"What is This Weird Feeling?"

You're a Girl?!

  “Good morning, everyone!” Sungyeol exclaimed to the whole class as he entered the room. Some greeted him back and some completely ignored him, but he didn’t care. He went to his merry way to his desk where Mi Yeon was near.

  Myungsoo rolled his eyes the moment he heard Sungyeol. Sure, they came in at the same time, but he didn’t want to greet the class. He just walked straight to his desk and sat down quietly.

  As for Woohyun, he paused at the door and stared at Mi Yeon. Now that I think about it, he looks like Min Young… Hm… He thought deeply as he gazed at her.

  Mi Yeon noticed and glared at him.

  He gulped at her piercing eyes and looked away. Whoa. He’s scary today. Wait, why am I scared at a boy like him? Show him who's boss! Woohyun took another look at Mi Yeon, trying to act confident, but it didn’t work out so well. Aish. He’s still glaring at me. What did I do wrong?!

  Sungyeol noticed her and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest. I can’t believe I have a date with him on Saturday. Way to ruin my Saturday, Woohyun.

  Sungyeol continued to talk to her since he was in the mood to and he had some information to give her about Friday and the weekend. “Hey, do you want to go to the karaoke place on Friday? You can invite Hyung Seok, too. Oh, and on Saturday, we have a party for Woohyun’s birthday. Want to come? You should bring a date if you have one.” He leaned close to Mi Yeon and whispered, “I heard Woohyun has a date and he told me she was pretty. I also heard she was the girl he had been searching for.” He straightened up and said aloud, “I don’t know why he was looking for her but apparently she caught his interest.”

  Her eye twitch, knowing he was talking about herself. Wait. Saturday is his birthday?! And I’m his date?! Crap! What am I going to do?! I have to act as Min Young and Gi Yeon? Or can I just act as Min Young and ditch Woohyun. But that’ll be horrible! I can’t just do that to him. Wait, yeah I can. But first of all, why do I hate him? Is it all because he flirted with me on the wrong day and touched me? Yes! That’s exactly why! That’s why I can just ditch him! “I’ll come to the karaoke, but I’m not sure about the party.” What?! Mouth, why aren’t you listening to me?

  “Why not?” He gave a confused and pleading look. “C’mon, it’s Woohyun’s birthday, you should come. Plus, it’ll be at a nice hotel.”

  “Where did you get the money anyways?” She asked in suspicion. Could they have stolen it? Are they thieves?

  He fiddled with his fingers. “My parents send in some money from time to time and Hoya works occasionally and Dongwoo works, too; that’s why he’s barely home.” Sungyeol muttered. “We managed to save some for Woohyun’s birthday. I think his family paid part of it too since they’re coming.” His eyes brightened. “Hey! You’re finally going to meet the rest of the members soon! Yeah! You’re going to meet Hoya, Dongwoo, and Sunggyu Hyung! You should be excited! They’re great guys!”

  Do they talk as much as you? She forcefully smiled and chuckled. “Hehe. Uhm. I’ll think about it.” Aish. I’ll have to talk to Hyung Seok Oppa after school about this.

  “Okay, tell me when you have your answer!” He got up to talk to Myungsoo. “I’ll be right back.”

  She nodded and went on with her own business, taking out a notebook to doodle on. She wasn’t the best artist in the world, but she liked making cute doodles. Mi Yeon was in her own world until a voice came out of no where.

  “I heard Sungyeol talking about my birthday.” It was Woohyun. “So you coming?”

  She looked up and closed her notebook. “I told him, I’ll think about it. I can’t guarantee I’ll be there.”

  He squinted his eyes. There’s something suspicious about him. He looks a lot like Min Young. “What is this weird feeling?!” He exclaimed out loud. This was the first time where he questioned someone’s gender.

  “What?” Mi Yeon’s eyes widened. What in the world is he talking about? Wait, don’t tell me he likes me! Omo! What if I remind him of Min Young (though, I am her), but I don’t want him to know! Not now, not ever!

  “Huh?” Woohyun blinked a couple of times. Oh, yeah! Argh! I spoke my mind out once again! Babo! Why am I always like that! “Oh, nothing…” He muttered and coughed. “Anyways, I need an exact answer tomorrow because I only have a certain amount of people I can invite.”

  “Is B.A.P going?” She blurted, wondering if she would see Zelo or Youngjae. They were the two she was afraid about. Zelo thinks she’s dead while Youngjae is skeptical.

  Woohyun stared at her with a blank expression. Invite B.A.P? Ever since that incident, we never invite each other to anything. However, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try. It’s not like  they’ll crash the party or anything… But what if they do? No! I can’t afford paying off whatever they break or do! He shook his head vigorously. “No, I’m not. Why?”

  “Why do you guys hate them so much?” She asked, looking straight into his eyes. She wanted to know the reason. Maybe she could help them make a compromise or something.

  His eyes dropped to the ground. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he stated plainly.

  She gave him a look. “If you won’t invite them, then I’m not going.”

  All of a sudden, he got defensive. He didn’t know why, but he did know if he invited them, Sungyeol would complain. Sungyeol was the most defensive person in their group and would do anything to keep them away from B.A.P. It was strange how he wasn’t the leader, but he was over protective. Woohyun sighed. “I’ll try.” He muttered.

  “What?” She was expecting him to say no. Actually, she wanted him to say no since she wouldn’t have to worry about having a double identity. Why did she have to say that and be convincing?

  “I said I’ll try inviting them. Though I can’t guarantee they will come, but I’ll ask.”

  She didn’t say any more and shut .

  Woohyun pursed his lips and his eyes wandered, finding Youngjae. Should I ask now or later? Maybe now? But why do I want him to come in the first place? Oh yeah, Sungyeol would be bickering at me if I don’t try, but he’ll be furious once he finds out I asked Youngjae to come. It doesn’t hurt to try. “I’ll see you later.” He stated and walked off.

  Mi Yeon nodded and lay her head down. Oh man, I’m in big trouble. I’ll just pretend I’m sick on Saturday. Yes, that’ll be a good excuse.


  Woohyun slowly strode to Youngjae, following him to his seat. Woohyung took a glance at Sungyeol, but he was busy talking to Myungsoo about Friday’s plan.

  The moment Youngjae sat, he looked up, finding Woohyun in front of him. At first, he just stared at him, then, “What is it?”

  Woohyun cleared his throat. He didn’t want to ask him in the first place, but he was doing this for Gi Yeon… and Sungyeol. “I came here to ask,” he paused, straining himself to say the last few words. “I’m inviting you to my birthday party on Saturday. Do you want to come?”

  Youngjae didn’t have a reaction. He just thought about it. “Is this a prank?” He asked, knowing they weren’t in good terms. It was strange if enemies invite each other unless there is a catch.

  Woohyun shook his head. “No prank. I’m wondering if you wanted to come. You can also invite the rest of the B.A.P members.”

  Youngjae took a quick glance at Sungyeol, knowing he was the one who hated them the most. He hoped Woohyun didn’t noticed, but he did.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll explain it to him.” Woohyun reassured.

  Youngjae grinned. “I’d like to go, but I’ll have to ask Yong Guk about it. He loves parties and if I go without telling him, he would get pissed. You said I could invite B.A.P, so you don’t mind Yong Guk coming?” Not only does he remember Sungyeol hating B.A.P, but he also knew Dongwoo and Sunggyu knew Yong Guk and they didn’t get along very well anymore.

  Woohyun shook his head very hesitantly. “I-I don’t mind…”

  “You don’t have to strain yourself.” He smirked.

  He glared. “I’m not straining myself. Don’t mistaken me as a weak, dumb player cause I am stronger and smarter than you think.” Woohyun thought he was mocking him, so he became even more defensive.

  However, that wasn’t what Youngjae meant to do. He was stating how he noticed Woohyun was having trouble saying those words. Someone must’ve forced him to do it, but Youngjae didn’t know who. “I’m not mocking you,” he said plainly. “I’m not, in anyway, trying to make you mad. I’m just trying to keep the peace.”

  “Peace?” There hasn’t been any peace between the two groups since that incident.

  “Yes, peace. I promise you I won’t do anything at your party.”

  “What about the rest. You better tell them that!”

  Youngjae remained his calm self. “They won’t do anything either.”

  Wooyun clenched his fist tight and bit his bottom lip. Damn. I’m becoming like Sungyeol. I need to calm down. He took a deep breath, slowing his temper. He smiled. “Okay, I guess I’ll see you later.”

  Youngjae bowed his head. “Yeah, see you later.”

  Woohyun bowed and headed towards Myungsoo and Sungyeol who were now watching him.

  “What was that about?” Sungyeol shot. He had heard Woohyun when he yelled at Youngjae. That is one reason why he didn’t want to talk to any of the B.A.P members because he knew his temper would get the best of him. The other Infinite members probably have better control over simple things like those.

  “I invited them to my birthday party.” Woohyun whispered.

  Sungyeol made a look. He hated the idea. “Who the hell told you to invite them?!”

  “Hey! Show some respect Sungyeol!”

  He rolled his eyes. “I don’t give a damn when it comes to them.”

  “Then at least be mature about it,” Woohyun shot and went passed him, bumping his shoulder.

  Sungyeol scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. Why in the world Woohyun invite those no goods in his party? He’s so stupid!

  “Sungyeol.” It was Myungsoo.

  “What do you want?” He snapped, but immediately regretted it. How could he just snap at his best friend?

  “You’re the one who’s being the idiot right now.”

  His eyes widened. Myungsoo saw right through him. He knew him way too much and it scared him sometimes. Sungyeol wished he could at least hide something from him.

  “I know you’re worried about me, but it’s okay.” Myungsoo stated. “And… I think it wasn’t them who did it.”

  “Are you sure.” Sungyeol had concern written all over his eyes.

  He nodded, but it wasn’t in a confident way. “I’m… I’m sure. If it was them… I-I don’t know. I mean, if it was one of them, then I would have recognized them or feel… Different… I’m still doubting it.”

  “Then we can’t take the risk.”

  Myungsoo dropped his eyes. But Sungyeol, I don’t want you to hurt yourself by your reckless decisions.


@Yeolliebunny: Yes! Woohyun finally did! Haha~ But he also met another girl. Remember that? (I have a plan for her.)

@inspirit-skittles: Woohyun is in love! LOL! All 13 people O.o That'll be way more complicated than what I have now O.o Plus it seems like Yong Guk, Sunggyu, and Jongup has someone they admire~

 @kpoplife: Woohyun is greasy XP Hehe~ Ah... Well Mi Yeon likes ____! Actually right now, truthfully, she doesn't like anyone at this moment. She's still trying to get used to things. She will like someone in the future though!

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Chapter 35: Should've said you were bi girl. Bi is the way to go for cross dressing females.(shakes head at her)
Chapter 35: Did you stop writing this fanfic? Hopefully not.
It's a really good story!! Please update~!
baozibunss #3
Chapter 35: Please update sooon !!
Chapter 35: Update please XD I'm totally hooked... I love this chapter lol~ are you gay? Uhm... Yeah.. like OTL
Chapter 35: "Are you gay?"


Chapter 32: LOL! "Asians look alike!" Haha~

This story is good! Keep it up! :D
Zeal95 #7
Chapter 35: LOL HAHAH yes youngjae you are gay for mi yeon LOL . I'm really shipping the youngjae mi yeon couple! Too cute xD this is like a better version of Hana Kimi cause mi yeon isn't hecka girly and that typical fragile weak girl image . Can't wait for the next update! :D
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 16: LOL "well I told him you died" LOL ROFL HAHAHA PRICELESS
Chapter 35: Haha poor Youngjae :D