A Side Shown

It Shouldn't Be a Secret


            It’s been a week since Zelo had given her that advice. After that day, she went back at lunch everyday. They were ecstatic to have her, but Mi Cha was still not use to their energies and their ‘playing around’ moments.

“Okay, people. You guys can pack up and go.” Mi Cha announced. Her members all sighed with relief and started leaving. Mi Cha stayed behind and started practicing with a dummy. That is, until someone decided to show up.

“Knock, Knock.” Yongguk cheered. “I knew I would find you here, friend.”

Mi Cha didn’t stop, in fact, her punching and kicking got even worse. “And why are you here?”

“Because tomorrow’s Saturday, and I was wondering if you wanted to come and hang out with me and the others.” Yongguk winced at every hit that landed. He was amazed at how such a skinny and small girl could punch and kick so hard.

“Aniyo, I don’t want to.”

“Oh come on, please! It’s going to be so fun!”




“Will you please come, noona?” Zelo asked, popping up at the door.

Mi Cha stopped and stared at the maknae who was now giving her the puppy face. She bit the inside of her cheek wanting to say no, but for some reason she couldn’t resist that cute … adorable … look.

“Fine.” She sighed. Damn my weakness for adorable things. “I’ll go.”

Zelo punched the air and ran to hug her but Mi Cha held her hands up. He froze a couple feet away. “Don’t push it.”

“Wait, why do you say yes to him? Huh?” Yongguk grabbed Zelo in a headlock. “What have you been doing to accomplish what I’ve been trying to do this whole time?”

Zelo struggled but to no avail. “Nothing! It’s just that noona like me, hmph. And that I understand her.”

“Yah, I understand her as well.”

Mi Cha sighed, her fire for practicing diminished. While the two boys were ‘fighting’ she went to go pack up her stuff and left them alone in the room. It took them a while to notice that she was gone, and when they did they got even more heated up.

“Yah! Look what you did maknae! You made her run away!” Yongguk scolded.

“Me? It’s probably your loud and irritating voice that made her bolt.” Zelo stuck his tongue out.

“You wanna die?” Yongguk made a grab for Zelo, but he dodged it and started running around.

Mi Cha, though, was actually outside the door trying to hide her laughter. She wasn’t really angry at them or irritated. She left because she didn’t want them to see her laughing, that would definitely ruin her image.

When the guys finally stopped and were lying on the ground, panting. They called truce and started laughing together. Mi Cha gave a soft smile and envied that they could play around without a care in the world. She grew up not knowing what it was like to have fun. The only fun she ever had was when she was 6 years and younger, but after that her father pressured her into karate and that’s all she ever knew. She sighed and turned around to leave. After she did, a figure appeared out of the shadow and when he looked into the room, his hands clenched.


Mi Cha woke up early in the morning to go running. After she did, she took a quick shower and got ready for her day with BAP. She wasn’t really looking forward to it, but she did tell Zelo that she would come.

That maknae and his puppy face. I swear if he didn’t have it, I would be beating him up by now.Mi Cha sighed.

After checking the time, she left the house and went a park nearby where BAP was going to meet up. BAP was there first and when they saw her they all greeted cheerfully.

“Wow, you’re actually hanging out with us. Yay! That means we’re getting closer!” Himchan cheered and made a move to hug her but she gave him a cold look. “Haha, right I forgot. You don’t like skin ship very much.”

Mi Cha shook her head. Yongguk came up and smiled. “Well I’m just glad that you’re here.”

“Yeah, where are we going?” Mi Cha asked.

“Well first, we’re going bowling!” Jongup cheered. The rest cheered along and they all walked to the bowling area.

As soon as they entered, Mi Cha could hear the sounds of pins being knocked down and kids everywhere talking. She didn’t like it. She’s never really been to such a loud and active place like this before. She’s also never seen people stare at her like she was … weak and vulnerable. It pissed her off, but before she could make a scene someone placed a pair of shoes in her hand.

“Here you go, I paid for your entrance and your shoes.” Yongguk smiled.

“Why did you do that? I could’ve paid for it myself.” Mi Cha protested.

“Next time, right now, let me handle it. Come on, let’s go.”

They walked down a flight of stairs and found the rest of the BAP members crowded around a spot. They were all choosing their partners.

“Yongguk, are you ready?!” Zelo yelled, waving his arms up and down like a little kid.

Yongguk chuckled. “Ne, but who’s going to be partnered up with Mi Cha?”

Jongup and YoungJae didn’t say anything since they were already paired up and so that left Daehyun and Himchan. Daehyun just shrugged. “I guess I will.”

“Wait, what about me?” Himchan whined.

“Just play by yourself.” Yongguk murmured as he started writing down the names: ZeGuk, Youngup, Himchan then DaeCha. “You guys know how this works, right? First person throws the first time and then the second person throws the second time.”

Zelo went up first and manage to hit half the pin. Yongguk went up after and got a spare. Young went up and got into the pit which earned a few yelling from Jongup, but, luckily, he managed to go up and strike it all down. Himchan bragged about his skill before going up but ended up missing both turn. Daehyun went up and also got it into the pit but Mi Cha strike the rest down, much to BAP surprise. They didn’t say anything. But at the end, it all came down with DaeCha winning.

“Wow, noona. I never knew you were so good at bowling.” Zelo asked, awed.

“Man, I should’ve picked you as my team.” Jongup groaned. “YoungJae , he made most of it in the pit!”

“Hey! I protest that!” YoungJae frowned. Jongup gave him a ‘really dude’ look. “Fine, I do.”

“I can’t believe I lost.” Himchan pouted.

“I can, you like hell.” Yongguk laughed then he went up to Mi Cha and pats her back. “Good job.”

Mi Cha glared at him. Yongguk realized what he did and put up his hands in defense. Mi Cha walked towards him slowly, her hands clenched but then Daehyun popped up.

“Wow, you’re pretty good Mi Cha. I didn’t think you were great.” Daehyun gave her a smile that made her stop in her tracks. She was surprised since he didn’t seem like the type to smile. “I think you’ll fit great with us.”

“Um, thanks? You guys know that I’ve never really played … bowling before, right?” Mi Cha asked.

“WHAT?!” Himchan yelled. “I’ve been beaten by a first timer? How is that possible?”

“Um, I think you should leave that to the second place people.” Jongup rolled his eyes but then did the same thing as Himchan. “What??!! I actually got beaten by a first timer! How is that possible? Nnoo!!”

Daehyun laughed. “I guess that’s what they call beginner’s luck.” He raised his hands but Mi Cha just looked at it. “Come on, high five.”

Yongguk rolled his eyes, knowing that she wouldn’t do it. After a while though, Mi Cha raised her hands up and slapped it with Daehyun’s. Daehyun smiled widely, but Yongguk mouth dropped.

How come she’s being so friendly to Daehyun and Zelo, but not to me? What am I doing wrong??!!

“Ah anyway,” Yongguk stepped in between them, “let’s go grab some lunch.”

“I agree, I need to drown out my sorrow.” Himchan got up and sulked up the stairs.

YoungJae shook his head. “He’s such a drama queen.”

“I heard that!” Himchan shouted. “And you’re one too! Don’t deny it!” Himchan added when YoungJae was about to open his mouth.

The others chuckled and followed Himchan. Mi Cha stayed behind the group with Daehyun, who she seems to be getting along with well much to her surprise.

After lunch, they all made their way to an arcade room. Himchan and YoungJae ran off to play some shooting games while Zelo and Jongup made their way to DDR. Yongguk left with Zelo and Jongup but with a rather foul mood when he saw how close Mi Cha and Daehyun were getting. They were both walking behind, but it seemed like they were getting along well.

“You wanna play some basketball?” Daehyun asked.

Mi Cha blinked and looked around. “Basketball? Um, well I’ve never played it before.”

Daehyun looked at her then shook his head. “So sad, well I, Daehyun, will show you how fun it is to play basketball.”

Daehyun led her to two basketball game and placed in a quarter for both. “You know the basic right?”

“Shoot the ball into the net.”

“Okay, that’s all you have to do. Are you ready?”

Mi Cha scoffed. “When am I never ready for a sport game?”

“This is different from karate.” Daehyun informed her.

The buzz went off, initiating the game and they both started throwing. Daehyun was landing shots after shots, but Mi Cha wasn’t even getting any inside. With each miss she grew more and more furious. Right when she was about to blow her top off, Daehyun appeared behind her and started helping her throw the ball.

Mi Cha wanted to yell at him and asked why he was holding her hands, but when she realized that she was making the ball in she didn’t care. She was always bad with sports that involved a ball, but the fact that she was making it in, with a little help from Daehyun, made her forget her anger.

When the buzz went off again Mi Cha giggled and cheered. “Wow that was amazing!”

Daehyun was caught off guard by her smile and ended up staring at her. Mi Cha didn’t notice at first, especially when she was doing a little victory dance.

So beautiful. Daehyun thought as he watched a side of Mi Cha’s that he never thought was possible. He wasn’t the only one either, Yongguk, in the distance, was also watching and he was getting furious every moment. It seems like every effort that he’s been putting in seems to be shot down, but s were getting acknowledged for it.

Mi Cha realized what she was doing and stopped, putting on her poker face again. “Uh, I mean … I didn’t need the help! Why did you do that?”

Daehyun blinked at the sudden change, but he knew better. He smiled and shrugged. “I don’t know. It seemed like you need help. But you didn’t seem to mind.”

Mi Cha turned red and turned around. “I-I did! But I … Let’s play something else!”

She stomped off towards the direction of Yongguk. He saw and immediately turned around and acted like he was interested in Zelo’s and Jongup’s dancing. In fact, he felt very jealous at the moment of Daehyun. Why was he jealous?

Mi Cha, on the other hand, heart’s was pounding. She had already shown a side of her to someone and she wasn’t happy with it. She didn’t intend it to get this far. Mi Cha couldn’t afford anymore distraction.

Get your act together!Mi Cha scolded herself. But when she looked around and saw how much fun the people were having she began to feel like she was a part of something rather then the outcast. And it felt great.

Crap. What have I gotten myself in to?

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hey... I love your story....please update soon.... XD
I want to read this more.more n more..muhehehe
Kyaaaa~ Yongguk is so sweet seriously <3
Junhyung reminds me of a whiny, clingy girlfriend. LOL
Kpop2ne1 #3
Aww that sooo~ much :( did you search your recycling bin? well it was getting really good! ugh why doesn't she pay more attention to Yongguk D; well hopefully you'll eventually come back to it! :)
me............... LOVES ITTTTTTT!!!
my 2nd bias group vs my 3rd bias group xDDD
I SHIP MIGUK!!! (anddaehyunismine :P)
I ship them...XD
But poor yongguk...:/
MissKiki #6
New reader!!! Luv ur story!!!
@Kpop2ne1: Thank you!!!
Kpop2ne1 #8
Good start ^_^ keep updating!