What do I have to do for my tuition fees?

So Close, Yet So Far


*Some pictures are of celebrities and ulzzangs. I have nothing against any of those celebrities but I needed some pictures quickly, so I just use whatever that was available. Please don't feel offended if you like them.


The phone had been ringing for the past 15 minutes but L did not react to it at all. After the nth time that the phone went off, L finally heard it and picked it up.

“Yobeosaeyo?” L mumbled groggily.

“YAH! KIM MYUNGSOO! REMEMBER ME? I’m Hyunwoo! Lee. Hyun. Woo.” a voice shouted out at the other end of the line.

“Hyunwoo?!” L exclaimed as he jumped out of bed. L is totally awake after hearing his best friend’s voice.

“Wah… Jinja Eolamanaeyo! So what’s up?” (It’s been a long time) L asked.

“Keurae! That’s why we should meet up soon! Are you free tomorrow? We are having a gathering with the others. Junsuk, Jonghwan and Minsoo are all going.” Hyunwoo informed.

“Minsoo? You know I don’t get along with him. He always wants to compete with me.” L said.

“Oh! Come on! It’s been so long! You will come right? For me?” Hyunwoo pleaded.

“Fine. I’ll go.” L sighed.

“Oh! Remember to bring your girlfriend!” Hyunwoo said. “But- I don’t…” L attempted to reply but was interrupted by Hyunwoo.

“All our girlfriends will be there. Even Minsoo!” Hyunwoo told L. His original plan of telling the truth about not having a girlfriend disappeared as soon as Minsoo’s name was heard.

“Alright. I got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye.” L said and hung up the phone. *How am I going to get a girlfriend tomorrow? Aha! I could ask that blind girl to do it as tuition fee! Why am I so smart? * L thought, as he got ready to leave the apartment for the practice room in hope of seeing Rea on the way.


*At the Dance Studio*

*Where is that girl? Shouldn’t she be here already? * L eyes wondered everywhere in hope of seeing her soon, as he gets more anxious as every second passes by.

After a few minutes, Rea walked into the studio and saw L staring intensely at her.

“What do you want?” Rea asked.

“Nothing much. It’s just that after some thought, I think that I should get paid for tutoring you.” L walked towards Rea.

“How much then?” Rea folded her arms.

“Oh. I don’t need money. I need you to be my girlfriend.” L said it casually.

“WHAT? Are you crazy?” Rea widened her eyes.

“I meant pretend to be my girlfriend, you idiot!” L retorted.

“I just need you to pretend for one day. There’s this stupid guy that is going to the gathering tomorrow so I have to bring a girl.” He explained.

“Fine. But just one day.” Rea agreed.

“Ok! So lets prepare for tomorrow. We have to make up a story of how we met.” L clasped his hands together.

“Well, we could say we bumped into each other in the airport and it was like love at first sight but we never thought we will see each other again. Then we met again because I turned out to be an intern at Woollim where are you training. This way we are not exactly lying.” Rea suggested.

“That sounds real. Then we should exchange facts about each other. So when’s your birthday?”

“March 13.” Rea replied.

“What? How is this possible! It’s MY birthday! Which year were you born?” L exclaimed.

“1996. You?”         Rea replied.

“That means I’m older! I’m born in 1995!” L replied.

“Ok. So you’re older than me. So what?”

“Well, you have to call me oppa, at least for tomorrow.” L stated.

“Fine. JUST tomorrow.” Rea reluctantly agreed and walked towards the exit.

“Oh, and remember to at least wear a dress!” L added before Rea stepped out of the room.


*The Next Morning*

Rea’s phone began ringing at 10. Being annoyed by it, she finally picked it up only to be shouted at by L.

“Why are you still asleep? You should be getting ready already! We have to leave soon!” Hearing the furious guy at the other end of the phone, she finally remembered that she had to be L’s girlfriend today and jumped out of bed.

“I’m so sorry! I forgot about it.” Rea hung up the phone and got ready. In thirty minutes, put on some light make up, put on a dress, and a pair of wedges. She took her bag and rushed out the door.

“I’m ready!” She opened the door. She look up and saw L, shocked at his casual but hot outfit.

“Finally! We’re going to be late!” Rea snapped back into reality when L pulled her wrist and dragged her into the elevator.

Walking out of the building, L pulled Rea towards the black Lamborghini, which stunned her. “This is your car?” Rea questioned. “Obviously, now, get in!” L rolled his eyes and got in the car.


They arrived outside the restaurant and L dropped Rea off before he left to park the car. Rea waited at the door, walking back and forth when she bumped into a guy. “What…” The guy stopped when he raised his head and saw Rea, totally stunned by her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you behind.” Rea bowed. “It’s alright, I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention either.” The guy changed his tone after seeing Rea. Just then, the guy’s friends called him and he bowed and walked towards his friends.

“Guys! I just saw this really hot girl outside the restaurant!” The guy who bumped into Rea said.

“Dude! You have a girlfriend!” One of his friends said. Just then, his girlfriend came back from the restroom. “So what did I miss?” she asked.

“Nothing. We…” the guy was cut off by L and Rea.

“Hey guys.” L notified his arrival. “YAH! Kim Myungsoo! You’re here!” the three other guys stood up and hugged him while Rea just stood there awkwardly. Just then, one of the guys noticed Rea and asked, “ Myungsoo-ah, is this your girlfriend?”

“Yeah, she is.” L replied and placed his hand on her waist and brought her towards the table and sat down.

Then one of the guys turned towards Rea. “Nice to meet you. I’m Hyunwoo. Myungsoo’s bestest friend in the world.” He shook hands with Rea and smiled.

 “Hi! I’m Junsuk!”

“Hello, I’m Jonghwan.”

“Hi, I’m Minah, Hyunwoo’s girlfriend.”

“Hi, I’m Sungah, Junsuk’s girlfriend.”

“Hi, I’m Eunbi, Jonghwan’s girlfriend.”

“Hello, I’m Minsoo. We meet again huh?” The guy who bumped into Rea just now introduced himself.

“You guys know each other?” Hyunwoo asked.

“No, we just bumped into each other just now.” Rea replied.

“Oh. So you’re that- OW!” Junsuk shouted suddenly as Jonghwan stepped on his foot to ask him to shut up.

“Hi, I’m Jinhwa, Minsoo’s girlfriend.” She introduced with an irritated tone.

“Hello. I’m Andrea, but you guys can call me Rea.” Rea introduced and smiled.

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