
A Trip to Remember


The rest of the day passed by fairly quickly. You tried getting used to the different atmosphere, and so far you loved it. People were really nice to you, besides that guy from earlier but you didn’t pay much attention to that. You went to music theory, then your other classes and you loved them.  A couple people in some of the classes knew what happened with you and Myungsoo and kept their distance but you didn’t care. You weren’t going to let that jerk boss you around and tell you what to do.


Soon it was time for lunch and your stomach tightened up a little bit. You were new after all so you didn’t really know anyone that well to be able to spark a nice conversation. You walked through the hall toward the cafeteria area as students grouped together with their friends and chatted amongst themselves. You looked forward trying to evaluate your situation right now

I could sit by myself….

Wait no that’s weird I’ll look like a loser and no body would want to talk to me

I could just sit down with other people…

But what if they’re rude like that other guy?

You shook you head in frustration and went to go get your lunch.


You stood looking at the countless tables of other students talking with your friends and you suddenly wished you were still back home. You missed your best friends, and your school, but you wanted to come here so you just needed to learn how to it up.

You walked over to an area near the café where some students were doing their homework or just listening to music, or sitting by themselves. You sat yourself down at a little table by yourself and decided to use this time to get used to the school better. You took out your map and tried to study the school grounds that seemed to go on forever.


What is this Hogwarts or something? Aigoo, how am I ever going to be able to make it until the end of the day?


You cringed and put the map down and got up to buy some mango juice. While you walked over to the vending machine, taking the change out of your pocket, you didn’t notice the person lying down on the floor sitting in a beanbag asleep. You walked right past him not noticing that his leg was sticking right up and tripped and fell right onto him.

Frozen in place and your eyes wide in shock, you looked down at him, your face just inches away from his.

He had round dark brown eyes and the roundest cutest face you’d ever seen. He looked up at you with a huge grin and got closer to your face.


“Guess what” he whispered, still inches away from your face smiling as he got closer and closer.


“W-w-what?” you muttered out, still frozen in place not really knowing what to do or how you even got into this situation in the first place.

“You’re kinda squishing my ipod, and sitting right on my lap” he said now just millimeters from your face.


“OH, oh yeah…oh wow, okay I’m sorry…uhh ill just, here um…uhhhh” You stammered, now realizing that you were still laying on him, trying to climb off of him. You stood back up, and faced him, your face reddening.


“I’m really sorry I didn’t see you” you said as you looked down, yelling at yourself on the inside for running into even more people.


“No really its not a problem!” The cute boy said as he jumped up and shook your hand smiling.

“I’m Yang Yoseob, but you can just call me Yoseob. It was my fault for sleeping and shoving my foot in the way anyways.”

You smiled up at him and shook his hand “I’m Alice, and I just moved here from America” you said as the two of you kept on shaking hands.

“So what were you doing before you gracefully landed yourself on top of me?” he smirked as he put his hands in his pockets

“Oh I was just going to buy something to drink…” you said as you pointed over to the vending machine.

“Ah okay, wait you said you were new right?” Yoseob said as he tilted his head, flashing the most adorable smile you probably had ever saw. You nodded and he continued, “Do you have anyone to sit with yet? Lunch gets pretty packed here, and unless you already have a lot of friends, most of the people here don’t really tend to pay much attention to you. This is after all, the mighty Seoul Academy of Art and Music.” He said as he rolled his eyes at the last part, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.


You sheepishly shook your head and gestured over to where you had your stuff still laying on the table in the back. You told him how you were planning to just study the school map and try to find your way around here.

He perked up when he heard that you weren’t sitting with anyone and jumped up and down

“That’s great! You can sit with me and my friends! Well I was sleeping because I was kind of up late last night because of… uh reasons, but never mind that!” Before you could say anything he grabbed your hand and pulled you over to where you had been sitting earlier. He packed up your things and carried your backpack for you while he lead you through the cafeteria. He finally stopped at a table filled with 5 other boys, all of them laughing and hitting each other playfully.

“Yah pabos look over here” Yoseob said as he still held your hand. You awkwardly looked back at the group of guys and a couple of girls.

“This is Alice and she just moved here from America. She’s going to be sitting with us today” Before anyone else could say anything he pulled you over to the table and sat you down right next to him.

“Alice this is Doojoon, Kikwang, Dongwoon, Junhyung, and Hyunseung,” Yoseob said as he gestured to the group of guys. They all smiled and waved in your direction. All of them seemed really nice as they all struck conversation with you. One of the boys who you thought was Dongwoon kept on trying to speak English with you, insisting that he knew how to speak it really well. One of the boys sat away from the others, looking in the distance and listening to his ipod as he bobbed his head up and down. You remembered Yoseob pointing and saying that his name was Hyunseung. Next to him was a boy who was playing on his phone, coke bottles littered all around him. You glanced away, knowing that he seemed nice but you made a mental note not to get on his bad side. You smiled as you looked around at the group of boys and girls that you hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to yet and you ate the rest of your lunch. Maybe the first day wasn’t going to be so bad afterall.


Hey guys let me know if the story is going well so far. This is my first fic afterall so really, let me know if there's anything i need to ~*change up~*

Sorry If its going by really slow! Im just trying to introduce all of the characters you know? ^^

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ookool #1
Update soon please
thank you so much! sorry for not updating!
I will now though, now that school is out (●´∀`●)
_uniquelynghi #3
Keke~ Loving the story plot line..thing..d:
Update soon~<33