I Love My Brothers Lover

I Love My Brother's Lover


The people are looking at them, since KyuHyun is a member of a very famous Idol group named Super Junior, that’s why their lives are open book for everyone. They know his little sister Miinah. And the point is Miinah got famous because of the groups latest album Bonamana a.k.a. Miinah. Every time that she attend their concerts and performances, when the fan girls shouted Miinah after the lyrics of the song. Miinah is always laughing, its like every body is calling her.


“ Hey Miinah.. Neon, gatabuta, gatabuta mal jom haera miina” KyuHyun called her.


“ Wae?? Ni maeumeul gajyeotdamyeon geunyang naneun salmyi winner.” They are having a song



“ Aniyo, seriously.. I missed this..” KyuHyun said.


“ I told you.. you will miss me.. you always spend time with your group mates.” She pouted and then drink the soda on her glass.

“ Mianhae…”


“ Gwenchana, gwenchana..” Miinah said.


“ Yah! Kyuhyun ah..!”


Both of them look.


“ DongHae hyung, SUngMin hyung..”


Miinah, turned out to be serious. She looked at her food and started to finish it.


“Neon alggamalgga alggamalgga neomu yebbeun mina Nal michyeotdago malhaedo nan niga jotda mina” DongHae said.


Miinah just nod and smile, SungMin sat beside KyuHyun and DongHae sat beside her.


“ What are you guys doing here?” SungMIn asked.


“ Miinah asked me to eat outside..” KyuHyun replied.


Miinah is looking at SUngMIn.


“ Luckily we saw you here KyuHyun, we are going to fetch you in your house.” SungMin said.

“ Wae???” KyuHyun said


“ Manager Hyung, asked us to fetch you cause we have a urgent meeting.. Miinah sorry about this but we need to steal your brother from you.” DongHae tapped Miinah’s shoulders.


Miinah sighed. “ Ne… algaesumnida…” Miinah stood up.


“ Where are you going?” KyuHyun asked.


“ Home…” she replied and then she walk away.


“ I’ll send you  home.” KyuHyun said.


“ I don’t want..”


“ She’s sulking over me… “


Miinah went to the mall, but while walking the people are looking at her. And now she’s getting irritated. She heard them saying, she’s KyuHyun’s twin right? She really looks like her brother KyuHyun. does she also have the talent to be like her twin? Does she know how to sing??


She don’t want the people to see her angry or irritated, she don’t want the people to remember a bad impression to her specially she’s the twin of the famous KyuHyun. she put a fake smile on her face.


“ Excuse me… Miinah shi.” The teenagers asked her.


“ Ne? do you need something from me?” she asked calmly.

“ Can we have a picture with you?”


“ Owh… ne sure.” She smiled, but not a fake smile.


After taking pictures with the teenagers, she went to the store that her brother is indorsing, inside the shop she saw her close friend oppa.


“ Siwonie oppa…”


“ Owh Miinah shi.. what are you doing here??”  he smiled and then he walk towards her.


“ I’m just wondering around…” she sat on the couch.


“ I know you are not… some things  bothering you. What is it?” Siwon asked.


“ KyuHyun oppa had no time for me.. before we are eating at our favorite resto but then DongHae oppa and SUngMin oppa arrived and they take away KyuHyun oppa from me.” She’s very upset.


“ Miinah shi, try to understand your brother.. he’s really busy right now, cause of the SJ-M and the K.R.Y.”


“ I know, but its just make me upset.. oh yeah, you are having a performance this coming Saturday right.” She changed the topic.


“ Yup… and I’m getting tired but I need to continue…”



Miinah and Siwon talked for a long hours, Miinah enjoyed and she almost forgot about what happened before.


“ Aigoo… its almost evening.. Miinah, let me send you home..” Siwon volunteered.


“ Aigoo.. I forgot, umma said that oppa and I should go back home early..”



As Siwon said, he send her home.


“ Umma, mianhae yo..”


“ Gwenchana, your oppa called me and told me what happened .” her umma hugged her.


“ Oppa is just unfair, I really wanted to spend the rest of my day with him, but SUngMin oppa and DongHae oppa suddenly came.”


“ Miinah, try to understand, your brother is an idol and he needs do  his job.”


“ But e also needs to spend time with me.. he’s always with SungMin oppa.” She left her umma and she went to her room.


Miinah is sleeping suddenly her mother came bashing her room, that’s why she stood up.


“ Umma?! What happened???”


“ Your brother..! something bad happened to him, he’s at the hospital…” her mom is crying.


“ Mwo??! What happened???”


“ He slipped at the staircase, from third floor to ground floor!”

“ Mworago??! What hospital??? Does his group mates know about this??”


“ Ne.. they’re at the hospital…”


“ Lets go umma…!”


Miinah left wearing her pajamas on and just a jacket, he’s really worried about KyuHyun. when they arrived at the hospital, she saw the rest of the SuJu members, she saw SungMin looking inside the room.


“ Yah!” she grabbed on SungMin’s collar. “ What happened to my brother?? What did you do to him??”


“ Miinah shi, calm down…. Its an accident.” Ryeowook pill her away from SungMin.


“ Miinah shi… KyuHyun slipped, the truth is after the meeting he hurriedly go back to the restaurant just to see you. But he stepped at the wrong stair. Mianhae Miinah…” SungMin said.


“ Hows my brother now?? Is he okay??”


“ He’s still unconscious, he hit his head hardly… and we still don’t know when will he wake up..” DongHae said.


Miinah entered the room, she saw KyuHyun lying on the bed unconscious with the bandage on his head.


“ Oppa… wae??? You are too careless…”


SungMin put his hand on Miinah’s shoulders. “ Mianhae Miinah… “ he hugged him.


“ Min oppa…. Kyu oppa will wake up again right??” she hold on to SungMin’s hands.

“ Of course he will… KyuHyun won’t leave us…”



All of the SuJu members are inside the room, and then their manager came.


“ Kibum Hyung..” Teuk said, talking to their manager.


“ this is a problem… all of KyuHyun’s schedule is in danger if he wont wake up… and then the whole Korea will know about this, this is s big mess.. the SuJu will be in danger.” It’s really obvious that he is worried.


“ The SuJu M schedule next week… and the live comeback performances..” Teuk is getting worried also.


“ We need a substitute for him..” Said HeeChul while looking at Miinah. She’s  sleeping, resting her head at the pillow next to KyuHyun.


“ I had an idea… “ KangIn said. “ Hyung..”  talking to their manager. “ What if we ask Miinah to be KyuHyun’s substitute for a while… Ahjuma.. can we do that??”


Miinah’s umma, was surprised. “ Miinah…? I don’t think that’s a good idea.. I don’t know if Miinah can handle the things that KyuHyun is doing..” she’s really not sure bout the idea.

“ Umma nim…” said the manager. “ Miinah is the last person to be KyuHyun’s counter part… can you convince her to do it??”


“ I don’t know if Miinah can dance while singing… and her voice, even though they had the same features and face.”


“ About the voice, we can edit it… umma nim, we really need her cooperation. We don’t want that the whole Korea will know about this…”


“ I’ll ask Miinah about it… but we are not sure about her decision…” her umma said.


Around 4 in the morning, Miinah woke up cause her neck is aching, but before she stood up, she heard something.


“ KyunHyun ah… I told you not to hurry up… Miinah will understand you.. you don’t need to do that. KyuHyun ah..” SuyngMin put his hands on KyuHyun’s face. “ wae?? But I want you to wake up immediately.. I miss you and I don’t think I can make it without you..”


Miinah heard all those things, and she was in shock, it feels like somebody throws a cold water on her. Does it mean SungMin loves her brother not as a group mate but as a serious lover.. Deep inside her, she’s hurt.. inside herself she know that she like aniyo she LOVE SungMin.


The next morning……


“ Miinah…” her umma called her.


“ what is it?”


“ I need to tell you something… its about KyuHyun, we all know that he had a hectic schedule. And if this problem leaks out… the group will be in danger, he had a commitments and different contracts to fulfill,  if he failed to do all those things, the group, the entertainment, even us. Will be in danger…” her umma explained.


Miinah was looking outside the window. “ Since I’m the reason why oppa is here. Then you are saying that I should, cover up for him….? Umma if that’s what you mean, I can’t… KyuHyun oppa is a trained guy, and me.. I’m just a newbie… I don’t even know how to dance well or what…” she refuses easily.


“ I saw you… you danced at the dancing studio… you are good just like your brother KyuHyun… you can never hide it.. “ SungMin came.


“ Even though I can dance but I know I’m not compatible for it…” she remove her sight from SungMin.

“ Yes you are…” SungMin insist.


“ I’ll leave the two of you..” Her umma said.


Now, only the two of them are left. SUngMin stand beside her.


“ Miinah.. we all know that you can do it… we trust you…” he hold on Miinah’s hands.


“ Oppa, what if I made a mistakes?? And what if the people will know about me??” Miinah is worried.


“ Miinah shi, we are here to help you, we assure you that you can do it, the manager and the productions will handle it. We need you because you really looks like KyuHyun.”


Ouch.. it’s a pain in Miinah’s heart, hearing the guy that he loves saying that they only need her because of her looks… because she had the same face just like KyuHyun.


“ Miinah, we need you… please say yes and help us… do it for KyuHyun…”


Miinah looked at her bother, she can’t say no if its for KyuHyun. “ SungMin oppa, are you willing to help me about this?? You won’t leave me???” she hold on to SungMin’s shoulders.


“ Ne….” he smiled. “ So you will do it??”


Miinah nods as an answer.  If that’s the only way for her to be close at SUngMin, even though she heard his revelation last night, she still wants to be with him.


“ Annyeong haseyo..” Miinah greeted all the SuJu staffs and members.


“ Miinah shi, thanks for accepting this plan..” Manager Kibum said.


“ If its for my brother KyuHyun, I will do it…” she smiled.


“ Miinah shi,  we are happy that you are here..” DongHae said.


“ Now that Miinah is here, I think we should get going and teach her all the things that she need to know.” Siwon suggested.


“ Siwonie is right.. we need to teach her the Bonamana steps and then the other numbers for the upcoming performances. “ HeeChul added.


“ No need.. she already know it, the only thing that we need to teach her is the SuJu M perfection. “ SungMin said.


“ Really? She know it??” ShinDong asked.


“ Ne.. you don’t need to worry about me… I can catch up fast and I’m a quick learner. Promise I won’t be a burden to all of you..” Miinah really mean what she said.


“ Okay, okay… all of us lets get back on our own work, LeeTeuk go back to practice and let Miinah familiarized for all of this.” Manager Kibum said and then he go back to his work.


“ Miinah shi, come on we will teach you the steps..” Ryeowook  brought her near the mirror.


The SJ M guys are teaching her the steps.


“ Miinah shi, you are really talented..” Henry said, and they are having a break.


“ You are the talented guy, you can dance while playing the violin. And that’s what I like about you..” she smiled.


“ Miinah shi, tomorrow is the SuJu performance, and it’s your debut…” Siwon smiled at her.


“ Siwonie oppa… I guess..”


“ You can do it…. You know what you really look like your brother, I remember.. when we are working on the song U, he also said that, she don’t think that he can do it, but look at now..” Siwon sit beside her. “ Your body guard oppa is here and he won’t leave you…”

“ Oppa… thanks..”


“ Miinah shi..” Manager Kibum came back.

“ Ne??”


“ AHmm.. we need to cut your hair….”


“ MWORAGO YO???” she exclaimed.


“ Ne.. since KyuHyun’s hair is short.. you can’t go and perform with your long hair. Mianhae..”


“ Aniyo…. I don’t want to cut  my hair..!”


All of the staff and crew looked at her. Even the SJ boys looked at her.


“ Yah.. Yah.. guys please don’t touch my hair..” she hold on to her hair.


Siwon stand next  to her. “ Miinah shi.. we really need to.. just like your brothers hair… it’s a bit long right. If we use wigs for you, it can’t fit in to your hair.”


Miinah think deeply, she was about to cry but…


“ Miinah shi.. please….?” SUngMin hold her hands. “ Can you sacrifice for your brother??”


She thinks about something..  maybe SungMin is saying those words for her because he wanted to see KyuHyun. she loves her brother so much and she was willing to sacrifice for him.


“ Okay… I understand.. I will let you  cut my hair…” she looked at SUngMin.


“ Gomawo Miinah shi…”  SUngMin replied.




Finally,  SJ’s performance has come.. they are at the dressing room changing clothes and putting some make ups.


“ Whoa.. KyuHyun is really here…” Wook said.


“ It feels like KyuHyun is here, Miinah shi can you do it??” Teuk asked.


“ Ne.. i..i know I can do it..” she replied nervously.


SungMin lean his head on  her shoulders. “ Of course KyuHyun is here with us.”


Miinah just smiled, but deep inside her she’s hurt.


“ Okay.. this is it.. we are next, lets go, lets go..”  Manager Kibum said.


Siwon lead the prayer before they go to the stage. And finally when the lights on and the music plays. Miinah breath deeply and then she do her part as her brother KyuHyun. the truth is her SJ oppa’s are nervous for her. But she promised her self until KyuHyun is at the hospital she will be the groups KyuHyun. they are performing the song Bonamana. And she was giving her very best for the show.




Finally.. after the performance… before she finally got off the stage..




“ KyuHyun ah….” SUngMin hugged  her. “ You are really KyuHyun… I missed you..”


Miinah got stunned. “ SUngMin…. Hyung…”




“ SungMin ah.. let go now.. remember she is Miinah, she’s not KyuHyun…”  said HeeChul.




After SUngMin loosen up.. they went back to the dressing room.




“ Miinah shi…. You did a great job, its like KyuHyun is the one performing..” Manager Kibum is so happy and relieved. “ After this the SJ M will be going to China for the SJ M comeback.. you will stay there until  KyuHyun is not well, is it okay??”




Miinah just nod… after that performance she hurriedly go to the hospital  to visit her brother.




“ Miinah…”




“ Umma…”




“ I watched your performance… Miinah you really look like KyuHyun.. are you okay??” her mom hugged her. “ I know this is hard for you. You can stop if want. “




“ ANiyo umma I’m doing this for oppa.. I know he needs me..” she sit beside KyuHyun. “ Oppa…  you know what.. before when I was on the stage performing just like you.. now I fully understand why people love you.. its because of your talent.. its okay if  you are at work.. I promise that I won’t sulk again.. the feeling while performing in the stage is… is like a calling… oppa I like it…”




“ Miinah.. you enjoy doing it…  so it means…”




“ Umma aniyo… when oppa is okay.. I will step back and I will go back to my real life.. I got worried also what if they noticed that its not oppa.. but Manager Kibum said that there’s no difference at all..”


“ Miinah… manager Kibum told me about you living in China for months.. I won’t be able to see you there.. are you gonna be okay??”  her umma is worried, it was the first time that Miinah will be apart from the family.




“ I guess I will be okay umma.. for sure the staff will take good care of me.. they better do it cause if not I’ll expose the secret…” she laughs.




“ On your way here, I already talked to Siwon.. I ask him to take a look at you and take care of you..”




Departure of SJ M to China….. At the airport just like the old times there are fans everywhere and anywhere. Miinah continue acting as KyuHyun, doing his mannerisms and the things that KyuHyun is doing. SUngMin is always with her. Sitting beside her, talking to her, and everything. When they arrived in China, they went to the SJ M dorm, Miinah saw her brother’s room




“ No wonder, people here really took care of Kyu oppa’s belongings..” She said. They all know that KyuHyun is messy when it comes to his things.




“ Guys.. do you want to eat outside?? “ the manager asked.


The other members agree, but Miinah decline it, she decide to stay at home and take a rest. Actually it was her first time in China, and she was  happy about it… she wanted to enjoy the beautiful sights to herself.




“ I’m sure I will enjoy if KyuHyun oppa is here….” She was about to cry when somebody hugged her from the back. She got surprised.




“ KyuHyun ah….” It was SungMin. Still he thinks that Miinah is KyuHyun.




“ SungMin oppa… aniyo, I’m not KyuHyun.. I’m Miinah!” she removed his hands from her. “ Why don’t you understands that… you love my brother.. but how and why??” she left SUngMin and she went down on the lobby but she saw the fans scouting on her.




 “ Gui  Xian!!!” the fan shouted.




“ Omona!” Miinah run towards the elevator and luckily she bumped on Siwon. “ Siwon oppa!”




“ Miinah.. why are you running???”




“ The girls are chasing me.. oppa lets go now..” she pushed Siwon unto the elevator..




Siwon laughed at her. “ What exactly are you doing outside the room?? “




“ Ahmm, nothing.. I just want to stroll around I didn’t expect that there are many Chinese elf here.” They went back to the room.




“ SungMin hyung… you let Miinah to go out of the room??” Siwon asked SungMin.




“ Aniyo… she wanted to go… I can’t stop her.” SungMin used the word her, so it means he really understands that it was Miinah not KyuHyun.




“ Miinah shi, we brought a food for you..”Ryeowook and the others came.




“ AH ne.. gomawo…” Miinah smiled. And then she entered KyuHyun’s room.




“ Hey, something happened???” asked by ZhouMi.




“ Mollayo…” Siwon answered.




Resting time….. the others are sleeping. Miinah is at KyuHyun’s  room, she never go out after that situation. While SungMin, he’s at the living room thinking of something. The time when KyuHyun told him something.




“ SungMin hyung…… what type of girl do you want???” KyuHyun asked when they are at the  balcony of the hotel.




“ Huh??? Type of girl?? Ahhhmmm, maybe a girl  KyuHyun can be…”




KyuHyun looked at him… “ Mwo??? A girl KyuHyun???”




“ Ne…. a girl KyuHyun.. I will only choose…” replied by SungMin.




“ Then why don’t you court my sister Miinah.. you know what I know she likes you.. she keeps on asking me about you..” KyuHyun wink at SungMin. “ You are not gay right hyung??”




“ Mwo? Gay?? KyuHyun ah.. aniyo..”




The next morning….




“ Good morning Miinah shi..” Henry greeted her.




“ Good morning…” she replied.




“ KyuHyun ah..” Siwon hugged her. “ Joke only..”




“ Mian I wasn’t able to cook our food for today..” she said and then she sat on the chair.




“ Gwenchana.. the Beijing fried rice is coming up..” said by Geng while cooking.




“ Today is the guesting, are you guys ready??” Siwon asked.” Where is SungMin hyung??”




“ We are ready, how about you Minnah shi??” Wook sit next to her.


“ Ne… I need to switch to my KyuHyun personality.” She laugh.




“ KyuHyun ah…” SungMin called her.




“ Mw-“ she didn’t finish what she’s saying, SungMin kissed her. But she pushed him away from her.




“ Hyung?! What have you done??” asked by the shocked Henry.




“ Now, tell me..what do you feel about that???” SUngMin seriously asked.




Minnah is holding her lips… she stood up and then she slapped SungMin. “ No KyuHyun for the show later.” She angrily went t KyuHyun’s room.




“ SUngMin hyung! What do you think your doing??? Miinah is our KyuHyun, are you out of your mind??” Wook said.




“ No one can replace KyuHyun..” Said Min.




“ Are you crazy?? You know the situation of the group! If you are acting recklessly like this you should call manager hyung..” Geng put down the bowl of rice on the table.






Miinah dressed herself as the true Miinah, she wear a skirt and tank top she also wear the wig of her hair and then she grab her bag and get out of the room.




“ Miinah shi, where are you going?? The show is at 11am..” Siwon stopped her.




“ Siwon oppa… I want to see the beautiful sights here in China..” she said with a cold expression.




“ But how about the show?? We’re very sorry for what SungMin said.” Geng hold her hands.




“ Don’t do this Minnah shi.. KyuHyun hyung will be in danger..” Said henry.




“ You know I think its better if the fans will know the real situation of oppa.. at the first place I’m not a talent in you agency… so please let me pass… SungMin shi only thinks about KyuHyn oppa..” she push them always and then she get out of the dorm.




“ SungMin ah.. you need to solve this problem..” Said Geng.






Miinah, started to scout around town.. she went to the beautiful places written to the map guide. She was actually enjoying, the people didn’t notice her. She’s wearing a sunglass to cover her eyes. Hours had past and now she’s struggling, its her first time in China, now she don’t know how to go back to the dorm.




“ AIgoo yah… I don’t know the way back home…” she was hesitating to ask because of her situation, what if the people notice her.




“  Hyung.. its only an hour before the show we should leave now.” DongHae said.




“ Yorobun” manager hyung came. “ Where’s everyone lets go now..”




“ There’s a problem… Miinah is not here..” said ryeowook.




“ Mwo???! Where is she???!”


“ She had a fight with SUngMin hyung… and then she left..” Siwon said. While reading a magazine.




“ SungMin ah! Aish…” manager hyung dialed his staff’s number. “ I want you to fins Miinah, she’s around town or anywhere else. We will talk after the show.. come on!”




The boys are on their way to the show. They are calm but they are worried and nervous.




“ Miinah shi left her phone inside the dorm..” Henry said.




“ If something bad happened to Miinah I won’t forgive myself, I shouldn’t let her leave.. I promise ajhuma that I will take care of her..” Siwon clasp his hands.






The guys arrived in the studio without Miinah.. the staff put their make ups and styled their hairs. SungMin is not comfortable, he keeps thinking about Miinah, if something happened to her his conscience won’t make him  silent.




The last minute before the performance..




“ Miinah shi is here!!” the staff came.




“ Thank God you are here Miinah..” Siwon hugged her tightly. He looked at Miinah, her skirt was ripped and her clothes are bit dirty. “ What happened to you?”




“ Lets say something bad almost happen..” And then she went to the dressing room to change her clothes. After that the make up artists put her make up on and style her hair just like KyuHyun’s.




“ Finally…. “ as usual Siwon lead the prayer for the group and then they went to the stage and perform the newest single of the group.




Miinah changed her attitude and personality.. they are I n China, it means she needs to be Gui Xian for that time. After the performance the interview.. the interview is in Chinese language. The guys thought that Miinah can’t speak Mandarin but she know how to.




“ Gui Xian… we all know that you have a twin sister right?? Does she have any plans in joining the music industry just like you??” the MC asked.




“ Ahh,, for the girl Gui Xian.” Pertaining to her self. “ I think she don’t have the idea about what I do. She only wants to be a simple person.. the most thing that she hate is instructing her to do the things that she don’t want.” Then she smiled.




“ Owhh, who is the oldest among the two of you??”




Miinah do an aegyo in front of the camera. : the truth is Miinah is the oldest she is my noona for a seconds.. but she calls me oppa, and I call her by her name only.”




“ Evil type magnae..” follow up by HanGeng. “ KyuHyun really loves her sister we see it every time he’s away from her, he is worried.”




“ KyuHyun ah is such a good person but sometimes he’s stubborn to us..” SUngMin added.




“ Gui Xian, may we know if your sister had a boyfriend? Is it okay??”




“ Miinah doesn’t have a boyfriend but she do like one of my hyungs..” Miinah said.




“ Owh?? May we know.. is it Shi Yuan??”


Miinah laugh..” If it sould be Shi Yuan hyung I will be happy.. but Miinah treat Shi Yuan hyung as her second older brother.”




“ You keep us in a clinch Gui Xian.. who is it??”




“Okay, it was Cheng Min hyung.. since then she admired him so much.. he even bugs me about him..”




The audience reacted with excitement.




“ Owh… it just means that KyuMin couple is true if Cheng Min fall for Miinah cause Miinah and KyuHyun’s face are the same.”




“ ANiyo… “ Miinah interrupted. “ Miinah knows that KyuMin won’t change..” she laugh






After the show… back at the dorm.




“ Miinah… what happened??” Siown asked her.




“ I got lost.. and unluckily a group of gangsters saw me.. they tried to do something bad to me. But then luckily our staffs saw me and they took me and bring to the studio..” after explaining she entered KyuHyun’s room.




“ Look what you’ve done SungMin… you shouldn’t did that at the first place..” Geng said.




“ The important is Miinah is okay now and the show is finished” Hae tapped the shoulders of his co members.




For weeks Miinah is not interacting with the boys, she’s at her room studying the things that she need to know. When practice time she participate to them but its like she build her own world around the four corners of KyuHyun’s bedroom. Also everyday she call her mom and ask how’s KyuHyun and if he’s awake already. She really wanted to go home and leave the group behind but Manager hyung really depends on her.


By that time SungMin is bothered it feels like he want to be close to Miinah.. not because she had the same face with KyuHyun.. its like he wanted to be with her.


Everyone left the dorm except Miinah and SUngMin, Miinah is inside her room and Min is at the living room.


“ Miinah shi..” Min knocks on the door.


“ Ne??”


“ Do you want to eat some ice cream??” he asked, hoping the Miinah will agree to him.


Miinah opened the door slightly. “ Mwo?? Ice cream?..” Miinah get out of the room. They sit on the couch, Min the t.v.


“ The other SJ oppas are doing well in Korea..” Miinah saw the Sj on the T.V.


“ Yes they are…”


“ I wonder… if KyuHyun oppa is awake now… its been one and a half months… I really miss him so much.”


“ Ahm, can we please change the topic.. lets not talk about KyuHyun…” SUngMin changed the channel.




“ Aniyo… Lets talk about us…” SUngMin looked at her.


“ Us?? What’s with us… I’m KyuHyun in your eyes remember.. I know you love my brother. I heard it.. and by the way you act towards him.. ne, KyuMin is couple for fans but they also want that KyuMin will be real..” Miinah stand up.


“ Chakaman.. I’m not yet finished..” he was about to hold on to Miinah’s hands when the other members came.


“ Miinah….. SUngMn?” Geng noticed.


“ Is something wrong?” DOngHae asked.


“ Aniyo, everything is fine..” again Minah locked herself on her room…



Days had past, The group had a t.v. appearance.


“ Miinah shi, come on hurry up.. you we’re about to sing.” Manager hyung said.


“ Ah ne.” Miinah grabbed the microphone on the table and she went to the back stage.


“ SUngMin hyung, what the status between you and Miinah??” DOngHae asked.


“ She’s not talking to me, as usual..”


“ Hyung, it seems like you are worried about Miinah shi now..” added by Siwon.


“ Lets watch her perofmance..” said Ryeowook.


Miinah is on the stage already waiting for her music to play.


“ Chakaman!” shouted by Henry. “ that is not noona’s microphone! That’s mine.. omo her voice is her real voice not the microphone for KyuHyun hyungs voice…”


“ Omo. The people will hear her voice as Miinah not as KyuHyun!” Siwon stand up and grabbed the microphone.


“ No need for that Hyung….”


The members are shocked to see the person in front of them.


“ Noona??” said Henry.


“ ANiyo…. Give me the mic…”


Miinah was calm she didn’t noticed that she picked the wrong Mic. At the perfect timing she heard another voice.. she just noticed that she picked the wrong mic. She looked at the side of the stage. She was shocked to see a guy who is actually dressed as girl. Miinah started to cry but she continue singing, and when the person reached her side she hugged him. She can’t control her emotions.


“ Noona..” KyuHyun whispered to her ears.


Both of them stop singing and they are just hugging each other. The other members and the MC clim up on stage.


“ owh.. look Gu Xian is crying.. we didn’t expect that his sister Miinah will be here.” Looking at KyuHyun.


“ Yah.. stop crying..” KyuHyun said to Miinah. They took the opportunity to switch microphones.


“ Gui Xia, are you surprised??”


“ Ne… I’ m totally.. totally surprised.”


The show must go on.. and Miinah continue acting as KyuHyun, while KyuHyun he is watching from the audience.. and after.. at the dressing room the group are now complete, the real KyuHyun is back. Miinah is just quiet, sitting on the chair.. and Manager hyung talked to her, saying his thanks to what Miinah did for the group. After that Miinah request a immediate return to Korea.


Miinah and KyuHyun change their clothes, back to normal again.. Manager hyung said that he will treat the group on a dinner. At the resto they talk about what happened in the past few month, and about KyuHyun’s condition. Miinah is quiet, just eating her food. But Henry keeps on talking to her.


And after t he dinner they go back to the dorm.. since they have no schedule for tomorrow, The boys decide to have a drink as a celebration for KyuHyun’s comeback. Miinah said that she can’t join them cause she is tires. The real reason is she don’t want to see some KyuMin moments together..


The guys didn’t know that she was about to leave tomorrow morning, she know that for sure the guys are drunk.


She is definitely right… when the morning comes manager hyung came to pick her up.


“ Miinah shi, are you sure you don’t want to wake up the boys??”


“ ANiyo, gwenchana..  I don’t want to disturb them..” Miinah go outside of the dorm.



Since the boys are drunk they wake up around noon time.. and they are looking for Miinah but she’s not there.


“ Manager hyung.. have you seen Miinah??” KyuHyun asked.


“ She already left.. she went back to Korea just this morning…”


“ Mwo??! “ SungMin reacted. And he looked at KyuHyun.


“ She’s keeping her distance away from me..” SUngMin said while holding his head.


“ And you are affected??” Siwon asked.


“ WE all know noona loves SUngMin hyung.. she said that on the interview right…?” Added by Henry who is preparing coffee for the group.



The group still have two months to stay in China.. KyuHyun is happy to be back.. but then he will never see Miinah for two months.. Miinah is back to her real life.. she’s studying extra subjects. She ‘s still updated to the groups schedules. But back in Korea he’s always with the other members of SJ.


“ The SJ M is about to come home..” Teuk said, they are at the dorm, just finished their practice.


“ Miinah shi didn’t  tell us stories about her stay in China..” Kibum sit next to HeeChul.


Miinah sighed and started to play with HeeBum “ Nothing interesting happened to me.. I’m pissed off seeing more couple moments inside the dorm..” then she pouts.


“ Owh… you are lucky that I’m not there..” EUnHyuk sit next to her. “ If I we’re there ,many EunHae moments are gonna happen..” he gave her a smile.


“ EUnHAe can be.. but KyuMin, I hate it..”


“ Because you love our SUngMinnie..” HeeChul pinch her nose.


“ Don’t worry about it oppa.. I’ll forget about the fact that I love him..” Miinah smiled at them.


They all know that Tomorrow is the comeback of SJ M in Korea….


Miinah is at home alone. Her umma had a business trip outside Seoul.. she was watching t.v. when she heard the doorbell rings. She was anticipating KyuHyun’s arrival. Miinah excitedly run towards the door and opened it, but she got shocked when she saw SungMin in front of her not KyuHyun.


“ SUngMIn shi??” she frowned her face. “ Come on in… KyuHyun oppa is still not here. Maybe he’ll arrive later, just have a seat.. do you want something to drink??” she asked in a good manner.


“ No..i’m fine.. actually I did come here not for KyuHyun but for you..” still looking at Miinah’s face.


“ Me?? But why?? Do you need anything from me??”


“ Miinah, I finally understand now…. That KyuHyun is just my friend.. for a month that we are together in China, I felt different  towards you, when you are angry at me I got affected.. I asked ShinDOng hyung about it.. and he said that I’, falling for you… Miinah… I love you…” Said SUngMin.


Miinah was surprised. “ Aigoo, SiungMin shi.. I know you are not.. you only focused your eyes on KyuHyun, it’s impossible..” she don’t want to believe.


“ But its true..” SungMin grabbed Miinah and he kissed her again, just like he did when they are in China.


Miinah felt that her knees weakened cause of that kiss.


“ So what do you feel about that kiss??” SungMin asked.


The kiss is different from the kiss that he gave Miinah in China. This time Miinah felt something different.. there’s a spark in it.


“ Its.. its..  its just a simple kiss.” Then Miinah go to the kitchen.


SungMin followed her. “  Miinah! Why are you like this? Now that I realize my true feelings.”


Miinah  opened the fridge and get a water. “ Tell that to KyuHyun oppa….”


SungMin got annoyed he grabbed Miinah, Miinah dropped the glass of water . she found herself lying on the table and SungMin on top of her, looking at her seriously.


“SungMin oppa.. hey hey hey.. let me go..” she ordered.


“Aniyo.. Miinah, I don’t love KyuHyun… its you the one I love..” He softly pressed his lips on hers.


Miinah can’t resist SUngMin’ s kiss, she loved SungMin since before her brother KyuHyun  joined Super Junior.


“ Okay fine..” she softy pushed SungMin away from her. “ You win okay.but promise me, you won’t think about KyuHyun oppa whenever you look at me. I get hurt everytime you compared me to him.” she smiled.


SungMin gave her a aegyo smile. “ Yup, I will never compare you to KyuHyun.. but you know what KyuHyun is-“


Miinah frowned her face.


“Joke only..” SungMin laugh.


“You look cute when you do aegyo, that’s what I alike about you..’’ Miinah pinch SUngMin’s nose.


“Jinja?? Then I should always do aegyo  for  you…”


They we’re laughing when somebody came..




Both of them look at the person.


“ Table is used to eat food, its is not used to eat my  sister alive SungMin hyung…” KyuHyun came along with the other  members.


Miinah blushed, she sit on the table and Min go near at KyuHyun.


“Its nice to see that everything is okay now…” Teuk said.


“ Lets go on and have a drink to this..” KyuHyun hold on to Minnah’s hands. “ Noona, I’m so happy for you..”


“ Gomawo yorobun…” Minnah smiled. And then SUngMin hugged her tightly.




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DdazzlingZYX #1
Always the best!! keep it up..
negene #2