone so that everyone gets to rest&at the same time, Sooyeon gets to be taken care of.

Sooyeon's Dream

I've stepped into my favourite Garden of Fountain with my whole family including Donghae.
The weather was nice&everyone was wearing a wide smile on their faces.
Birds were singing happily on the trees, the sun was shinning brightly at us.
Everything felt so calm and happy until Amber appeared.
In a spilt second, everything changed after Amber came into the whole picture.
But my surroundings were no longer the same Garden of Fountain but the burnt Garden of Fountain.
It was burnt down by Amber.
Right after Amber burnt down the Garden of Fountain, I didnt know why or how,
my whole family including Donghae got captured by Amber&was put into torture.
I witnessed the whole part of torture, everyone got burnt by Amber's massive strong flames&were all screaming for help.
Especailly Soojung. Her cries were really painful&sad when i heard it.
How i wished i could just jump into the fire&get tortured with them if i couldnt save them.
But hell not, Amber held onto me, smirking evily.
I hated her smirk.
It was the ugliest smirk i've seen.
While smirking at the torture, Amber told me something.

"I want you to experience this slow process of your loved ones leaving you"
"Just like how you took me away from my father!" mocked Amber sacarstically

"No.. Please dont.."
"Amber please!" begged Sooyeon as tears rolled down her cheeks

End of Sooyeon's Dream

This dream repeatedly appeared in Sooyeon's vision like a broken video.
It just cant stop playing, which actually explains why she's always mumbling the same few words.
Days after days, days after days, soon it was already a week since the whole incident but Sooyeon have yet woken up from her deep slumber.
But just this day, this really special day which was actually Sooyeon's birthday when everything changed.

Sooyeon's Room

'Unnie, its your birthday today"
"Why arent you waking up..?"
"Everyone is waiting for you, the main lead to appear for the celebration" said Soojung as she patted Sooyeon's hands with a drop of tear dropping onto Sooyeon's hands.

Surprisingly, Sooyeon's hand started moving a little by little.
Slowly, soft whispers were heard.
Soojung bent over to Sooyeon's mouth&actually heard something which made her shout for the King,Queen,Jaejong&Donghae.

"Dont.. cry.." whispered Sooyeon so softly that it was barely audible for anyone to hear

"COME NOWWW!!!!" shouted Soojung at the top of her voice

Sooyeon's eyes started to slowly open up but visions were blurred.
After blinking for a few times, her vision were cleared but was shocked to see so many people crowding around her bed.

"Are you really awake?!"
"How're you feeling now?!" asked the Queen softly

"Summon for the healer now!" shouted the King

"Sooyeon, oppa's here"
"Are you okay?" asked Jaejong with a worried expression

"You recognise us?"
"Do you feel anywhere thats in discomfort?" asked Donghae caringly

Sooyeon didnt say anything, but just shook her head&smiled to them before drifting back to sleep.

Soon, the healers arrived in Sooyeon's room&started examining her but was stopped by Sooyeon's hands.

"I wanna.. sleep.." replie dSooyeon softly with a slight tint of irritation

"But Princess Sooyeon, we have to make sure you're fine" replied teh healer as they continued fussing Sooyeon around.

"I said.. just stop.."
"This is.. a princess's order.." scolded Sooyeon softly

"Im sorry. but we cant:
"Its the King's order to get you checked up, just bear with it awhile" replied the healers

":Go.. away.."
"It hurts.." sobbed Sooyeon softly as the healers started poking needles here and there over Sooyeon's body to get some samples for tests.

Just like what Soojung had mentioned previously, medical supplies in the heaven are only needles&herbs that are used for medication.
Then, Sooyeon started struggling hard since she hated  the way the healers fuss over her, evntually landing her on the floor with a loud thud&everyone rushed into the room to find out what was going on with all those commotion heard outskde,
Donghae was the first to rush to her, scooping Sooyeon up in his arms.

"Whats wrong, Jess?" asked Donghae tenderly

"I dont.. like.. the healers.." sobbed Sooyeon
"They're poking lots od needles here&there.."
"It hurts.."

"They are just running to run some tests for you okay?" explained Donghae as he wiped her tears away and sat her down on the bed

"Yeah, Sooyeon just awhile"
"We just wanted to make sure you're doing well"

"Yeah unnie"
"You were out for days, like a week&a little more" added Soojung

"I dont want.. Donghae.."
"Bring me.. out of here.. please.." cried Sooyeon

"Well.. Jess.." hesistated Donghae

"Forget it, healers, get out first" commanded the King in frustration

"Yes your majesty" replied the healers as they left the room

"But, Sooyeon, tell us how're you feeling right now?" asked the King as he settled down beside Sooyeon

"Appa.. im fine already.."
"Dont worry about it.." replied Sooyeon

"How could you tell us to not worry?"
"My precious  Sooyeon, did you know how long were you out of consciousness?"
""Mumbling the same old few words again&again" said the King as he Sooyeon's cheeks lovingly.

"It was just.. a nightmare.."
"Appa.. nightmare.." explained Sooyeon as she shivered at the thought of it.

"What kind of nightmare made you cried so badly?" asked Jaejong

"Erm.. Oppa.."
"It was nothing.."
"Its over already.." smiled Sooyeon
"Arent you all supposed to celebrate my 19th birthday today..?" asked Sooyeon
"Soojung said everyone was.. waiting for me..?"

"Of course of course!" smiled the Queen happily
"We're all waiting for you to appear"
"Now that you're awake, do you wanna come down?"

"Of course, omma"
"My first birthday here after i left 9 years ago"

"Okay, we'll wait for you at the great hall alright"
"Soojung, help your unnie a little" instructed the King&Queen happily before leaving for the great hall to prepare for the celebration.

"Oppa will be out waiting for you too" smiled Jaejong as he left the room

"Jess, i'll be a little special"
"I'll wait for you outside your room" smirked Donghae happily


An hour later, Sooyeon slowly stepped out of the room,
wearing a really elegant pink dress with her blonde hair bundled up.
She looked really stunning, just a little out of colour which couldnt be blame at all.

"Wow, you look gorgeous" commented Donghae as he lightly spinned Sooyeon around outside her room

"Thank you"

"Well, someone that stunning should deserve a special walk towards the great hall for her special day right?" said Donghae cheekily as he swiftly scooped Sooyeon into his arms&carried her to the great hall in the bridal style, ignoring Soojung's presence behind them.

"Cant they at least"
"At least for my sake, save all these&do it later without anyone's presence?" grumbled Sooyeon annoyingly as she followed the two into the great hall

"Ops, Donghae"
"Soojung's grumbling about us at the back" giggled Sooyeon to Donghae

"Hahas, i heard"
"She grumbled so loudly"
"Hey Jess, im so glad to have you with me"
"You know, i was so afraid of losing you again" said Donghae as he landed a peck on Sooyeon's juicy looking lips

"I was too, afraid of losing you, Donghae"
"Thats why i risked my life to save you" replied Sooyeon

"I know"
"You know what?"


"I love you, more than you could ever imagine" whispered Donghae into Sooyeon's ear softly

"I love you too" replied Sooyeon as she returned Donghae a tiny peck on his soft lips

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zicky_yun #1
Chapter 12: Oww is so so cute I'm impressed this beautiful congratulations author
snsd94ever #2
Chapter 12: awwwww author, my favourote fanfocs are all written from you! how i love uroockx fanfics! pls update the fanfic tat u left of hiatus! thks i love u author! and ur stories too of course!
Chapter 12: Awwwwwww! So Sweet!!!
Chapter 12: Are you going to makes the sequel?
Eririn #5
Yes a happy ending. I'm a little annoyed that donghae can't protect Jessica and is always making things worse. But at least she didn't die in the end. And soojung is too adorable :)
Awww that's so should do a
Sequel to this story.........
minstal_1 #7
so sweet :))
love it
yup yup a happy ending ^^;
yayyyyyy Happy ending ^-^