The First Meeting

It Shouldn't Be a Secret


It was a quiet afternoon one day as Mi Cha stared out a window from her karate dorm. She was waiting, anticipating, and then she heard it.

“Thank you Angel!” A girl squealed from a nearby classroom.

Mi Cha smiled softly and walked out. As she passed by a classroom, she peeked in to see a girl smiling with tears falling. In front of the girl was a gift basket with all types of sweets and pastries in it. There was also a letter that she was not reading.

“What does it say?” A guy asked.

The girl smiled cheerfully. “It says, ‘Don’t cry over your breakup. Just think of it as one step closer to the person you are fated to be with.’”

“Another good advice given by Angel.”

‘Angel’ was a name that people called the person who is always leaving gifts for people who seemed to be depressed or going through a problem. It was always pastries and sweets along with a letter that contained an advice that always helped.

Nobody knew who this mysterious ‘angel’ was. But they knew that this person went to their school and didn’t want to be found out.

Mi Cha kept her soft smile on her face until a guy bumped into her. She scowled at the guy who turned white with fear. “I-I’m sorry, Mi Cha.”

Mi Cha didn’t say anything and turned, leaving the guy behind. But she couldn’t help but overhear his conversation with his friend.

“Whoa that was close.” Someone said.

“Tell me about it.” The guy said.

“It’s kinda sad that Mi Cha is such a cold person. If only ‘Angel’ could give an advice to her to be nicer. It definitely would teach her a thing or two.”

They both nodded in agreement and left, unbeknownst to them that Mi Cha was ‘Angel’. She’s the one who’s been giving people gift baskets and advice to cheer up, but she never publicly announced it because she had her reputation to keep which was the ‘cold and fearless queenka.’ She was known as this became for her cold appearance and her karate that was feared by others. No one dare challenge her in karate because nobody could last more than 5 seconds.

Mi Cha is the head of both the girl’s and boy’s karate team since her freshmen year. Her father was a world champion karate member and had a made a name for himself out there. When Mi Cha was born, her father taught her everything he knew about karate and expected her to be a world champion as well. That was all she ever knew and all she ever did. She had no time to play around with kids her age or play with toys.

Mi Cha sighed and headed to her classroom to get her home lunch. After doing so, she went outside and sat in her spot under a tree. It was very quiet and peaceful and she couldn’t have enjoyed it more.

“Hey Miki!” Someone yelled. Mi Cha sighed; she definitely couldn’t have enjoyed it more. “What are you doing here alone, come and eat with me.”

Mi Cha took a glance up and saw the same guy who’s been bothering her since freshmen year. Junhyung. She decided not to say anything and started eating her food.

“Miki, don’t ignore me, please. Come eat with me and my friends.” Junhyung pestered and knelt down besides her.

“I don’t want to eat with you or your friends. Please leave me alone.” Mi Cha murmured. “And please stop calling me Miki.”

“Why not? It was my childhood nickname for you.”

“Hence the word childhood. That was then, this is now.”

Junhyung sighed. “Still, we’re friends.”

“I don’t think you understand the meaning of friends and childhood. They’re two different things, now please go away.” Mi Cha, nonchalantly, said.


“Hey Miki!” Another guy called out. Mi Cha glanced up and saw her best friend and her right hang man in karate, Cheondoong. She nodded her head at him and he saw Junhyung. “Oh, hey Junhyung.”

Junhyung gave him a ‘what-the-hell’ glare. “Why does he get to call you Miki?”

Mi Cha gave a heavy sigh, so Cheondoong decided to jump in. “First of all, I’m her best friend and second of all, I don’t irritate her like you do.”

“But, but, but I’m your childhood-“

“Again, childhood and best friend is two different things, Junhyung.” Mi Cha shot him down, leaving him with a hurt look on his face, but it was immediately replaced with an angry look. “Fine, but one day you’ll be mines, don’t forget that.”

Mi Cha didn’t answer while Junhyung got up and left. When she made sure he was gone, she gave a small smile to Cheondoong.

“Thanks Cheondoong. You really helped me.”

Cheondoong chuckled and sat down next to her with his own bento plate. “No problem. I’ll gladly you help you anytime. He really doesn’t give up though, huh?”

“Yeah, he doesn’t.”

“Why is he so persistent, though?”

Mi Cha shrugged. “Hell if I know. We were childhood friends, yes, but then middle school came and we went to two different school. Then I met him here in freshmen year and he was blurting out stuff like we were going out. If I remember, he use to pick on me a lot back in our kiddy days.”

“Well you know what they say, a boy pick on a girl that he likes.” Cheondoong laughed and started digging into his own plate. “Anyway, what’s the agenda for today?”

Before Mi Cha could say anything, a loud noise followed by some yelling occurred at one of the table. She looked to see Junhyung and his group against this other group of boys otherwise known as BAP.

“They’re at it again.” Cheondoong murmured. “Happens everyday.”

“I know it’s getting kind of old.” Mi Cha muttered. “They just never know when to stop. Hopefully the teachers will come out sooner this time.”

“Ooh, me too. I remember the last time, both the maknaes of the groups got into a huge fight and ended up getting hurt, badly.”

They both watched the two groups getting at it, and Mi Cha was getting anxious the more it went on. There were no teachers coming out and it looked like the boys were ready to draw blood.

“You also notice, don’t you.” Cheondoong stated. “Nobody is coming out or stopping them.”

“Yeah …”

Junhyung looked ready to blow his top off. BEAST, Junyhyung’s group, and BAP had been rivals ever since they started high school. While BEAST was the socially active group, BAP was the mysterious and cold group to never interact with anyone outside of their circle. Mi Cha actually quite respect them because it was never them to start any fights, it was always BEAST.

They both were arguing and that’s when Mi Cha saw it. They were going to start. She got up quickly but the punch had already been thrown. The weird thing was that the leader of BAP, Bang Yongguk, was the first one to throw it. That never happened before and Junhyung was surprised by that as well, but he reacted quickly.

“Crap.” Cheondoong seethed.

Both of the groups started fighting, but everyone’s attention were on the leaders. It was usually them who had an interesting fight. And it wasn’t looking pretty.

Mi Cha started marching over there. Cheondoong knew that what was going to happen next wasn’t going to be a pretty sight, so he followed her. When they both got to the site, both side already looked beat up and the members were resting now, except for the leaders.

“I don’t know why you’re so angry. It wasn’t my fault that she came to me.” Junhyung taunted.

Yongguk glared at Junhyung murderously. “Shut up. It is your fault, you’re the one who’s been drawing her in and tempting her. It is your fault!”

Yongguk threw a punch but Mi Cha caught it and pinned him down. Yongguk looked surprise and so did Junhyung.

“Hey, babe. You didn’t have to do that, I would’ve been safe-“

“Shut up!” Mi Cha glared at him. Junhyung swallowed hard and took a step back. “I have no idea what this fight is about, but it’s stupid! There are people who want to eat their food quietly and then there are others who don’t want to see this kind of violence. I’m one of those people.”

“Let me go, we still have unfinished business.” Yongguk growled, struggling but to no avail.

“And what kind of business is that?”

“This bastard tricked my sister! Only to say that he was just playing with her. She left this school and won’t leave the house because of him!”

Mi Cha released him and turned to look at Junhyung. “Is that true? Have you really lowered yourself to that?”

“I-I … N-no! I was only being friendly!” Junhyung stuttered.

“Liar!” Yongguk made a grab for him but Cheondoong grabbed him. “Calm down dude.”

Mi Cha sighed and turned to look at Yongguk. “You shouldn’t resort to violence. It never solves anything, it just causes more trouble. I had respected you guys for not starting the fights, but it seems that my respect isn’t deserved with you guys.”

Yongguk looked at her, questioning in his eyes. He knew of Mi Cha just as well as everybody else. What he didn’t know is that Mi Cha had respect for him and his group and it made his ashamed for what he’s done.

The teachers finally came and took hold of the situation. They thanked Mi Cha for what she’s done. She nodded and turned without taking a second glance. If she had, she would’ve seen a person who had admiration in his eyes for her.

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hey... I love your story....please update soon.... XD
I want to read this more.more n more..muhehehe
Kyaaaa~ Yongguk is so sweet seriously <3
Junhyung reminds me of a whiny, clingy girlfriend. LOL
Kpop2ne1 #3
Aww that sooo~ much :( did you search your recycling bin? well it was getting really good! ugh why doesn't she pay more attention to Yongguk D; well hopefully you'll eventually come back to it! :)
me............... LOVES ITTTTTTT!!!
my 2nd bias group vs my 3rd bias group xDDD
I SHIP MIGUK!!! (anddaehyunismine :P)
I ship them...XD
But poor yongguk...:/
MissKiki #6
New reader!!! Luv ur story!!!
@Kpop2ne1: Thank you!!!
Kpop2ne1 #8
Good start ^_^ keep updating!