Open This Right Now Or Be Cursed


Oh Lookies, What is that behind you.....


Jokes . Alrighty now we have your attention. We came in with one purpose and aiding of making our lovely friend ( read : it’s lies, they are demon incarnation ) gain more friends because we quote they are “shy” yet lazy. We wont spoiled too much because where is the fun in that am i right peeps? 



Fun-fact about our

  • Please note our friend is overage (20ooc)
  • They are single so wink wink. they are open in their uality so donut be shy 
  • They have crackhead energy at times and run on 2 hours of sleep daily yet still stay up late crazy. She can holds serious conversation and even stay up for heart to heart. 
  • They love memes ( Specifically cat memes ) and tiktok. Its their specialty so if you are in her radar, They would spam you quite frequently 
  • They play genshin and honkai ( They are geeks for honkai so be warned at random 3am about them swooning over the characters ) there are other games too we think…..
  • They are super super duper affectionate. Kisses, hugs, handholding. Whatever you are comfortable in ( So a little head up that once they are super comfortable, you have yourself a koala )  
  • They have different icons in different platforms so they dunut care about yours as well.
  • Replies depends on their schedule as they are currently both working and schooling but nevertheless they do reply often



Welps, that is all! Peeps know the drill. Drop us a message with the platform you would want ( they have twt, dc, kkt ) and we will give them out! Please please we are making her to socialise :begging:


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I opened this just so I wouldn't get cursed - thanks for the heart attack (: