-9- To be spyderman

I’m not a hero.
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" Ning, I can't find any opening to crawl in. Any help?" You watch as one of the guards for the place separate from his team and pull him up to the streetlight you perched on, smashing his head into the lamp before webbing him like a decorative charm.


" There's a back door but at that point it's honestly easier to bust in after getting all of them, that way it won't be like the last time we did one of these where you set some weird alarm off and all of them rush in from outside" Very true, you'd rather not have a repeat of that time.


" So... Fist them?"


" Why on earth would you say it like that??" You chuckle lightly, the muffled screams of the guard you webbed up before becoming white noise to the call between you and Ning and whoever was still in the room.


" Once I'm back, can we have sushi? Kinda miss it." Urghhh the last time you had sushi was three months ago! And it's honestly one of your favourite foods.


" Yeah sure Minjeong! Ma you have a contact don't you? The one at...yea the..." Why does her voice raise two tones when talking to me? Hm, weird.


" Thanks Rina, well... Wish me luck! Spyderman out, Spider-Man in." You web strike one of the guards in a trio before spin kicking the second right to the jaw, knocking both out immediately.


The last guard tries reaching for his baton, you web his hand to the weapon and do a simple kick to the side of his head. Three down.




" He's gotta be here somewhere..." Jumping out behind the boxes, you web the man's mouth closed before pulling him closer to you, leading him to stumble right into a mid level kick from you. Four.


" HE'S OVER HERE!" You feel a buzz in your head and leap forward , transitioning into a forward roll. Narrowly avoiding what seems to be a sniper shot from above. ing snipers.


Before you're able to locate the glint from the scope, you're surrounded by guards holding out batons, guns and rifles alike. Sure hope those aren't tax payer dollars.


" Any last words?" You watch as one of the men raise their rifles to point straight at your face, finger on the trigger.


" And god said..." You look around for any opening, before finally looking up.


" Let there be webs!" Webbing the man's face and breaking the light pole above you, you jump back atop the lamp. Basking in the annoyance in the man's grunts before swinging back down to kick him in the jaw, pushing off of him and kicking another guy on the top of the head.


Pulling a crate with your webs, you swing it back into a group of three men knocking them unconscious if only there were ten, that'd be a strike...


"Are you guys tired? Im so tired...of love songs and ty crimes." Webbing the wrists of the guy who tried sneaking up behind you, you pull him down to the floor and web him to it.


" Take some martial arts lessons, or just art lessons! I mean unless you’re already taking lessons, do they have crime lessons? Wait do you think they’ll have superhero lessons, I need those lessons. Am I even saying lessons right anymore, it feels like a foreign word at this point…HA! Guess you could say… I need speech lessons!!" Elbowing two dudes and backflipping off the third, finally you finished all of them.


" No more ty quips, I'm begging."


" It's amazing, Ning. You just don't get it because you're not amazing, but that's okay!" You examine the door, finally finding a pull lever at the side. Guess you should web the gears together.


" Don't ing make the joke." You laugh inside, preparing yourself.


" Not everyone can be the Amazing spider man, just be your own spectacular Ning Yizhuo! Or get a cool name, that's definitely priority." Hopping into the vents, you navigate your way while eaves dropping as many conversations as you can. Well~ the useful ones anyway.


" Minjeong why are you listening to those guys?"


" Rina likes dinosaurs "


" Yep and actually they're right! The coelacanth had been found alive a few years ago, making it the truest living dinosaur that isn't just 'it's ancestorrrrr' cool right?" is it weird to find someone geeking out cute? It's weird isn't it... it is...


" We need another shipment down at O-5, those ing kids keep breaking ." O-5?


You place a tracker that Ning gave you onto the truck that left the venue carrying a few duffel bags that definitely rattled like guns and headed back into the warehouse.


" It's about time to swap shifts, go wake the next bois up." Your time to shine, you do a superhero landing right infront of the two men and cross your arms.


" Hey man, that's not nice! Let em sleep in!" You spin kick one of them at the side of the head and the other stands there, seemingly dazed.


"You're staring, in love?" He jolts back awake and begins lunging for you as the call picks up again. 


" YA! Who was staring?! Come out!" 


" Shh Minjeong needs to hear what's happening!"


" Sorry~" 


You lower your center of gravity all the way to the floor before jumping onto your hands, extending your legs back into his chest like a human spring.


Another buzz in your head gets you to dodge a bullet who instead goes into one of the sleeping bad guys. OOF.


" ! GET UP, SPIDERMAN'S HERE!" He signals everyone awake and more and more groans of fatigue start filling your ears. 


Is this bad? This is bad isn't it, yep...yep it is.


With the bed, you web pull it straight into a swing back into the group of newly awaken men, putting them back to sleep. Hopefully not for forever- Oh god did I throw it too ha-


" Get out! You didn't need to come here!" An unexpected punch that leaves you with no

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*pushes glasses* …so what if I just wanted to flesh out 2kims relationship-


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0 points #1
Chapter 4: i tried to finish it but i couldn't, the plot is cool but the writing style using You when it's minjeong's pov doesn't sit up well with me like i'd prefer when using her pov not mine as minjeong, idk if u get it.
Anyway, keep it up with ur hard work and please do not feel offended cuz it's just my opinion after all 🤗
Chapter 20: so much going on 😶‍🌫️
chloe_kim #3
Chapter 19: pls pls pls continue 🙏
Ashyasfuc #4
continue pls 😭
narutoaespaa #5
Chapter 19: please continue 😭
Addlyka #6
Chapter 19: please continue...
21pops #7
Chapter 19: Please continue 😭
Chapter 19: please continue 🥹
167 streak #9
Chapter 19: I think there’s nothing wrong with writing, we have always separated characters from idols, ofc we use their names but we know that’s not who they are in real life, tat’s the beauty of fiction we let out imagination and creativity take over. If you decide to no longer continue because you feel uncomfortable then we’ll respect your decision. If you decide to take a break we’ll respect that too, do what you need to do. Just know you’re not alone, we’re all together.

I’m just a reader but I relate to what you’re feeling, I might have to take a break from Winrina stories while I process this whole thing. All we can do is support our Jimin during this time.