"We Should Sing Karaoke!"

You're a Girl?!

  Sungyeol, Myungsoo, and Sungjong arrived at their place all together and couldn’t find Sunggyu again.

  “Where’s Sunggyu Hyung?” Sungyeol asked, looking around the house and even under furniture. He was playing around, but it was normal for everyone to see his goofiness. He was just that type of person.

  “Out.” Dongwoo started.

  “Again,” Hoya finished.

  “Ah… Hyung is everywhere and I thought Dongwoo travels more!” Sungyeol stated, waving his arms around the air like a madman. He sat on the floor and let out a huge sigh. Then he fell back and lay flat on his back.

  “Where’s Woohyun?” Dongwoo asked, sitting near him, but against the wall.

  “Probably flirting.” Myungsoo answered, heading to the kitchen to grab a banana. Once he did, he started unpeeling it and took a huge bite. He sat next to Sungyeol, legs cris-crossed.

  “Of course. Who is it this time?” Dongwoo asked.

This was a regular routine. Occasionally, Woohyun wouldn’t be at home, but flirt with random girls on the street. No one knows why he does it, but they’re used to it especially since they don’t care what happens to him. Sometimes they would worry whether he would get beaten up for flirting with the wrong girl or end up doing something else and that something else shouldn’t be mentioned.

  “Probably some random girl like always.” Sungjong answered while heading to his room. “I’m going to sleep early today. I’m tired.” He yawned, stretched, and escaped to his room.

  “Or…” Sungyeol added, “He could be searching for the girl he saw on Friday.”

  “That’s true.” Myungsoo commented, pointing a finger at him, then to the rest of the members. “And you guys shouldn’t be helping him.”

  “Why not?” Hoya asked, sitting with the group.

  “Cause, he’s all obsessed with her, and if he finds her, he’s going to talk about her constantly.”

  “I think he’s already like that.” Sungyeol commented while chuckling. “Either way, he’ll be talking about that girl non-stop- Oh wait! He made a deal with me about him not talking about her as long as I- Uh… Never mind.”

  “As long as you what?” Dongwoo asked, crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow. “What is this deal you two are making?”

  “It doesn’t matter!” He flapped his hands. “As long as he doesn’t talk about her, we’re fine! Plus, I’m tired of him constantly talking about girls! Don’t you think it’s annoying?”

  Everyone agreed with either nodding or saying something about it. They were tired of Woohyun talking about girls. They should be used to it, but it seemed like that was the only thing he talks about. He was like a broken record, constantly repeating the same thing.

  “So how was school?” Hoya asked, changing the subject.

  No one got to tell their tale because Dongwoo blurted, “We should sing karaoke! Maybe we could head to the karaoke place on Friday! Doesn’t that sound fun?”

  Everyone exchanged glances and shrugged.

  “It does sound fun. Should we ask Woohyun, too?” Sungyeol asked.

  “Of course! But I’m pretty sure he would say yes to it anyways. He probably wants to impress the server with his singing skills if it’s a girl.” Dongwoo commented while chuckling.

  “Let’s call him!” Myungsoo exclaimed and grabbed the phone.


  Woohyun was walking in the streets, minding his own business while trying to find that one girl. He retraced his steps, wondering if he would ever see her. Maybe she would walk the same way as last time and maybe she would be there. However, she wasn’t. instead, she found another girl who caught his eye.

  She had dark, brown hair, which she tied in a ponytail, with bangs swept to the side. She was wearing her school uniform and a bag slung over her shoulders. The girl was walking while texting. Her expression showed annoyance, but she was a beauty in Woohyun’s eyes, but then again, every girl was pretty in his eyes. He had a wide variety of taste in women.

  He held his head up high and walked up proudly to her. “Hey.” He greeted, but she didn’t hear. Woohyun hadn’t realized she had headphones in her ear since her hair covered it and the wire was under her uniform.

  Woohyun cleared his throat and tried again. “Hello there pretty lady.”

  She still didn’t hear, but noticed a shadow walking with her. She lifted her head and noticed him. In one pluck, she took the headphones off and gave him these big eyes. “Is there a problem?”

  “No.” He grinned. “I just couldn’t help, but noticed your beauty.”

  She raised her eyebrows and scoffed. “You’re flirting with me aren’t you?” Her hands went to her hips as she stopped in place.

  Woohyun stopped beside her and smirked. “I may or may not be. Who knows?”

  “I do and it’s quite obvious.”

  “Maybe I want it to be or maybe I don’t.”

  “Don’t give me that crap.”

  Woohyun gave up and sighed. This girl was different like the other one, but at least she didn’t kick him and walked off. “Okay, fine. I am flirting with you. Why? Do you have a problem with that?”

  She shook her head. “No. Not at all. I’m just pointing out the obvious. Plus, it’s not like you can get me to like you.”

  “Oh really? Are you sure about that?” He came closer.

  The girl took a step back while pushing him. She liked her space and didn’t need him to be in her bubble. “Yeah. I won’t fall for a guy like you. I want someone less… Playerish.”

  “Playerish? As in?” He took another step.

  “As in, what you’re doing right now.” Once again, she stepped back and shoved him.

  He smirked. “How about I prove to you I’m not a player?”

  She scoffed. “Like I would believe that! I’ve seen too many dramas to know the girl ends up with your type, but this isn’t a drama and you won’t change my mind! I don’t care whether you’re a player or not, I’m not interested in you!” The girl tried escaping.

  “Don’t be like that!” He flung his arms up while following her.

  “Leave me alone!” She shouted and started running.

  “Ah! What the hell?! Why is she running?!” Woohyun didn’t bother to follow her because that would be stupid, so he just continued walking, minding his own business until his phone rang.

  ‘Beautiful my girl/My beautiful my girl and I/So beautiful my girl/In the Cube/Ha ha girl This is my confession/Drop that beat-‘

  “Yeobosehyo?” He answered.

  “Woohyun! Want to go to the karaoke place on Friday?” Sungyeol asked from the other end. He had taken the phone away from Myungsoo before Woohyun answered.

  “Friday? Hm…” Did he have anything on Friday? He didn’t think so. “Yeah, sure. Who’s coming?”

  “We could invite Gi Yeon and Hyung Seok.” Sungyeol suggested.

  “That’s fine.”

  “Well, we’ll see you back home!~” He sung and hung up without another wait.

  Just like that, he’s going to hang up on me. That little Choding. “Sungyeol, you stupid Choding!” He yelled.He stuffed his phone in his pocket and started to walk around once more. Just then, something caught his eye. Could it be? Is it that girl?


  “Oppa! I’m going out and buy some groceries!” Mi Yeon exclaimed a bit grumpy because of what he told Zelo.

  Hyung Seok barged into the living room and looked at her clothing. She was still wearing the school uniform. “You can’t go out in public looking like that! You’re not supposed to wear your uniform outside of school and what if girls started flirting with you!”

  “What can I wear? I don’t have guy clothes just yet and your clothes are super big on me. I can’t wear my original clothes because what if someone from out school notices me. Don’t forget, I’m dead.”

  He scratched the back of his head, thinking. An idea hit him. “Oh! I know what! I think I have a wig from my Halloween costume. Just wait here.” He ran to his room, rummaging through his drawers and closet.

  He has a wig? What did he dress as for Halloween and he still does that even though he’s in high school? Lame! Mi Yeon thought to herself and sighed. But why? Why do I have to live like this?!

  Moments later, Hyung Seok came back with a black wig in his hands. When Mi Yeon saw it, she wanted to ask him why he had it, but she held her tongue since it wasn’t worth asking. She took it and went back to her room to change into a long white skirt and a teal spaghetti strap shirt. She placed the wig on and made sure it was secured. Maybe while she’s out she would buy some extensions instead. They seem more reliable compared to a wig. Hopefully it isn’t windy.

  “Okay! I’m going now!” Mi Yeon shouted and headed out the door.


  After buying all the things she wanted, including the extensions, Mi Yeon was minding her own business until she saw a girl run passed her. She gave off a confused look and shrugged it off. Moments later she heard a voice exclaimed. “Sungyeol, you stupid Choding!”

  She froze, recognizing the name a voice. Stiffly, she turned her head around and sure enough, saw Woohyun. He was staring back at her with wide eyes. His mouth opened, wanting to call her out, but she took a run for it. “AH! Not him again!” She shouted while running. Her wig was starting to slip off, so she placed a hand on top of her head. “AH! Just my luck!”

  “Yah! You!” Woohyun ran after her, not caring about what he told himself earlier. Aish! Now I’m the idiot, trying to run after a girl. “Yah! Wait!”

  “NO!” She continued running and nearly tripped over her own feet. Mi Yeon caught herself, but it caused her to slow down. All of a sudden, her arm was taken and she was pulled back. To prevent her wig from falling off, she pressed onto her head as hard as she could.

  “Yah!” Woohyun took deep gulps of air. “Yah. You run so fast! Do you take steroids?”

  She glared. “What do you want?”

  “You owe me for stomping on my foot.” This definitely is the girl I saw on Friday, but how come now, I feel like I know her. She looks familiar. He squinted his eyes, examining her closely.

  Oh, crap! Mi Yeon covered her face with her hair. “What do you mean I owe you? I owe you nothing!” Come on, just leave now.

  But he didn’t. Woohyun continued to be persistent. “Yes, you do. I mean, who wouldn’t want to go on a date with a guy like me?” He straightened his back and acted pompous. “C’mon. One date is all I’m asking.”

  Mi Yeon was taken aback. “Why do you want to go on a date with me? I don’t even know you and you don’t know me.” A lie.

  “Okay, if you want it that way, fine. I’m Nam Woohyun and you are?”

  She gulped. Name! I need a name! Gah! I can’t use my own name! Or maybe I could and just use the twin excuse, but then Hyung Seok announced I was dead to Zelo. Ah! I need a fake name! “I’m Park Min Young.” It’s close to my name at least.

  He grinned. “It’s nice to meet you Park Min Young.” He squinted his eyes once more. “Could you… be related to Park Hyung Seok?”

  “Nope!” She squeaked and cleared , trying again. “No. I’m not.”

  “Ah. So how about the date?”

  “I don’t want a date!” She started walking away, but he followed. This boy won’t leave me alone until I go with him! I’m too tired to run and I can’t go back home or else he’ll find out! “Fine! I’ll go on a date with you! Just leave me alone!”

  “Yes!” Woohyun exclaimed, fist pumping the air in victory. “How about Saturday night? I’m going to pick you up and make sure you wear something fancy as if you are going to a wedding or prom or something.”


  He smiled. “You’ll see. Where do you live?”

  Mi Yeon laughed nervously. “How about we meet here?”

  “You better not bail on me.”

  I would. She thought to herself, but from the outside, she said. “I won’t. I promise.”

  “Pinky promise?” He held out a pinky.

  This boy is starting to annoy me. “Y-yeah, pinky promise.” She said strainly and entwined her pinky with his. “Now, can you let me go?”

  “Yes!” He got out of her way and started heading to Infinite’s. He looked back to make sure she wasn’t looking. When he confirmed it, he jumped in the air and smiled to himself. Finally, he was able to meet the girl he had been wanting to find for the past half week. Once he got home, he would definitely tell his Hyung’s about it.

  Mi Yeon on the other hand, felt gloomy. I have to go on a date with Woohyun? Why?! This boy is my enemy! I can’t believe I accepted. Huhu~ Oh well, it’s just one date, then I’ll disappear from the Woohyun’s world forever, she thought to herself and headed back home.   

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Chapter 35: Should've said you were bi girl. Bi is the way to go for cross dressing females.(shakes head at her)
Chapter 35: Did you stop writing this fanfic? Hopefully not.
It's a really good story!! Please update~!
baozibunss #3
Chapter 35: Please update sooon !!
Chapter 35: Update please XD I'm totally hooked... I love this chapter lol~ are you gay? Uhm... Yeah.. like OTL
Chapter 35: "Are you gay?"


Chapter 32: LOL! "Asians look alike!" Haha~

This story is good! Keep it up! :D
Zeal95 #7
Chapter 35: LOL HAHAH yes youngjae you are gay for mi yeon LOL . I'm really shipping the youngjae mi yeon couple! Too cute xD this is like a better version of Hana Kimi cause mi yeon isn't hecka girly and that typical fragile weak girl image . Can't wait for the next update! :D
Zeal95 #8
Chapter 16: LOL "well I told him you died" LOL ROFL HAHAHA PRICELESS
Chapter 35: Haha poor Youngjae :D