-4- To be saved

I’m not a hero.
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Playlist for the au: Swinging to the past Playlist

 Or Loving in a one way street Playlist


my head hurts...My arm feels ing numb, where am I?! You open your eyes, a room you don't recognise. Your left hand comes up to your face, the mask is gone.  , did I get kidnapped? They know who I am now... what do I do, should I run? The window is right there but my head ing hurts.


"Is she okay? What did your uncle say?" Yizhuo? You take a breath, if she's here that means you should be safe at least.


" She's fine, but her arm is broken. Her head has a huge gash that required a few stitches and she has a really bad concussion right now, Why didn't you guys tell me what was happening?? Wait, is that why you called my phone that day? , Minjeong is spiderman? Like- Actually?" She sounds familiar but...who-


" Yeah and yeah...She's spiderman, and I guess I would be the guy in the chair. Don't take it badly Aeri, it's just- we met yesterday for the first time and both of us would really rather to keep this a secret. I mean look at us, sure we've been doing this for 2 years now but we're both 17... The media would go crazy over this, and you've seen public opinion on spiderman haven't you? Sure most of the people love her, but Jameson and the people who follow him..."

 Right, Joe Jonah Jameson...My number one hater, even if I save the world he would say I'm the one who put it in danger in the first place.


You stand up, staggering at first but quickly recovering. Limping to the door you grip the handle, twisting it and pushing it. The two girls flinch at the sound, before looking up to meet your eyes. Yizhuo runs to hug you, slightly crushing your lungs and you feel a stab in your rib.


"Ning...That hurts." She lets go of you and immediately drags your hand to sit you back onto the bed.


" Okay Minjeong,let's get you up to speed." Aeri pulls two chairs for herself and Ning while you nod at her, having half a mind to run out of the room to find Karina. I wonder if those guys have gotten far.


"First, it's been two days since the explosion at rodion mall...Karina, has not been found. However Yizhuo has given the information that Jimin is at the fisk tower to Jimin's parents, so now we're just waiting for them to take action." She-she said that her step dad doesn't care about her, will he really send help to her? I should go get her.


" Your arm is broken. But, we have observed that you're healing...at an alarming rate thats barely human... That day you passed out from the explosion, I got worried about spiderman and went back into the mall and found you there. Seeing as spidermans brand is basically [unknown masked vigilante] I brought you to my penthouse instead, and I...removed your mask." The doctor who saw my face, what will-


" The doctor who stitched you up and put you in that cast is my uncle, so don't worry. He won't reveal your identity, but when I pulled off the mask... God I was so shocked, I mean- you run around beating up villains and robbers and thieves and all this time you were the same age as me...A kid." You bring your hand to touch Aeri's in an attempt to comfort her. Don't compare yourself to a weird teenager with the ability to climb and shoot webs Aeri.


" I won't ask for much, but just know that you saved me that day, Minjeong. I will never forget that, from now on please- In anyway, if I can help, allow me to. " She looks up from her hands with newfound determination clear behind her eyes, you shake your head.


" It's my pleasure to save the city and you Aeri, but you don't have to return the favour in any way. Under the mask and hero activities I'm just Kim Minjeong, a broke highschool sophmore whose good at studies with a scholarship to the most snobby school ever." She laughs and you smile at her before continuing.


" I'm glad you're safe, I'm sorry I couldn't protect Jimin that day..." She shakes her head and places her hand on yours, giving it a tight squeeze.


" Minjeong. No one needs to take blame for not being able to protect or save someone, other than the person who hurt them in the first place. Also about the favor thing, fine...You don't have to ask me to help. But I want to help, that sounds confusing- Even with or without the favor I want to be able to do something good with this ridiculous allowance my parents give me other than shopping it all away, alright?" You contemplate it for a moment before finally nodding your head. Cash money might be good.


" Right, what about my mom?" Ning looks to her phone and unlocks it before showing you a line of messages 


- Ningning do you know where Minjeong is? It's already 11pm, she should be home from school right? are you two hanging out?

_ She was at the bombing site today unnie

- Is she okay?! Which hospital are you guys at?

_ One of our classmates saw us and brought us to their house since the hospital was overloaded min is sleeping in her bed rn

- Classmate? A student from SM High actually helped you guys?

_ Yeah! She's really nice don't worry! Do you want to come over and check on her? 

- I'll go tomorrow, I'll help her clean up her room for today.


- I just have to say that I'm Minjeong's mom right?

_ Yep!

- Rich kids really are different, this house could probably cost more than 10 years of my salary


_ How is she? I'll swing by after school

- She's stable, but watching her in a hospital bed...

_ Don't worry unnie, she's strong. Do you need someone there with you? I'll ask mom to go over.

- Nono there's no need, I should return to the restaurant anyway.


_ Are you coming today Unnie?

- Yeah, you're already going over right? tell me her condition!

_She's awake! And already moving about!

- That's a relief, I'm almost there.


" She visited yesterday, but don't worry she doesn't know you're spiderman." You nod and pick up your phone, only for you to see that the screen was cracked, bent in a 30• angle and even your headphone jack destroyed. man...


" I guess I was too

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*pushes glasses* …so what if I just wanted to flesh out 2kims relationship-


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15 streak #1
Chapter 4: i tried to finish it but i couldn't, the plot is cool but the writing style using You when it's minjeong's pov doesn't sit up well with me like i'd prefer when using her pov not mine as minjeong, idk if u get it.
Anyway, keep it up with ur hard work and please do not feel offended cuz it's just my opinion after all 🤗
Chapter 20: so much going on 😶‍🌫️
chloe_kim #3
Chapter 19: pls pls pls continue 🙏
Ashyasfuc #4
continue pls 😭
narutoaespaa #5
Chapter 19: please continue 😭
Addlyka #6
Chapter 19: please continue...
21pops #7
Chapter 19: Please continue 😭
Chapter 19: please continue 🥹
172 streak #9
Chapter 19: I think there’s nothing wrong with writing, we have always separated characters from idols, ofc we use their names but we know that’s not who they are in real life, tat’s the beauty of fiction we let out imagination and creativity take over. If you decide to no longer continue because you feel uncomfortable then we’ll respect your decision. If you decide to take a break we’ll respect that too, do what you need to do. Just know you’re not alone, we’re all together.

I’m just a reader but I relate to what you’re feeling, I might have to take a break from Winrina stories while I process this whole thing. All we can do is support our Jimin during this time.