Chapter IV. ‘Final Field Training’

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The next day

That afternoon

Outside the Training Coliseum...

"Mayumi!" Kenji said as he and Kazuki saw Mayumi waiting for them at the entrance gate of the Training Coliseum.

"Kazuki? Kenji? You are late! Where have you been?" Mayumi said as she got angry to Kazuki and Kenji, started pinching both of their cheeks.

"Ow-Ouch! I'm sorry. We overslept. I was waiting for big brother to come home last night." Kenji said as he apologized to Mayumi.

"We? You mean YOU overslept because got fond of reading those weird magazines." Kazuki said as he gently removed Mayumi's left hand off his cheek.

"Me?! But YOU were the one who liked those weird magazines filled with pretty, wo- Ow-Ouch!" Kenji said as Kazuki got embarrassed and stomped on Kenji's right foot.

"Weird magazines? What does he mean Kazuki?" Mayumi said as she asked Kazuki who looked away, averting her intense stare.

"No-Nothing! Let's go inside. Everyone is waiting for us. Uh? Mayumi? W-what are you doing?" Kazuki said as he and Kenji saw Mayumi began ing her uniform blouse in front of them.

"Then, how about this?" Mayumi said as she shyly s her uniform blouse in front of them.

"Mayumi! Stop it! Okay! I will get rid of those weird magazines when we got back in the dormitories. So please stop." Kazuki said as he blushed, suddenly took off his coat and put it around Mayumi's shoulders.

Kenji was surprised from his sudden actions as he tried to pretend that he is not jealous, but he suddenly walked away from the two.

"Okay! I think you finally learned your lesson. Uh? Kenji? " Mayumi cheerfully said as she pat Kazuki's head and saw Kenji walked away from them.

"Hey! Kenji, wait for us." Kazuki said as he tried to call out Kenji, who was silently cursing under his breath.

"Damn it! I am not jealous. I am not – Ow! Sorry!" Kenji said as he walked away and suddenly bumped into Emi.

"N-No! It's alright. Uh? Thank you for saving us yesterday." Emi said as she recognized Kenji and thanked him for saving her from the kidnapping incident yesterday.

"Uh? You're welcome. Can I you a question? What is your name?" Kenji said as he asked Emi.

"Yes! Of course, what is it?" Emi said as Kenji was about to ask her a question, but Kazuki and Mayumi arrived, suspiciously staring at him.

"Why are you staring me like that? I just wanted to know her name!" Kenji said as he blushed and yelled at Mayumi and Kazuki.

"Oh? I'm Emi Fujimoto. Nice to meet you." Emi said as she introduced herself to Kenji.

"Uh? YOU are Emi? N-nice to meet you too." Kenji said as he was surprised to know her name.

"There you are Emi. Harue has arrived. Let's go." Eito said as he found Emi and Kenji talking outside the Training Coliseum.

"O-Okay! See you later Kenji." Emi said as she and Eito went back inside the Training Coliseum.

"That's weird. You forgot to ask her dormitory address." Kazuki said as he poked Kenji's cheeks.

"Huh?! Why would I even do that? Stop poking my cheeks." Kenji said as he got annoyed and shoved Kenji's hand.

"Let's go! You two sleepy heads! The afternoon training will start in 10 minutes." Mayumi said as she suddenly pushed Kenji and Kazuki from behind and run away.

Inside the Training Coliseum

Main Arena...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our 7th Annual Final Field Training! I am the Mr. Mathematics Teacher, your host for this afternoon event. And for my dear students, I am disappointed with your final results in my subject!" Mr. Mathematics Teacher said as welcomes the enthusiastic audience for the afternoon event.

"Yeah! Bring it on! Just start already!" The audience yelled out as some of them got impatient, eager to see the Top 8 Students.

"Boo! Your subject is just hard. It is not our fault." Rai said as she and Hikaru arrive and waited beside the stage in the Main Arena. The audience seems to agree with her and started booing Mr. Mathematics Teacher.

"Rai, please stop it..." Hikaru said as he stood beside her, sighed and dragged her going to Harue who is standing outside the stage.

"I know that everyone is so excited to see our Top 8 Students but before that let's all welcome the Imperial Council!" Mr. Mathematics Teacher said as the 12 members of the Imperial Council stood up as they all are watching the event from the Upper Balcony. The audience loudly cheered up for Imperial Council.

"Master Hiiro! Please look this way." Some of the female audience said as they saw Hiiro smiling at them.

"Is that your big brother?" Hikaru said as he asked Harue who shyly looked away.

"Yes. He is way TOO popular even with young children." Harue said as she crossed her arms.

"Eh? That guy is your elder brother. That's interesting." Rai said as she opened her small, glass jar of chocolate cookies, took and ate the cookie.

"Cookies? You have cookies? Give some of your cookies." Harue said as she suddenly tried to take a cookie out of the glass jar but luckily Rai stopped her.

"How dare you steal my cookies? You Cookie Thief! Stay away from my cookies." Rai said as she ran with the glass jar and hide behind Hikaru.

"Give me some, you greedy woman! You cannot eat all of that or else you are going to be fat." Harue said as she insisted and chased Rai as the two ran in circles beside Hikaru.

"Will the two of you give it a rest?" Hikaru said as he asked Rai and Harue who didn't listen to him and still running around him.

"Alright! Everyone, calm down. From the upper right corner, from Aethyria let me introduce you Ms. Iysa Yoo as the Village Chief followed by Mr. Ryu Hisaku as their Legal Adviser and Mr. Hiiro Matsuoka as their Secretary." Mr. Mathematics Teacher said as he introduced the Council members from Aethyria and the audience and Aethyrians began cheering for Hiiro, who smiles and waves back at his random fans.

"Next, from the middle right corner, from Iytheria let me introduce you our current Chairman of the Council and their Village chief, Mr. Geno Kozuki, Mrs. Saki Kozuki and Ms. Annie Miyura." Mr. Mathematics Teacher said as he introduced the Council members from Iytheria and the audience along with some Iytherians began cheering for them.

"So, he is the current Chairman of the Council? Where is our Imperial Prince?" Guy#1 said as he asked his friend.

"The rumor said that the former Imperial Prince got exiled because of his crimes but before he left, he asked Princess Harue to take over for him." Guy#2 said as he whispered to his friend.

"Eh? Princess Harue, Secretary Hiiro's little sister? That's amazing." Guy#3 said as he suddenly interrupted their conversation.

"Another rumor said that Princess Harue has the final decision to choose the next Imperial Ruler of our Kingdom. Since she cannot decide yet who will she choose, she assigned Mr. Geno Kozuki to become the current and unofficial Imperial Ruler." Guy#4 said as the audience shouted out, cheering for their representatives.

"Now, from the middle left corner, from Wathyria, let me introduce you Mr. Jiro Yokitou, Mrs. Aya Yokitou and Mr. Akito Sasaki." Mr. Mathematics Teacher said as he introduced the Council members from Wathyria and the audience and Wathyrians began cheering for them.

"Finally, we have arrived." Eito said as he, Emi, Kazuki, Kenji and Mayumi arrived at the entrance gate going to the Main Arena and they saw Harue playfully chasing Rai and her cookie jar.

"And last but not the least, from the upper left corner, from Fireiya let me introduce you Mr. Sai Musashi, Mrs. Mai Musashi and the lovely Ms. Akari Hashimoto." Mr. Mathematics Teacher said as he introduced the Council members from Fireiya and the audience and Fireiyans began cheering for them.

"We love you Ms. Akari!" Some of her male, random fans said as they cheer for Akari who smiles and waves back at her fans, making Hiiro silently irritated and cursed under his breath.

"Your elder sister is quite popular too." Harue said as she suddenly stopped from chasing Rai, making Hikaru blush.

"There you are Harue. Sorry we're late." Eito said he and Emi arrived at their place along with Kazuki, Kenji and Mayumi.

"Eito! Emi! Uh? And who are you?" Harue cheerfully said as she ran towards Eito and Emi and hugged them and then looked at Kazuki and Kenji.

"I'm Kazuki and this is Kenji, my younger twin brother. Nice to meet you. Eh? Were you that girl-?" Kazuki said as he introduced his self and Kenji to Harue, who seems familiar to him.

"Hello! I'm Kenji. We're the persons who saved you yesterday. Nice to meet you Harue." Kenji said as Harue suddenly remembered the yesterday's event.

"I-we almost forgot. Thank you very much for saving us." Harue shyly said as she dragged Emi beside her, and both expressed their gratitude to Kazuki and Kenji.

"You're welcome. Uh? Is there something wrong Big brother?" Kenji said in response and wondered what happened to Kazuki.

"A-Ah! Sorry! I wasn't paying attention. You're welcome as well." Kazuki said in response as he looked at Hikaru and Mayumi.

"Uh? What happened to your left arm?" Harue said curiously and asked Kazuki.

"Ah! My left arm? Well, I got – Uh?" Kazuki said as the audience cheer out for Hikaru and Mayumi.

"You!" Hikaru and Mayumi said as they were surprised and annoyed to see each other.

"I'm going to kick your in front of this crowd!" Hikaru said as Mayumi crossed her arms.

"Eh? Let's see about that. Bring it on!" Mayumi said as she took Kazuki's coat and threw up in the air.

"It seems our Top 8 Students are already in here. Now, let me explain the rules. Rule #1, each round will last for 30 minutes unless the Imperial Council, our judges, announced to stop the fight. Rule#2: Each player will fight in the stage using only their Alementalian abilities and a weapon of their choice. Rule#3: If one of the players destroys their opponent's weapon, pushed their opponent out of the stage or even surrenders during their fight, the remaining player standing on the stage wins the round. Now, Hikaru and Mayumi please go to the stage." Mr. Mathematics Teacher said as he called out Hikaru and Mayumi.

"Go Hikaru! Big sister loves you." Ms. Akari said as she cheers for Hikaru in the Upper Balcony.

"Good luck Hikaru!" Rai cheerfully said as Hikaru went up in the stage, making him blush.

"Good luck Mayumi!" Kazuki and Kenji cheerfully said as Mayumi smiled and went up stage

Inside the stage...

"Alright! Show me your weapons." Mr. Referee said as Hikaru presented his medieval long sword while Mayumi presented her medieval pair of bow and arrows.

"Okay! We are ready! Ladies and Gentlemen, Council members... Round 1, begin!" Mr. Referee said as the bell begins.

Hikaru and Mayumi were amazingly par with each other by with each other's physical attacks and defending themselves until Mayumi kicked out the sword off Hikaru's left hand and kicked it away.

"A-amazing!" The enthusiastic audience yelled out as they cheer for Hikaru and Mayumi.

"Well, that's my little brother! Go Hikaru!" Ms. Akari said as she crossed her arms.

Mayumi pulled out one wooden arrow, aimed at Hikaru's head and fired direct at him; Hikaru immediately ran away to get his sword and used it to cut the arrow into two. Mayumi got pissed off and continued firing at Hikaru, trying to push him backwards and off the stage.

"Hikaru, be careful!" Rai said as she noticed Hikaru was almost at the other end of the stage.

Mayumi pulled out her last wooden arrow and fired at Hikaru who again caught the arrow, single-handedly and broke it into two. Hikaru ran towards her and suddenly grabbed her blouse, lifted her up above him and cheerfully turned around.

"Hey! W-what are you doing?! Put me down this instant!" Mayumi shyly said as she was getting dizzy.

"Hey! Would you like to go out on a date with me?" Hikaru seriously said as he asked Mayumi as she was still up in the air.

"O_o HUH!? What?!" Everyone inside the Main Arena yelled out as they were all shocked from what just happened.

"O/////O!? Y-You... I said put me down!" Mayumi said as she was really flustered, kicked Hikaru on his face and then jumped out and down to the stage.

"Ow-Ouch! I guess that's a no." Hikaru said as he fell down on the stage and fixed up his hair.

"H-how dare you embarrass me like this in front of everyone..." Mayumi said as the flow of air changes its directions as she got really angry.

"H-Hey! Calm down. I am just asking you – Eh?!" Hikaru said as he panicked and grabbed his long sword.

"Within the abilities given to me, I command thee, Fly!"

Mayumi said as she used her Air Alementalian ability and created a huge and fierce whirlwind under Hikaru's feet which lifted him up in the air and send him out of the stage.

"Whoa! That's a strong whirlwind." Hiiro said as the whirlwind pulled away his hat and the audience's banners and foods.

"I-I'm getting dizzy. Uh?! Eh? Help! I'm falling! "Hikaru said as he was up in the air, regains his consciousness.

"Mayumi..." Kenji said as he sighed as the audience slowly being swept away by the whirlwind.

"Die you erted freak!" Mayumi said as she got tired, shouted in the air and slowly lost control of the whirlwind. The whirlwind suddenly stopped and disappeared.

"Uh?! Wah! I'm falling! Somebody help me. Damn it!" Hikaru said as he was falling fast on to the ground and finally thought of plan.

Everyone was eager to see what Hikaru's next plan will but Mr. Referee decided to interfere and catch him when...

"Within the abilities given to me, I command thee, Ablaze!"

Hikaru said as he began chanting and before he almost fell on the ground, he used his Fire Alementalian Ability and created a pair of wings made of 'blue fire'.

"That was close." Rai said in relief and went back in eating her chocolate cookies which Harue was envious of.

"'Blue Fire'? This is the first time I saw someone who was the ability to manipulate 'Blue Fire.'" Mr. Geno said as his other Council members nod in agreement.

"Yes! I did it! Rai! Look after years of practice, I finally – Eh?!" Hikaru said as he was too excited, lost control of his ability and fell on the ground, outside the stage. The bell rang which ended the first round.

"Mayumi wins in the first round!" Mr. Referee said as the audience cheered up for Mayumi and began booing Hikaru.

"Mayumi, are you alright?" Kenji said as he ran away, went up to the stage and asked Mayumi.

"Don't worry! I'm alright. Eh?!" Mayumi said as Kenji suddenly lifted up like a princess and both went down the stage.

"Hikaru!? Hold this." Rai said as she got worried, gave the glass jar to Harue and ran towards Hikaru at the other end of the stage.

"I'm alright! Why am I seeing so many stars..." Hikaru said as he tried to get up on his own, but he slipped and luckily Rai arrived and caught him before he fell again on the ground.

"Here, let me help you." Rai said as he placed his right arm around her shoulder and tried to carry him up.

"Thank you. Ow-Ouch...My back hurts." Hikaru said as he and Rai slowly walk away and sat down on the waiting area.

"Uh? I really don't know what just happened, but Mayumi won the first round. Now! For the second round, I would I like to call Kenji and Emi to come forth in the stage." Mr. Mathematics Teacher said as Kenji gently put Mayumi on the bench while Harue suddenly dragged Emi going to the stage.

"Good luck Kenji. Nope. I don't think you need that." Kazuki said as he pats Kenji's right shoulder and sat beside Mayumi on the bench.

"I will do my best." Kenji said as he ran away and went up to the stage.

"Good luck Emi! I'm here to support you." Harue said after she dragged Emi going to the stage.

"Okay! Thank you Harue." Emi cheerfully said as she went up to the stage.

Inside the stage...

"Show me your weapons." Mr. Referee said as Kenji presented his modified sniper gun while Emi presented her medieval spear.

"Okay! We are ready! Ladies and Gentlemen, Council members... Round 2, begin!" Mr. Referee said as the bell rings.

At first, Kenji aimed and fired directly at Emi seven times, but Emi used her spear to evade and defend herself from the silver bullets, striking and dividing each bullet into two in the middle. She missed the eighth one and it hit on her right cheek, leaving a thin and long-line like wound. The audience loudly cheered up for the two.

"Impressive! As expected from the Hamasaki Family. They trained their children very well." Ms. Iysa said as her Council members were also impressed by Kenji's gun skills.

"Yes! That's my little brother. Keep going Kenji!" Kazuki said as he cheered for his little brother back at the waiting bench.

Emi runs and advance forward to Kenji, who was reloading his bullets at that moment and attacked Kenji with her spear. Kenji was surprised from her sudden attack used his sniper gun as a 'shield' to defend himself. Kenji and Emi began their 'sword' fight; Kenji using his sniper gun as a sword while Emi use her spear.

"You are Emi, right? Emi, the Enchantress." Kenji said as he asked Emi while still defending himself from her attacks.

"The Enchantress? Shut up! No! I'm that – No!" Emi said as she heard the word 'Enchantress' and start trembling.

"Hey! So, you are really that – Huh?!" Kenji said as Emi kicked him away and simultaneously attacked him, pushing him to the other end of the stage.

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! I didn't mean to do it! Please forgive me." Emi said as she suddenly snapped out but before Kenji fall off the stage, he managed to kick Emi away.

Emi was tired from her simultaneous attacks; Kenji saw an opportunity to use his Water Alementalian Ability and thought of a crazy idea.

"Within the abilities given to me, I command thee, Freeze!"

Kenji said as he saw some moist evaporating around the Main Arena and for the first time, he used his Ability to freeze Emi's lower, right leg. Everyone was surprised from Kenji's attack. Now, Emi was unable to move or attack because of her frozen leg.

"Calm down. Someone asked me if you related to the 'Enchantress' and I finally confirmed that. So please..." Kenji said as he slowly approached Emi, trying to calm her down.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" Emi said as she snapped out, grabbed and threw her spear directly to Kazuki and Mayumi, a few meters beside her.

"Eh? She's still alive. I wonder how that happened." Hiiro said as he whispered to himself.

Kenji panicked and chased the spear. Luckily, he got the spear while it is in mid-air and before it hit Kazuki and the other students in the Waiting Area, but he suddenly fell of the stage.

"Kenji?! Are you alright?" Kazuki said as they saw Kenji fell off the stage.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Eh? What is this?" Kenji said as he saw an Aethyrian magic symbol appears on the ground.

"Within the abilities given to me, I command thee, Bore!"

Emi said as chant her spell and used her Earth Alementalian Ability, bore a three-meter-deep hole underneath Kenji's feet and he fell inside the hole.

"Kyaaah! Somebody help me." Kenji said as he fell inside the hole.

The bell rang indicating that second fight is over.

"Round Two is over. Emi wins this round!" Mr. Referee said as he announced that Emi won the second round.

"Huh?! The fight is not over. I can still fight if you help me get out of here." Kenji said as he complains while inside the hole.

The audience laughed out loud and start booing Kenji as they heard his complaint; Kazuki and Mayumi decided to run towards the hole and help him to get back up to the surface.

"Child, calm down. You don't have to be afraid." Mr. Referee said as he kneels down on his one knee and forcefully crushed the ice covering Emi's leg and turned it into dust.

"I'm not afraid... I'm sorry." Emi said as she suddenly lost consciousness and fell asleep on Mr. Referee's strong arms.

"Emi! Emi, are you alright?" Harue said as she hands over the glass jar back to Rai and went up to the stage.

"Harue? Wait up!" Eito said as he tried to chase Harue and also went up to the stage. Eito gently lifted Emi like a princess and the three went down the stage.

"I don't understand what happened. Let's continue the fight." Kenji said as Kazuki pat his head.

"Listen, you clearly lost in the second fight. You probably didn't notice it but when caught the spear in mid-air, you lost your balance and fell on the ground which Emi automatically wins the round." Kazuki said as he explained to Kenji what happened.

"Eh? EH!? That's it!? I got easily defeated by that?" Kenji said as he was frustrated and kicked his sniper gun away.

"But still you saved us. Thank you, Kenji!" Mayumi cheerfully said, making Kenji blush.

"Of course! I made a promise that I will not let anything happened to you and – Uh! I'm still frustrated." Kenji said as he walked away and went to the Waiting Area, followed by Mayumi and Kenji, who picked up his sniper gun and brought it back with him.

"That's one of a hell fight! Everyone has a trick under their sleeves. For the third round, Kazuki and Harue please come forth to the stage." Mr. Mathematics Teacher said as he called Kazuki and Harue who both went up stage.

Inside the stage...

"Show me your weapons." Mr. Referee said as Kazuki presented his long, wooden sword while Harue presented her thorn whip.

"We are ready! Ladies and Gentlemen, Council members... Round 3, begin!" Mr. Referee said as the bell rings.

Harue attacks first using her thorn whip, twirling it around while Kazuki calmly evades her whip attacks using his wooden sword. The same scenario went three times until Harue got pissed off to Kazuki for underestimating her and used her whip to seize his sword; Kazuki lost his grip to his sword, and it was thrown outside the stage.

"Yeah! Finish him Harue!" The audience yelled out as they cheered for Harue.

"As you wish." Harue said as she smirked and attacked Kazuki with her thorn whip.

Kazuki, on the other hand, sighed and surprisingly caught the end of the whip using his right hand. Now, his right hand was covered with thorn and began to bleed.

"Sorry! But my Water Alementalian Ability was not meant to hurt anyone." Kazuki said as he started pulling the thorn whip towards him along with Harue.

"Eh?! What are you doing? Stop it!" Harue said as he tried to resist by using her feet to stop but it was useless.

Few minutes later, Kazuki grabbed and lifted Harue's left hand, squeezing it tightly as Harue tried to resist by kicking Kazuki's left arm. Kazuki enduring the pain and Harue lost her grip on her whip, and he let her fell on the ground.

"Big brother? You left arm!" Kenji said as he saw Kazuki suddenly kneel on the ground, holding up his left arm.

"I know. Don't worry! I'm alright." Kazuki said as Harue looked at him and smirked.

"I knew it! You are that 'Red - Eh?! Let go of me." Harue said as she almost figures out Kazuki's secret Identity and suddenly lifted her up onto his right shoulder like a sack of rice.

"I need you to be quiet." Kazuki seriously said as he walked to the other end of the stage while carrying Harue.

"Like I would let you drag me down" Harue said as he kicked and jumped off Kazuki.

"Within the abilities given to me, I command thee, Create!'"

Harue was forced to use her incompatible Earth Alementalian Ability and created a huge and rectangular barrier made from solid rocks, separating her from Kazuki. Kazuki was amazed from Harue's Ability and tried to touch the rock barrier she placed between him and her, but the unstable barrier starts shaking, making the rocks fall onto the ground.

Kazuki sensing that the barrier was about to fall on him, tried to run away from it but sadly it was too late. He was caught by the falling barrier and now lying down on the stage, surrounded by rocks and dirt. Awkward silence surrounded the Main Arena as the audience were awed to what just happened and start booing Kazuki.

"Harue! That's enough. You are going to hurt yourself." Eito said as they saw Harue grabbed her whip and stood up.

"I'm going to win this round." Harue said as she ignored Eito and run towards, he unconscious Kazuki. She plans to finish the fight by pulling and throwing Kazuki out of the stage but...

Kazuki slowly regains his consciousness and dusted off his shirt. Harue was running towards him, but she suddenly slipped in front Kazuki. Luckily, Kazuki caught her before she falls on the stage again.

"Sorry! But I really need you to be quiet." Kazuki said as he smiled and lifted her up, carelessly carrying her onto his right shoulder.

"Eh?! W-what are you doing? Let me go! Let me go!" Harue said as she panicked, shoved Kazuki's head and playfully punched his back.

Kazuki was so strong that he didn't even bulge an inch and continue walking until the other end of the stage. He jumped off the stage and intentionally let Harue fall on the ground, outside the stage. Harue, on the other hand was frustrated from what happened and now lying down on the ground.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Harue said as she cursed under her breath, crying and frustrated that she cannot do anything to stop Kazuki from simply taking her out of the stage.

The bell rang and the audience lively cheered up for Harue.

"YES! My win! Thank you! Thank you for your support!" Kazuki said as he smiled triumphantly and waved back to the audience.

"Round 3 is over. And the winner is Harue!" Mr. Referee said as he announced the official winner of the third round.

"O_o Eh!?!?" Everyone yelled out as they were shocked from the announcement and wondered what happened.

"Idiot!" Kenji angrily said as he stood up and yelled to his big brother.

"Allow me to explain. Earlier, you intentionally jumped off the stage before you let Harue fall on the ground. I and the Imperial Council considered this as a 'voluntary surrender' and immediately declared that Harue won the third round." Mr. Referee said as he explained to everyone what happened.

"Eh? Eh?! Seriously? Nobody told us about that." Kazuki said as he was frustrated but didn't pry any further.

"I won? Eh? I won!?" Harue said as she wondered and look up at Kazuki who kneel down beside Harue.

"Hop on. I will carry you back to the Waiting Area." Kazuki said as he asked Harue, making her blush.

"But your left arm - ...O-okay! Thank you." Harue shyly said as she took his offer and hopped on Kazuki's back like a child.

Kazuki stood up, now carrying her and went back to the Waiting Area.

Inside the stage...

"Alright! For the last round, Rai and Eito please come forth to the stage." Mr. Referee said as he called Rai and Eito.

"Here's your cookie jar." Eito said as he hands back her cookie jar to Rai.

"Uh? Thank you. Eh? I thought she already ate this last cookie." Rai said as she turned around and looked at Kazuki walking towards to them.

"Finally! We're here. I'm going to sit you here beside her." Kazuki said as he gently put down Harue on the bench beside Emi who still asleep after their fight.

"Here, don't be sad. You can have the last cookie." Rai said as she sensed that Harue was about to cry, gave the cookie jar to her and pat her head.

"Uh?! Thank you!" Harue cheerfully said as she received the cookie jar.

"Shall we?" Eito said as he and Rai both walked away and went up the stage.

"Good luck Rai!" Hikaru said as he cheered for Rai, making Harue irritated.

"Kick her , Eito!" Harue said as she cheered for Eito, making him blush and Rai giggle as she looked at him.

"Hey. Give me your left hand." Kazuki said as he approached and looked at Harue, making Harue blush.

"N-no! Why do you want my left hand? I'm too young to be married. "Harue said as she panicked and shoved away Kazuki's right hand.

"Idiot! I'm not going to nor ask you to marry me either. Just give me your left hand." Kazuki said as he suddenly grabbed Harue's left hand.

"Within the abilities given to me, I command thee, Heal!"

Kazuki said as Harue, Hikaru, Kenji and Mayumi saw how his ability heals Harue's injured hand.

"A-amazing! That is a rare Alementalian ability, and you are lucky to have it." Hikaru said as they were all amazed to finally see Kazuki's ability.

"You think so? I guess I am lucky indeed. Done!" Kazuki said as he finally finished healing Harue's hand.

"My hand is all healed up. H-how did that – Amazing!" Harue cheerfully said as she raises her hand up in the air.

Inside the stage....

"Show me your weapons." Mr. Referee said as Eito presented his medieval sword while Rai presented her wooden training spear.

"We are ready! Ladies and Gentlemen, Council members... Last round, begin!" Mr. Referee said as the bell rings.

Rai and Eito were both serious as they were trying to kill each other; Eito is one of the amazing swordsmen in the Academy that he easily cut Rai's spear into two as she was trying to use it to defend herself. Rai threw out her spear and decided to fight one-on-one with Eito; Eito tried to defend himself from Rai's superb physical attacks, but it was useless, he got kicked away and almost went out of the stage.

"A-Amazing! I didn't expect that she is that strong." Harue said as he and everyone was amaze to how actually Rai fights in the stage.

"Of course! That's my best friend. Hm! She may be a shy person, but we should never judge a book by its cover." Hikaru proudly said as he crossed his arms and laughed.

"Shut up Hikaru! Sheesh!" Rai said as she heard Hikaru's loud voice.

"Rai? She has the same name with that girl described in the rumor in Fireiya." Woman#1 said as her friend looked at her.

"Uh? What do you mean?" Woman #2 said as she asked Woman #1.

"You didn't know? The rumors said there is a wandering 'witch' in Fireiya that has the ability to talk with someone through the mirror. People avoided her when they saw her in the streets. "Woman #1 said as she told the story to her friend.

"Lame! Get out of the stage!" Woman #3 said as she and the audience lively cheered up for Rai and start booing for Eito, calling him 'lame'.

"Shut up!" Eito said as he got angry and yelled back to the audience who called him 'lame'.

"Look! Your nose is bleeding." Woman#4 said as she pointed out and the audience laugh at him.

"What? It is bleeding! Calm down... I need to focus on the fight. Uh?" Eito said as he covered up his nosebleed and trying to calm down and control his happiness as he has given the chance to fight one-on-one with his secret crush.

Eito threw his sword at Rai who wondered why he suddenly stopped attacking; Rai caught off guard but luckily, she got the sword with her right hand before it hit her chest. Rai threw the sword out of the stage and decided to end their fight.

"Alright. I'm getting tired. Let's end this shall we?" Rai seriously said as removed the black glove covering her wounded right hand.

"Uh? W-what are you doing?" Eito said as he wondered and asked Rai.

"Within the abilities given to me, I command thee, Light up!"

Rai said as for the first time she used her Fire Alementalian Ability, surprising everyone in the Main Arena. She snapped her fingers in front of Eito as she started a small 'Red Fire', trying to burn Eito's white shirt. Eito panicked and immediate took his burning shirt off and threw it out the stage; Eito was now half-, and the audience start laughing at him.

Eito was now really pissed off and decided to use his Air Alementalian Ability.

"Within the abilities given to me, I command thee, Fly!"

Eito said as he used his ability and summon a strong and deadly tornado beneath Rai's feet; Rai suddenly got lifted in the air along with the banners, metal cans and etc. from the audience. Rai, being unable to move and tossed up the air used her Fire Alementalian ability to manifest fire, but the wind amplified her ability and got mixed up in the tornado. Both of their abilities created a dangerous red 'fire tornado'.

"Let's get out of here! Help us!" The audience yelled out as they panicked and start running out of the Main Arena.

"Emi!" Harue said as she hugged Emi as she, Kazuki, Kenji, Hikaru and Mayumi were trying not to be faze as the tornado grew bigger as it absorbs the air inside the Main Arena.

"Mayumi! Stand back." Kenji said as he led Mayumi to safety and sat her beside Harue and Emi.

"Rai! Rai, where are you?" Hikaru said as he got worried for Rai and ran directly towards the fire tornado, but Kazuki suddenly grabbed his right arm and pulled him back to safety.

"Hey! What the heck were you thinking?! That's suicide." Kazuki said as he grabbed Hikaru's right arm and pulled him back to safety.

"I don't care! Let me go. W-what kind of Hero am I if I cannot save my only best friend?!" Hikaru said as he shoved Kazuki's hand away from him.

"You are the stupid one. She is doing her best to win in this fight. Look up - Eh!" Kazuki said as he suddenly got hit by a cardboard banner, written on it was 'We love you Hiiro!' on his face. He panicked, slipped and fell on the ground.

While on the ground, Eito was trying to concentrate his magical energy in controlling the tornado so that it will stay only in one place but suddenly a cardboard banner hit his face, losing his concentration. He tried to remove it but he slipped and fell out of the stage.

The fire tornado suddenly stopped and disappeared inside the Main Arena.

"Uh? W-what happened? Eh!?" Rai said as she realized that she was still up in the air and for the third time she used her Fire Alementalian Ability to create wings just like what Hikaru did, but it was useless.

Rai was now falling fast into the ground and Eito finally removed the cardboard banner off his face.

Suddenly, a 'Black hound' ran and jumped out from the roof of the Upper Balcony and successfully catches Rai while in mid-air. The unknown 'Black hound' and Rai safely landed on the ground a few meters away from Eito, outside the stage.

"U-Uh? T-thank you for saving me." Rai said as she jumped off the 'Black hound' and slowly stepped backwards and ran away from it. The bell rings indicating that the last round has ended.

"Everyone, are you alright? What a disaster! I wonder who will win in this fight." Mr. Mathematics said as he came out after hiding under the Host's table.

"Rai wins in this Round!" Mr. Referee said as he announces the winner for the last round of the afternoon event.

"Eh...What?!" Everyone yelled out as they all wonder what happened.


Thank you for waiting everyone! Will update this/next week so stay tuned. – CheChe-chan.



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