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Someone: What is it like, being the leader of Girls Zone?
Riel: Imagine living with completely civilized, responsible, and mature people.
Someone: Okay...
Riel: Now throw that idea out of the window

Suryang: *entering the house with an ostrich and a smoothie*
Riel: Hey, Tubtim... what do you have there?
Suryang: A smoothie.

Anti: Girls Zone !
Mia: We will defeat you...
Seoljung: ...with the power of friendship!
Anti: Ha- *gets stabbed*
Bonnie: And this knife I found!

Pet Store Employee: Ma'am, please leave the fish alone
Seoljung, scooping the fishย up with her hands: THEY ARE DROWNING!

Bonnie: AH! A snake!
Maya: No, Bonnie, those are some noodles.
Bonnie: Oh.
Bonnie: AH! A snake!
Maya: No, Bonnie, those are the same noodles again.

Mandy: What's up s? I'm back from jail.
Angel: s?
Maya: jAIL???

Chaerin: So we have good and bad news
Riel: Okay, bad news first
Chaerin: The fire we started in the living room is out of control
Riel, now panicking: THE WHAT??
Bonnie, holding a perfectly toasted marshmallow: Wow, you don't even care about the good news

Angel: [about to kick down a door] Stand back.
Maya: One moment.
Maya: [knocks on the door] Hello? Could you please open the door?
[door opens]
Angel: ...Well, I could have done that.

Riel: If you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?
Maya: An unlimited amount of bread
Riel: World peace? Good health? Or maybe you-
Maya: Sourdough, preferably

Suryang: Do you know why I called you here?
Seoljung: Because I keep drowning my sims kids then making them have more?
Suryang: What? No. Jesus christ

Mandy: How tall are you?
Maya: This is a threat

Seoljung: *playing dead*
Angel: How stupid does this kid think we are? Those two Xs you marked over your eyes aren't fooling anyone-
Chaerin: *drops everything in her arms and rushes over to Seoljung's side* Oh no, our baby! *picks her up in her arms* WHYYY!?
Angel: *sighs* Except idiots
Chaerin: *starts sobbing loudly*

Riel: Just a gentle reminder not to eat too much candy before bed.
Mia: No
Riel: That was a gentle reminder, yet your single word of defiance brings me ungodly amounts of rage.

Riel to Seoljung: We don't use bad words in this house.
Mandy, from the other room:

Suryang: What's the problem?
Mia: Riel keeps replacing normal words with animal names just to annoy me
Riel: Come on, you know I don't do it on porpoise

Riel: Some people ask why? Seoljung asks why not?
*cue explosion in the background*
Maya: I ask why a lot

Mia: Why are you on fire?
Suryang: This is just how my day is going.

Riel: Stop inhaling the air from the balloons!
Seoljung: *in a squeaky voice* I'm not inhaling the air from the balloons
Riel: *takes her balloons and walks away*
Seoljung: *turns to the rest of Girls Zone* How'd she know that?

Maya, texting Angel: you're st*pid
Angel: why did you censor stupid

Bonnie: I thought it was a rule that didn't matter. Like running with scissors.
Riel: That IS a rule that matters!!

Chaerin: Someone stuck a funny hat on my head
Chaerin: I'm going to leave it there
Chaerin: This is who I am now

Maya: There's no way I'm gonna take part in your stupid plan
Mia: I'll give you $20
Maya: Deal

Mia: What if I'm allergic to people? Specifically people who are more successful than me?

Seoljung: Why'd you give me an F??
Teacher: You haven't turned in anything all semester
Seoljung: But I reblogged the lucky pencil??

Mandy, on a motorbike: What are you doing?
Bonnie, on a horse: You said we were going for a ride

Suryang: I heard an interesting rumour today
Mia: Only one? I started at least twelve

Maya: I told you not to wear it in the shower
Seoljung, holding a soggy Burger King crown: I don't need a lecture right now

Mandy: *handing Chaerin a box* Happy birthday!
Chaerin: *opening box* It's empty?
Mandy: Oh. Huh. Uh-oh.
Mandy: Hey, guys, if anyone sees a salamander, it's Chaerin's okay?ย 

Chaerin: How long are you gonna be mad at me?
Maya: Ten minutes.ย 

Mia: I never brag.
Chaerin: You once called your face the proof of Godโ€™s existence.

Mandy: Bonnie, tell him where he can stick his grapes!
Bonnie: In the fridge
Mandy: No-ย 

Suryang: Why is Daon wrapping herself in plastic wrap?
Seoljung, without looking up from her phone: She said it's because she's a snack.

Mia: [gets pulled over]
Cop: Papers.
Mia: Scissors. [drives off]

Suryang, flying a plane: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I have an announcement to make, but first, promise you won't get mad

Angel: Tell me a secret.
Mandy: I grew up thinking Eminem was my uncle for no valid reason and when I found out he wasn't I was devastated.
Angel: That.. is not what I meant.ย 

Maya: Bacon makes everything better!
Maya: *puts bacon on piles of electricity bills*
Maya, fighting back tears: HAHA SEE?? EVERYTHING'S BACK TO NORMAL!!!

Riel: Am I dramatic? Yes.
Riel: Is it justified? Also yes.

Bonnie: I'm getting a medal at school because I put out a fire. Maybe that's what I should be when I grow up, a professional medal-getter

Suryang: When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all like whaaaat?

Seoljung: I've been eating peanut M&Ms in the hopes that if a cannibal eats me and is allergic to peanuts I can get my revenge
Maya: That sentence started out so normal

Riel: Jesus can walk on water
Riel: Watermelons are 92% water
Riel: I can walk on watermelons
Riel: I am 92% Jesus

Suryang: Screw McDonald's, let's go to the farmer's market, it's healthy and 100% free!
Maya: No it's not!?
Suryang: Well it is according to dietitians and my mom. Geez, if you don't like vegetables, just say you don't like vegetables

Chaerin: The file won't attach to the email
Maya: Maybe it has trust issues

Mia: If someone tried to make me dig my own grave, I'd just say no.
Mia: I mean, they're gonna kill me either way, and I'd love to die the way I lived: avoiding manual labor.

Riel: Seoljung, please go wash the dishes
Seoljung: Ok boomer
Riel: Excuse me?
Seoljung: Ok boomer unnie

Angel: Goodnight moon.
Angel: Goodnight tree.
Angel: Goodnight demons that only I can see.
Bonnie, suddenly wide awake:

Maya: Of course I can reach Beyonce's vocal range. Just throw a rabid dog at me

[Group Chat]
Chaerin: i got stabbed lmao
Angel: lmaoo samee
Riel: oof rip
Mandy: mood rn
Suryang: why can't any of u text like normal people
Chaerin: no i really got stabbed
*sends a picture of her lying down in an ambulance*
[several people are typing]

Bonnie: In Thailand weย say โ€œเธšเธตเนŠเธš เธšเธตเนŠเธš เธœเธฑเธเธเธฒเธ”เธซเธญเธกโ€ and it means โ€œYour eyes are starsโ€, and I think thatโ€™s beautiful.
Seoljung: That's amazing!
[later that day]
Suryang: Why has Seoljung been saying "beep beep lettuce" in Thai to me all day?
Bonnie: I have no idea

Maya: My body is a temple.
Maya: Ancient and crumbling.
Riel: You're 20.
Maya, not listening: Probably cursed or haunted.

Riel: You have to apologize.
Mia: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you became friends with!

Seoljung: Robot lobster
Angel: Why
Seoljung: Robster

Maya: I'm gonna pet that dog
Mandy: That dog is gonna kill you
Maya: shhhh I watched a dog whispering show I know what i'm doing

Bonnie: Mia will be ok. I made her a PB&J. She said she didn't want it, so Iย ate it
Bonnie: She was still sad so I made her another one. She didn't want that one either,ย so I also ate it

Chaerin: How often do you exercise?
Mia: Three times.
Chaerin: A day? A week? A month?
Mia: Look, I already gave you my answer.

Angel: Tubtim is the only valid Girls Zone member in the dorm right now. The Roomba is valid too I guess, but it's on thin ing ice.
Chaerin: What'd the Roomba do?
Angel: Tried to eat my in' sock.

911: Its gonna be ok just stay where you are
Seoljung, stuck in a baby swing: Got it

Maya: I want to be as cool as Miranda
Angel: I once saw her accidentally drop a slice of pizza and cry for about 20 minutes

Suryang, as a detective: And was the robber armed?
Chaerin: No.
Suryang, nodding: I see.
Suryang: *writes 'Probably a Snake' in her notebook*

Suryang: Daon, I'm an adult. I can handle this on my own.
Riel: Lies.
Riel: *opens Suryang's door to see a fortress made from cardboard*

Chaerin: Let's be honest, I'm the most likely target. So, I made a list of enemies, which I've narrowed down from twenty to nine
Maya: In Seoul?
Chaerin: In our dorm
Maya: But there's only nine of us in here, including you
Chaerin looking in the mirror, eyes narrowed: I know

Maya, texting: is it ok to smell every single candle when you're in the candle section of a store? asking for a friend. i'm kidding. i'm not asking for a friend. i'm asking for me. im the friend. and i actually don't care if its ok. i'm going to do it anyway

Angel, standing outside of Riel's window in the rain, playing music on Spotify: Please, Daon, take me ba-
Spotify: FOR JUST $7.99-

Chaerin: You're yelling nice things at me again and it's very confusing!

Mia: What kind of tea is this?
Suryang: Oh, I just boiled some gatorade.
Mia: [gags]

Chaerin: You can tell alot by a person's hands. For instance, if they have hooves? Horse.

Suryang: What do you call two witches sharing anย apartment?
Suryang: Broom-mates!
Mandy: Lesbians

Maya: Why are your shoes soaking wet?
Bonnie: There was a puddle
Maya: What did you step in it for?
Bonnie: It was a puddle

Mandy: I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. Please be patient and I will get to you shortly. Thank you.

Seoljung: This year for Halloween, I got some fake bats that are smiling. It's more realistic.
Mia: How is it more realistic?
Seoljung: Cause they're happy! It's their favourite holiday, they love it!

Mandy: I wasn't up late last night!
Riel: I was woken up by you clapping to the FRIENDSย theme song every 30 minutes at 3am

Chaerin: [screaming because of a bug]
Mandy: Don't worry, I got it!
Mandy: [slams her entire body into a wall to kill it]

Suryang: Hey, can I talk to you for one second?
Maya: I don't know, that's a pretty long talk

Chaerin: Okay, so yesterday Daon told me that "we need to talk"
Suryang: And what did she say?
Chaerin: How would I know? I ran

Bonnie: Iโ€™m just having a hard time deciding which would be a good fit for our family. Adoption is a serious thing.
Maya: We've been here for hours. Please, just pick a plant.ย 

Maya: Would you care for some salad cookies? They're low in calories
Mia: Those are cucumber slices

Bonnie: [hits her hand on a table]
Bonnie: Ow! My armkle!
Mandy: Your what?
Maya: Her wrist.ย 

Angel: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Chaerin: Yes
Maya: ..Why did you say that with such certainty?

[at the Sistine Chapel]
Maya: Michaelangelo painted this.
Seoljung: I'm not stupid, Maya. I know the Ninja Turtles aren't real.ย 

Seoljung: I came here to drink milk and kick .
Seoljung: And I've just finished my milk.

Riel: You've heard of alphabet soup now get ready for...
Riel: Times new ramen
Chaerin: I sent this to Miranda and she got so mad at me she sent me an audio recording of her yelling for two minutes straight

Seoljung: I can't believe Mia betrayed us.
Bonnie: Why is it always the ones you most expect??

Mia: You smell like flowers
Chaerin: Thanks! I ate like 6 of them on my way here

Bonnie: *sends a 5 minute video*
Mia, after 10 seconds: haha so funny

Angel: Are you busy tonight?
Chaerin: No
Angel: Loser

Maya: Why won't our cat stop barking!?
Chaerin: *growls and barks*
Mandy: She's bilingual, leave her alone!

Bonnie, walking away happily: Think about it, all of us together lying in a grave for eternity!
Mia: 'Grave' singular?
Mia: Bonnie, 'grave' singular?

Angel: I remember that 'selling their kid on eBay' story
Maya: Who sells their kid on eBay? That's crazy
Maya: That's a child, a living human being the you made
Maya: That goes on Etsy

Seoljung: I did.
Maya: -ss your cheek and ask you if you want some more.

Riel: Oh god- Okay, so the smoke machine for the next performance isn't working.
Mandy: Don't worry unnie, I can just crouch next to the stage and vape.
Riel: Would I be a bad leader if I said okay?
Mandy: You'd be a lame one if you didn't.

[Girls Zone choosing to walk instead of taking the bus]
Seoljung, muttering under her breath: I knew I should've packed my Heely's...

Suryang: So if Daon is your self proclaimed enemy, why do you keep flirting with her?
Angel: Oh no, I'm HER self proclaimed enemy
Angel: She's my bestie

Angel, in a high voice, holding Barbie: Hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Mandy, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense Barbie, you're staying home and having my kids
Riel, walking in: What are you guys doing?
Mandy: Playing systemic oppression
Angel: Wanna join?

Mia: Have a safe flight.
Suryang: I have no say in that matter.
Mia: Die then, I guess.

Mandy: Can you please stop talking for once?
Chaerin: You of all people should know I physically canโ€™t.

Maya: Can everyone pleaseย leave the kitchen while I grab my 4th pudding cup? Iย don't want you guys to know I've had 4 pudding cups.

Maya: *gestures at Riel and Seoljung* I present to you, loud child, and her even louder mother
Seoljung: What do you mean loud!?

Chaerin: Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going.
Chaerin: I just hope I find it along the way.
Riel: That actually explains a lot.

Mia: I want the blood from some apples
Seoljung: ...you mean apple juice?

Angel, sighing: It's so hard being a sinless angel
Riel, clearly out of breath: You set. The stove. On FIRE... for FUN!

Chaerin: Are you doing anything this weekend?
Mia: No offense, but what do you think?

[on vacation]
Chaerin: I can't believe we're at Hogwarts!
Suryang: No.. that's Buckingham Palace.
Suryang: Hogwarts is fictional, do you know that?
Suryang: It's important to me that you know that.

Maya: I may be short but that doesn't mean I'm innocent! [aggressively tries to open a Capri Sun]
Angel: Would you like some help with that?
Maya: [voice cracks] Yes please

Chaerin: I found a valve marked 'danger, do not turn'
Riel: You didn't turn it, did you?
Chaerin: Do I look like an idiot? Of course I did!

Maya: I think there are ghosts in our dorm, I feel spirits around us and they seem to be extremely angry.
Mandy, chopping vegetables on an ouija board: Why on earth would you think that?

Chaerin: Are there any medium rappers? They're always big or lil

Mandy: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail.
Seoljung: No itโ€™s my fault, I shouldnโ€™tโ€™ve used my one phone call to prank call the police.

Riel: I'm a lover, not a fighter
Suryang: You punched me in the arm this morning
Riel: Well you shouldn't have touched my ing muffin

Chaerin, trying to flirt: Did it hurt?
Mandy: What
Chaerin: I was just wondering, did it hurt when you fell-
Mandy: Yes, Chaerin, it did hurt. I broke both my arms

Bonnie: Your lizard keeps biting me
Maya: Thats a cactus

Mia: You're thinking way too much.
Seoljung: I really doubt that.

Suryang: What're you drinking?
Mandy: Vodka.
Suryang: Straight?
Mandy: Not really.
Mandy: ...oh, you meant the vodka.

Maya: I wish I was stupid. You all seem so happy

Angel: riel is MY girlfriend
Mandy: if she's YOUR girlfriend then why is she in MY igloo petting MY puffle lmao

Manager: Mandy, a word?
Mandy: Alright, my word is 'no'.

Seoljung: Bonnie and I are best friends, and there's nothing that can dent our impenetrable bond.
Bonnie: I drank the last of your juice.
Seoljung: You're dead to me.

Maya: on a scale of 1 to 10 how drunk are you?
Angel: fcie
Angel: fove
Angel: fuvr
Angel: 2

Chaerin: hey!
Angel: The number you have messages is no longer in service.
Angel: *messaged

Mia: 2008 had some bangers!!!
Suryang: There was a financial crisis
Mia: Sorry I was like 5ย I only remember the bangers

*in a spelling bee*
Maya: Spell metamorphosis
Chaerin: Can you use it in a sentence?
Maya, leaning into the mic: 'Spell metamorphosis'

Riel: You are not quitting your job
Mandy: Where is this coming from?
Riel: It's coming from the future; your future and it ain't pretty
Mandy: I don't understand. In the future, I'm not pretty!?

Mandy: Hey, thanks for lunch.
Suryang: I thought you paid? I guess weโ€™re not going back there.

Riel, on the phone: Are you ing kidding me? Are you serious?
Riel: *walks over to a random cactus*
Riel: I'm by my favourite cactus right now, and you're disrespecting me like this?

Angel: if your good at something never do it for free
Maya: you're**
Maya: that'll be $5

[Girls Zone groupchat]
Mandy: i'm so tired of these damn raccoons stealing my money
Seoljung: omg i love animal crossing too!!
Mandy: ...animal crossing?

Riel: Bonnie and Seoljung built a slug hospital and have found thirty 'patients' that are now escaping and nothing SM told me about being a leader has prepared me for this.

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๐–ฆ๐–น ๐–ฌ๐—‚๐—Œ๐–ผ.ใ€€โŠนใ€€Finally uploaded the forms for more content. I also created a faux album for Fun Zone I did a while ago. It’s my first time doing something like this, so please let me know what you think!


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Chapter 10: assuming this is complete yet not complete in a sense.
thanks for all that you've written so far and hope that one day it would get rebooted or restarted in the future~
thanks for all of Pom's stuff so far.
take care~
Chapter 7: basic or not, this is absolutely so adorable and pretty!!
i can imagine the rainbow light shimmering!!
so cute~
Chapter 4: hi!
still working on this.
didn't realized real life would creep up and distract me!
hopefully i'll get it in soon though!!
Chapter 5: unnie is a great addition to the single! =]
Chapter 6: eek the album looks so fun and aesthetic โœจ๏ธ
and the pcs? as a pc collector myself, I would totally collect girls zone if they exist HAHA
Chapter 6: um like... i need those PCs now and this is so cool and cute!
luckily it's just one version though xD
it's pretty bright and if the sun hits it, it's pretty blinding lol
Chapter 5: love the color coordination and the distribution also doesn't seem that bad either!
ofc others would disagree.
but yay, both songs are honestly great!
Chapter 4: i will work on the google form bit later~
i realized i gave her that stalker bit and will have to do some editing and research lol
11 streak #9
Chapter 6: The album is so pretty!
basicsan #10
Chapter 5: ah the line distributions part! i can see how they got the parts.. and with all the you-stole-my-line drama, mia won’t be happy with her parts…