
New Life
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A few days later, 

Hyukjae arrived at Donghae's apartment a little earlier than usual, and since he already knew the password to the door, he went in with the bags of groceries he had picked up on the way.  Today he was going to cook a delicious dish for the brunette and little Kaeun, so he took advantage of the fact that he was alone to start putting his hands in the dough. 

 With the supplies on the table and ready to begin, he was interrupted by the ringing doorbell. He frowned in confusion, but headed for the door to open it. After waiting for the person to come to the apartment door, he quickly rolled his eyes closing his face with the man coming out of the elevator with some bags as well. 

 XXX : You gotta be kidding me (snorted sourly)

 Hyukjae : I'm not happy to see you either WooSeung 

 WooSeung : Donghae and Kaeun?

 Hyukjae : They are coming

 WooSeung : And what are you doing here? 

 Hyukjae : None of your business

 WooSeung : Believe me it does, because before you set foot here, I lived in this place (pushed the younger one a little so he could enter the apartment) So, I think it's time for you to leave 

 Hyukjae : No!

 WooSeung : Hyukjae, you are just a child out of diapers 

 Hyukjae : I may be, but this child (pointed at you) Will have two children with Donghae

 WooSeung : Is this a competition for you? (laughed debauchedly) Who has more children with Donghae?

 Hyukjae : Of course it's not a competition!

 WooSeung : Your attitude shows something else (started walking around the space as if it was his own)

 Hyukjae : I said Donghae and Kaeun hadn't arrived 

 WooSeung : I know (shrugged) I'll wait for them

 Hyukjae : No you won't. You can come back when they have arrived 


 The other man rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen with the dancer behind him, he noticed the countertop laughing even more and opened the refrigerator door.

 WooSeung : Hae never changes (he let out his affectionate ex-spouse's nickname) It needs sweets here, it's just fruit 

 Hyukjae : It's healthy, even more so when he's expecting two babies and still has Kaeun to take care of 

 WooSeung : Is that a problem? (growls rudely) Having Kaeun to take care of 

 Hyukjae : Of course not 

 WooSeung : I bet she's giving you a hard time

 Hyukjae : Quite the opposite (smiled superiorly) Kaeun loves me 

 WooSeung : He must adore you must (laughed sarcastically)

The man moved back into the living room and sat down on the couch while opening a can of soda. 


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Hey people!
I hope you are all well.
Although I don't respond to the comments that are made by you, please know that I love reading each and every one of them. I'm just not very good at interacting with people.
Thank you so much for the love you are giving.
Big kiss


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Idaharith #1
Chapter 18: I'm sad it finish , can't wait with your new fic
Urlia_ #2
Chapter 18: aaa i love it so much!! thank you for writing such a beautiful story <3
1455 streak #3
Chapter 18: i think you did good ending it here :)
Atleast, we got to know that kaeun had finally accepted hyuk in her life and that hyuk is also accepted by hae’s fam and vice versa.
thank you for this. see you on the next fic.
1455 streak #4
Chapter 17: Oh so hae finally fell for hyuk? Wow congrats kaeun! You'll be noona!! ^^
Idaharith #5
Chapter 16: Love in the air 😍😍
1455 streak #6
Chapter 16: Hmm. Seems like hyuk had already made his way not only in hae's life but also with Kaeun's ^^ like that hyuk had acknowledge that wooseung's love for kaeun...
1455 streak #7
Chapter 15: What Kaeun's appa did was very wrong. How could he not call donghae when he cancelled his appointment with Kaeun! and let her go home on his own!! :(
finally hyuk realized that kaeun’s the most affected in their set up :( but kaeun is v bright and wise too! hope that she’s not gonna bottle up her emotions and tell hae abt it..
hyuk is surely making his way through hae and kaeun’s lives..

thanks for the update.
1455 streak #8
Chapter 14: I see hyuk trying to win kaeun's heart...
ldh2013 #9
Chapter 13: I guess they started dating since they're acting like they're in a relationship? A relationship with genuine feelings doesn't magically happen just because someone got pregnant but Donghae is acting like he has feelings for Hyukjae even though the one night stand was the first time he even became aware of Hyukjae's existence. Hyukjae is taking so many liberties too. Sorry, if I barely know you, you are not driving my car. Baby daddy or no baby daddy. Hyukjae is really lucky that Donghae is always giving in to everything he wants. He's so submissive. Doesn't make sense unless they're actually in a relationship, but hey, good for Hyukjae. He should be really happy.
1455 streak #10
Chapter 12: When hae said that they are in a big mess, I can totallg agree with that. Lols.
Hmmm will hyuk's plan work out in their favor in the end??