Sudden Discharge

Red's Not My Color

Yongjin felt woken up by shouting. He didn't understand folks and their need to scream in a hospital. Then heard the voice. His body froze up. There is no way that he could have found him yet. Too many others were here to cover his scent. No! Yongjin fumbles with his iv. There was no way he would risk the lives of the people who healed him. A scream of a woman made his blood run cold. Yongjin rips the iv out covering his mouth to hide his cry of pain.

He looks around the room for something to put over his arm. Yongjin had to stop the blood. His entire being bristles hearing a child cry out. Yongjin walks to the door of his hospital room.

"There he is! There's the ! I knew that this would get your pathetic out here. Now I'll spare the child if you follow us out."

Yongjin looks around. Two men in the room with the man before him. Eunhye or something. His body shakes as he struggles to contain the beast within him. 

"I refuse to go anywhere until you let him go."

"Awww. Your vocal cords healed. How sad. ...I'll try harder next time."

Yongjin growls out, "RELEASE THE BOY!"

The action must have startled them or something as the boy gets enough wiggle room to break free. Yongjin doesn't bother flinching when his throat is grabbed. Every fiber of his being fighting between running and breaking the hand on him. Something in him knew Eunhye was trash and touching Yongjin like this shouldn't be allowed.

"Now... You'll come with us and tell the boss that you changed your mind."

Yongjin doesn't respond.

"No witty remark?"

Yongjin shrugs.

"...say something."

Yongjin stays quiet with a small smile. The trio drag him out of the hospital. At the first moment he senses the grip loosening, Yongjin breaks free running. He knew only two places could hide him now. And one he would rather die then go there. His mother's house it was. Back to living with Kwangsoo. Oh, joy.

"My mom asleep?"

"ing hell! When did they let you out?!" Kwangsoo.

Yongjin looks at his uncle, "Do you know?"

"Yeah. It was her second fourteen-hour day." Kwangsoo's dad.

Yongjjn nods moving towards the room known as his mother's and his when he actually comes home. Of course, he has to step over the cats. Despite his condition cats for some reason still found him so irresistible. Kwangsoo tended to hoard animals in the hopes one will love him unconditionally. There are four currently and soon-to-be more given that one cat is a male. Kwangsoo now wants a dog though.

"Mom? ...hello?"

Only heavy snoring greets him. He digs out the first aid kit and starts to work on his arm. Yongjin does his best to ignore the smell. and old food. Oh, also cats. Especially the not neutered male cat. With his arm taken care of the best bet was to go through some of his things in the basement. Which would mean going through where the cats store their presents for everyone. Dead animals. Snakes, squirrels and of course birds. If he could deal with Kwangsoo or his uncle over his shoulder. 

His condition came from his father so no one on his mother's side knew about it. Yongjin planned to keep it this way. Those things in the basement gave it away so he had to hope Kwangsoo for once didn't snoop.

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I plan to make myself laugh with some chapter titles so... sorry if the chapter titles are weird?


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