i want some company and maybe some good


I'm just gonna go straight to the point here.


i'm lonely and I'm looking for some companion. this ad works for any gender and I'd want this to be a no-string-attached relationship and this works temporarily, by temporarily I meant to say that I can go anytime and you can, too—just give a heads up and it will do. just please don't do ghosting

we can do a lot of things like movie date, spotify session, plato, mention it and I'll most definitely agree. oh and I kinda plot too but I don't do novella cause it takes longer and I just want it to ve quick and neat and nice and descriptive. make sure you're at age so we're safe

I'm a she/her and I usually fc random girls but mainly yeri and han sohee. 

i am available on kakaotalk and discord. pm me for whichever you'd like to use. I'll wait. x


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