The Plan

The Way to Break Up

While Seunghyun was leaving, Seungri came back into the kitchen and smiled at Jiyong, who smiled back. "Good acting, Jiyong-Hyung." The younger commented. Jiyong smiled wider and said, "Thanks dongsaeng. I think that Seunghyun will think twice from now on." The two of them laughed together. You see, since Seungri discovered Seunghyun was cheating on Jiyong, he called his friends Jiyong and Taeyang and together, they developed a plan.

Flashback~Jiyong's POV

My phone rang as I was making dinner for me and Seunghyun. I looked at the caller ID and it was my best friend Seungri. I smiled and answered the phone happily, "What's up dongsaeng?" I heard him reply in a low voice, "Hyung, Seunghyun-Hyung is cheating on you. I'm at VIP Club and he's here making out with some guy." I knew my dongsaeng wouldn't lie to me about my boyfriend. I dropped everything and fell to my knees. "Dongsaeng, am I not good enough for him?" I asked with a lonely year falling down my face.

"No Hyung! You're the best and don't believe any different." I nodded then said, "Do you know how long this may have been going on?" He said no. I sighed deeply. Then I heard Seungri gasp on the other end of the line. "Seungie, what is it?" He hesitated before responding, "Hyung, let's wait and see how long this goes on before you say anything ok?" I argued with him for about five minutes before agreeing with Seungri.

We hung up the phone and I stopped cooking. Instead, I went to my room and took out a picture of me and Seunghyun kissing.

Seungri's POV

I can't believe Seunghyun-Hyung would do such a thing! But I need to see how long he will cheat so I placed a call.

"Hello?" He answered the phone and I rushed through my explanation. "So will you help out?" I finished and he was silent for quite some time. Finally, he answered, "Yeah, sure. Why not? I'm becoming ually frustrated too~" He joked. I laughed and said, "Thanks! I owe you a lot.. Taeyang-Hyung!" Taeyang-Hyung laughed and hung up. I called Jiyong back and told him about the plan.

Jiyong's POV

I was actually a bit scared when Seungri told me to pretend to be happy and loving with Seunghyun then in a few months, I would have to be angry. I guess it's time for those years of drama to come into effect.

I smirked though; I have to admit, I have a pretty smart dongsaeng.

End flashback~

So now, Jiyong had to be angry in order to teach Seunghyun a lesson. He laughed with Seungri and the two of them went to watch television in another room.

With Seunghyun•••

Seunghyun turned in his sleep and stretched his arm out. "Ji?" He questioned. He shot up once he realized Jiyong was not next to him. He looked around, then his eyes laid on the note Jiyong left for him just yesterday. His resolve hardened considerably when he re-read the note. He would win his Jiyong back, one way or another. He put on some clothes and went out to the gym, wanting to look his best for Jiyong.

He spotted Taeyang there as well, but ignored him. That is, until Taeyang saw him and sauntered over, wanting to start conversation. "Hi Seungie~" Taeyang called out once he was close enough. Seunghyun looked at him then looked away. Taeyang smirked. "I heard about you and Jiyong. I'm sorry about that, but I can make it better."

For a second, Seunghyun was actually considering the offer. However he remembered the promise he made to Jiyong, even though the former was angry and drunk.

"No. I want you to stay away from me, Youngbae." Taeyang raised his hands in innocence and backed away. "Fine. I'm gone. You were bad in bed anyway." Seunghyun growled at him, but left and continued to work out. Once he was done, he left and went into an ice cream store.

Bad for him, right? He knew, but he needed to get his mind off things. He was in his own world, when he saw a familiar blonde walk by the store front.

"Jiyong!" Seunghyun called out. He ran towards the male, but soon lost him in a sea of people. His heart was crushed. He went back home and took his phone. On his phone, he looked at all the pictures he took with Jiyong and listened to them rapping together to their favorite song, High High by G-Dragon and TOP.

He sighed heavily, looking at his wallpaper, a picture of him and Jiyong kissing. A tear fell down his face as he thought back to when everything went wrong. The past three months was just wrong.

How could he have ever ignored Jiyong for so long?

Why would he go out and get something when his beautiful, y, and willing, boyfriend was right there? He steeled his resolve once again. He gave himself a challenge: win Jiyong back in a month. He knows how much Jiyong loves him and he loves Jiyong so much. He already knew what to do. He would put his plan into action tomorrow.

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Dragon63 #1
this story was so amazing!!!! i like cried during the first part
i love the title of this fanfic!! it was really good :D
thanks for writing this!! and im so glad that gtop was real even at the end :D :D :D
Chapter 13: Aw what lol. But that means gtop isnt real in life :o haha it was good ^^
llvip59 #3
Chapter 13: Hahahahah OMG this was such a good story especially the end I was like 'WTF movie?' Lol I enjoyed reading this cx
Jiahyunnie #4
Chapter 13: WHAT!!!!!! A movie... I felt cheated.. Lol nice one..
Kacichan #5
Thats so nice...
lovelydarling #6
yay they are happy :D
lovelydarling #7
omo can't wait for another update :D
#8 a dance studio...on his own free will... While trying to impress Ji... Not to mention he dances infront of him... Lol, am I the only one who laughed at this?! XD
I nearly cried the first two chapters!!!!
lovelydarling #10
Yay update. I can't wait for make up ;)