Highschool So Far

A Trip to Remember

Class finally ended and you grabbed your notebook and pencil case and packed them into your bag. As you did that you could see a figure standing in front of your desk. You quickly looked up and noticed it was Myungsoo.

You rolled your eyes and stood up. "What do you want now?" you said as you returned his gaze. He looked taken aback by your straightfowardness but cleared his throat and began "Listen here Alice," he said as he looked at you straight in the eye, "I know you're new so this will be a warning for you. Around here people don't talk back to me. Especially not girls. So I sugjest you do as I say and no one gets hurt, k sweetie?" He flashed a fake smile at you and waited for your response. By now some kids in the class heard what was going on and gathered around to listen. You scoffed and smiled back at him.

"First of all, don't ever call me sweetie. Ever. Secondly, I really don't give a about what people around here think of you because so far i've concluded that you're a ist, egotistical jerk that I really don't want anything to do with." And with that you patted his shoulder and walked past him, earning gasps and whispers from the crowd.


(Myungsoo's POV)

As soon as the classroom bell rang for us to be dismissed, I packed my things quickly and stood infront of her waiting for her to get up. During the whole class time, I'd been thinking of ways to confront her. To tell her that things work a little differently around here. She finally looked up and I expected her to stay seated or shy away once she saw me. But she did in fact the opposite, standing up and looking me straight in the eye. I averted my gaze to around the class room, looking at the other students. I cleared my throat and looked back at her and explained to her what I had been replaying in my head for the past hour.

I smiled triumphantly, quite proud of how great it sounded. I expected her to nod and shuffle away but again she just glared at me and replied.

ist?! An egotistical jerk?!

I clenched my fist as she proceeded to embarrass me in front of the whole class. She looked me straight in the eye, patted my shoulder, and walked away. I just stood there, looking like a dumb idiot infront of the whole class.

Sungyeol came over and put his hand on my back. "Hey Myungsoo, you ok?" he said with a worried look on his face "No girl has ever stood up to you before...woah" Dongwoo and Sunggyu came over as well, both not trying to hide their suprise from what they just saw. I looked up still clenching my fists, my knuckles turning white as a result.


"YAH OF COURSE I'M FINE," I yelled as I pushed him off "She's just a stupid girl, why should I care what she thinks if me!?"

I stode through the crowd of people quickly moving out of the way to let me by, and out of the classroom. I made my way to the studio room, the place I always came to whenever I wanted to get away from everyone and everything.

I thought about what I had told Sungyeol and the rest.

She was just a girl afterall. A stubborn, annoying, disrespectful girl who I didn't give a about either.


So why did it hurt me so much when she said she could care less about me...?


After first period you were even having doubts about comming here. If all guys here acted like HIM, and all of the girls follow him around like little brainwashed dogs, you'd never fit in! You felt a wave of homesickness as you remembered your home back in Seattle. You missed your friends severly right now, and knew they wouldn't put up with this either.

You sighed and shook all of those thoughts out of your head. ~You came here by choice Alice,~ you thought. You wanted to study here and here you are. All you have to do is ignore any negative influences and annoying s and focus on your future.

You patted your cheeks and made your way to 2nd period, Music Theory.

That is.... If you could find it.

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ookool #1
Update soon please
thank you so much! sorry for not updating!
I will now though, now that school is out (●´∀`●)
_uniquelynghi #3
Keke~ Loving the story plot line..thing..d:
Update soon~<33