Just Forget About It

Unexcepted Afair

I felt like I was going for a jog because of how fast Changmin was walking. Seriously, it was sad when you had to wear tall shoes and you were still barely taller than someone who was two years younger than you. Of course right now I wasn't wearing them. Suddenly Changmin stopped causing me to run right into him.

"Hey! Warn a guy the next time you stop suddenly!" I snapped getting annoyed with him. He just ignored me and pulled me inside. The first thing I saw was a ton of stairs, I groaned. Not more excrises. I was being to devise a plan of beating Changmin to death. I complained the whole way up but Changmin didn't respond so I finally gave up. When reached the top Changmin demanded I close my eyes which I did but I was afaird of what was to come.

"Okay open them." Changmin said after he led me a couple of steps forward. I looked out on a small balcony to see the lights of Seoul, South Korea. It was beautiful at night. All the city lights made the city look like a huge christmas tree. It took my breath away. I smiled at Changmin forgetting how mad I was that he made me walk up here.

"Was this your surprise?" I asked.

"Yupe. I found this place last week and thought of you." Changmin said stepping in right beside me. I smiled at him. He knew what I liked better than my own girlfriend who I sometimes thought knew nothing about me. Changmin knew what I liked and always took risk to see if I'd like something new. My girlfriend always thought I loved everything she got me but in the end I'd just leave it in my closet.

I loved that Changmin and I knew eachother so well that we didn't even have to talk to understand what was going through eachother minds (we aren't mind readers but sometimes I wonder). Before I knew it, I was leaning into Changmin and my lips pressed against his. I rubbed my tounged along his lips and he opened his mouth to me. I let my tounge wonder all over his sweet tasting mouth but never let his tounge beat mine. I stayed in control. My mind was foggy and I had wrapped my arms around Changmin without realizing it. Suddenly my eyes went wide and pulled away my heart racing. Changmin looked just as shocked as I did.

"What was that?!" I asked freaked out that I had just kissed a guy not only that but my best friend. That was just wrong! Wasn't it?

"I don't know..why did you kiss me?!" Changmin asked backing away from me. I shook my head trying to wrap my brain around what just happened.

"Why did you kiss me back?!" I snapped refusing to be blamed all the way for this.

"Okay so we are both at fault, what do we tell our girlfriends?" Changmin asked the question I hopped would be avoided. I sighed not really knowing what to do.

"Don't tell them." I said simply. Changmin furrowed his eyebrow at me. "Just forget about it. Pretend nothing happened, they will never know." I said. I was pretty good at hidding things and my feelings from people so I am sure I could do it.

"Okay, but I have a bad feeling about this." Changmin said.

"About pretending or the us?" I asked curious as to what he meant.

"Pretending." He said pushing past me to go down the stairs. I shook my head rather disappointed in myself. Why in the heck did I kiss him? What was wrong with me? What was wrong with us? We shouldn't go around kissing eachother! But why did I enjoy it so much? I touched my lips to feel they were tingling. That never happened when I kissed Jessica. I never felt like I was on top of the world with her kisses. How could I feel this way after one kiss? I need to go to sleep. I followed Changmin down the stairs and we didn't say a word. Once we got back to the dorms, we both went in for a peck on the lips. I blushed knowing we shouldn't be doing this but I wanted to and I could tell Changmin did too.

What were we going to do?


Homin kiss! YES!! >:) What will they do?? It's kind of obvious but oh well! :D Comment!! And Sub!!! >:) Yes tomorrow is the last day of WASL woohoo! No more walking up to a buliding when it's freezing outside yes!! *jumps up and down from joy* :)

lollysheep: Welcome to my other homin fanfic! :D lol. I can't wait for you to read some more of it lol. :D

orchidgal16:Haha it's all good I am crazy too >.< especially when it comes to kpop and the kpop couples. You're welcome!

LuciferGirl97:Lmao! you are a dork!! >.< I love your comments! I always laugh so hard when I see how funny they are! :) Haha glad you like more drama. Jeez pratically plan out my whole story. :O You have the right feelings there lol >:) I love making drama! Lol well in stories not in real life lol.

silverpixieisme: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter and the second one :D
rilakumaA: I love it too! It's soo cute! >.< We fangirls are awesome.

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i'm done reading this ff in less than 30 minutes...
woahh...its amazing...noop...u r amazing author sshi...^^
glad the girls are understand both of them..
really love this ff of yours...^^
keep writing about homin...love it.. <3
DoubleYsYeoja #2
jessica is such a good girl~~~
she deserve to have someone who will love her back~
i'm so glad that they are really together homin <3
thank you for writing this!
wellll.... do you intend to make them cheating like this until the end? hahahahaha. it'll be better (at least for me) if they can be together after break up *and they're being together is a must! XD*... after all, cheating is not the best choice. >.< maybe you can make the girlfriends fallen into each other too? *winks* LOL. (you can just ignore this~)
Short or long it doesn't matter at least you've updated right? XD
Somehow this chapter made me feel sad for their girlfriends because they're not getting quality time with the boys......NAAAAHHH I changed my mind; I don't! Hahaha!
DoubleYsYeoja #5
lol haha i love you writer seriously!!!
i feel like we're friends already!
what to do...how will they broke up with their girlfriends?
aish...why do i feel guilty too for wanting homin together?