Maybe I Can Do This

It Shouldn't Be a Secret


The next day Mi Cha was enjoying the quietness of her surrounding at lunch. She grabbed her bento and took a peek in it to see her cream puff that she made from this morning. watered at the sight and she wanted to squeal over the appearance of it.

“Miki!” Someone yelled. Mi Cha jumped and fumbled around for the cover. When she found it she immediately placed it over her bento and looked up to see her greeter, which was no one other than Junhyung. “Hey, Miki. What’s up?”

Mi Cha sighed and took deep breathe to calm down her heart. That was close.

“I was just about to eat until I was interrupted.”

“I’m sorry, but I was actually hoping that today you would come and eat with us?” Junhyung smiled.

Mi Cha shook her head. “No thanks, I’d rather not.”

“Oh come on. Please? Why don’t you eat with me and my friends?”

Before Mi Cha could reply to that, someone interrupted. “Because she’s going to come and eat with me and my friends.”

Junhyung’s head snapped up at the familiar voice and he glared at the person. “What are you doing here?”

Yongguk smirked and crossed his arms. “I’m here to pick up Mi Cha.” Yongguk stepped around Junhyung and helped Mi Cha up. “Are you ready?”

Junhyung immediately stood up and grabbed Mi Cha’s other arm. “Whoa, she’s going no where with you.”

Mi Cha glared at Junhyung and yanked her hand out of his grip. “Stop it, Junhyung. Where I go is my decision. Just go back to your friends.”

Junhyung blinked, dumbfounded, and watched Mi Cha leave with his enemy. He was shocked and surprised that Mi Cha was willing to go. She was never one to interact with people much, so why was she now?

Yongguk on the other hand smiled with triumph. “Ha, I showed that guy.” Then something hit him. “Wait, why didn’t you flip him?”

“Flip him?”

“You know? Grab him and then pin him down on the ground? You didn’t do that to him when he grabbed your wrist.”

Mi Cha shrugged. “I know Junhyung, despite us not really being friends. We were childhood friends at one point-“

“Wait! You knew him from way before?”

“Uh, yeah, I did. We were really close then, but then middle school came and we kinda just drifted off to separate paths.”

Yongguk shook his head. “Well it didn’t seem like that to me. Junhyung still seems to think that you’re still friends with him.”

“Yeah, I know, and I have no idea why. But there’s no reason for me to ‘flip’ him because I know he won’t do anything to me. He’s still the same as before.”

They both stopped in front of a door and beyond it they could hear sounds of laughing and cheering. Yongguk smiled at her and opened the door to reveal 5 boys all looking at a TV. Two of them were playing on this game while the others were watching.

“Hey! We have a guest here! Come and introduce yourself!” Yongguk announced.

A curly blond hair kid, who was playing the game, whined. “But we’re playing a game here. If I do, then Jongup’s going to cheat.”

“I never cheat!” The other kid said.

“Liar! You always do, because you can’t handle the fact that you’re losing.”

“Yah, maknaes, I can handle you anytime.” With one click the word ‘Game Over’ appeared on the curly blonde’s side. “See?”

“Y-you cheated!”

The winner scoffed. “Ha, yeah, I did. You use that excuse for everything.”

Yongguk sighed and went over to hit them both in the head. “I said that we have company. You all, get up and introduce yourself, now!”

Much to Mi Cha’s amusement, they all started complaining about how they didn’t want to introduce themselves, until they saw me.

“Omo, is that the cold and fearless queenka, Mi Cha?” The curly one said.

Yongguk smirked. “Yes, now hurry up!”

They all looked at each, then scrambled up and bowed.

“Annyeong, I’m Zelo, the maknae!” The curly one said.

“I’m Jongup; it’s nice to meet you!” The winner one said.

“Young Jae here!” A rather feminine looking one introduced.

“Himchan, nice to meet you!” Another one said.

“And I’m Daehyun.” The cold looking one introduced.

“And we’re BAP!” They all said together.

Mi Cha blinked at the energy that they had despite it being halfway through school already. Yongguk walked up to her and smiled. “What do you think?”

“You’re all …. Blond.” Mi Cha murmured.

Himchan chuckled. “You can blame that on Yongguk! He made us all color our hair blond.”

Mi Cha looked at Yongguk who was now scratching his head nervously. “W-well, it’s because I wanted people to see us as a group and not as individuals.”

“Yeah, but really, blond?” Mi Cha asked. “Couldn’t you all have just worn a piece of clothing to represent as a group?”

Yongguk turned red with embarrassment and the fact that his group was laughing didn’t help much. “But we’re not all rich. Besides, what would we have worn?”

Mi Cha thought about it. “Okay you got me there. Anyway,” she sighed, “I’m Mi Cha, leader of the karate team. I’ve been forced here so don’t think anything too much, alright?”

“Forced?” Daehyun asked.

“It’s nothing, anyway Mi Cha,” Yongguk said, “welcome to BAP’s HQ. Where most of your fun moments are going to take place.”

Mi Cha nodded, uncomfortable by these guys staring. Zelo, the maknae, took a step forward and smiled widely. “I admire you a lot, noona! After taking down hyung like that the other day.”

Yongguk knocked him in the back of the head. “Hey, I’m right here.”

Zelo pouted and ran behind Mi Cha. Mi Cha blinked, surprised. “W-what are you doing?”

“I don’t want him to hit me! Please stop him.”

Yongguk advanced towards them, cracking is knuckle. “You think she’ll help you? Please, she barely even knows you.”

Zelo kept trying to dodge Yongguk’s hand from behind Mi Cha who was being jostled around like an object. And it was seriously starting to irritate her.

When Zelo grabbed her arms, though, that’s when she snapped. She pushed them both away and stomped towards the door, but not before glaring at them all.

“You guys are acting like a bunch of kids. Is this all you do? Hit each other and play video games? What a waste of time!”

“Whoa, Mi Cha calm down.” Yongguk said. “We’re just playing around.”

Mi Cha scoffed. “Playing around? Why don’t you guys try doing some work?”

Before anyone could do anything, she turned around and marched off. She was ready to punch something. Everyone in the hallway could tell since they steered clear of her. She couldn’t care less though, she was angry at the event that took place before.

How could they just waste their time like that? Don’t they have dreams? Don’t they have goals? Mi Cha asked herself, angrily. Here I am, trying to work hard to achieve my dreams, but it’s like they don’t even try to achieve theirs. And that boy, Zelo, he can’t even stand up for himself?

“Mi Cha!” Someone called out from behind.

Mi Cha stopped and turned around to see that maknae running towards her. What now?

“Mi Cha,” Zelo panted, “Why are you so angry? We’re just having fun.”

“That’s the thing. Why are you guys having fun when you should be working to achieve your dreams or your goals? Don’t you guys know how much other people have to work just to reach their goals? It’s like you guys are mocking us.” Mi Cha seethed.

Zelo blinked at her, unfazed by her words. Mi Cha clenched her hands, ready to punch him until he said something that caught her off guard.

“We do have dreams. But a person shouldn’t focus on just working hard. They have to first build relationships with people because it’s them who push us to work for our dreams. That’s why we play around, so we can build a stronger relationship which motivates us to work harder.”

Mi Cha looked at him, confused. “That doesn’t make sense.”

Zelo tapped his chin, thinking of a way to put it in a simpler way. “Okay, you know how you have your karate team?” Mi Cha nodded. “Well, you guys all trust each other and respect each other right?”

“I guess…”

“It’s like that. You build relationships with your members, and through that you guys are able to go farther since you have people that you trust.” Zelo smiled.

Mi Cha was … surprised that a guy like Zelo managed to come up with something like this. He didn’t seem like the very smart one, but she was impressed. She never thought of achieving her goals like that, but that still didn’t mean that she trust him or the others.

“I’ve heard about your reputation, but I don’t really care about them. I want us to be friends, so please give us a chance. The more time you spend with us, the more you’ll realize that we’re helping each other.”

Mi Cha bit the inside of her cheek, thinking, but honestly, she wasn’t against the whole idea. If what Zelo said was true, then maybe, maybe, she could give it a try. She sighed and pat the young boy’s head. “You’re pretty wise, you know. I’ll give it a try, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll go through with it. We’re entirely different, you, your friends and I.”

Zelo smiled, cheekily. “You’re wrong. We’re not entirely different.”

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hey... I love your story....please update soon.... XD
I want to read this more.more n more..muhehehe
Kyaaaa~ Yongguk is so sweet seriously <3
Junhyung reminds me of a whiny, clingy girlfriend. LOL
Kpop2ne1 #3
Aww that sooo~ much :( did you search your recycling bin? well it was getting really good! ugh why doesn't she pay more attention to Yongguk D; well hopefully you'll eventually come back to it! :)
me............... LOVES ITTTTTTT!!!
my 2nd bias group vs my 3rd bias group xDDD
I SHIP MIGUK!!! (anddaehyunismine :P)
I ship them...XD
But poor yongguk...:/
MissKiki #6
New reader!!! Luv ur story!!!
@Kpop2ne1: Thank you!!!
Kpop2ne1 #8
Good start ^_^ keep updating!