First Period

A Trip to Remember


You stormed through the crowd, still aggravated about what had just happened. Pull it together Alice! You thought to yourself. It was just one annoying, rude, but very attractive person out of this whole school of very nice people. You slumped onto the nearest bench you could find and looked at the map of the school more carefully. 

You were finally able to figure out your first period class and walked in just as the bell rang. The teacher looked at you, confused, but then realized that you must have been the new student. She smiled at you and pulled you to the front of the class.

"Attention everyone! This is our new student Alice who just transferred here from America! Please treat her well and welcome her into the class!" All eyes were on you, as you stood in front of the class awkwardly. You scanned the room for an available desk to sit in when you met eyes with him, the jerk that you had bumped into earlier. He smirked at you and looked you straight in the eye as you glared at him. You couldn’t believe you were in the same class as him! “Ah Alice why don’t you sit next to Myungsoo, the desk by the window!” So that’s what his name was, you thought. You panicked and desperately tried to look for another desk to sit at. Unfortunately that was the only seat available. The teacher quickly pushed you to toward the empty desk next to Myungsoo.

 You walked over and sat down and ignored his piercing stare as you pulled out your notebook and pencil bag. You discreetly let your long brown hair flow over your right shoulder, trying your best not to make eye contact again. You looked in front of you and did your best to pay attention to what your teacher was saying as you felt his piercing stare on you.


(Myungsoo’s POV)


I walked into class with Sungyeol and sat down in my usual spot. He went over to talk to the rest of the group, but I sat in my seat and stared at nothing in particular. Remembering what happened earlier I smirked and smiled as I replayed the event in my head.

“Myungsooooo” some girl whined as she walked up to my desk. I stared at her blankly as she pouted infront of me trying to get my attention.

I glared at her and ignored her but she stood next to me.

“Oppa, why don’t we hang out like we used to?” She said frowning at me. I groaned and pushed her away.

“I can’t even remember your name so why don’t you back off?” I growled.

Her face fell and hurt flashed across her eyes, but she nodded, and shuffled back to her little group of friends. I rolled my eyes and tried not to pay attention to anyone else. I was just about to lay my head on the table when I saw someone walk into the classroom.

She glanced around the classroom for the teacher and walked over to her. Her long straight brown hair fell around her mid waist and she had the warmest hazel eyes I’d ever seen. She had Korean features, but it was obvious she had some other ethnic background. I leaned forward and then realized that I recognized her. I clenched my jaw and remembered the pathetic person that ran into me in the hall, realizing it was the girl who stood in front of the class. How she stormed over and told me off in front of everyone.

The teacher started talking to the class and introducing her but I didn’t pay much attention. I glared straight into her eyes, making sure she saw me.

I locked eyes with her and she stared back. She stared with those huge hazel eyes and glared back at me.

I smirked and glared back. Who does this girl think she is, acting all tough? Shouldn’t she know that I’m Kim Myungsoo, most popular guy in school and one of the best guitarists here?! Most of the other girls shrink away and listen to what I tell them. She finally looked away and glanced at the teacher and froze when she realized the only free seat was right next to mine. I smirked to myself, enjoying how uncomfortable she probably felt right now.

I watched her as she made her way to my seat, the other girls whispering to each other obviously envious that she was so close to me. She sat down and completely ignored me while I stared at her. Man her hair was really pretty…wait Myungsoo what are you doing, she just back talked you earlier. I groaned and tried to peel my gaze away from her but I couldn’t. Something about her was different, different than most of the girls who went here. They all kept to themselves and stayed in their group of friends.

I didn’t realize I had been staring at her for a while now, for she let her hair drape over her right shoulder and looked up at the teacher. I shook my head and tried to pay attention to what was going on in front of me, but failed miserably as I shifted in my chair, feeling her presence right next to me.

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ookool #1
Update soon please
thank you so much! sorry for not updating!
I will now though, now that school is out (●´∀`●)
_uniquelynghi #3
Keke~ Loving the story plot line..thing..d:
Update soon~<33