Witch 7~

You,me and the Witch..

On a fine,brand new day,you were sitting under a shady tree while looking up to the calm azure sky and smiled.

Everything seemed beautiful.

With Baro sitting right next to you,the day became more beautiful.

"Look at this flower."he said while took out a tulip from his back.

You turned to him as he continued,"People said flower is the most beautiful creature in this world.More beautiful than fairies."

He turned to you and grinned,"But I think you're the most beautiful creature in this whole world."

Slightly laughed,you hit his shoulder softly,"Yeah,right."

"I'm talking only the truth!"he exclaimed.

You threw a tiny rock from the ground toward him."You're such a sweet-talker,aren't you?" then you laughed.

He mocked a pain face playfully and then laughed along.


Both of you quickly turned around back."What is that sound?" Baro asked,whispered.

You shrugged.

..then suddenly someone cleared throat from beside the tree.

"I'm here,darling"

Shocked,both Baro and you turned around again and this time your eyes were opened widely in fear as you saw a tall figure covered with long,black dress.

Enjoying your scared face,Yuri,the Witch smirked before said politely."Pretty maiden,we meet again."

"You know her? Your friend?" Baro asked innocently.

Already stop breathing,you whispered,"She..she's the Witch."


Just in a blink of eyes,Baro was already pulled you into his hug and glared at Yuri.

"What do you want,you bad creature.Leave us alone." he said as he raised up his finger and all the roots and branches from the trees crawling toward Yuri.

Feeling no fear,Yuri just laughed before said,"Calm down,boy.I just want to talk to your girl."she pointed at you.

Baro tighten his hug while your face was already pale like chalk.

What she wants from me??,you cried secretly.

"What do you want from her?She is not please with your presence now."

Yuri walked around the tree."I can see that."

"...but I come here with peace.I do not have any intention to hurt anyone."

"Then,what do you want?" Baro repeated,this time his voice was tensed high.

"Before I say anything,let me tell you something..I'm Princess Yoona's sister.Yes,the sister of the princess that all of you adore."

" So,Whitelove Land is mine in the first place.Mine".She said firmly.

She continued,"But the 'beautiful' Princess Yoona betrayed me until at last,this beautiful land fell in her hand.And me? They told me to get off from this country.I've been abandoned and living like hell outside there."

Baro and you kept silent,listening to her in disbelief."That's why I want to take back Whitelove Land.I want to take what is mine." 

Yuri turned to you."But I need your help."

You looked up,"M-Me?"

Yuri turned around,closing her eyes while borught her arms wide out and said out loud.

"The time,when Whitelove become yours,you own everything..Yuri owns everything..EVERYTHING! but without the girl with butterfly-shaped scar..that everything's going to be nothing."

Yuri opened her eyes and brought her hands down before stared you right in the eyes.

"That was what Soo Man,the old Wizard said in his prophecy..and the girl with butterfly-shaped scar..."

she came nearer toward you."...is you."

Baro took you a few steps back away from Yuri.

Yuri smiled,"So I want you to help me.Take over Whitelove land with me."

You pulled Baro slowly,loosen the hug and faced Yuri.

"I..I...I..." you murmured.

Yuri interrupted,"Do not worry about power.I'll give you power,I'll give you magic.I'll give you everything.As long as you join me take over the Whitelove Land."

"I..I...I do not need power!" a last,you managed to breath out those words.

Baro looked you in impressed.

"I..do no need power.I might have weak wind magic.I do not have strong power enough for myself...but..but.."

Your eyes started became teary."...but I have love."You turned to Baro.

"I have someone that I love by my side.I have friends who love me not because of my power.Not because of my magic.Love..is powerful than power or magic."

Tears started flowing down your cheeks."Moreover,I'll never compromise with someone who kills my family."

You wiped your tears,while Yuri just watched you from her position."Witches kill my family.So why must I compromise with creatures that had killed my family? So,I won't.I won't help you.I don't want to betray my country."

Baro reached out your hands,giving his support.

"..and I don't believe what you said about Princess Yoona just now.She is not that type of person."

Yuri smiled,but not a friendly one."Fine.If that what you want,I could not force you more."

She turned around and walked away after exclaimed sarcastically,"May both of you live happily ever after.You have my blessing."

Then,her shadow disappeared slowly.

After she gone,Baro held out your shoulder softly."You're fine,right?"

You wiped tears on your cheeks and nodded weakly.

"Hey,you said just now that you love me,right? Is it true?"Baro joked,grinning,tried to rid off the tensed air.

Smiling weakly,you replied,"Do I have to say it all over again?"

"Never mind if you don't want to say it.Because I already know you do but I want you to know that I never ever forget to love you,even for a second.Remember that always."

You hugged him tightly,"Sure."

..while love was in the air,surrounding both Baro and you..

...Yuri was walking into her cave with  an evil aura around her.

Her lips formed an evil smiled,already planning something evil in her evil mind.

"Prepare the soldiers and the dragons! " she yelled out and her voice echoed in the gloomy cave.

She sat down on her throne as her loyal follower,the Elf appeared in front of her,curious what Yuri's plan was.

"We'll give 'surprise' to Whitelove Land tomorrow."



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updated~you me and the witch~


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Chapter 8: Heheh great story! New reader update soon^^
Shizz. Please Update soon.
The story is so amaxing so farrrr..
can't wait ~
Midnight-Checkmate #4
Please update soon~
I can't wait to finish reading this~