-1- to be a hero

I’m not a hero.
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Playlist for the au: Swinging to the past Playlist

 Or Loving in a one way street Playlist


"There's a shooting range down on 86th, yall should go there! " You say as you throw a punch to the thug infront of you before spin kicking the goon charging at you from behind. 


" Yknow, I don't really see why you would try to punch me while watching me dodge the bullets from your-" A buzzing in your head causes you to zip to a pole and swing back around to land a knee onto the enemy that shot at you.


" Friend." You finish your sentence as the guy falls to the floor, unconscious.


" He can't take all of us!" You roll your eyes, you've already taken out half of them. Another half isn't that much harder.


Within minutes you find yourself zipping on top of the light post, looking at all the robbers on the ground. You clasps your hands together and laugh.


" You know, I get it. Times have been hard and chaotic, but remember that you have to stay Grounded." A groan comes from Ning Ning in your earpiece and you laugh a little before swinging off.


" StAy gRoUndEd ,GOD. Why am I even helping you?? Anyways there's a new report on the fns app...  The basketball court infront of Pana Fuerte! Their food is AMAZING!!! Oh by the way you need to hurry up Min, you have to get back home before your mom notices that you're gone for too long too." Pana Fuerte. You webzip on top of a roof and push yourself off before swinging above the traffic of New York City.


The best mode of transport, and if you'd be honest- the only thing you like about your abilities.


You release your web right above the gang of thugs, instead exchanging it with a web straight on one of the burly dudes chest. Pulling yourself down to the ground with him directly under your feet's trajectory.


" ! You crazy bastard!" He screams and his buddies turn to you before pulling out guns, .


Wrapping the last guy up to the hoop you drop back onto the ground with a soft thud before crouching a few feet away from the victim.


Now that you're closer you notice that a she's about your age, black haired and trembling really...Badly.


" Hey miss, are you okay? " She flinches at your voice and curls into her knees further, mumbling something along the lines of not hurting her and how she has no money. What did they do to her...


" Hey hey, no you're safe now. See? Bad guys, all hanging up there! " She peeks out from her knees and her face catches your eye.


ing pretty.


"T-they touched me...They were trying to-" She takes a shaky breath and your heart softens at the sight of tears rolling down her cheeks.


Shibal Saekki 


" Cry...it's okay, just cry it out. I'll stay here, I'll listen." Your fingers reach over to touch her knee, she stiffens from your contact, but just as you were about to retract your hand she grabs your finger. Holding it in place and squeezing it slightly.


" I was... Walking past Caleb's barbershop and suddenly three of them just- g-grabbed me, and started pulling my hair and clothes and-" She falls silent and you bite your lip under the mask, no one should have to go through that. No one.


" Hey, it's already almost 2 am... You need to go home Min." Right, moms not working the night shift today.


" Do you have someone you can call to bring you home? The subways and buses have stopped for the night..." You sit cross-legged on the floor infront of the woman.


" N-No." 




" There's only my stepfather... But he won't come pick me up, he would never." This is...Complicated, how's she supposed to go home then... And I can't just leave her here alone either.


" Are you afraid of heights miss..." She shakes her head before looking back up at you.


" Karina, call me Karina," A small smile finds it way on her god crafted face and somehow, you find her more beautiful than before. How's that even possible.


" Call me spider man, the friendly neighbourhood crime busting spider person." She chuckles in the notes of a sharp c and a minor and Woah...


" Can I have the pleasure of being your mode of transport for the night, Karina-ssi? I promise not to drop you." You hop onto your feet and extend your hand to her, smiling under your mask but of course she wouldn't be able to see that.


" Gladly." She pulls herself up with your help and  hugs your neck as you position your hand under her thigh, like half a princess carry.


" Hoo~ Our Minjeongie is growing u-" You end the call between you and Ning and swing off with Karina telling you to turn left or right. 


" So, are you like- a superhero?" Her breath is hitting your neck, you gulp before replying.


" To be a hero you'll have to save people." You zip above a water tank, pushing yourself off as she lets out a tiny scream from the sudden impact. Cute.


" You saved me today!" She finds the courage to poke your cheek, you scoff.


" Yeah, I guess I'm sort of a hero now then aren't I? Friendly neighbourhood hero! Spiderman! " You look at her grinning up at you and you swear to god you don't believe in love at first sight.


But this woman might just change your beliefs completely.


" My~ Hero. Oh, see that window with the purple leds? That's my room, you can drop me off there  hero," She points an arm towards your left and when you face it after a few seconds, you finally spot said window.


One last zip and you land on the fire escape right outside her window. Once you feel her feet touch the floor you separate yourselves but one of your hands linger on her waist, she looks up at you and grabs your hands.


" Thank you, for bringing me home, comforting me and...For saving me from tho-those..." She holds your hands in hers.


" ing bastards." You finish her sentence for her and it earns a light chuckle from her, sending a wave of warmth through your chest.


" Hey, can you pull up the mask by abit? You're bleeding." Hm? was it when I took the punch just now? Urgh I'll have to explain to mom why I have a busted lip.


" I'll check it out once I'm home, you should head in now," You touch your mask, feeling the sting on your lip and open her window gesturing for her to go in.


" I have ointment, come on. I won't recognise you e

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*pushes glasses* …so what if I just wanted to flesh out 2kims relationship-


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15 streak #1
Chapter 4: i tried to finish it but i couldn't, the plot is cool but the writing style using You when it's minjeong's pov doesn't sit up well with me like i'd prefer when using her pov not mine as minjeong, idk if u get it.
Anyway, keep it up with ur hard work and please do not feel offended cuz it's just my opinion after all 🤗
Chapter 20: so much going on 😶‍🌫️
chloe_kim #3
Chapter 19: pls pls pls continue 🙏
Ashyasfuc #4
continue pls 😭
narutoaespaa #5
Chapter 19: please continue 😭
Addlyka #6
Chapter 19: please continue...
21pops #7
Chapter 19: Please continue 😭
Chapter 19: please continue 🥹
172 streak #9
Chapter 19: I think there’s nothing wrong with writing, we have always separated characters from idols, ofc we use their names but we know that’s not who they are in real life, tat’s the beauty of fiction we let out imagination and creativity take over. If you decide to no longer continue because you feel uncomfortable then we’ll respect your decision. If you decide to take a break we’ll respect that too, do what you need to do. Just know you’re not alone, we’re all together.

I’m just a reader but I relate to what you’re feeling, I might have to take a break from Winrina stories while I process this whole thing. All we can do is support our Jimin during this time.