The first attack

You,me and the Witch..

"You might be so afraid!" Gongchan squealed.

You nodded,"Yes! Fortunately,Baro was with me at that moment!"

You sat on a chair,while Baro sat beside you,nodding at your statement.

Jinyoung,Gongchan,CNU and Sandeul sat around you,listening to your horror moment meeting the witch.

"What does she want?" Jinyoung frowned. You shrugged.

Suddenly,CNU stood up and walked to the window.

"What's wrong,CNU?"

He murmured,"The sky..its dark."

"Dark?" You rushed to the window and the rest followed.

Whitelove land's sky never been dark.There was no night neither rain in that beautiful country.

..but their eyes didn't lie.The sky was dark.The clouds floating on the air like smoke.Out of sudden.the thunder striked.


Baro started feeling worried."I think there's something wr--"


Another thunder cut across the sky..and hit straight to their house.The roof burnt.

"Run out of this house!" Jinyoung yelled.

All of them dashed out of the house.At the outside,they found another shocking 'thing'.

A black dragon as high as Princess Yoona's castle was firing the village with the fire from its mouth and made the houses burnt.

People ran wildly to nowhere,wanting to save their own life.Screaming could be heard from anywhere.The dragon's fire burnt all of the houses at the village

"I think we better run to find a safe place! Run!" Baro told them.

Gongchan ,CNU and Sandeul ran first,followed the other villagers.Jinyoung and you followed them and Baro followed you from the back.

The dragon roared.It had burned everything in the village,creating a great chaos.Most of the things at the village was burnt.

You struggling avoid burnt trees,woods and carcasses along the way you ran on.

"Arrgh!" Baro yelled as he pushed away burnt stick that flew over him.He stopped to rid off the fire that ate his clothes.

Jinyoung and you didn't notice he stopped and continued running with the other villager for a safer place.

However,after a few minutes,you noticed Baro was gone.

"Baro?" you stopped,turning around.Jinyoung did the same.

The grey smoke on the air blocked your sight.You couldn't see anything except black smoke.

After a few seconds,the grey smoke shifted away by the wind..and revealed Baro,who was struggling to find the right direction to run.

"Baro!Here!" you shouted and breathed out relieved when he saw you.

Before he started running toward you,a big fiery wood came from nowhere and fell in front of him,separating you and him.

"Baro!" both you and Jinyoung shouted in unison.

Knowing that he couldn't pass the fire,he waved his hand,"Go! Run! Follow the others!Don't worry about me!Just go!"

You were hesitating at first,but Jinyoung grabbed your hand and pulled you into a run again.

Seeing your worried face,Jinyoung said,"I believe Baro will survive.But now,we have to save ourselves first."

You believed him at first,but more farhest you ran,more you worried about Baro.

So,you stopped before turning back around and started running toward Baro.

"__________!" Jinyoung yelled,shocked with your action.

"Baro!" You shouted,running toward him.You completely ignored Jinyoung who called for you.He,then, decided to follow you.

To your horror,there was no Baro."Baro!" you called out again.

Through the grey smoke on the air,you could see two figures not far from you.

The wind once again blew and shifted away the smoke and you saw Baro...with Yuri.

Yuri stood behind him and had her hand on his shoulder.Baro was already knelt on the ground.Blood running out from his mouth.

The witch smiled in satisfy.

"BARO!" you tried to run toward him all over again,but Jinyoung grabbed you from back.

Another big fiery wood fell after them."Watch out!" Jinyoung yelled.

He pulled you into a hug while watching Baro from afar,lying helplessly on the ground with Yuri behind him,smirking.

His fist clenched.*Damn witch.She killed my friend*

You cried in his arms and murmured, "B-baro..He..he.."

Jinyoung cut your words,"We must leave this village now."

"...but Baro.."

Pretending to ignore the fact that Baro was dying,he pulled your hands and ran all over again.

Tears streaming down to your cheeks as you ran with Jinyoung.

You still couldn't believe what you saw.


killed Baro.

Another beloved person of yours died.

..because of witch.



Woot2!! Update!!

phew~feeling satisfy after typing this chapter.

Another chapter coming soon!

..and sorry for grammar error!

P/s:Did you watch B1A4's new comeback,"Tried To Walk"??

       It's brilliant!


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updated~you me and the witch~


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Chapter 8: Heheh great story! New reader update soon^^
Shizz. Please Update soon.
The story is so amaxing so farrrr..
can't wait ~
Midnight-Checkmate #4
Please update soon~
I can't wait to finish reading this~