The Dangerous Pocky Game!!

~All extra chapters will be written in third person~


The couple has been dating for 3 months now.  Word sure travels around fast, it didn’t take long for most of the entertainment industry to know. They weren’t hiding it from the staff and other groups but an excited S.M. Family doesn’t really help the situation either.  They would hold hand in the hall and sometimes even a kiss or 2. With the amount PDA it was surprising that no stalker fans caught them yet.

It was a warm Sunday morning when you walk into Key's and Taemin's room and stand in front of Key's bed you see two heads, both chestnut brown, but one has long hair and the other is short.   This peaceful morning was ruined by a scream…

“AHHH!!! Key Hyung, KyungMinnie…You guys are all over the gossip sites…”

“WHAT” KyungMin and Key sat up immediately, and walked towards the laptop that Taemin was using.


“This is no good, how in the world did they find out about this?” KyungMin said out loud

“I wonder? The two of you don’t really make an effort to hide it you know, I’m surprised that no one figured it out until now.  How much you two get it so lucky while I got caught one month into it…” JongHyun said as he walked into Key and Taemin’s room.

“KEY There is a call for you from Manager Hyung.” Onew yelled from the living, Key slid off the bed and walked out the room.  KyungMin was sitting on the edge of the bed blankly staring at the computer screen hoping that the rumor would just go away.  She was reading the comments.  Some of the comments were of course bashing her looks and her ability to even think she can talk to Key let alone date him.  There were a lot of hateful comments as well as a lot of encouraging comments like “They look cute together” and “JongHyun Oppa has a girlfriend I think Key Oppa should too, We all miss JongKey but at least they are both happy now”.  Even if there are such encouraging words she is still worried about how S.M. will react to this since this will affect Key’s and SHINee’s reputation, as well as 2x4Ever, who have getting a slow yet stable fan base.  Her thoughts were interrupted by her phone…

~My Love For You is Like Honey~

She looked at her caller ID it was her manager.


“KyungMin, did you see the gossip websites about you and Key?”

“Yeah I have…What’s going to happen Unnie, I’m scared…would this affect our fan base?  Will I have to leave the group? I’m Scared Unnie…”

Taemin, who was still in the room, saw her slowly starting to shake.  He walked over and gently hugged her.

“KyungMin, it’s Ok.  The President just called me, he wants to meet you and Key.  You’re at the SHINee dorm right??”


“Ok…I’ll get their manager you drive you there, calm down honey, I’m sure everything will be fine.”

“Ok…Bye Bye Unnie.”

As if on queue, Key walked into the room, it seems like his phone call just ended as well.  Taemin took it as a sign to leave the couple alone.

“You’ll take care of her no mater what happens right Hyung?” Taemin whispered into Key’s ears as he walked out the door.  Taemin seems to have said it so sincerely but his eyes are almost threatening Key to make sure KyungMin is safe.  Key just nodded and walked towards KyungMin.

“KyungMin honey, everything is going to be ok.”

“But What if…” A peck on the lips cut off KyungMin from Key

“Just believe me, I won’t let anything get between us.” Key said as he wiped KyungMin’s tears with the edge of his sleeve.

“Now Smile.  I love my girl when she smiles” KyungMin nodded and a faint yet genuine smile spreads across her face.  Key kissed her on her forehead.

“That’s My Girl.  Let’s go Hyung said that the President wants to see us.”

~In President’s Conference Room~

“Kim KiBum, Park KyungMin. Sit, both of you sit.”

“I’m sure the both of you know why you are here.”

Key and KyungMin just nodded

“Good Good.  To minimize the damage and to increase the exposure for both of your groups we are going to put you into We Got Married.  Each of you will be paired with someone else.”

The couple’s eyes got really big.  KyungMin once again has tears in the corner of her eyes.  Key gripped her hand tightly.

“So Sir you want us to break up?”

“Yes, we need to tone down the damage of your reputations, so the best way would be to make your fans believe that it really is nothing but a rumor.  The filming will start in around 2 weeks so take that time to separate your feelings for the other.  Don’t think about this as a break up but think of it as a learning experience.”

~Ring Ring~

“Excuse Me, I have to take this. You two can leave now.  Have fun with the filming.”

Key and KyungMin got up and walked towards the door, hand in hand. They walked all the way to the SHINee dorm in complete silence.  They walked into Key’s room and laid on Key’s bed, neither one uttering a word.  Key puts his arms tightly around her waist, and KyungMin dug her face into his chest, and the couple quietly sobbed.  When their tears were finally dried, they slowly drifted off to sleep.

~2 Weeks Later~

After that fateful day, Key and KyungMin haven’t seen each other at all.  KyungMin didn’t go visit Taemin at his dorm, she even deleted Key’s number so she would not accidentally call him and make this break up harder then it already is.  Key, on the other hand, is slowly getting use to the fact that KyungMin will not call him anymore.

It was the first filming for the new couple(s) on We Got Married.  KyungMin was told to wait in a nearby Café and sit new a windowsill to wait for her “husband”.  The cameras were almost in every corner of the Café but that fact didn’t seem to bother KyungMin at all.  She still missed Key too much, for her to care about her new husband.  She was told by the staff to wear a bright pink jacket as a sign for her husband to find her.  Key was setting off to find her new “wife”, he, like the pass two week, puts on a Game Face to face the world.  His phone buzzed, he once again hoped that it was from KyungMin, it was a message to the first clue to finding his wife.  He was told to go buy a pastry for his “wife” to eat.  He walked down to the nearest Café, which was across from the SHINee dorm, when he opened the door, he noticed that the whole Café was empty.  He knew right away that this was the filming set for the first episode.  He walked up to the display case and brought two of his and KyungMin’s favorite pastry, Strawberry Tarts.  He turned around to look for his wife and he founds a girl with a pink jacket on sitting by the windowsill staring out the window blankly.  Key walked up to the girl.

“Excuse me…Is this Seat…” Key stops mid sentence when the girl he was talking to turned to face him.  He could tell right away who his wife was even though the girl was wearing a scarf that only left her eyes uncovered.




Key and KyungMin’s cell phone buzzes and the following message was displayed…

Isn’t this a nice surprise? You two were the couple that was chosen from the very beginning.  The PD and I both again that you two will bring lot of high ratings into the show.  We did need to calm down the past rumors before we could have the both of you film We Got Married.  Have Fun with the Filming Kids!!

P.S. You two will be the best friend couples, so remember to be a little more awkward like twp friends who just started dating!!

After Key and KyungMin read the message they couldn’t do anything but just smile.

“So this will be the new beginning for us.  Even if this will be fake to the rest of the world, to me this is as real as it can get”, Key and KyungMin both though as they looked out the window.


It was a warm sunny day and the entire dorm only the couch was preoccupied with a girl and guy. The girl was sitting on the guy's lap with her back leaned on the guy's chest. The guy's muscular arms were wrapped gently around her small waist. He kissed her on the cheeks then lifted her face and kissed her on her forehead.  They looked into each others eyes and the guy leaned in, just when their lips were about to touch

~Replay Replay Replay~

“Hello” KyungMin picked up the phone sounding annoyed

“KyungMin honey the president wants to meet you later.  Where are you right now? We need to dress you up to meet him” Her manager greeted her on the other side of the phone

“I’m at the SHINee dorm”

“Oh was I interrupting something.  Kyungmin remember to play safe when you are with him don’t get yourself pregnant”

“UNNIE what are you talking about we aren’t doing anything although we might have if you didn’t call'” KyungMin said as Minho rubbed his nose against her neck and gently started to kiss it.  She tried to brush Minho’s hand but it failed.  She finally ended the call and she turned to Minho.


Minho cuts her off with a passionate kiss that gently touched her lips.  His arms wrapped even more tightly, seeming like if he lets her go now he will never see her again.  KyungMin gently slipped her hand around his neck and gently brushed his hair.  Minho gently touched his tongue against KyungMin’s lips asking for permission to enter.  Just when KyungMin was about to open …


The couple was brought back to reality and Minho looked at KyungMin is confusing as she stood up to gather her bag and jacket from the floor next to the couch.  Minho stood up and wrapped his arm around her waist

“Where are you going??”

“Unnie is picking me up to go visit the president today…”

“Oh…I’ll go open the door then.”

KyungMin gathered her stuff and walked to the door to be greeted by not only her manager but SHINee’s manager as well.

“Unnie I’m ready. Manager Oppa, Hello.  I’ll be leaving now…”

“KyungMin-ah…Are you just going to leave…Don’t I get anything?”

“Oppa…What if the fans see?”

The SHINee manager interjected

“You Love Birds don’t have to say goodbye yet, the both of you are going to see the president.”

“Really? KyungMin Let’s go.”

Minho takes KyungMin and drags her to the car.  Within a matter of minutes they arrived at the S.M. Building.  The two of them walked into the building a few steps after each other in fear that stalker fans might catch them together.  If caught it might ruin SHINee’s fan base and KyungMin’s reputation, since she just debuted.  The couple knocked on the door…

“Come In”

The both of them walked in nervously.  The president motioned then to sit in the two chairs opposite of them.

“Choi Minho, Park KyungMin.  I heard something interesting that has been passing around the industry.  It seems like the two of you are dating is that correct?”

KyungMin and Minho looked at each other nervously.  And they slowly nodded.

“Oh really, how long has it been?”

“Around 2 months now” Minho answered silently as he took KyungMin’s hand from under the table and gripped it tightly.

“And there are NO rumors about the both of you?”

The president asked them as he’s eyes glittered in amazement.

“No…But Sir if there are no rumors how did you find out” KyungMin asked nervously

“A note for the both of you, the best way to get secrets out from most Super Junior Members is getting them drunk.”

“OH” The couple said as they faced each other and nodded at each other.

“So, sir what did you call us here for?” Minho asked nervously

“Sir, please don’t tell us to break up…” KyungMin said as she started to get a little teary.  Minho just couldn’t resist but he lets go of her hand and gives her a big hug.  The President chuckled…

“My dear love birds I won’t ask you to break up. I do want you two to keep a low profile.  If people start to suspect something I will have no choice but to take action.  This meeting wasn’t really about confirming whether you are dating or not but that there is a new SBS Reality Show Called Dating You around the World: North America Edition.  And I recommended the two of you to go as a couple since if you do somehow get caught we will have a back door to escape.  The two of you will travel around the North America to explain dating, entertainment, and tourist hotspots.  You will start filming soon, you will leave around mid next week, and the filming will take around 3- 4 months. You don’t have to worry about your group activities since both SHINee and Girls 4 Ever [A/N: rmb the fictional group mentioned in the Onew ending, it’s the same group but just the girls] will also be on this show, they wills travel to different parts of the world but the time frame will still be the same so all related group activities will come to a halt There is no guarantee that there will be no individuals jobs like some modeling her and there.  Imagine this as a paid vacation but you will still have to walk hard.  Any Questions?”

Minho and KyungMin shook their head.

“Good, have fun on your trips.  You will meet up with your PDs maybe later today or tomorrow.” The President said.

There was a knock on the door which KyungMin and Minho took as a sign to leave.  They bowed and left the room.

The next couple of days that SHINee and Girls 4 Ever met up almost everyday to plan the trip and meet their PDs.  Key, Hyorim, and Onew are going to the parts of Europe, like, Greece and Italy for their part of the show. JongHyun and Jaemi are going to the Southern parts of America like the Dominion Republic and Cuba.  Taemin and YeonJi are just traveling around Asia for their part of the show.  And finally Minho and KyungMin are going to North America as well as Australia and New Zealand.  The show has each couple or group traveling to their part of the continent and exploring dating hotspots, the culture and entertainment.  There will be a romance storyline with each couple to make the show more interesting.  They end their exploration in 4 months, in no other place then Paris, France.

~4 Months Later~

SHINee and Girls 4 Ever have finished all their filming and they were flying to their final destination Paris, France.  The final episode was going to be filmed on the Eiffel Tower with each of the couples “confessing” their love for their partner.  Even if confessing their love is part of the show Minho has a little more on his mind then just telling the world who he loves.

~8:45 p.m.~

“This is SHINee” SHINee shouted while holding their “girlfriend’s” hand

“And this is Girls 4 Ever” the four other girls shouted

“THANKS FOR WATCHING DATING YOU AROUND THE WORLD.  WE HOPE TO SEE YOU BACK IN KOREA.  BYE BYE” Both groups yelled while waving franticly at the camera.

“…And… CUT…Thanks for the hard work everyone” The Director shouted

The staff decided to treat SHINee and Girls 4 Ever to dinner.  Since there wasn’t enough room in the car for all of them, Minho and KyungMin decided to hail a cab so they can spend some alone time.  They were standing under the Eiffel Tower, when all of sudden a little girl with a dozen huge heart shaped balloons and a little boy with a dozen red roses walked towards KyungMin and Minho.  The little girl gave the balloons to KyungMin and the little boy gave Minho the roses and skipped out together holding each other’s hand.  KyungMin looked surprised at the sudden event and she turned to Minho and was reeted by a bouquet of roses. 

“For You…” Minho whispered

 KyungMin blushed and took the roses, the roses cleared the path and it revealed Minho kneeling on the ground with a small velvet box in his.  KyungMin’s eyes widened as she looked at the event in front of her.  Minho opened the box to reveal a heart shaped diamond ring.  The only thing KyungMin could do was gasp…

“Park KyungMin, the love of my life since the first time I laid eyes on you.  I still have a long way to go to be the ideal man of your dreams but will you let me stay by you side and protect you from whatever live throws our way? Will you let me be your Knight in Shining Armor? Will You Marry Me?”

The minute Minho was done speaking tears started to fall down KyungMin’s eyes as she nodded her head repeated.  Minho smiled took out the ring and placed it on her left middle finger, which caused the roses to fall on the floor, and kissed her on the lips.  KyungMin was still dazed at the proposal, so the kiss caused her to release the hand that was holding the balloons and the balloons floated towards the cool Paris night.


It was a sunny Sunday morning, a tall blonde hair teenager, with a pair oversize sunglasses covering half of his face, was leaning on a brick wall in the corner of the train station.  The clock on the train station struck 12, a girl with long light brown hair, with her hair tied in a ponytail neatly tucked through the hole in her baseball cap, ran towards the teenager and stopped trying to catch her breath.

“Oppa, I’m SOO sorry.  I missed the 11:30 train because my last job took longer then I thought.  Did you wait long??” The girl answered the boy. 

“YUP…I waited for HALF an HOUR so my legs are now sore…How in the world am I suppose to survive our FIRST date.” The boy pouted, the girl giggled and pinched her boyfriend’s cheeks.

“Aigo, I wonder what will make you not be mad at me anymore? How about I treat you to lunch later?”  The girl said as she walked away from the boy

“A kiss would be nice…”  The boy pouted and whispered to himself as he followed his girlfriend.  The girl heard what he said and smirked.  She turned around and kissed him on the cheek.

“Did the kiss make my Taeminnie Oppa smile again?” The girlfriend said as a smile slowly started to spread across Taemin’s once pouting face.

“I can never stay mad at MY KyungMinnie.  She is just soo cute like me.  Let’s go to the amusement park since we haven’t gone since we were kids” Taemin said as he took KyungMin’s hand and pulled her into the train and found two seats to sit down.

“We have to have as much fun as we can while we can still see each other.  We will be really busy soon” KyungMin said as she slips her left arm through Taemin’s right arm and leaned on Taemin’s shoulder.

Taemin and KyungMin will be extremely busy with their schedules.  SHINee is preparing for a new album [A/N: Aren’t you excited!! I can’t wait for SHINee to comeback…Sorry about that CONTINUE!!].  And KyungMin was preparing to debut in a new musical called “Gone With The Wind”.  They rarely see each other, they only share midnight phone calls but it usually end with Key confiscating the phone shooing but of them to sleep.

After dating for 3 months they finally had their first official date.  They arrived to an amusement park that they would often go to with their friends over Summer Break.  The day was still early so they decided to take advantage of the short lines and try to go on almost all the rides that were in site, from kiddie rides to the highest roller coaster.   When they were half way through the rides they were getting hungry, so they decided to take a break and get something to eat.

“Oppa, we haven’t been here for such a long time but this place barely changed.  Remember when we were in middle school and we would come here with our friends…”

“You and I would always somehow get lost…” Taemin chuckled at the thought

“And we would always end up in the café…” KyungMin continued

“OVER THERE” Taemin and KyungMin shouted together, which gained looks from several by-passers.  They looked each other and just laughed as they walked into the café.  They seated themselves on the patio on the outside of the café.  They ordered a fruit parfait and an ice cream sundae.  They just sat there and reminisced their childhood.  They continued to talk until the afternoon sunshine started to disappear.

“KyungMinnie…Do you remember the promise I made to you back when we were in the last year of middle school?”

“Oppa, which one are you talking about…You made SOO many promises when we were young, but let me remind you, most of them were not kept.”  KyungMin glared at Taemin.  Taemin chuckled at his girlfriends’ sillyness.

“Come on let’s go…I might really break my promise if you don’t come with me now.”  Taemin stood up and walked over to his girlfriend then pulled her up from her seat.  He took her hand and thy headed to the middle of the park where a there stood a giant Farris wheel.

“It seems like there isn’t a lot of people, I think we can still make it if we…”

Then a large gush of wave came by and took KyungMin’s hat off.

“Oh Gosh, there goes my disguise…” KyungMin pouted.  Taemin chuckled as he took off his sunglasses since the blazing hot sun was fading away.

“OH MY GOSH…IS THAT LEE TAEMIN OPPA!!! WHO IS THAT GIRL NEXT TO HIM…WAIT IS THAT PARK KYUNGMIN UNNIE” Taemin and KyungMin whipped theirs head to be greeted by a group of fan girls.  Taemin and KyungMin just stood there not knowing whether they should run or stay to sign autographs.  The group of girls stood there silently.

“Um…Unnie, Oppa do you mind if I take a picture with you, and signing an autograph for me?”  A 12 year old girl said as she shyly walks out of the group of fan girls towards them.

Taemin and KyungMin looked at each other, nodded and smiled.  They signed autographs and took pictures with all the girls.  The last picture was taken…

“Thank You Taemin Oppa and KyungMin Unnie, Oppa and Unnie look cute together.  We have to go now. Bye Bye” The Group of fan girls bowed and left.

Taemin and KyungMin smiled to themselves, they walked towards the Farris Wheel to find the waiting line to be extremely long.

“It looks like the line is too long, if we start waiting now I will never be able to keep my promise…” Taemin’s words trailed off.  All of a sudden his eyes brighten up.

“I KNOW WHERE TO GO… Come on let’s go…” Taemin grabbed KyungMin’s hand and they ran towards the trees.  They kept running until they reach the top of an observation deck.

“Looks like we made it just in time…LOOK”

Taemin pointed towards the edge of the observation deck.  KyungMin followed her eyes towards that direction.  It deck views the entire amusement park, it was like looking at the ocean at the beach, the view seems to never end.  The sun was starting to set, the sun was egg yolk colored, and the surrounding skies were colored a reddish orange.  The position of the setting sun was directly behind the huge Farris Wheel.

“This is soo beautiful, don’t you think so Oppa  ~Achoo~ Oppa Thanks” Taemin took off his jacket and laid it on KyungMin’s shoulder.  Taemin slips his arms around her waist and hugs here tightly.

“I don’t think so.” Taemin whispered.

KyungMin turned around bewildered at what her boyfriend just said.  She was just about to scold her boyfriend for his outrageous statement but she was cut off by a kiss.  Taemin tightened his grip around her, KyungMin puts her arms around his neck and the kiss deepened.  The kiss finally broke when they were both out of breath.  Taemin pulls his face away from KyungMin and leads her towards a bench not that far from where they were standing.  They both sit down and Taemin asks KyungMin…

“You wanna know why I don’t think that this sunset isn’t pretty?” 

KyungMin just nods

“Well, whenever you are there, nothing is pretty…Well expect for me.”  Taemin smirked and kisses KyungMin on the forehead.

“I Love You.” Taemin whispers into KyungMin’s ears

“I Love You Too” KyungMin whispers back and she leans on Taemin’s shoulder. Taemin wraps his right arm around her waist.  They just continue to sit there until the sunset was over.



I hope you have enjoyed the extra chapters!!! I will take my leave now and finish my other FFs:

  1. Make Way For 2x4ever [Currently On Hiatus]
  2. In Love With My Brother's Friend [Updating More Often]
  3. My OverProtective Brother [Finally Starting]

I want to thank all my 70 subscribers!!:anadd23

  1. angel123devil
  2. sakuradbzgirl
  3. ika_sya
  4. OnewRaptorMints
  5. PopCandii33
  6. Pataco_95
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  8. heyyysayrawrr
  9. Patzmelody01
  10. kpopxlove
  11. djacela
  12. bokchoi
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  15. Ninnie
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  18. angelofdeath
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  37. chocolatlove
  38. Kpop_Addiction123
  39. candy-orange
  40. Meldina
  41. unicorndoexist
  42. Smileyyy
  43. Im_Sojunghan
  44. ShinHaRin
  45. mimi10
  46. iwannabeonew
  47. K-P0PG1rL
  48. TaemShawol
  49. shugiimonster
  50. GD-JP1
  51. TastexThexRainbow
  52. sprinklesofglitterx
  53. 4everkpop
  54. itsaquietriot
  55. rosavampyr
  56. iheart_shinee
  57. Newsnoopy
  58. kILL12me
  59. kassyrawr
  60. emikolightbender
  61. DonghaeILUVUFISHY
  62. my-chicken-to-onew
  63. HelloYou
  64. xxkittyoo
  65. SHINeeLover1997
  66. DBSHINee10
  67. Kae-Min
  68. dubujoo
  69. shiningstarr

Thank you SOO much for all your support


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Congratulations :)
Congrats on your feature!
It could be better.... no offense though
congrats :D
Eesh...I don't know what to say about this story.
Congrats :)
KawaiiKPOPxGirls #7
Nice story!!! I loved it! ^_^v
@xxkittyoo<br />
LOL...tsk tsk forgot about taemin...
oh right...i forgot all about taemin n - n;; <br />
dont mind me
@xxkittyoo <br />
LOL im still not really done i have ONE final arc to end!! hopefully tmr!!