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Hotel EXO

You threw open the door before the person outside could finish knocking out the annoying old tune of "Shave And A Haircut."

"Awww... you're no fun!" Chanyeol whined.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?  Are you not happy to see me?  You've been hidden away all day."

You rolled your eyes, but laughed regardless.  "I ordered room service.  Where's your cart?"

"Oh, that.  I've decided that we're doing reverse room service.  You're coming with me to the kitchen."  The observant boy was quick to notice dozens of balls of paper that littered the floor.  The nearby desk held an almost depleted pad of the hotel's stationary, the writing covered with dark scratches.  He said nothing.

"How do you know I'm not alone in here?"

"Because all the on-duty staff are where they're supposed to be right now, so there's no one in there keeping you entertained.  Not to mention, Minseok is snarling like a caged animal downstairs because he can't get into the business center to clean it."

"Wait... Minseok?  Doesn't he work in the gym?"

The tall boy ruffled your hair.  "You're so naïve.  Didn't Kyungsoo explain how things work around here?  Or more specifically, how we work?  Min had a no-show for his last appointment, so he was going to do some vacuuming to calm his nerves.  But the center is off-limits since it's in use.  You get one guess as to who's in it..."

"Your talents are wasted at this place.  You should be a spy for the government."

"Who says I'm not already?" he asked with a merry twinkle in his eye.

• • • • •

Two plates were waiting on the stainless steel counter when you both pushed through the swinging server's door.  Kyungsoo handed you a spoon as you took a seat.

"Do you know, this mousse cake is probably my all-time best seller, and Chanyeol has yet to fork over a single dime for it?  There are guests who have never even tried it, and he's eaten his weight in it."

"They don't know what they're missing then, Chef," you told him.  "It's absolute perfection."

"Noice!" Chanyeol mumbled through a mouthful of chocolate.

Kyungsoo plopped a large portion of whipped cream onto your serving and turned away quickly, before either of you could see the blush coloring his cheeks, and the smile threatening to break across his poker face.

After both plates were clean ("I always knew you were nothing but an overgrown puppy in human's clothing, Yeol," Kyungsoo had remarked with a disgusted face), you sighed loudly.  "I don't know how I'm gonna go back to eating my own crappy cooking when I'm home. You've spoiled me, Chef."

The heads of the two boys shot up, and they locked eyes with one another.

"H-home?" stuttered Chanyeol.  "You've got a few days left in your reservation, don't you?"

"Yeah... but things aren't working out the way I thought, so I might cut it short."

"Is it... because of that guy?"

You groaned.  "I don't know.  Yes and no?  We were supposed to be using this time to reconnect... so I could see if there's anything worth saving there.  But it's obvious that it's not his first priority--"

"Maybe once he reaches whatever goal he's set for himself, he'll come back and dedicate himself to the relationship again," Kyungsoo cut in.

"It's not a goal he's reaching for... more like a co-worker.  And he's most likely bagged her already."

"No!" gasped Chanyeol.  "That can't be it!"

"Yeol, you've seen how he's been with your own eyes... don't tell me I'm wrong.  Besides, it's about more than that.  Things have been dying between us for a while anyway.  Plus, I can't tolerate cheaters.  I have to figure out who I am... what I want... what I'm doing.  There's just a lot of... stuff.  I need to think, and figure out what's supposed to come next.  I just don't know..."

There was suddenly a noisy clatter as dishes and silverware were swept up and unceremoniously dropped into a bin.  "Well that's that," Kyungsoo's voice was gruff.  "You two get out.  Let me lock up for the night."

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