Jongup's turn

It Shouldn't Be a Secret


Mi Cha was hanging out with BAP again during lunch when she noticed that the boastful Jongup was no where to be found.

“Hey, where’s Jongup?” Mi Cha asked, looking bored out of her mind. She had to admit, she’s gotten use to Jongup’s loud personality. It seemed to quiet without him, despite the loud noise that Himchan and YoungJae was having.

“You knew I was going to lose, that’s why you made that bet right?” Himchan complained after losing at Tekken against YoungJae.

YoungJae laughed and gave an innocent look. “Me? How was I supposed to know that you like hell at Tekken?”

“You can’t put that face on, I know you too well.”

“Haha, fine. It’s not my fault that you’re too dense to even know that you can’t win anything.” YoungJae stuck his tongue out.

“I thought for sure that I was going to win …”

They carried on with their conversation while Zelo came up to Mi Cha and sat next to her. “He’s practicing for his upcoming dance competition. Jongup is a really great dancer, the best!”

“So he does have something else to do rather than just hanging around here and being a loud guy?” Mi Cha asked.

Zelo smiled. “Ne, you can come with us to watch his competition. Although, lately he’s been in a foul mood. But then again, he’s always like this before any competition.” He pouted.


“We don’t know. But the only thing we can do is just believe in him and cheer him on!”

Mi Cha smiled softly at this young boy’s positive energy and couldn’t help but pat his head. Yongguk watched from the distance, as usual, and, as usual, got the feeling of being jealous. Zelo noticed and stuck his tongue out at his hyung. Yongguk gave him an ‘I’m-gonna-get-you-later’ look and turned.


“Kick, then defend!” Mi Cha said as she walked around her dorm, observing her members. “Keep focus and don’t hesitate.”

Her members were all paired up and were sparring. When they were finished and they all left, Mi Cha decided to practice by herself. It’s been a while since she’s been practicing herself because of BAP. She couldn’t help it though. She did make a promise to Yongguk and she just couldn’t help but feel … like she fit in somewhere now.

Mi Cha shook her head and focused on the dummy before her. She landed punch after punch on the dummy, leaving marks everywhere. After a few more hits that could kill Hulk even, she stopped and took a rest. She went over to her bag and grabbed out a water bottle. Before she could take a sip, she heard faint background music somewhere nearby.

Mi Cha’s first action was to ignore it but then her mind wandered to Jongup. Zelo did say that he was practicing, could that be him?

She shook her head of that thought, but it kept coming back. As much as she hated to admit, Mi Cha was actually … worried about the boy. Lately, Jongup hadn’t been hanging out with them and whenever she saw him, he was exhausted and dead. She was afraid that Jongup was working too hard, and as a leader she knew what it was like.

The music kept playing and she kept trying to resist the urge to go over there, but her ‘nice’ side got the best of her and she decided to go take a look. She walked down the hall and came upon a glass door. Through it, she saw Jongup dancing desperately, like if he doesn’t he was going to die.

Jongup did some moves that impressed Mi Cha, and she’s seen a few guys dance. It looked … force though. When he stopped he fell to the ground and just lay there, panting hard. She looked around to see if there were any water bottle for him, but there was none.

Stupid guy. You can’t practice hard like that and not drink water, you’ll get dehydrated. No wonder you’re so exhausted.

Mi Cha looked at the water bottle in her hand and sighed. She entered and walked over to where he was, holding it out. “Here”

Jongup’s eyes shot open and the first thing he saw was Mi Cha, then his eyes wandered down to the bottle in her hand. He shook his head and sat up. “What are you doing here?”

Mi Cha glared at him. “Drink it.” Jongup shook his head. “Why not?”

“Because I don’t want to.” Jongup, protested.

Mi Cha’s lips formed into a thin line. “Do I have to force this down your throat? Believe me, it won’t be pretty.”

“B-but, I don’t want!” Jongup scooted away.

Mi Cha sighed and marched over to him and pinned him down on the ground. Jongup tried to struggle against her, but her strength exceeded his. Mi Cha pinched his cheek together and was about to pour it down his mouth but he gave up.

“Fine, fine I’ll drink it!” After Mi Cha released him and held out the drink he didn’t think twice about grabbing it and gulping it all down.

“Feel better?” Mi Cha asked as he handed the bottle back.

Jongup smiled, sheepishly, and nodded. “Ne, um … Thanks.”

“No problem, but what were you thinking?! Practicing that hard and not hydrating yourself?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Mi Cha scolded.

Jongup looked down. “Well, I told myself that I couldn’t drink anything while practicing until I get better.”

“And what are you trying to get better at?”


“Why? You’re already good as it is.”

Jongup looked up at her. “Really?” Mi Cha nodded. “Thanks, but I still think I need to improve.”

“And what exactly are you trying to prove?” Jongup didn’t say anything. “Answer me.”

He bit his lips. “That I’m a better dancer than Hyunseung.”

Mi Cha blinked at him. “You’re trying to prove that you’re better than someone else? Jongup, why? You shouldn’t even be comparing yourself to him!”

Jongup stood up and looked at her, angrily. “Why not? He’s so much better! He’s beaten me at every dancing competition there ever was. I can’t even come close to his skill. No matter how hard I practice, I can’t even come close to his level.” He sighed and slumped back down to the ground.

Mi Cha rolled his eyes and kneeled down before him. “Jongup, look at me. Now.”

He gave a heavy sigh and looked up at her. She gave him a serious look and grabbed his shoulders. He was surprised at this action since he knew that Mi Cha wasn’t a skin ship type of person.

“Jongup, you know why you can’t? Because Hyunseung has his own level. Just like how you have your own level. Stop trying to be like him because you’re not him. You are Jongup, the …” She bit her lips, not wanting to say what was next but she had to. “The loud, but charming dancer and winner of BAP. Hyunseung is Hyunseung. Do you understand me?”

Jongup didn’t say anything. He was shocked at her words and … her kindness. He’s never seen this side of her before and honestly, he liked it. Jongup heard these words before by other people, but coming from Mi Cha it sounded and felt different.

“Do you? Or did I completely fail at my job? Just not your head at least.” Mi Cha frowned.

Jongup blinked and before Mi Cha could see it coming, he got up and hugged her. Mi Cha froze, not really liking the skin ship right now, but she just couldn’t bring herself to push him away.

“Thank you, noona. It really means a lot, hearing you say it.” Jongup whispered.

Mi Cha just pats his back, nervously. “Alright, now are you going to be yourself and stop trying to compare yourself to Hyunseung?” Jongup pulled away and nodded like a little puppy. “Yes! Thank you!”

She looked away, not wanting to be wooed by his cuteness like Zelo. She got up and turned to leave so she could get out of there as fast as possible, but Jongup grabbed on to her hands quickly.

“Wait, noona, will watch me at least?” Jongup asked.

Mi Cha put on her cold face and looked at him. “Aniyo, I have to go practice. I’m sure you’ll do well though.”

Jongup didn’t let go though. “Please!” He pouted a little, which made him look even more like a little puppy. Mi Cha bit her lip, wanting to resist but her soft side for adorable things got the best of her. “Arasso.”

Jongup smiled widely and went to go turn on the music. Mi Cha took a seat by the mirrors and watched as Jongup started dancing. It was different this time then the first time. Instead of it looking forced, Jongup seemed to be into it and flowing like water. She actually felt mesmerized, watching him. When he was finished, Mi Cha couldn’t help but smile and clap for him. Jongup saw her smile and it made him feel like a million bucks.

I can’t I believe I managed to make her smile. The cold queenka of Blossom High is actually smiling and clapping for me!Jongup did a victory dance in his head.

“You liked it?” Jongup asked.

“Of course!” Mi Cha cheered and froze. Crap!

She coughed and put on her poker face. “Uh, I mean yeah. I thought it was pretty good. It was better than the first time.”

Jongup took notice of her sudden mood change, but he knew otherwise. He’s just witnessed a side to her and knew that this was the true side of her. He went over to her and pulled her into another hug. “Thanks noona.”

Mi Cha just nodded, still not liking the skin ship.

One Week Later

“And the winner of Blossom High Dancing competition is … Moon Jongup!” The MC announced as he read the letter. “Come on out!”

Jongup, who was waiting backstage, ran out and grabbed the trophy from the guy. His smile was as wide as the sun. He looked in to the crowds and found Mi Cha. He waved at her and mouthed ‘Thank you.’ Mi Cha decided for now, that she’ll let him she her smile once again.

BEAST, on the other hand, was shocked. Hyunseung, more so because he’s never lost to Jongup before. Junhyung, looked out to Jongup and noticed that he was waving at someone particular. When he saw Mi Cha, his mouth dropped open and his anger began to fuel even more.

Just what the hell is going on?


After the whole event, Mi Cha and BAP were all out celebrating to Jongup’s success.

“Whoo! Congratulation to Jongup for wiping that smug look off of that Hyunseung!” Yongguk cheered. The members all cheered with him.

Jongup chuckled. “Thanks you guys. But it wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for M-“

Mi Cha stepped on his foot and gave him a look that he knew. Jongup nodded and continued with his talking, “What I mean to say. It wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for your guy’s support. Thank you.”

“Aw, you didn’t have to say that.” Himchan smirked. “I know, I was your best supporter.”

“What are you talking about? You didn’t even mention him once.” Daehyun arc an eyebrow.

Himchan shot him a look. “What are you talking about? Of course I did!”

Daehyun rolled his eyes and looked at Mi Cha and gave her a knowing smile. Mi Cha bit the inside of her cheek and looked away. It seems like Daehyun has caught on.

“You know,” Yongguk said standing up, “I also feel like it’s also because of Mi Cha. Lately, it feels like we’re all getting closer because of her. So, let’s make a cheer for her. To Mi Cha!” He held out his drink.

Zelo, Daehyun and Jongup didn’t hesitate to stand up with their drinks as well. YoungJae and Himchan on the other, complained that they should be the one getting the cheers. Yongguk slapped them both on the head and they grudgingly stood up with their drinks.

“To Mi Cha!” They all cheered.

Mi Cha just gave them a blank look, not knowing what to say about this. Nobody had ever done this for her. In fact, she was actually ready to bolt since she wasn’t use to this type of attention but looking up at their smiles, she couldn’t help but smile a little herself.

“Thanks … You guys.”

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hey... I love your story....please update soon.... XD
I want to read this more.more n more..muhehehe
Kyaaaa~ Yongguk is so sweet seriously <3
Junhyung reminds me of a whiny, clingy girlfriend. LOL
Kpop2ne1 #3
Aww that sooo~ much :( did you search your recycling bin? well it was getting really good! ugh why doesn't she pay more attention to Yongguk D; well hopefully you'll eventually come back to it! :)
me............... LOVES ITTTTTTT!!!
my 2nd bias group vs my 3rd bias group xDDD
I SHIP MIGUK!!! (anddaehyunismine :P)
I ship them...XD
But poor yongguk...:/
MissKiki #6
New reader!!! Luv ur story!!!
@Kpop2ne1: Thank you!!!
Kpop2ne1 #8
Good start ^_^ keep updating!