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Yu Jimin has been existing on this earth with a heart condition that restricted herself from truly living a life that she wanted. But when she meets Kim Minjeong, she suddenly has the urge to live on the edge, all the while keeping her condition a secret to everyone. Will Jimin allow herself to fall in love, or will she continue to shield the people around her from experiencing the possiblity of loss and heart break? 


Releasing this now, so I don't decide against publishing it later. One of the many story ideas in my notes app. Beware of the angst and don't hate me for the tears that will come O.O hope you enjoy, lovelies. 


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pinkishsky #1
Chapter 13: Oh my.. heart clenches in a goood way :))
kariselleheart 39 streak #2
Chapter 13: ohhh i missed this omg!!! my heart this chapter was so sweet. thank you author!!
i was originally planning on waiting for more chapters before i read it but the curiosity is really killing me 😣 this is really good btw
Keiko_ney #4
Chapter 13: Oooo... please happy ending, reading this story already make me 🥹🥹🥹
1775 streak #5
Chapter 13: oh my Lord, their progress is amazing. I’m literally crying skcjvjd
208 streak #6
Chapter 13: They’re so precious I’ll never get over the fact that this story is one of the best yet it’s hella underrated. Truly a work of art!!!
Chapter 13: come on mj just admit ur head over heels for jimin already!! 😭
208 streak #8
Chapter 11: I love this story so much, even if it’s slow I love the progress they’re making with each other
whykidleader_ #9
Chapter 7: Just started binge reading, why does the ending words of this chapter made my eyes wet?🥺
kariselleheart 39 streak #10
Chapter 11: my heart i love them both so much 😭🩵