little victories

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little victories is a series about conversations that should have happened.

(in which Wendy and Taeyeon go back and forth about their feelings.)

(or the exes au nobody is asking for but i wrote it anyway.)


Part I
midnight rain

Taeyeon, and the way all of her changed like midnight.

(in which, they meet again for the first time in months and her gut is ripped apart by the heartbreak she sees in her ex-lover's eyes.)


Part II
plot twist

Wendy, and how she missed all the stop signs.

(in which, wendy recalls the night that changed everything)


Part III
the 1

Taeyeon, Wendy, and the moment they both learn where all things go to die.

(in which, the morning after tells them two very different stories.)


Part IV
on the drive home

Taeyeon, and how she learns that love is very often about sacrifice.

(in which a trip to the countryside puts so many things in perspective.)

little victories playlist:

"Little Victories" by Malia Civetz
"Midnight Rain" by Taylor Swift
"Plot Twist" by Niki
"the 1" by Taylor Swift


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forbie14 #1
Chapter 4: wow I now want a Wentae happy ending. thanks for this author-nim.
21 streak #2
Thank you to whoever promoted this. This truly deserved to be promoted. There's truly a wentae enthusiast in all of us.
21,000+ words for 4 chapters of nothing but wentae? Let me read this when i have enough time.
ireneswendy #4
thank you so much for this author-nim! my wentae heart is very happy 🥹🫶
21 streak #5
Chapter 4: This is so beautiful 😭. It just hits right in the feels. You write so good authornim. I'm so glad I found this fic.
Chapter 4: This entire read has been an adventure. When I say wentae fic, its gotta be angst, longing, heartbreak but also beautiful and hopeful and this very much translated in your stories. I absolutely love it.
Chapter 2: I have postponed reading this until its a few chapters done and I can’t stop reading it. this is so wentae and angsty and beautiful.
Demima #8
Chapter 4: It is indeed beautifully written 🥹
trickydaos #9
Gosh, this entire fic is so beautiful. You weave the sadness, the uncertainties, the anger, and most importantly, the love from these two so well. The entire exchange between Wendy and Taeyeon during the walk was exquisite. And I love how things are progressing. With so much baggage from Taeyeon, and how hurt Wendy was, it's to be expected things won't just immediately fall into place. But this is a good start.

I think I've been reading and re-reading this fic for some time, just cause everytime I find out new revelation. Thank you for writing this, author.